Hard to believe that you could get 94 percent of California voters agreeing on anything, but then again the state's budget woes are pretty extraordinary. A new Rasmussen poll
has 94 percent calling the fiscal crisis "very serious." In addition, 42 percent supported Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's plan to fill the budget with billions of dollars in federal aid. A couple of other questions:
Suppose the state of California must decide between filing for bankruptcy, cutting back on services, or raising taxes. Which option would you prefer?15% Filing for bankruptcy
43% Cutting back on services
28% Raising taxes
14% Not sureThe Governor has also said that California may have to eliminate the state's main welfare program and cut back on health care services for the disabled and the elderly. If you had a choice between cutting these programs or raising taxes, which would you prefer?
31% Cutting these programs
52% Raising taxes
17% Not sure
The Field Poll is out with a survey showing that 95 percent of the state's registered voters describe California as being in economic bad times. Also, a majority say they're worse off financially than they were in the previous year and only 29 percent expect things to improve in the coming year.