LA Observed: Los Angeles media, politics and sense of place since 2003
Right of Way 74
You’re free to go, Mrs. Davis. But check with my office before you decide to leave town.

Celeste moves to Napolitano, takes his arm and gives him a look of deep and possibly sincere compassion.

You sure you can afford Howard's hefty retainer? You're gonna need everything he's got.

Her eyes deaden and she allows Levine to whisk her out, as --

Mayor Russell Napolitano, you’re under arrest for the murder of Larry Davis.
Oh, that's good, Walter. That's how you want to handle this?

Off the Chief's nod, the uniform produces a pair of handcuffs and grabs Napolitano's arms behind his back.

Put those away, for Christ's sake.

The Uniform checks with the Chief again.

Cuff him in front.

Napolitano allows the Uniform to follow Hoovler's order, as --

I'm supposed to be grateful for that?
Nobody's above the law, Russ.
You've been on my ass ever since I gave up the force for politics. Sorry if I succeeded beyond your expectations.

Said as the Uniform pushes him toward the door. They stop when UNDERSHERIFF JOHN DALLESANDRO, 45, in a khaki Sheriff’s uniform, bursts in.

What are you doing with my prisoner?
Your prisoner?

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Eric Estrin