It's Labor Day weekend and, here in Malibu, that means it's the Chili Cook-off. And carnival. And parking nightmare. But I digress.
First sign that fall is here is, in fact, the Cook-off sign:
Oops. Sorry. That beautiful and colorful and whimsical and verging-on-folk art sign was the old sign. Here's the new sign:
Oops. Sorry again. That's last year's sign. Not as neat as the old sign, but not awful. Here's the new sign:
Yeah, well, it gets the job done. And here's the vast and vacant lot at the center of town that has hosted the Chili Cook-off from time immemorial for the last few decades. Word is, this is the last time the Cook-off will be here because soon, this spot will become a park not everyone wants and no one can agree on.
Democracy! Yay! (And I mean that with all my heart.)