Boy, for a magazine that comes out once every six months or so, Portfolio sure gets a lot of attention. Too bad it's not been for the articles. The latest brouhaha - actually it's just a continuation of the previous brouhahah - is over an article by Kurt Eichenwald that was supposedly held from the debut issue and now has been held from the second issue, coming out in September. This would be of very little interest to most anyone were it not for Eichenwald's ethics breach when he was still at the NYT (he forgot to tell anyone about the $2,000 check he gave to a 19-year-old guy who was running his own Internet pornography business). Gawker says that Portfolio editor-in-chief Joanne Lipman won't let him resell his unpublished piece (subject not disclosed) because the magazine is paying him plenty for his work.
Eichenwald is still under contract to the magazine, but there's speculation among staffers that the magazine is hoping he'll just leave quietly on his own accord. We imagine the lawyer-happy fella would undoubtedly not respond well to his contract being broken.
First David Colby at Wellpoint and now this. Kind of scary to think how fragile careers can be.