As you may know, the city took a stand on roosters on Tuesday. Citizens of Los Angeles now are allowed to have only one resident rooster per property. Janice Hahn introduced the measure, and it passed unanimously among the councilmembers who were present. After meetings that went far into the night, the editorial board of Chicken Corner has taken its own vote and decided that the new rooster rules are a good thing because, despite being introduced as a nuisance abatement issue, the new law looks like a shiny new tool for use in cock-fighting abatement. And, besides, who in tarnation (besides breeders and cock-fighters) needs two roosters? Not the hens.
Previously, Chicken Corner had been under the mistaken notion that we really weren't allowed to have even one in city neighborhoods (though there are many in Echo Park). Hens yes, roosters no, is what I thought. But I asked Eric Garcetti's office about it, and they got back to me with:
According to Hahn's office, there was no limit on the number of roosters at a residence before this ordinance. The only restrictions previously were that the roosters had to be 35ft from a residence and 100ft from neighbors' residences.
Over here at Chicken Corner we're crowing happily. Meantime, if you want to see a fine, rockin' rooster click here. Link courtesy of RJ Smith.