Hear Bob Miller tell tales

The Kings announcer will talk about his book, Tales from the Los Angeles Kings, with Larry Mantle on KPCC's "Airtalk" at 11:30 am. My favorite parts of the book are when Miller finally gets to honestly dish on some of the strange and incompetent owners and executives the hockey team has been stuck with through the years. Jack Kent Cooke — who built the Forum — comes across like a real jerk, incredibly cheap and always ordering Miller to slant his play-by-play to get in mention of an advertiser or avoid criticism of the woeful team on the ice. (Miller would find a way not to comply.)

George Maguire, Cooke's general manager in parts of the 1970s and 80s, was the worst. Miller recounts that Maguire once came to his office and informed him he should not mention the name of Bob Murdoch, a defenseman who was struggling, in that night's game.

Miller asked if Murdoch wasn't playing. No, he's playing, Maguire told him.

Miller was stunned. "What am I supposed to say on the air, 'Folks, I know who has the puck, but I can't tell you?'"

Maguire's responded, "I don't know, but I'll tell you one thing: this honesty bullshit has got to stop."

Relations between Miller and Maguire got so bad that the general manager — of the Kings! — refused to appear on his own team's telecasts unless he was paid in merchandise from Zenith like the players. So Miller and his partner would interview the GMs from rival teams.

December 13, 2006 2:42 AM • Native Intelligence • Email the editor

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