This came in regarding Times reporter Peter Hong's coverage today of the Phil Spector trial...
"Wednesday's court session had hardly begun when former Hollywood madam Jody "Babydol" Gibson, who served 22 months in prison for running a prostitution ring, arrived. Heads snapped as the leggy blond entered the courtroom in a navy suit with a deeply plunging neckline and a trace of a skirt peeping from the hemline of her jacket, her stiletto heels clicking with each step."
Somewhere, I hope Hecht and MacArthur are hoisting a martini to L.A. Timesman Peter Y. Hong for that great 'graph. And someone should buy a drink for the editor that was hip enough to let it pass, or so asleep at the switch that he didn't notice. Either way, that's real newspaper reporting, godammit.
Rick Fleishman