The LA Observed Script Project is an interactive, group screenwriting collaboration launched in February 2008 by Hollywood writer Eric Estrin.

He wrote the first pages of a Los Angeles-based film noir thriller called "Right of Way" and posted them to get things started. The story centers around a charismatic young mayor, determined to transform both L.A. and his political career by building a subway to the sea.

Each week Eric asked readers to imagine the next chunk of story and supply 3-5 new pages for a chance to have some fun and win a custom-made Script Project t-shirt. He selected entries from 20 different writers who added an evil cult leader to oppose the mayor, some star-crossed romance, a few depraved hookups and more twists and turns than on Mulholland Drive. Eric story-edited the pages and chronicled the progress at Script Notes, his blog.

The project attracted some buzz on TV, public radio, the web, YouTube and in the trades. There was initial Hollywood interest, and some imitators. After seven months, the draft was finished.

But it was just a first draft. The script wasn't yet ready for Hollywood — not after being cobbled together a week at a time by 20 strangers working over the Web without an outline.

So begins the next phase: rewriting the script to ready it for the marketplace. Head over to Script Notes to take part in Act 2.

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2:07 PM Sat | The funeral for Mark Lacter will be held Sunday, Nov. 24 at 12 noon at Hillside Memorial Park, 6001 W. Centinela Avenue, Los Angeles 90045. Reception to follow.
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