A press release sent two days ago by GEPENC (Greater Echo Park Elysian Neighborhood Council) announced that the council ended review of bids to repair the Lady of the Lake statue. The Lady is getting her hand back! Happy clucks all around!
But the announcement did not mention two longtime community activists -- Suzanne Kimbrough and Isa Kae Meksin -- who have worked hard at the Lady's return to the community and her preservation, and the ommission set off a new shitstorm of vitriol (mixed metaphor approved by the Chicken Corner editorial board) -- frothing, screaming over-the-top, going back and forth on a neighborhood list serv. (Neither Isa nor Kimbrough were party to this particular discussion.) One "open letter" to GEPENC's president looked, to me, like a hoax. Since the communications were not cc'd to Chicken Corner they won't be quoted -- just noted.
Meanwhile, GEPENC's website has been unavailable. And there is confusion over when and where meetings are planned.