The numbers aren't large but they're telling. The Senate Democrat has received $3,000 Hewlett Packard's Political Action Committee and another $4,000 or so from seven company employees. Fiorina, who ran HP for six years and was forced out after a very public boardroom battle, has picked up about $3,000 from two employees. From California Watch:
Fiorina's HP critics have expressed their continued displeasure in other ways. During the GOP primary, Arianna Packard, granddaughter of the co-founder, posted a letter at calling Fiorina a "greedy, out-of-touch CEO" who "almost" destroyed HP. Packard wound up campaigning for Chuck DeVore. In general, HP's federal PAC is leaning toward Democrats this year. reports the PAC has donated $33,900 to GOP candidates and more than $66,000 to Democrats.