July 30 - August 5, 2006

Saturday, Aug. 5
Satellite slump: The two major providers, El Segundo-based DirecTV and Echo-Star, have seen a sharp delcine in the number of...
Friday, Aug. 4
The July numbers show another plunge in home sales - down 15 percent from January, which is typically a slow...
It also may be cybercrook space. Sites like Santa Monica-based MySpace.com use the very popular Ajax coding to manipulate pages....
An oil company reporting a sharp drop in quarterly earnings? It happened to L.A.-based Occidental Petroleum, the result of oil...
That may be a drastic response to the Mel Gibson outrage - and it may be unrealistic considering that A-list...
One way of getting a good real estate deal is going after a property that's been tainted somehow by murder,...
Thursday, Aug. 3
Job numbers: July's U.S. unemployment report got the markets excited because the smaller-than-expected gain in payrolls suggests that the economy...
The numbers are still not huge, but they're growing - and fast. In her MSN Money column, Liz Pulliam Weston...
It's being called an "informal inquiry" into the company's past practices of granting stock options. The Calabasas Hills-based chain also...
Tribune Co. management and the Chandler family are trying to resolve their differences, the Wall Street Journal (subscription required) is...
You decide: July's retail sales numbers are out and the results, well, take your pick. From Reuters: "Retailers Sweat Through...
Wednesday, Aug. 2
The big drug maker was cleared of responsibility for the heart attack of a 71-year-old retired construction manager who took...
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has announced plans to expand the city's trade office. Running the place will be Andre...
Today's Wall Street Journal has a sobering, but not surprising, front-page overview (subscription required) on California's failed efforts to veer...
Buried in Time Warner's announcement today about giving away AOL to broadband customers were second-quarter results showing that the company's...
Chris Thornberg, the economist at the UCLA Anderson Forecast who kept warning of a serious housing bubble, has left the...
Fortune finally gets around to profiling Lions Gate Entertainment, the last of the independents. Lions Gate is known for its...
Welcome to L.A.: Time Warner took over Adelphia operations just two days ago and already there are unhappy cable customers....
Tuesday, Aug. 1
Local apparel companies were so freaked out last year about missing the quota cutoff for Chinese imports that they took...
L.A. billionaire Haim Saban told lawmakers in Washington today that his involvement in an offshore tax shelter was based on...
Is it just me or does the estimated flight delays due to the runway rehabbing at LAX - six minutes...
The electric car can't seem to get a break. This week, the city of Pasadena is expected to surrender most...
Crisis PR types live for the kinds of disasters that face Landis and Gibson. Busoness Week Online takes a look...
More Mel coverage: Most of the attention this morning is focused on ABC's decision to drop plans to make a...
Monday, Jul. 31
Write a column about how to deal with panhandlers and you're certain to get heated responses on all sides. So...
Not that this is exactly surprising, but Oren Aviv, the new head of the Disney film studio, seems willing to...
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and British Prime Minister Tony Blair are being joined this afternoon by two-dozen CEOs to talk about...
The company only says that the SEC is looking into past options practices. Most likely, it will center on whether...
That's the word filtering through various game sites this morning - and just picked up by CNET. The buzz is...
Big defense news: Both Northrop Grumman Corp.'s navigation-systems division in Woodland Hills and Wyle Laboratories Inc., a test-and-research company in...
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