Only in LA: Letter imperfect

Letter imperfect


For our Typo of the Week, we give you a disastrous misspelling of "FUNCTION" that was spotted by Glynn Martin.


Kiss off

In its just-concluded Arena League Football season, the LA Kiss won just 3 of 18 games. But the team, partly owned by the rock group of that name, did have the best bobblehead giveaway — Gene Simmons, complete with projecting tongue.

Click on the bobblehead to see it full size.

Pre-Kiss era


Seems like LA's Arena teams make more of an impact off the field than on. A bit over a decade ago, the LA Avengers, a previous entity, drew complaints about one billboard that warned: "Eight Oklahoma tourists will be beaten in downtown Los Angeles." Trouble was, the ad didn't let on that it referred to football between the Avengers and the Oklahoma Outlaws (who, incidentally, won by 26 points.)

Another disguised Avengers billboard hinted at some sort of bizarre ritual.


From LA Kiss to ever-lovin' LAX


If you saw a commercial with a jogger wearing a "♥ My LAX" shirt, you may have thought it was a promo for LA's airport. Which could use some promo. (Remember the Long Beach airline that posted an "LAX SUX" billboard in the 1990s.)

Alas, "♥ My LAX" turned out to be a slogan for the laxative MiraLAX. (Funny, I don't see that many people in shirts advertising their favorite laxatives.) As for me, when I was a little guy I found a trip to LAX exciting. No more with all the traffic jams. Call me an ex-LAX fan. (Sorry, I couldn't pass up the opportunity.)

Gourmet fish bait


Upscale Gelson's seems to be catering to the waterfront set in its new market in Long Beach.

Burglar alarms too complicated?


Here are a couple of old-fashioned roof systems you might consider.

Wouldn't a grandfather CLOCK be enough?


Jack Nelson of Westchester saw a house ad placed by a seller who'll throw in a grandpa.


Unclear on the concept

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Gloria Greengard of L.A was a bit puzzled by the small print on a Staples coupon that said it was "not valid in store" but worth "$30 off your in-store purchase of $60 or more."

That frantic Westside

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Did you catch the "1-minute" parking sign that appeared briefly in Brentwood a while ago? In case you were wondering, it wasn't a record.

Have it your freeway

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Ken Brock saw the name "Dave" inscribed on the east-bound 91 freeway, near the 57, and wondered who the honoree was. I decided to phone every Dave in the book in alphabetical order, starting with David Allen, columnist of the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin. He claimed he had nothing to do with it but wondered if it might be a salute to the founder of Burger King, which has an outlet nearby. Good enough for me. I declared the search over.



While in Hawaii, talk show host Tomm Looney found a highway with a perfect name for the Facebook era. It already has two likes!

Steve Harvey can be reached at His Twitter handle is @sharvey9.

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