It seems a little premature since investigators don't even know who processed the spinach suspected of carrying the E. coli bacteria that so far has killed one person and sickened 100 more. One of the federal lawsuits against Westlake Village-based Dole Food was filed Friday in Milwaukee and claims two children were sickened by Dole bagged spinach that was bought in late August. Another was filed Thursday in Oregon, and you could be sure there will be more. By the way, washing the spinach won't do much good - you have to just throw it out. The outbreak had grown to include at least 20 states.
*Backgrounder: This is not an isolated incident. An expert tells that it's the by-product of the way that many fruit and vegetable manufacturers have streamlined their production - and cut costs - by processing in the fields, instead of the more controlled atmosphere of a factory.