The much-beloved burger chain is looking to open a few locations in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, including one in Garland. The OC Register's Nancy Luna got the scoop, and it's been all over the Web. This is a big deal for the OC-based chain on several counts, including the quality control issues that must be addressed. Up to now, all 240 locations have been supported by a single beef processing plant in Baldwin Park, part of the emphasis on super-slow growth. The move to Texas will force the privately held company to build a new production facility. From the Register:
Burger fans are thrilled at the thought of In-N-Out's arrival, says SideDish blogger Nancy Nichols, a veteran restaurant industry reporter in the region. "The blog post I put up breaking the news that In-N-Out Burger was coming to Dallas basically shut down our entire server because of the traffic," she said. "This city has been jonsing for an In-N-Out as long as I've been covering the food business here in Dallas and that is almost 14 years. Dallas is a burger crazy town full of transplanted Californians."
No plans so far to go beyond Dallas/Ft. Worth, though I'd imagine that could change if the mini-expansion proves successful.