Maria and Dominic discuss modernist poetry, with Louise Steinman in background.
Yes, Maria has turned out to be a boy, and now people want to call him Mario. A few days ago, when the zoo option was floated for Maria, Dominic Ehrler, Maria's best friend and guardian (and the person who should have final say on a name), joked that now we'd find out whether Maria was Mario. At the time I laughed.
But now, Chicken Corner says cluck, cluck. So Maria's a boy, so what? Maria's Maria as far as Chicken Corner is concerned. Meanwhile, people are saying that the mayor suggested renaming him Angel. Dominic likes that idea, too. He says the new name could be "Angel Maria Goose." Sort of like Rainer Maria Rilke? (This goose writes poetry with a waddle and a coo.) And does Hollywood have any advice for the photogenic gander? Yes, it does: Don't ever change, Maria!
*Update: Susie Coston of Farm Sanctuary writes that, "What we do here [at Farm Sanctuary], when that mistake is made -- is put Mr. at the front of the name- so maybe Mr. Maria the goose."