So the good people of De Butts Terrace want to change the name of their street, and why not? Life is challenging enough without your own address hinting you're an ass. From the LAT:
"It's an embarrassing name," said Allison Thomsen, one of 16 or so property owners on the street, which sits atop a ridge near Escondido Canyon with views of ocean, mountains and waterfalls.One resident hasn't told his preschool-age son the name of the street for fear the boy would be ridiculed by other kids. Others have promised to plant a tree and mount a plaque to honor the street's namesakes, if only the City Council will approve the name change.
Residents want to adopt the clunky moniker Paradise View Way, but Mayor Ken Kearsley (who, it would be wrong to omit, does not live on a street that references buttocks) is against any change. He says the name honors a quirky Malibu clan who deserve their place in local history.
Kearsley holds the deButts family, who grew their own food and survived without plumbing or natural gas, in high esteem. He taught their eccentric daughter, Forrest deButts, in 1962, his first year as a teacher at Santa Monica High School.At the time, she was writing a column for the Malibu Times called Squeaky Mesa, named for Squeaky, the family's pet donkey. After she married and moved to Alaska, her mother, Marianne, continued the tradition. Marianne deButts, in fact, delivered her column to the newspaper one day in December 1987, went home and died.
Either way, here's the view, complete with waterfall, on a rainy afternoon.