This is a throwback to the pre-LAX days of the airport when Marlow-Burns and other developers carved up property that was practically next to the runways, creating what we now know as Westchester. Some years later, jets came into service, and the noise was so severe that city officials had to buy up many of those homes. Now, the airport folks are hoping to revitalize the area - which covers more than 300 acres - with shops, hotels, offices, and community spaces. No homes, though. From the Daily Breeze:
The land being studied is mostly vacant, but includes the Westchester Golf Course, a child-care center built in the late 1990s for airport employees and Los Angeles City Fire Station No. 5 on Emerson Avenue, just off Westchester Parkway. According to a project map, the western acreage north of Westchester Parkway would mostly be designated as open space or for recreation uses, while land closer to Sepulveda would be set aside for retail, restaurant, hotel and office uses. In between, officials have proposed space for office, research and development projects as well as some community, nonprofit and civic uses.
Denny Schneider, who had been one of the area's most vocal opponents of LAX, told the Breeze he was "thrilled" to see new visions for the northside properties taking shape.