Those winds kept me up most of the night, and made a few decisions for me as well. I had been wondering whether we had too many trees in the back yard -- not enough sun to grow the crops and all. The wind took care of that last night, taking down one eucalyptus tree, split at the base of the trunk, one elderberry tree, and one California cherry. I'll post pics if I can find the charger for my phone. It looks awful. Meanwhile, the chickens are looking disheveled this morning, but they are alive. The eucalyptus missed their coop literally by four inches. Our dog, Chyla, was awake all night, pacing -- she didn't like the pitch black after the electricity went out nor the whislting and whipping sounds and the banging of window screens coming loose, doors opening and closing, the whole howling package. At least the roof didn't blow away.
And my daughter gets to watch cartoons. Her school is closed today, following the lead of Pasadena Unified.
Elsewhere in the neighborhood, Christine Peters posted on the Citizens' Committee to Save Elysian Park's FB page:
Stadium Way and the park look like King Kong was in a bad mood and many trees down.
Tom Waits wrote a song about it.