It was already a pretty great day. A tour of the Port of Long Beach - look for a post (or two - Jenny Price arranged the port visit and may write about it as well) - followed by dinner with Jenny and author D.J. Waldie at a pretty good Cambodian restaurant on Anaheim Street. When Don offered to spring for ice cream in Belmont Shore, who could say no? Though the only ice cream left on Second Street is at RiteAid (where they don't let you get two flavors in one scoop) we did find a new indie book store. Shore Books. Just three months old. It's a quirky place with an interesting mix of books, cards, framed art and even some furniture. The owner, Marie Deary, wasn't there but her husband ("I'm just the hired help...") said the place is doing pretty well. So nice to have some good news about book stores for a change.

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Hollywoodland -- your land, my land
Diesel Books returns to Malibu!
Rolling (roiling?) on the river
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