Paula Maxwell planted some seeds and look what happened! An Obama garden in Highland Park. I've been driving past one like it on Cerro Gordo in Echo Park. Reap and ye shall...sow Shepard Fairey Obama flowers. Maxwell has been making the flowers as a way of raising funds for the senator's campaign.
Meanwhile, it is just past 1 a.m., and I can't believe election day is here -- already and at last.
About an hour ago, I drove past Echo Park Lake. The water was so still, street lights were reflected in detail. The Lady of the Lake looked lonely, lgithed as if she were on stage. The surviving ducks were sleeping. They must have been worn out after quacking quacking quacking, because they meant it, No! No! No! on prop 8. Even if they were quacking to the converted. If we want a constitutional amendment, let's have one against discrimination and hate.