Ten-acre wildfire on Sweetwater Mesa today. Massive ground and air response, zero wind, and it all turned out OK.
And as always amid the dangerous lunacy of these times, not a moment too soon. Here's Daisy, enthralled by the sound of the camera lens.
With September crowding the calendar, we're headed into the hottest part of the year. The marine layer retreats, idles on the horizon until poof! one day it's gone. Tropical storms form to the south, send us humidity but not their rain. And though the angled light is all about the equinox, the hot sun and even hotter sand say summer has just begun.
Right on schedule, the morning marine layer that helps keep things cool here at the coast has retreated far, far offshore. Now our daily temps are hitting the 80s, and the overnight lows, the true harbingers of hot weather, inch up a bit each night.
When Walt was younger he'd annoy Maisie with his disregard for personal space.
And now, Daisy returns the favor.
It's the end of August and just as it's time to start watching the winds, the invasive plants that lit up the hills are turning to tinder.
Practically the moment the salvia got transplanted into its own container, the bumblebees here began to arrive.
Did I already post this one? Even if so, the cool and quiet of it feel just right for the onset of August heat.
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