About yesterday's item on Daniel Hernandez and the mood at the LA Weekly, editor Laurie Ochoa writes:
Hi Kevin. I have to tell you that your information about Daniel Hernandez is wrong. He did not request a change in editors. We're lucky that Daniel is versatile enough to write both news and cultural stories for the paper. While I edit his feature stories (my decision, not Daniel's), he often works with other section editors. In this week's issue, for instance, he wrote two pieces -- one for our Considerable Town section and one for the art section -- and was edited by Tom Christie, who oversees our arts coverage and brings in many Town pieces. When Daniel writes stories for the newsroom section he will be edited by Jill Stewart, who oversees those pages.
By the way, I wouldn't judge Jill by the rumors you're hearing but by the work on the page. She has a true passion for news, and has already edited two excellent cover stories for us, including this week's "The End of Murder," an amazing news feature by David Zahniser that is not only well-reported but beautifully written and will move many readers to tears of anger.
Laurie Ochoa
Ochoa is editor in chief of the LA Weekly.