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Docs and trial attorneys

Regarding the Morning Buzz item about former Sen. Joe Dunn going to work for the California Medical Association...

• CMA does not loathe trial attorneys. That would be pathological. In fact, CMA turned to trial lawyers to work on behalf of physicians when we filed and led the largest class action lawsuit in health care history six years ago, suing the nation's largest for-profit health insurance companies for fraud and other abusive practices that harmed patients. The suit, a RICO civil class action, was successfully settled against several of the defendants with awards in the hundreds of millions of dollars to physicians nationwide and to establish several foundations to advance patient care, the viability of physician practices and do other work to benefit patients and physicians.

Peter M. Warren
VP, Communication
California Medical Assn.

November 2, 2006 9:56 AM • Native Intelligence • Email the editor

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