43% -- The percentage of American workers who have less than $10,000 in retirement savings.
That's up from 39 percent in 2009, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute. The survey also found that 27 percent have less than $1,000, up from 20 percent in 2009. The economy is partially to blame, though researcher Jack VanDerhei says, "Everybody thinks they're too young to think about it, until suddenly they're too old to do anything about it." From CNNMoney.com:
In general, financial planners say that retirement savings, including Social Security benefits and pension, should be large enough to provide about 80% of pre-retirement income. To reach that target, "most Americans need to be saving within the healthy range of 6% - 10% (of their salary)," said Beth McHugh, vice president of workplace investing for Fidelity Investments.
The numbers exclude the value of primary homes and defined-benefit pension plans.