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Rose Parade without Stephanie

 Sure miss Stephanie Edwards at the Rose Parade!!! Michaela is nice but she doesn't have Stephanie's wit. And the banter between Stephanie and Bob was part of the reason to tune into the parade . . . Sure wish there was some way to get her back!

Karen Kreman

 Our dear Stephanie has been viciously and thoughtlessly de-valued and disrespected by Vinnie Malcolm, KTLA'S GM, just to grab more viewers from his Golden Calf, his imagined and ill researched demographic. Now for the second year, the KTLA parent company, the Times/Tribune and KTLA have been flooded with cries of outrage from the Southland, across the nation and from former Californians, myself included, who saw Stephanie was indeed completely MIA when we all tuned in this morning. There is no one broadcaster who is more beautiful, INTELLIGENT, poised, more gracious, adorable, witty, informed, QUICK, TASTEFUL, dressed beautifully and desired as a host for this American tradition and the adopted family member of every American and international viewing family than Ms. Edwards....

Your audience Vinny, are moms and children. What better role models than Stephanie and Bob for all of us watching, especially the little children that may not have grandparents, like mine? So someone PLEASE, at the Tribune/Times Company, you must recognize a national treasure and value their tradition in our lives, completely restore Stephanie and Bob, and allow us to have the joy they offer representing your FAMILY company. Fire the people responsible for bringing such public disdain to a formerly fine institution.

Carlyn Hansen
Friday Harbor, WA

 Was I the only one to notice Bob's comment at the start of the parade, when talking about the Marine Corps horses?:

"...they are currently training three new three year old mustangs who will replace the three oldest horses at next years parade, sorta like what happens to older commentators on television."

I'd like to think this was just a poor choice of words, given KTLA's dumping of Stephanie, but when I think of the Bob Eubanks I've had to watch over the years, his typically demeaning, snide attitude on the Newlywed Game, I don't believe it for a minute! This guy is a tasteless, old little man that has lived way beyond his time in TV land. It's such a pity Steph is gone and this pompous ass is still there.

John Herbert
Yorba Linda

January 1, 2007 11:45 PM • Native Intelligence • Email the editor

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