Photo by Gloomy Little Cloud+
Starting this post with a personal-connection disclaimer (in regard to the words, not the gummy bear): this is a shameless gush over my lovely 13-year-old cousin Abigail, who has started a new blog, called i'm a wild child -- and it's true, there is a feral streak in my family. (I think I only wore shoes maybe, like, twice before I was 13 years old, at least in the summers.) Though to look at her you'd think Abigail was raised in a house and taught manners and diction. Abigail has three posts on wild child, and the gummy bear above is linked on the first.
Abigail in her "obligatory get to know you" debut post:
i was searching desperately for a header photo and when i was searching gummy bears i came across this little gem. It was love at first sight. So then i dug a little deeper and found out that the photographer is doing a year of gummy bears. every day for a year he is going to photograph gummy worms in various poses and places. there is nurse gummy bear, and crossing guard gummy bear, and gummy bears kidnapping a wii-mote. I am really feeling the urge to ressurect my a Halloween candy and take a few glamour shots of the kit-kat.
I really love that green bear. He looks so civilized, despite the frown, in his chair with a cocktail. Other