The difference between a cold and the flu, according to WebMD, is with the flu, you get a higher fever and a way worse cough. Here at Casita del Mar, I'm pleased to report, it's a cold, not the flu.
Another thing I learned from the internet is the reason cold medicines don't really work like they used to is that the drug companies have switched up their formulas to foil all of the meth cooks out there.
Thanks a bunch, Mr. White.
More (highly subjective) stuff I learned: Kleenex feel softer than Puffs. Halls throat lozenges have so much menthol in them they make you sneeze. (If you want no menthol at all in your lozenges, it's Pine Brothers for you. Or Burt's Bees.) Aspirin works better for aches and pains than those cold medicines. And no one makes a good canned chicken soup. No one.