Stakeholders are begged to come and vote for their favorites (or whomever) for seats on the Greater Echo Park Elysian Neighborhood Council Elections (GEPENC). This Saturday -- i.e., tomorrow -- from 9 to 5, at Logan Elementary School, corner of Montana and Logan Streets.
FAQ: What is a stakeholder?
FGA: A stakeholder is anyone over 18 who lives in the area, or works here, or drinks coffee or tequila here or even just attends services in EP -- that's you Neuroticos Anonimos! If the Foursquare Church can bus in congregants to vote (as they are rumored to be planning to do -- I'd love to be wrong about that), then I am hoping the Neuroticos will do the same. So should Arthur mag, and the silent-film obelisk society members and dog walkers, cat walkers, the cleaners and the mess-makers.
Come out and tip the balance!