It's traveling season and I'm reminded of the questions that plague me when I'm boarding a plane. For example...
Did the pilots do adequate pre-flight prep?

Was I smart to get a no-frills flight?

Who'll be sitting next to me? Some strange bird, I'll bet

Did I pick the right airport to leave from? Opinions certainly seems divided on LAX

Oops, the I LOVE LAX sign is for a laxative (really)

Problem is, the skies are just so crowded these days. You never know what you'll see out there.
Passengers are being jammed into the most uncomfortable seats

On some flights there's apparently no room for refrigerators

Airlines don't event want to discuss arrival times

Maybe I'll try one route suggested by Google

I wonder what movie's playing.
Steve Harvey's Only in LA column ran in the Los Angeles Times for a couple of decades and now appears here at LA Observed. Harvey can be reached at His Twitter handle is @sharvey9.