Somewhere, right this very instant, Vin Scully is getting ready for Opening Day. It's his 60th year as the Dodgers' announcer and, while there are those who think this is it, he's going to call it a career, I'm betting professional passion trumps numerical symmetry and there will be a 61st (and more, please, more) season.
Years ago, I got to interview Vin in his broadcast booth at Dodger Stadium. We spoke for about an hour, the team taking batting practice on the field below us. He was classy and kind and very funny and, when the interview was over, rolled my chair closer and the photog shot this picture. Needless to say, it's
tattooed on my forehead hanging on my wall.
Some great Scully quotes here. The famous Kirk Gibson home run call is here. Vin and his alma mater, Fordham University, here. A Scully retrospective on the Dodgers site, here. Kevin's Opening Day post here. And a disclaimer about my hair and glasses and general geekiness here.