...to elect Echo Park representatives on the neighborhood council (Greater Echo Park Elysian Neighborhood Council). But City Clerk's office isn't making it extra easy. Voting hours are peculiar, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. And stakeholders who have mailed in to receive absentee ballots have been frustrated -- CRAZY response from the City Clerk's office, with married residents from the same household receiving ballots for different districts, and lots of people getting ballots for the wrong district. In order to get the correct ballot in time, victims then had to go downtown to the City Clerk's office to treasure hunt the correct forms. Good thing I forgot to mail away for my absentee ballot in time.
All stakeholders can vote. Stakeholders are anyone who lives in the neighborhood, or works/plays here, or owns a business here.
Polls info:
Thurs June 12, 2-8pm; at the Cathedral Center of St Paul; 840 Echo Park Ave (on the east side of the Echo Lake)
It's in a good location. After we vote, my daughter and I will cross the street to talk turkey with the geese and ducks at Echo Park Lake.