Yup, it's another Maria Bartiromo story, snagged by Chris Roush at Talking Biz News. Now, Money Honey followers might remember the CNBC anchor introducing Blackstone Group CEO Steve Schwarzman the other night as a "friend," not a "journalist" (LABO). "Steve," she gushed, "you’re a pioneer. There’s no other way to look at it. It's all good." OK, so she's a fraud and a lamebrain (and quite deficient in grammar), but at least there's no way CNBC would have her anywhere near the Blackstone IPO story, right? I mean... right? So Thursday afternoon she's interviewing former SEC commissioner Harvey Pitt about the last-minute efforts by Rep. Henry Waxman to delay the Blackstone offering. Here's what Pitt says:
“The notion of holding up a public offering is absurd. It reminds me a lot of Shakespeare’s quote ‘a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing.’ If people want to invest in one of these funds, that’s their business.”
To which Bartiromo replied: "Thank you so much, Harvey Pitt. I’ve got to take my journalism hat off for a minute, look at this as an observer and say I could not agree more." Say, when does Rupert Murdoch plan to start the Fox business channel?