Just never went anywhere ratings-wise, despite all sorts of changes. Final show, which had been produced in Chicago, will air March 30. From Deadline:
The Rosie Show debuted on OWN on October 10 with a lot of fanfare to decent ratings but quickly faded. OWN tried a complete revamp, including moving the show to a new, smaller set and changing new executive producers in January but the shakeup failed to provide a ratings boost. "I loved working with Oprah in the amazing city of Chicago," O'Donnell said. "I was welcomed with open arms and will never forget the kindness of all I encountered. It was a great year for me - I wish the show was able to attract more viewers - but it did not. So I am headed back to my home in New York - with gratitude. On we go!"
OWN is starting to remind me of California's state and local budget deficits: Lots of red ink and no discernible solutions. The sensible approach might be to cut the cord now - take a fat write-down and pretend the past 15 months never happened. But there's an industrial-strength ego involved in this disaster and she's not about to admit defeat, not for a while anyway.