Elysian Park: Walking in the misty morn on Wednesday. Heading north toward the oasis, as some people call the garden area where the dog-watering station is located. Is that a condor? Has it moved? I am sure the condor moved. The Bird Man of Echo Park, one of the neighborhood's most elusive of the wild things, seems to have been active.
Later, I hear of more wild animals in Elysian Park. A reader named Kevin emailed me the story of how his Jack Russell terrier nearly leaped into the maws of a pair of coyotes at 2:30 in the afternoon.
It happened yesterday (Monday) at around 2:30 in the afternoon. I was walking my dogs (I have 3: 2 jack russels and 1 yellow lab) around the park loop. My friend and I found a soccer ball in the bushes about 300 yards past the horses as one travels the loop clockwise. One of my dogs goes nuts for soccer balls so we were kicking it for her and she would fetch it and bring it to us for another kick.