Only in LA: The swimsuit edition


Yes, the pictorial spectacular display you've been waiting for — and we think it's up to our usual standards, even if we did face an unusual number of challenges, including one gal who mistakenly thought she was posing for our Christmas in July edition.

Slight complications (cont.)


As you can see, we didn't quite finish setting up one photo shoot in time for the edition's deadline.

Also, in the case of our "Bathtub Beauties"...


Several (in fact, all) entrants dropped out from the competition in Long Beach.

And the "LIfe Vest" photo exhibit...


It was, well, washed out.

Regarding the models who never made it to Catalina


We possibly should have made it clearer that you can't actually DRIVE to the isle.

Some models were hesitant about going into the ocean, anyway.

atlantic-map-sh.jpgEspecially not knowing which ocean they were suppose to go into.

Some no-shows objected to dangerous swimming pool conditions.

It's also been pointed out ...


There is no topless traffic school — that was apparently a joke by the late, great Buzz magazine.


naked-cowboy.jpgHow did the Naked Cowboy get in here, anyway?

Finally, as for one vicious slur...


We categorically deny that some of the competitors mistook the meaning of one sign and began partying, thereby missing the photo shoot.

Steve Harvey can be reached, coincidentally enough, at His Twitter address is @sharvey9.

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