Some people pay handy sums for dandy home acoustic systems that may even approximate the experience of live music. The Pacific Palisades neighbor of some friends made a posh living by designing those systems. That's the westside; here in the middle lands east of Western and west of the L.A. River we enjoy our sound systems in odd places. Take my friend Andrea Hutchman, for instance. Andrea reported on Facebook a few days ago that she could hear Neil Young "very well" in her bathroom. And why not the living room? Well, the bathroom probably was the best place to hear it, because this was a live session as Mr. Young was next door in Silver Lake recording new music at the home of a distinctive record producer/musician. Maybe it was the tiles. Lucky tiles! Tin foil hats, who needs 'em?
It makes me think of a different friend who used to record her NPR radio segments in her bathroom. Nice little sound booths they is.
*Edited post.