Seems that debt is fine and dandy, except in the cases when it's not. From Jesse Eisinger, a reporter for ProPublica (via DealBook)
Right at the top of his campaign's home page, Mr. Romney proclaims, "We have a moral responsibility not to spend more than we take in." The United States' debt is such a problem, it's like an addiction: "The first step toward recovery is admitting we have a problem and refusing to allow any more irresponsible borrowing," his site says. It's almost as if Mr. Romney never worked in -- what's that other phrase for private equity? -- oh yes, a leveraged buyout firm. Leverage as in debt, debt and more debt. Debt amplifies the returns of L.B.O. firms. Indeed, they often saddle companies with extra debt precisely so that their investors can cash out faster, a technique Bain deployed under Mr. Romney's watch. L.B.O. firms certainly never think of debt as immoral. When the borrowing is good, private equity is going to grab the money. When Mr. Romney rails against debt, he is running away from his entire career in business.