Chamber CEO Allan Zaremberg didn't say that his group would actually support the governor's tax-and-cut package (why show your cards before the final budget plan reaches the floor?). But he did tell reporters that a comprehensive budget solution "is good for the economy," And he reminded everyone that the chamber backed a plan that included tax hikes in 2009. From Capitol Alert:
The positive statements could help the Democratic governor sway GOP lawmakers, at least four of whom must vote for the budget package as currently conceived. The well-financed Chamber is an influential power in the Legislature, particularly among Republicans. Brown wants the budget enacted in the next week. Zaremberg defined "comprehensive budget" in vague terms and said that it must win bipartisan support to be considered as such.
His comments come after the WSJ reported that a group of Republican state senators might support the budget package in exchange for changes to the pension system and some other stuff. Obviously, there's a lot of jockeying going on up there. Meanwhile, the League of California Cities said today that Brown's plan to eliminate redevelopment agencies is unconstitutional, and that there will be a court fight if the measure clears the legislature. Wonderful.