Are stocks trying to tell us something? The Dow was up 305 points today, the largest Election Day rally in 24 years. Post-election rallies are typical, but there might be more to today's action than electoral votes. From the NYT:
“We don’t know if it’s the end of the bear market yet, but it looks as though the bear has taken a nap,” said Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at Standard & Poor’s equity research. “So investors are thinking, let’s enjoy a bit of a relief, both from the market’s lows and from the endless pre-election rhetoric.” Other factors seemed to be playing into the rally as well, including a continuing round of coordinated interest rate cuts worldwide, the ongoing thaw in the credit markets, and the increasing resiliency of the markets to the daily drumbeat of bad economic news. The extreme volatility of recent weeks has calmed in recent days, though trading volume remained light.