March 25 - March 31, 2012
Friday, Mar. 30
Despite bellyaching by a few prominent SAG members, it wasn't a contest.
Surprisingly little, despite the purchase by an investment group led by Ron Tutor.
Forbes contributor Ken Kamen has a great piece of advice: Don't do anything right away.
Consumer sentiment improves, gas prices keep inching lower, Apple supplier promises chnages, and a jump in Dodger ticket sales.
Billionaire Phil Anschutz refuses to budge on financial terms with the NFL.
Thursday, Mar. 29
The SF-based sound and video company has a long Hollywood history.
He'll also propose a higher retirement age for city workers.
Here's a cogent - and quite disconcerting - assessment from NY magazine's Jonathan Chait: The debate seems to have centered around a "limiting principle." If you haven't closely followed the arguments, here is what it means. The challengers have managed to wall off the health-care law from overwhelming precedent that would uphold it by defining the individual as something wholly different from other regulations -- a regulation of "inactivity," as opposed to "activity." The distinction...
But is the two or three cent drop in the past week a hint of things to come?
What the Census Bureau describes as "outflows."
Jon Stewart on President Obama's loose-lip moment the other day in Seoul.
Best Buy closes stores, anger over Dodger deal, News Corp. mulls all-sports channel, and LAX traffic is way up.
Wednesday, Mar. 28
Big difference between ribbon cutting and dealing with complaints about stadium security or Dodger dogs.
Mark Walter, who controls the purse strings, says he will remain in the background.
Everything from eggs to shampoo to produce will be reduced, another reflection of the struggles that traditional grocery chains are having in a market increasingly dominated by lower-price competitors like Costco and Walmart. (Why do you think the grocery workers union made such an effort to keep Walmart out of Chinatown?) Price reduction takes effect today. From the OC Register: Compared to 2008, the new low-price program represents thousands of more items with "deeper cuts"...
And no - he's not Magic Johnson.
Here's one of the nifty sidebars to the big sale.
Just offer a fantastic amount of money: $2.15 million, in cash.
Expect the state rate to hover around 10.8 percent through the end of the year, according to the latest UCLA forecast (it was 10.9 percent in February). In 2013, it will average 9.8 percent, and in 2014 the unemployment rate will be around 7.7 percent - still a half percent higher than what's projected for the nation as a whole. So why is California still lagging behind? UCLA economist Jerry Nickelsburg says that the employment...
Tuesday, Mar. 27
He made a fortune by pushing convenience over quality - and don't knock convenience.
Among the first of what no doubt will be a bunch of videos from passengers on board the NY-Vegas flight.
Skeptical questioning isn't always a predictor of where the vote will go, but often times it is.
It would bring the nation back to square one on reform.
If you're having breakfast you might want to skip over this item.
Small dip in confidence, airlines raising fares, L.A. home prices creep lower, and the most rented movie in 2011.
Monday, Mar. 26
The two companies are squabbling over retransmission fees.
When attacking the president, nothing is too low.
One of those Rashomon days.
Investors are still jittery because of a drop in new orders.
We're talking 7,000 people per square mile, according to the Census Bureau.
American Apparel's naughty CEO provides an up-close look.
Public still confused about health care law, gas prices edge lower, support for Brown's tax hike plan, and some cable ratings sink.
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