Archive: Magazines

This perhaps bears repeating: The Hollywood Reporter is up for a general excellence award in the most prestigious magazine competition in the country. So is Pacific Standard.

In her editor's note introducing the January issue of Los Angeles magazine, Mary Melton doesn't sound too wowed by the candidates who are running for mayor. The next leader of...

Leaving the Los Angeles Times staff is Dean Kuipers, recently the nightlife editor in Arts and Entertainment. Read his farewell email. Plus an editor joins Pacific Standard magazine, and Nieman Journalism Lab explains HuffPost Live.

An LA media person sent this along. Ms. magazine is looking to hire an associate editor to work in Los Angeles.

Today's list of finalists for the National Magazine Awards includes two writers for Los Angeles magazine.
Goldberger had been at the New Yorker since leaving the New York Times, where he won a Pulitzer Prize, in 1997. Is this the end for architecture at the New Yorker?

The March issue of Smithsonian introduces Jonathan Gold as the magazine's new food columnist, and he writes about LA food trucks.

Jonathan Gold's new job at the LA Times includes front page pieces on culture — while the LA Weekly also loses Elina Shatkin to Los Angeles Magazine.

In my weekly commentary segment tonight with Lisa Napoli, we talk about media-shy Colorado mogul Phil Anschutz and his local right-hand, Tim Leiweke.

The magazine posts a 2009 interview with its former columnist and an appreciation from editor John Lehrer.

Linda Immediato, the editor-in-chief at Pasadena magazine and former deputy at Angeleno, is moving over to Los Angeles as senior editor.
Harold Hayes was the editor of Esquire magazine during its heyday at the birth of New Journalism in the 1960s, and for three years in the 1980s he was the editor here of California magazine.

Cover story in The Atlantic by Taylor Branch is the longest piece the magazine has run in four years.
The Orange County city is under fire from the budget-slashing wing of the Republican establishment, writes Tad Friend.
SI's Lee Jenkins has landed a major piece reconstructing the day when Bryan Stow was attacked at Dodger Stadium, and analyzing how it became such a big story both for Dodger fans and the culture.

Always fun to see NY media folk with next to zero knowledge of our fair city report out a piece that's dated and distorted.
Shawn Hubler writes in her Orange Coast magazine column that she senses more openness toward Orange County from her Los Angeles friends.

Los Angeles Magazine usually does well in the National City and Regional Magazine Awards competition, and this time took home five awards. T

That means both editorial director Jimmy Jellinek and deputy editor Stephen Randall will be working out of the Playboy offices in Glendale.
Sidney Harman died last night in Washington of complications from acute myeloid leukemia, a disease he was diagnosed with a month ago.

Clearing out the backlog, with more to come.
Our friends at Los Angeles are up for three National Magazine Awards: general excellence, leisure interests and Ben Ehrenreich in feature writing for his piece on dying in L.A. David...

The former editor of Los Angeles magazine and the LA Weekly starts April 18 at the progressive policy/politics magazine based in Washington, DC.

Jamie McCourt, who gets substantial ammunition to argue that she remains co-owner of the Dodgers, also shared the same room today as Roz Wyman, the former City Council member who played a key role in bringing the Brooklyn Dodgers to Los Angeles.

In this week's New Yorker, architecture writer Paul Goldberger takes in the Eric Owen Moss structures in Culver City.

Fear of conspiracies is woven deeply into the American identity, but especially in Orange County.
James Hibberd has been television editor at the Hollywood Reporter. He gets a gracious send-off in a memo to the staff this evening from editorial director Janice Min.

A piece in the November issue of the Los Angeles Times Magazine starts out sounding a little bit like Silverton's financial reversals weren't already big news two years ago, but the story goes on to look at what's been going right at the Mozzas and elsewhere.
Special issues and the guides will still be in print. Otherwise, U.S. News and World Report is converting to digital.
Erika Anderson has been named the new publisher of Los Angeles

Only a few of Architectural Digest's Los Angeles staffers show up on the masthead for the newly constituted AD in New York.

Conde Nast announced today that the editorial offices of Bon Appetit magazine will be moving to New York, without longtime editor Barbara Fairchild.
Howard Fineman, who the New York Times calls "one of the more recognizable pundits on cable television and a correspondent for Newsweek for 30 years," is leaving the magazine to become a senior politics editor at The Huffington Post.

It's not new, strictly speaking, but Hatfield's is in a new space on Melrose.
In all the media stories about his acquisition of Newsweek, Sidney Harman has been invariably given billionaire status. But not in Forbes.
Conde Nast has named Margaret Russell the new editor-in-chief of Architectural Digest, succeeding Paige Rense. But the bigger news is that the magazine will move from Los Angeles to New Yor
"They hated each other from the moment they set foot in Los Angeles," a former high-ranking Dodgers official tells ESPN the Magazine. Good. Stuff.

The New Yorker's Connie Bruck weighs in this week on the U.S. Senate campaign in California, with a focus on Republican Tom Campbell.
Five years after French writer and philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy observed Los Angeles somewhat harshly in the pages of the Atlantic, writer Conor Friedersdorf prosecutes a point-by-point defense of L.A. on the magazine's website.
Jeremy W. Peters, who covers New York state government in Albany, takes over the New York Times newspaper and magazine beat as of June 1.

A restructuring of the senior leadership at Emmis magazines means that Amy Saralegui, publisher at Los Angeles, will become publisher of Texas Monthly as well as vice president and group publisher of national sales for Emmis Publishing.
Brad A. Johnson, the national food and travel editor for Modern Luxury and Angeleno, won the top restaurant critic prize at the international 2010 Le Cordon Bleu World Food Media Awards held in Adelaide, Australia

Stefano Tonchi, the editor of T: The New York Times Style Magazine, has jumped to Conde Nast as the editor of W.
The finalists reflect a pretty rich selection of points of view about the city. See who the finalists are, and the panel of judges.

Amy Wallace was served two days before Christmas with the suit seeking $1 million in damages from a woman mentioned in her November cover story in Wired on the anti-vaccine movement.

Josh Stephens is the new editor of California Planning & Development Report, the Ventura-based land-use publication

Deputy editor Stephen Randall has been Playboy magazine's Los Angeles-based presence for years. His office and the photo studios moved to Glendale from Santa Monica in 2008, and now the New York Post says the magazine is thinking of relocating the entire editorial staff from Chicago.
Editor & Publisher announced late Thursday that it has been acquired by Duncan McIntosh Co. Inc., an Irvine-based publisher and trade show operator.

This week's New Yorker publishes All That, new fiction by the late David Foster Wallace, who killed himself last year. In March, the magazine published an excerpt from his last...
Radio One is folding Giant as a print magazine after the current issue, which has Alicia Keyes on the cover. The name and some content will live on the web....

The Wrap's Sharon Waxman says The Hollywood Reporter "and several other Nielsen entertainment titles are set to be sold to James Finkelstein’s News Communications Inc., owner of 'Who’s Who' publications...

Two members of the Los Angeles bureau are among 11 staffers laid off at the magazine, says a report....
Gawker's Valleywag says that the Los Angeles bureau of Forbes was eliminated in today's mass cutbacks across the magazine. The site says that staff writers Evan Hessel and Scott Woolley...
Amy Wallace, the editor-at-large for Los Angeles magazine, wrote recently at Wired about the controversy over the safety of vaccines. She frames it as more akin to hysteria on the...
Editorial cuts are going down today at Architectural Digest, according to a reader who emailed. On Monday there were six cuts in the Los Angeles office of Bon Appetit, according...
Nikki Finke is reporting that Annie Gilbar was let go today as editor of the Sunday magazine published by the Los Angeles Times company, and that the magazine will return...

Los Angeles magazine hosted one of its periodic breakfast gatherings with newsmakers this morning at The Foundry on Melrose, with LAPD chief William Bratton invited to give an exit interview...
Gourmet editor Ruth Reichl tweets, sounds like she was surprised at magazine's demise: Thank you all SO much for this outpouring of support. It means a lot. Sorry not to...
As part of Conde Nast's post-McKinsey restructuring, Gourmet magazine will become an online, TV and book publishing brand, with only Bon Appetit continuing to publish as a magazine. Also shutting...

The Bay Area art magazine Artweek has gone out of business after nearly 40 years of publication. The final issue was dated June 2009. From the website: A victim of...
The memo to the sales and marketing staff says it's Steve Gellman. External announcement to come later, tied to a launch (finally?) of the Los Angeles Times magazine website. Remember,...

Min announced today that she's leaving next week to do something else unspecified. "The top spot of US Weekly may be a coveted job, but its by no means be...
The magazine publisher is struggling, so here comes McKinsey and Co. to study all aspects of the company. Ominous memo from the CEO this afternoon to employees in Los Angeles...

L.A.'s most important absentee billionaire, Phillip Anschutz, is "quietly building a small empire of social-networking sites, newspapers and now a leading conservative weekly," says a piece in Forbes. Jim Monaghan,...

Terranea, which opened last week on the old Marineland site in Rancho Palos Verdes, and the Resort at Pelican Hill near Newport Beach may be the last big resort compounds...

Staples Center owner Phil Anschutz's Clarity Media Group closed the deal to buy the conservative mag from Rupert Murdoch. Here's a report in Anschutz's Washington Examiner, via Romemesko....
In the June issue of Los Angeles, our own Mark Lacter takes a look behind the sagging fortunes of the L.A. Times and finds a set of multifaceted challenges. The...
Los Angeles won the general excellence honor at Monday night's National City and Regional Magazine Awards in New Orleans, along with five other prizes for individual staffers. Two of the...
Mary Melton, who takes over as editor of Los Angeles magazine at the end of June, tells me that neither the change at the top nor the financial pressures that...
The financial crunch at Los Angeles magazine that helped nudge editor in chief Kit Rachlis to step down earlier this month has claimed three more stalwarts. Senior editors Jesse Katz,...

The second publisher has departed LA, the monthly magazine inserted in the Los Angeles Times by the ad side's editorial staff. And the new weekly insert LAetcetera is suspending publication...
Emmis Communications back in Indiana has put out a release praising Kit Rachlis' nine years as editor of Los Angeles Magazine and his successor, Mary Melton. "Kit has done a...
Here's the email Kit Rachlis sent about his departure as editor of Los Angeles. Mary Melton moves up from number two. Hi, When Emmis granted my book leave last year,...

Daniel S. Baum continues to Twitter his downfall as a contract writer at the New Yorker — he's getting into promises that either were or were not made by editor...

Dan Baum, a journalist who I believe lived and worked in California before moving to Colorado, is Twittering in 140-character dispatches about his departure from the New Yorker staff. At...
Editor in chief Joanne Lipman broke the news to the financial magazine's staff this morning, citing financial reasons at Advance, the parent of Conde Nast. The mag's media blogger Jeff...

Vanity Fair writer Dominick Dunne, responding to readers interested in his future with the magazine, posts at DominicksDiary that he expects to be back in the pages of VF shortly...

Hoy, the Spanish-language paper that reports to the marketing side of the Los Angeles Times, is switching from daily to weekly. The Times' Sunday magazine will narrow its circulation to...
I missed this last week: Bon Apptit has four, count them four, nominations in the National Magazine Awards. The mostly L.A. staff is up in the categories of general excellence...
This morning at The Foundry on Melrose, Los Angeles Magazine convened a panel to talk about President Obama. There was plenty of that — some of which inspired my KCRW...
The National Magazine Awards finalists are out and The New Yorker leads the way with ten nominations. including for general excellence. Los Angeles Magazine is also up in general excellence,...
Amy Kaufman at The Wrap has a piece up raising a lot of questions about Fade In's promise of cash and an intro to Hollywood for the winners of a...
Abel Salas, creator of the Eastside monthly Brooklyn & Boyle, took to his blog for the first time in several months to preen a little about the magazine after four...
While Joel Kotkin sees Los Angeles "fading rapidly toward irrelevancy," this month's Atlantic cover story posits that L.A. is one of the relatively few American places ideally situated to rise...
I agree with Mary Melton, the executive editor of Los Angeles Magazine, who blogs that the Bill Condon-Larry Mark-Hugh Jackman Oscars show was more watchable, not less. She posts: The...
Los Angeles magazine — which until lately eschewed the terms Westside and Eastside — has expanded the definition of the latter beyond even the Times' recent make-it-up-as-you-go style ethic. In...
IN Los Angeles and Frontiers are combining into one publication, nearly two years after the former acquired the latter. The new bi-weekly magazine debuts Feb. 25 as Frontiers-IN Los Angeles,...
Los Angeles Magazine executive editor Mary Melton — "in the name of science and post-holiday boredom" — is following the Gwyenth Paltrow starvation diet all week and blogging about it....
Los Angeles Magazine's restaurant issue includes three-course epicurean splurges for $35 or less at Local, The Park, Palate, Sugarfish, Terroni and Delancey. Also in the issue: Patric Kuh's designation of...
Clout positioned itself as a lifestyle magazine mostly for gay and lesbian couples. The passage of Proposition 8, to go with the slumping economy, apparently cinched Clout's demise. From an...
The cover of the September "Best High Schools" issue of Los Angeles magazine was singled out by Time as one of the year's ten best. Art director Joe Kimberling and...
In this month's installment of the new Los Angeles Times Magazine, editor Annie Gilbar explains: I think pessimism is a bummer. It is also kind of irresponsible, because it's infectious....
The December issue of Los Angeles has part two of Steve Oney's riveting takedown of Westside con man Craig Raywood, Patrick Kuh's visit to Loteria Grill, Mark Lacter's explanation of...
Magazine writer Claire Hoffman, who did the recent New Yorker interview with Prince talking about gay marriage, discusses that Joe Francis piece she did for the old L.A. Times magazine,...
Hendrik Hertzberg, senior editor of The New Yorker, calls Proposition 8 "a fight that should have been won" and credits some in the gay community with rightly self-critiquing what went...
Men's fashion news and trends previously reported at DNR will be folded into Women's Wear Daily. The issue dated Monday is the last one for DNR. Memo: WWD Staff: A...
First, some good news. Remember Lauren Beale, who edits the Times' real estate section? Though her name made the list of the 75 editorial employees cut from the newsroom last...
Volunteers to leave, that is. Time is asking staffers in its magazines to raise their hands if they want to get bought out before the axe falls. At People magazine...
Bruce Riordan, the director of anti-gang operations for the Los Angeles City Attorney's office, has a signed letter in the print edition of The Economist. His comment, in the context...
Shirley Babashoff won eight medals swimming for the U.S. at the 1972 and '76 Olympics, but she and her legacy were victims of doping by her East German competition. When...
Marc Haefele has some praise and some criticism for Los Angeles Magazine and editor Kit Rachlis in the cover story at this week's CityBeat. Samples: Los Angeles weighs like two...
The photo studio in Santa Monica will be sublet and the functions there — photo shoots and the L.A.-based editors of Playboy magazine — will move over to a production...
Dave Gardetta studies the Santa Ana winds in the November issue of Los Angeles: "A town known for extremes deserves a contrary wind, and L.A.s Santa Anas bestow a season...
Both The New Yorker and Los Angeles have pieces on Arianna Huffington in their current issues. The New Yorker profile by Lauren Collins (with the photo here by Jonathan Becker)...
Native Intelligence contributor Adrienne Crew made a nice find for fans of L.A. media history: a web archive of covers from West, the Sunday magazine in the Los Angeles...
Recently departed Chicago Tribune managing editor Jim Warren will move his On Magazines column to a blog at the Huffington Post. From the release: "I have been an obsessive reader...
Remember last year when Los Angeles Times columnist Joel Stein was billed as a guest instructor on oral sex at Babeland, then dropped out after we and others wrote about...
Atlantic magazine and its writer Jeffrey Goldberg are unhappy that Los Angeles photographer Jill Greenberg turned in manipulated photos of John McCain for a story, then announced that she had...
The NYT's T Magazine also noticed the resemblance between its cover and the Los Angeles Times Magazine cover. (My post from yesterday.) The LAT mag's creative director, Rip Georges, calls...
In the foreground, the New York Times' successful fashion magazine. In the background, the L.A. Times Magazine that made its first appearance Sunday, hoping to be accepted as a fashion...
According to an editor's email sent to Calendar staffers on Friday, Los Angeles Times Magazine publisher Valarie Anderson left the company even before the first issue came out on Sunday....
Sunday brought the first edition of the new Los Angeles Times Magazine that isn't part of the Los Angeles Times, but that comes in the Times. It's 144 pages and...
House ads the past couple of weeks have revealed that the new magazine will indeed carry the old Los Angeles Times Magazine label, despite complaints from the paper's top editors...
Actress-writer Heather Thomas's monthly breakfast gatherings (with her husband, entertainment lawyer Skip Brittenham) in Santa Monica lead the roundup of a "burgeoning breed of über-stylish salonistas" in the September issue...
The previous publisher of the Times, David Hiller, used to break out in song around the office (he favored pieces from musicals) and even belted out a respectable national anthem...
Los Angeles magazine's September issue includes a round-up of the area's best high schools (not on line) and a book review-cum-profile of the city's most visible activist parent of the...
In the August issue of Angeleno, national food and travel editor Brad A. Johnson picks his top 50 L.A. area restaurants and hands out some awards: Restaurant of The Year:...
Arthur Magazine's Jay Babcock told Jenny Burman yesterday more about his move to Brooklyn and also talks in the LAT's Soundboard blog about leaving Los Angeles. Babcock has shut down...
TellZell.com got hold of the Powerpoint presentation for the new magazine that will replace the old Los Angeles Times Magazine, and it looks like pap. The mission statement: Loving L.A....
Jay Babcock has relocated the offices of Arthur Magazine to Brooklyn. The newest issue is available on on PDF and comes out in print next week. There's also an Arthur...
Los Angeles editor Kit Rachlis was an editor at the Los Angeles Times for six-plus years, mostly helping craft the kinds of narrative stories that fed the paper's reputation for...
Now that the L.A. Times has folded its real Sunday magazine and laid off more than a hundred editorial staffers, the new upscale magazine being launched outside the newsroom's influence...
Carolyn Kellogg blogs at Jacket Copy that there is a potential winner in all the handwringing and debate over the magazine cover depicting Barack and Michelle Obama as Islamic militants....
A New York Times style blog takes umbrage at a cover by Orange County's Coast magazine that sure borrows a lot from an earlier T Magazine cover in the NYT....
Melissa Grego, editor of HollywoodReporter.com, jumps to Broadcasting & Cable as executive editor. Grego joined THR last year after serving a stint as managing editor at TV Week. Memo follows...
The July issue is a relaunch under Emmis ownership by new editor Martin Smith. Editor's note here. The issue's best of OC media section proclaims the Register's Frank Mickadeit as...
San Francisco Chronicle columnist Jon Carroll was Clay Felker's West Coast editor of the Village Voice and an early hire at New West, Felker's attempt in the late 1970s to...
The founder of New York as a Sunday supplement to the New York Herald-Tribune, and later as a standlone glossy weekly, changed the face of American magazines. He also edited...
What I posted earlier was the word from corporate headquarters at Emmis. Tu Ciudad's founder and publisher, Jaime Gamboa, takes it more personally. Colleagues, peers, friends and family, It is...
Tu Ciudad, the Emmis magazine that has tried to make a go of the upscale Latino market in Southern California, is suspending operations. The email from Emmis exec Gary Thoe....
Los Angeles magazine's many-month contest to let readers choose the single greatest thing about L.A. probably fizzled credibility-wise that first round when McCabes Guitar Shop beat the Hollywood Bowl. But...
Dave Zirin has been named the first-ever sports correspondent for The Nation. From the flackage: Starting this month, Zirin will report regularly for The Nation and TheNation.com on the intersection...
The New York Times has posted the story it almost ran last week revealing a sloppy end to the Los Angeles Times Magazine as a newsroom product. This being the...
I reported last weekend that Variety would move down Wilshire Boulevard to the former People's Bank tower across from the new entrance to LACMA. Today's Times adds the news that...
The actress has demanded a retraction from Vanity Fair and says she has only been in the presence of former President Bill Clinton three times, always with lots of other...
Los Angeles this month has Mark Lacter's profile of Gina Marie Lindsey, the head of Los Angeles World Airports. Another LA Observed contributor, David Davis, has a piece on U.S....
This week's issue of The New Yorker carries a "Letter from Los Angeles" by Dana Goodyear on the movie being made based on Steve Lopez's L.A. Times columns about street...
Now in the anchor chair at Fox 11, Carlos Amezcua blasts his former station in the May issue of Tu Ciudad. "When Hal Fishman died, so did the KTLA News,"...
Los Angeles magazine posted its May cover story based on Shawn Hubler's interview with ex-mayoral squeeze Mirthala Salinas, 35, with portrait by Jill Greenberg. Salinas tells how the affair with...
Los Angeles magazine scored the first big interview with Mirthala Salinas, ex-squeeze of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. Former L.A. Times writer Shawn Hubler did the story, which reportedly goes up on...
The magazine's hunt for the best thing about L.A. has been winnowed from 64 to 16. Still in the running: Amoeba Music, which beat In-N-Out Disney Hall, which beat Getty...
Once around some magazines... Charles Perry profiles Philippe's — technically, Philippe the Original — on its 100th anniversary, writing in this Sunday's LAT Magazine "if time travelers from 1918 entered...
Michael Kinsley's tenure in Los Angeles may not have gone smoothly or ended gracefully. But I enjoyed being reminded in this week's New Yorker how engaging he is as a...
Riffing a little on Los Angeles magazine's 64 Greatest Things in L.A. contest, Los Angeles Metblogs has started polling on the 64 Worst Things about L.A. The blog's competitive pairings...
Eric Alterman's piece considers the HuffPost as a step along the path of evolving news and opinion, away from the printed newspaper. Some tidbits: First envisaged as a liberal alternative...
Steve Oney's piece from last June about Iraq war casualty Chris Leon is a National Magazine Awards finalist in profile writing. He shares the category with stories in The...
In another of those generic magazine roundups claiming to know the best of something, but really an exercise in geographic diversity, Details includes Square One Dining on its top ten...
In the March issue, Los Angeles kicks off a contest to let readers pick the single greatest thing about Los Angeles. They start with 64 in the magazine, then whittle...
New York magazine got itself a sure seller this week. Troubled actress Lindsay Lohan is nude — as in freckles, nipples and tattoo — in a color photo spread recreating...
Los Angeles does its annual movie issue for February, with Philip Seymour Hoffman and Julie Christie on the cover and a lineup inside that includes LA Observed's Mark Lacter challenging...
Media man-about-town Richard Rushfield is, these days, recognized mostly for his reviews of "American Idol" in the L.A. Times, where he's the website's entertainment editor. In his freelance life, Rushfield...
The February issue of Playboy, on sale starting today, has a long feature by Joe Domanick on LAPD chief William Bratton, or Supercop as the headline calls him. The piece,...
W does its version of A-list Hollywood for February, with Keira Knightley and James McAvoy on the cover (and in an online slide show) and stories inside such as Gabriel...
The editor's note on page 34 of the new Vanity Fair caught my eye (well, after it was pointed out to me): "In Bryan Burrough's 'showdown at Fort Sumner' (December),...
Los Angeles magazine's January issue, landing this week, has pieces on LAT homicide blogger Jill Leovy and on the Wendy McCaw situation at the Santa Barbara News-Press. There's also some...
The defrocked Getty curator of antiquities who has faced criminal charges in Europe finally talks to the media, in the form of Hugh Eakin in this coming week's New Yorker....
We told you Saturday that Matt Welch had left the L.A. Times editorial page to return to Reason magazine, and said to await further details. Well, here they are via...
In the December issue of Vanity Fair, David Friend writes that this Oct. 31, 1974 photo of President Gerald Ford and then-Gov. Ronald Reagan — a few months after Richard...
Matt Welch makes official what has been unfolding behind the scenes for a bit: he has left the Los Angeles Times editorial page to return to Reason, with the current...
Sure enough, my pals at Los Angeles have somehow come out with another monthly issue — this one containing the magazine's first Walk of Shame Awards. I don't have time...
Speaking of Ciudad (next item below), former executive editor Yvette Doss is on to a new project. The founder of Frontera magazine, Silver Lake Press and (with her husband) the...
Ciudad's culinary guide to Latin dining in the November issue ranges from La Casita Mexicana in Bell to La Super-Rica Taquera in Santa Barbara, and has good things to say...
Martin J. Smith and Barbara Thornburg were, I think, the last senior editors at the Los Angeles Times Magazine to pre-date and survive the West experiment. Anyway, Smith is finally...
Editorial judgment or just luck? I dunno, but the big story on the cover of the November issue of Los Angeles (ignore John Cusack) is Dave Gardetta's post-mortem on last...
Today's issue of The New Yorker has an excerpt from Steve Martin's forthcoming memoir, Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life, in which he talks about starting out as an actor...
In one of those glib, fast-moving pronouncement pieces that magazines are in love with, Details pronounces the suburbs hip in the November issue. The sidebar anoints Montrose as a worthy...
Lennie LaGuire may have taken the sweet buyout to leave the L.A. Times staff, but her fingerprints remain on the weekly-turned-monthly Sunday magazine. As consulting editor she's looking to hire...
Corn is one of those writers who seemed like he might be at The Nation forever. But he's jumping to a newly powered-up Mother Jones presence in Washington. He'll be...
First there was GOOD magazine. Now there's GOOD Digital, announced today by founder and COO Ben Goldhirsh. The new unit will be headed by Craig Shapiro, formerly in charge of...
The Advocate, feeling pretty good after celebrating its 40th anniversary, is proud that news features editor Sean Kennedy scored an interview with Sen. Hillary Clinton at the recent Logo/Human Rights...
Steve Oney profiles Adam Carolla in the October issue, in which editor Kit Rachlis calls Carolla "the most provocative talk-radio host in Los Angeles, the quintessential Valley guy [and] an...
Jill Ishkanian is the ex-senior reporter in Los Angeles who quit US Weekly to form Sunset Photo and News and was accused last year of breaking into the magazine's editing...
Radar Magazine's October issue offers a hundred of the most overhyped people, places and things — and L.A.'s own* David and Victoria Beckham make the top of the list and...
From the September issue of Los Angeles magazine: In Josh Kun's "The Ballad of Music Man Murray," which appeared in the July issue, it was indicated that Jimmy Durante appeared...
The September issue has a long story by Jesse Katz on the scuffle at Royce Hall between a freelance writer (Rachel Neuwirth) and an anti-war UCLA Hillel rabbi (Chaim Seidler-Feller)...
Poet and New Yorker staff writer Dana Goodyear has begun Postcard from Los Angeles on the magazine's website. Her first blog post is an homage to the late Elizabeth Stromme,...
Time Inc. has told the staff of Business 2.0 to put aside the previous talk about the magazine shutting down and to begin work on an October issue. The suits...
Elizabeth Guider, a 18-year vet at Variety who has been sliding down the masthead lately, has jumped to The Hollywood Reporter as Editor. Most recently she was an editor at...
Former LA Weekly publisher Michael Sigman has optioned the film rights to that piece about Washington lobbyists in Harper's by reporter Ken Silverstein, who posed as a customer to nab...
The August issue of Los Angeles is the annual Best of LA theme job. This time 196 is the magic number, don't ask me why. The picks go from best...
Newly reunited at Los Angeles Magazine with his former editor Kit Rachlis, Moehringer explains at the end of a long profile of an obscure musician he admires how it was...
Alan Klein, president and publisher of Los Angeles magazine since 2001, is jumping to Modern Luxury Media as president and publisher of Angeleno. Los Angeles, as I understand it, just...
I keep hearing from LA Observed readers who pass along email from RealTalk LA saying the magazine is in dire financial straits -- suspended operations, bills unpaid, uncertain future. But...
Two more refugees from West magazine who took buyouts to leave the Times have landed, both of them at Los Angeles. J.R. Moehringer comes on as writer-at-large. He is the...
Slate.com has gone multimedia and unveiled a daily online video magazine. Slate V is based in the magazine's brand-new Venice offices and is headed up by Andy Bowers, the former...
This month's Los Angeles Magazine admires Rick Caruso, creator of The Grove and upcoming shopping malls in Glendale and Arcadia, praised like this in editor Kit Rachlis' letter: "No one...
The "best of" season isn't quite over. Los Angeles Magazine's is coming, but first comes Ciudad with the "best of Latino L.A." An online poll helped dub El Carmen the...
The free monthly from Southland Publishing (CityBeat, Pasadena Weekly) is "devoted to the revival of Downtown and the 'New' Eastside." Inside New Angeles are an interview of historian Mike Davis...
Real Talk LA may claim they will be out with a second issue soon and all is cool, but in addition to emails from magazine higher-ups informing customers and friends...
So many local media sources emailed me last week with reports of the impending demise of Real Talk that I mentioned the scuttlebutt while trying to reach founder Jay Levin...
Rumors are rampant that Real Talk LA, Jay Levin's new magazine, missed payroll this week and has shut down after one issue that hasn't been widely seen. Queries are...
The June issue of Los Angeles has John Powers' first Open City column since he left LA Weekly and LA Biz Observed's Mark Lacter on salaries around town, from Vin...
Jesse Katz of Los Angeles magazine won the M.F.K. Fisher Distinguished Writing Award at yesterday's James Beard Foundation soiree. Katz won for "Wheels of Fortune," his piece last October on...
Today's New York Post praises our friends at Los Angeles magazine in a piece reviewing the best of city magazines around the country: Like the city it covers, Los Angeles...
Adam Moss' New York Magazine won for general excellence and in four other categories at the National Magazine Awards last night, setting off a lot of talk about the place...
PBS has picked up the first season of the series to be produced by KCET in association with Wired magazine. It premieres nationwide on October 3. From the flackage: "The...
I just noticed that the RealTalk LA website has gone up with a mix of stories, brief items, holders and dead links. The blogs I can see are called...
The May issue profiles Mario Lavandeira, who is the celebrity blogger known as Perez Hilton, asks some questions of Channel 2's Laura Diaz and visits with Wicked's Eden Espinoza. The...
We'll see if this flies. Blogger and Podcaster, published in Maryland, aims to "reduce the learning curve" for new practitioners, writes founder and publisher Larry Genkin. The skew is toward...
Inside the annual weekend getaway issue is a piece from low-achieving Jordan High School in Watts, where Jesse Katz spent five months with the academic decathlon team. Editor Kit Rachlis'...
In the new W, former Variety scribe Gabriel Snyder explains the role of Hollywood political consultants and updates the roster of who works with whom. Noah Mamet, for instance, wrangled...
Degen Pener becomes editor-in-chief of Angeleno, while incumbent Alexandria Abramian-Mott remains with Modern Luxury Magazines as national home design editor. Pener has been features director of Santa Barbara Magazine and...
Last month we posted on Southland Publishing's forthcoming debut of Los Angeles New City Monthly — you remember, the magazine that would "celebrate the intellectual and cultural 'renaissance' of L.A.'s...
In this month's Tu Ciudad, Rep. Loretta Sanchez and Mrs. Kobe Bryant contribute their favorite spots in Orange County and, to stay in the theme, OC Weekly writer Gustavo Arellano...
Jay Levin's forthcoming RealTalk LA (and RealTalkLA.com) will try to "reinvent the concept of a city magazine and create the next evolution of the local online community," the founder of...
Tim Swanson, who has been the west coast bureau chief of Premiere and a writer for Variety, will blog about "the worlds of film, music, television, and the digital industry"...
In the new issue out now, Joe Domanick examines the case against Phil Spector while Strawberry Saroyan sizes up the career of fired book publisher Judith Regan. There are also...
Los Angeles New City Monthly, from the company behind CityBeat, will "celebrate the intellectual and cultural 'renaissance' of L.A.'s Eastside, from Hollywood through Silver Lake and Los Feliz and into...
Mark Frauenfelder of BoingBoing was on "The Colbert Report" this week in his hat as Editor of Make magazine. Mark and the host fired marshmallows at each other and exchanged...
Actress Dania Ramirez holds up the clothes for the spring fashion issue, which focuses on local designers Eduardo Lucero and Emiliano Moreno. Also in the magazine: seeing City Council president...
April issue is the last one in print, says Ad Age. The magazine brand will continue online....
Jay Babcock, the founder of music and culture zine Arthur, emails a friend that the run has ended at #25 (cover shown.) He posts a symbolic gesture on the website....
I had to skip Radar's Wednesday night "launch" party (does a third time around really count as a launch?) at The Standard for a media panel discussion at UCLA, but...
In the new issue of Los Angeles magazine, media columnist RJ Smith offers several suggestions to help the Times survive — "for rescuing a newspaper that deserves to be." He...
Portfolio is calling Claire Hoffman a contributing editor, starting immediately. Hoffman's jump from the L.A. Times was reported last month, shortly after she danced briefly with the New York Times....
When the March issue of Los Angeles hits in a few days, media columnist RJ Smith will offer his suggestions for saving the Times after talking with publisher David Hiller...
Variety buries the lede: the trade's paywall has been dropped, so now "every story, article or item is available for free." Well not quite everything. The news is tucked onto...
Premiere magazine has been put up for sale by Hachette Filipacchi Media, Keith J. Kelly reports in the New York Post. No details, but Kelly says it's a sign of...
Tu Ciudad's first almost-monthly issue (there will now be ten a year) leads with a piece on the offspring of mixed marriages "transforming what it means to be Latino in...
They run it by collective, call it make/shift — subtitle "feminism in motion" — and plan to launch in March. One of the Los Angeles-based regulars caught my eye: Times...
Issue number three of Swink — the "bi-coastal, biannual print magazine dedicated to identifying and promoting literary talent in both established and emerging writers," edited by Leelila Strogov — will...
Time magazine is shuttering its Los Angeles bureau (and those in Chicago and Atlanta) as part of today's layoffs, Ad Age says. People magazine will close its Washington, Miami, Chicago...
HuffIt is a new beta-test section of The Huffington Post where readers can indicate (Digg-style) which news stories of the moment interest them. Those stories will then get priority play...
Jay Levin founded the LA Weekly more than 25 years ago. Lately he has been busy trying to recruit staff and writers around Los Angeles for a new magazine: RealTalk...
→ Los Angeles magazine's January Restaurant Awards issue proclaims Hatfield's the best new place in town, Bottle Rock the best new wine bar, Square One the standout breakfast spot, Swinging...
Tu Ciudad's new issue proclaims Erwin Raphael McManus's Mosaic the city's fastest-growing and hippest Christian congregation, with services that feature comedy skits, video clips and rock DJs. Also in the...
Esquire: In the December "Best and Brightest" issue, Colby Buzzell takes on an unruly quest across Los Angeles "in search of things that make it good to be alive. In...
Inventing Lonelygirl15: Wired's December issue goes inside the Los Angeles apartment where the wildly popular web tale of Bree and Danny was hatched and taped. Writer Joshua Davis met creator...
Caitlin Flanagan told the New York Observer a year ago that "Youd never, never, never leave The New Yorker," but now she has. Flanagan has left the magazine's staff to...
New logo, typeface, departments and architecture to the magazine, which celebrates 45 years in December. It's the Power Issue, hitting newstands now with pieces by me on Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa,...
Jasper Johns' "Flag" hangs over a fireplace in Eli Broad's Brentwood home, we learn in Bob Colacello's profile of the art collector and would-be Los Angeles media mogul in the...
Los Angeles magazine's RJ Smith takes notice of David Zahniser's run of noteworthy stories in the LA Weekly (and previously in the Daily Breeze) and pronounces him the top beat...
George Clooney's photo spread in the November issue of Vanity Fair was shot in the garden of the late newspaper matriarch Dorothy Chandler's home, Los Tiempos, at Fifth and Lorraine...
If Los Angeles has a media gulch it's the stretch of Wilshire Boulevard from the old Carnation headquarters — where the Hollywood Reporter and Billboard are located — west into...
Tu Ciudad puts Carlos Mencia on the cover and at the top of its second list of 25 Angelenos We Love. What they meant to say is 25 local Latinos...
Harold Meyerson, the LA Weekly fixture [* keep reading...] who was editor of The American Prospect in 2001-2, is coming back as acting executive editor of TAP. Incumbent Michael Tomasky...
Variety Weekend is also calling it quits. The inside pages tried to draw in readers and advertisers with lifestyle coverage of and for the Hollywood entertainment community: passions and diversions...
On the same day that Time Inc. announced it will try to sell eighteen magazines — including Popular Science, Field & Stream, Outdoor Life and Parenting — the New York...
Forget the odd looking baby. Vanity Fair's October issue has the doubled-in-size VF 100, successor to the annual New Establishment roster. Rupert Murdoch tops the list, followed by Google founders...
Bon Apptit's Los Angeles bureau has joined the podcast lineup at iTunes. Heather John, a senior editor here, covers local hotspots in a roundup of national bars and lounges with...
September's Los Angeles Magazine offers a primer on finding a good and safe elementary school, putting the spotlight on sixty schools around the Greater L.A. area (not just the parent...
Senior editor Monika Bauerlein and deputy editor Clara Jeffery will take over the San Francisco-based magazine. City Pages has details via Romenesko....
David Blum takes over at the Village Voice Sept. 12. He is a New York media veteran. Blum began at the Wall Street Journal in 1979, jumped to Esquire then...
There's a line in the new Vanity Fair's cover story on Kate Moss that the model makes more money than ever, post-coke addiction, and peers out from more magazine pages....
In her blog diatribe about suffering bad service at a Los Angeles area restaurant, visiting Bon Apptit online editor Martha Simon doesn't name the place. But if you suspect it's...
Today's Wall Street Journal cranks out a piece on GOOD, the magazine for young people who do good things (get it?) that is being pulled together in West Hollywood by...
New from 5900 Wilshire, home of the Emmis magazines that hit the streets this week with their August issues: Los Angeles does its annual, hyper-selling Best of L.A. compilation. Among...
She has been the editor in charge of entertainment coverage for the Los Angeles Times business section since last year, after returning from Los Angeles magazine in 2004. She will...
Hilary Swank has been an LA Observed fave since she took her Oscar entourage (and newly won statuette) to Astro Burger. In the August issue of Vanity Fair, though, she...
The July issue of Los Angeles magazine (not online) has a piece by Kim Masters on Paramount's Brad Grey and by David Ferrell on the giant Rose Hills cemetery. Steve...
If you worked at the Atlantic, you'd have received this memo on how not to dress in the Washington office this summer. From the New York Observer's Media Mob: From:...
Revival of Hollywood, the place not the industry, has created "the hippest zone in Los Angeles," says the June number of Los Angeles the magazine. Features look at the reasons...
Tu Ciudad's June-July issue features an interview with Corina Villaraigosa, a report from the set of Jack Blacks Nacho Libre and the magazine's first Best of Latino L.A. guide. Magazine...
Arianna Huffington told magazine editors in New York today that the Huffington Post makes money and within two months will spin off a sister site devoted to political satire. Even...
Patric Kuh, the food critic at Los Angeles magazine, won for best magazine restaurant review or critique at the James Beard Foundation journalism awards in New York announced last night....
The New Yorker's Caitlin Flanagan and her new book also get the treatment from Ella Taylor in this week's LA Weekly. Even women who cant stand what Flanagan has to...
Caitlin Flanagan perhaps "owes her success largely to a misogynistic media that loves a catfight...[but she] has so masterfully created a persona that it virtually guarantees literary celebrity," says the...
RJ Smith wrote about rock music for the Village Voice and Spin before landing at the LA Weekly and, now, at Los Angeles magazine—where he is a senior editor and...
From the editors of zines The Big Takeover, Dumb Angel Gazette, Roctober, Scram and Ugly Things: Dear Amoeba, We the undersigned, the editors of five of the most long-lived and...
NewsFactor Magazine has some pretty narrow (or is that snooty?) requirements for the editor job it posted on Mediabistro. You have to live in or near Woodland Hills, but don't...
Tribune's experiment with a glossy lifestyle magazine aimed at high-income Southern Californians is over. Staffers at Distinction were told that next Friday is their last day. Today they are busy...
From the wonderful world of magazines... Vogue loves Suzanne: Lucques chef Suzanne Goin gets star treatment from Sally Singer in the April issue of Vogue, as much for her style...
In addition to the Los Angeles magazine profile by Jesse Katz, National Magazine Awards finalists of local note include three pieces of criticism on the subject of parenting that Sandra...
Variety has hired Monica Corcoran away from In Style's Los Angeles bureau to replace Ginny Chien as style editor, today's Women's Wear Daily says. Corcoran becomes part of the lifestyle...
I have a piece on Council President Eric Garcetti in the March issue of Los Angeles, out but not online. It talks about his rising national profile—from involvement in the...
Michael Kinsley was dismissed as editor material for The Atlantic last summer, and he acknowledges in today's New York Observer that he has never been offered the job. But the...
BiZBash covers the live events trade and will begin an L.A. version of the magazine later in the year. The website goes up Feb. 15, followed by biweekly electronic newsletters....
Vanity Fair's Hollywood issue out Tuesday has more than Scarlett and Keira nude on the cover (though that's a pretty decent jump-start on newsstand sales.) There's a Vicki Ward piece...
Rick Wartzman's editor's note (labeled "From First and Spring") in Sunday's debut issue of West magazine fesses up to a strong belief in the Carey McWiliams school of California reportage...
Here's the story lineup for the first issue of West, the Los Angeles Times Magazine replacement that debuts in the Sunday paper. Cover story: "The Valley's Not So Civil War"...
Rip Rense has some thoughts about the marketing campaign for the LAT's new West magazine, coming soon to a Sunday paper near you. Whatever the new West will be, or...
That Los Angeles Magazine piece by RJ Smith on Pajamas Media is now online, along with Smith's cover story on George Clooney ("The sexiest man Bill O'Reilly loves to hate...
Updated with new entries at the bottom ⇒ Copies of the first West magazine issue were seen at the Times' Travel Show over the weekend. The cover piece in the...
In the February issue of Los Angeles magazine, RJ Smith examines Pajamas Media to ask whether it is a fledgling media phenomenon or a blip with $3.5 million in seed...
Gawker reports that the staff of Radar magazine was just told that it's over. Also at FishbowlNY....
Los Angeles has posted the top stories from the December issue, including Steve Oney's feature on Defamer Mark Lisanti and the rise of online gossip. The most influential and intimidating...
In the December issue of The Atlantic, Hanna Rosin is the latest writer to take a look at the Jesus-ization of Hollywood. They sit in a semicircle on the homey...
The board of directors met today and decided on a split vote to let me start roasting their turkeys a few milliseconds early, provided I make up the time later....
The L.A. Times plans to relaunch its Sunday magazine Feb. 5 as West. The name has a history at the paper. A previous incarnation of the Sunday magazine was called...
Lots of chatter in local media circles these days about the syndicated L.A. Times columnist and KCRW commentator from the left. First, it appears that Scheer is about to lose...
♦ Variety is ending the VLife experiment. Last issue is Feb. 1. I believe Mike at FishbowlLA was first up with the news. ♦ Daily Breeze music writer Corey Levitan announced that...
Former Los Angeles Magazine editor Michael Caruso is leaving as editor of Men's Journal after two years. He declined to renew his contract because of unhappiness with Wenner Media's management...
Oops, sorry about the day (the headline said 'Wednesday' for the first nine hours or so. We think ahead around here...) ♦ Whispers in the wind say that Times editor Dean...
Tad Friend, writer of the New Yorker's occasional "Letter from California" feature, once again explains his m.o. in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle. Yes, he flies out from...
Question: Who did VLIfe put on its cover, following Jennifer Connelly and Halle Berry? Remember, they're trying to sell on newsstands these days. The October issue does contain an inspired...
So you have a new magazine about legal eagles and you want them to read it. What do you do first? How about a special issue proclaiming the 500 best...
Been to the newsstand lately? The number of magazines trying to attract the eyeballs of Southern Californians with money to spend has swelled. In this week's L.A. Business Journal, James...
If you have a spare thou lying around, you too can dine with William F. Buckley and the editors and publisher of The National Review next week. Here's the invitation...
Tim Rutten's Saturday column in the LAT, nominally about the declining audience for Republican radio, posits that "While the political talk-show hosts and right-wing bloggers claim to have a quarrel...
This is the month that Variety's glossy VLife hits newsstands and begins to find out if there's any (v)life separate from the trade's subscriber list. Halle Berry decorates the cover...
The Michael Kinsley-to-Atlantic Monthly rumors are raised then dismissed in today's New York Observer. He had breakfast in Seattle with the magazine's owner, David Bradley, who is busily recruiting an...
Gawker has the memo: Elizabeth Leonard, the deputy bureau chief in the Wilshire Boulevard offices of People magazine, has been quickly promoted to West Coast Bureau Chief. The only mention...
Time magazine's cover this week unveils its take on the "25 Most Influential Hispanics in America." Locals meriting mini-bios include Antonio Villaraigosa, of course (looking uncharacteristically sullen in the photograph),...
Go figure: Two-plus years of L.A. Observed with no references to People magazine West Coast Bureau Chief Todd Gold, then two mentions in less than twenty-four hours. Here's the first,...
Longtime local conservative blogger Xrlq posts that he has been summarily banned from posting comments at Hit and Run, the blog of (loosely) Los Angeles-based Reason magazine. Spotted at Patterico's...
Sounds like there are a ton of insider references in Hollywood Hussein, the new novel by Ken Baker, West Coast editor for Us Weekly. Monday's Page Six says that the...
In response to mounting losses, TV Guide is going to get harder to hold—and run fewer TV listings. Variety reports that Gemstar-TV Guide will spend $110 million to convert the...
Joe Edmiston, the only executive director in the 25-year history of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, might be the most powerful unelected official in California, Lewis MacAdams writes in the...
Any late-comers will go at the bottom, as usual. Gustavo Arellano rates the new crop of Latino-oriented glossies in the OC Weekly. He gives Bello the edge over Tu Ciudad,...
Mondays are always so busy... This news won't help the layoff jitters sweeping the LAT's newsrooms this week. Tribune Company stock was downgraded Monday to "neutral" from "buy" by brokerage...
Here are some items from the week. Posting over the weekend will be sporadic at best. Los Angeles magazine celebrated this month's comedy issue last night with drinks, schmoozing and...
The new upscale Latino bimonthly magazine backed by Emmis took over the Hollywood Roosevelt (and a lane of Hollywood Boulevard) Tuesday night. A few hundred people listened to Go Betty...
Tu Ciudad, that upscale Latino mag I've been telling you about since January, hits the mail next week (with a May 24 launch party and a June-July issue date.) In...
The cover of Business Week's May 2 issue advises the corporate (and media) world that their customers and competitors are figuring out where blogs fit in, so they better jump...
The LAT today joins the media pack on the Huffington Post, with an arch quip from ex-Timesman Tom Rosenstiel: "Is this a new kind of communication: a unique, elite blog-salon?...
Long but terser-than-usual roundup, due to a books-filled weekend away from the computer. It was great to chat with old friends, new readers, media people and bloggers and to hear...
In Boston since 1857, the Atlantic Monthly is moving to Washington. Editor Cullen Murphy is among those who won't make the move. He'll oversee the transition, then step aside. Romenesko...
The forthcoming magazine for young upscale Latinos is written up in today's New York Times, with a photo of founders Jaime Gamboa and Gabriel Grimalt. The Tu Ciudad team is...
Tracks magazine has gone on hiatus after a little more than a year, while management pursues "new financing support with the goal of relaunching the magazine in the future." The...
Women's Wear Daily's MemoPad page says that Kent Black [mentioned on L.A.O. in February] has filled the long-vacant post of style editor at the soon-to-be-relaunched L.A. Times Sunday magazine. And...
Catching up with some reading and email after a slow online day: Venice gets the 36 Hours treatment in Friday's NYT Escapes. Janelle Brown has the gig and visits the...
You might remember we told you on Feb. 14 that Rick Wartzman will be the new editor of a relaunched Times magazine. He's more than a month from taking over,...
On the jobs board at Mediabistro: Distinction, an upscale lifestyle magazine for Southern California, is seeking an experienced managing editor to run day-to-day editorial operations. Were looking for a creative...
Business Week's L.A. bureau chief Ron Grover posted his latest Power Lunch column on the success of Ray and what it says about the Hollywood play of Phil Anschutz. His...
That Los Angeles magazine story generally praising Michael Kinsley that I mentioned awhile back is now online. Also up on the Los Angeles website from the February issue are the...
Tanya Gold of The Guardian looks at this month's Vanity Fair cover—another triptych of young actresses—and sees "a desperate sight to make all feminists tremble. This is Disempowerment as she...
New Yorker editor Dana Goodyear's "Annals of L.A." story on the Ambassador Hotel is in this week's magazine (but, alas, not online.) She frames the Wilshire Boulevard hotel's fate as...
ClothesHoarse, the more fashion-obsessed of the two LA.com blogs, posts the news of an upcoming local magazine launch. Starting May 1, LA Mode—the self-proclaimed "voice of Los Angeles fashion"—will be...
There seem to be two leading schools of opinion about Michael Kinsley's impact on the Times as a voice of Los Angeles. One group believes that in striving to be...
Southern California is gaining another glossy lifestyle mag. Emmis Communcations—they publish Los Angeles magazine—is planning to launch Tu Ciudad Los Angeles this spring. It will be an English-language bimonthly targeting...
In one of those magazine shakeups that is "effective immediately," James Truman is giving way after 11 years as Editorial Director of Conde Nast to Thomas J. Wallace, currently editor-in-chief...
Forbes calls this story "Flack Attack." The piece by Los Angeles bureau chief Seth Lubove details a legal dispute over $6 million in investments that Michael Sitrick of crisis PR...
* Updated with newest posts at the bottom The February issue of Hustler will carry the story by Michael Collins and Mark Cromer that liberal critics of Rep. David Dreier...
The WGA board voted unanimously Monday night to let Written By go ahead and publish a roundtable discussion of guild politics—but only after a committee of non-editors removes "personally defamatory"...
The Writers Guild board is under fire for playing thin-skinned publisher and yanking a roundtable discussion of guild politics from Written By, the organization's magazine. Variety's Dave McNary reports that...
Variety editor Peter Bart turned this month's issue of Vlife (not online) over to guest editor Brett Ratner, director of After the Sunset. Ratner took full advantage, getting stories on...
The California Journal is halting publication in January—at least temporarily—after 35 years. A non-profit board has tried to build an endowment to keep the monthly journal of state politics and...
In this week's New Yorker, Los Angeles-based staff writer Caitlin Flanagan ponders the ritual of giving presents to teachers for the holidays. Her vantage point is upper-income L.A. private schools,...
Andrew Murr of the Newsweek L.A. bureau shares the byline on a piece saying that girls account for most new HIV infections among teenagers and that, more generally, women make...
That's the cover line in the December issue of W (not online) for a story that lets us in on a secret: there's more to Los Angeles these days than...
The magazine has hired Steve Oney as a Senior Writer. He fills the slot vacated by Amy Wallace, who left to return to the Times as an editor in the...
In its latest issue, Citizen Culture magazine publishes in the fiction slot a story by Playboy Playmate Divini Rae Sorenson about forced sex and abuse inside the Playboy mansion. But...
GQ's Men of the Year issue includes a piece by former LAT reporter Jeffrey Gettleman—now at the New York Times—on what he saw covering the Iraq war. It's titled "Dispatches...
The magazine has put up a site at VanityFair.com with the table of contents and a couple of stories from the print issue, the Fanfair calendar, party pictures, a link...
In the new Classic Hollywood issue of Los Angeles magazine (not yet online), Steve Erickson nominates ten classic films that don't belong in the pantheon, and ten that aren't regarded...
Roger Cohn has quit as editor of the San Francisco-based magazine after five years. Dan Fost reports in the San Francisco Chronicle that Cohn blamed a decision by the board...
The writer of The New Yorker's occasional "Letter from California" talks to the San Francisco Chronicle about his recent piece on Gavin Newsom, being the spouse of New York Times...
Third time a charm? Tribune's Distinction magazine has brought on its third editor since launching last summer. It's Holly Palance, until recently the editor of Santa Barbara magazine, this week's...
Today's Page Six chuckles over the latest issue of Architectural Digest and the editor's note from Paige Rense about her conversation with an upset "Mr. Television Personality." The NY Post...
Times subscribers have been opening their papers to find the glossy premiere issue of bello — small b — a new magazine of "power, culture and success" for upscale Latinos...
The contents page in Sunday's L.A. Times Magazine had a posed photograph of a faux prisoner in a faux cell, to illustrate a cover story on the Three Strikes law....
Adam Moss continues to reinvent New York magazine. His latest addition is Ken Tucker, the ex-Herald Examiner rock critic and longtime critic-at-large for Entertainment Weekly. He becomes the magazine's film...
Syndicated columnist Jill Stewart (Daily News, Register, Pasadena Weekly) has the cover story in the September issue of Wired on her favorite Koll-i-fornia governor. Headline: The New American Idol. Her...
Kim Masters may be losing her Esquire contract to produce Hollywood stories, Defamer hears. If true, she's still got her deal with NPR at least. NPR local is, however, looking...
How difficult is Jann Wenner to work for? His annual inspections of the staff's desks for neatness are apparently legendary at Rolling Stone. Today, Gawker runs the memo that went...
The magazine's September issue out now is a good one, and I'd say that even if I didn't have the cover story on Mayor Jim Hahn and his political conundrum....
New entries added at end Former LAT publisher David Laventhol is writing the history of Times Mirror for Public Affairs. The company's former chief exec, his working title is A...
You know how the website for The New Yorker takes down the story links after each week's issue passes into history, without an archive? A New York City blogger named...
For the August "special global issue," the Bay Area-based Business 2.0 outsourced a section of the magazine to India. From USA Today: "We could have found people who were willing...
The senior writer at Los Angeles Magazine whose 2001 profile of Variety editor Peter Bart was much talked about — and was a finalist for the National Magazine Award —...
Philip Bruce, news director at Channel 28's "Life and Times" program, takes over as supervising editor for California at NPR West, the Culver City operation of National Public Radio. He...
LAist, the SoCal version of New York's Gothamist, goes public Tuesday. Earlier: Gothamist going bicoastal. We're number one: The feds seize more contraband cigarettes at the ports of Long Beach...
Laurie Pike at LA.Comfidential has the lowdown on editor news at Distinction (they have yet to fill the job she left last year), Hollywood Life and Angeleno. The new editor-in-chief...
The LA Weekly's Nikki Finke got a rude response when she phoned up New York Times Washington correspondent (and former L.A. bureau chief) Todd Purdum to ask about his Monday...
With a few more weeks to work on it, a triple byline of L.A. Times writers follows up today with a fuller but no more scandalous profile of Vanity Fair...
Richard Rushfield (scroll down) smacks a $50 fine on GQ for gratuitous L.A. bashing in the latest issue's interview with Jake Gyllenhaal and shopping guide to Los Angeles. The fine...
My friends at Los Angeles magazine gathered up nine awards — more than any other publication — at the City and Regional Magazine Association competition announced earlier this week in...
The Los Angeles-based staff writer for The New Yorker (and former Harvard Westlake English teacher) riled up people with her March piece in the Atlantic, "How Serfdom Saved the Women's...
Jon Friedman, media editor of CBS MarketWatch, was in town last week to have breakfast with Los Angeles editor Kit Rachlis (pictured) and to ponder the magazine (where I contribute)....
Matt Welch details his take on the Sandra Tsing Loh-KCRW affair in a piece at Reason magazine and in a lengthy post on his blog taking to task the recent...
The Sacramento Bee reports that the 34-year-old magazine of state politics and issues has been transferred (in a no-money deal) to the new California Journal Foundation for Research and Education...
The New York Observer editorializes today against its former editor, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter, disagreeing with the notion that his ethical lapses in Hollywood are minor: The star-struck bon...
The June issue of Reason magazine with a customized satellite photo of each subscriber's home on the cover is starting to arrive in mailboxes. The New York Times (and L.A....
L.A. Business Journal media reporter Pat Maio interviews William Curtis, owner since 2001 of the Malibu-published Robb Report and other wealthy lifestyle magazines. Curtis says the average Robb Report reader...
For the cover feature in the Times' Weekend Calendar today, Patt Morrison peruses and critiques a small sampling of the magazines published in and (more or less) about greater L.A....
Bonnie Fuller's Star has a new West Coast bureau chief, Mary Ann Norbom -- she's the third in eight months, Page Six says. "It's kind of a mess," sighed one...
The prizes for general excellence at today's National Magazine Awards went to Newsweek, Popular Science, Gourmet, Budget Living, Chicago Magazine and Aperture. There were 39 awards given in all, including...
Mike Lafavore resigns after just fifteen months with a little knock at reality programming. Romenesko has the memo....
Pretty important, the Economist thinks. The May 1 cover of the London-based weekly is devoted to a big photo of a tight-lipped Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the headline Is California...
The newest copy of Fortune has a long piece looking at Barry Diller's moves to build a company, InterActiveCorp, that intends to get a cut of every Internet transaction it...
Avalon owner Steve Adelman claims in a Page Six item today that Vanity Fair writer George Wayne demanded two free first-class tickets between New York and Los Angeles in exchange...
The cover of Los Angeles magazine this month is 25 Great Weekends. Cover lines to stories mention R.J. Smith's piece on how L.A. car culture bad boy Von Dutch became...
L.A.-based publications such as the L.A. Times Magazine, Robb Report, Angeleno and the Advocate are riding a big jump in ad pages over last year, the L.A. Business Journal says....
Folks at Forbes are a mite amused by a pitch from the PR rep for LA.com, asking if the website's president and editor can meet with the magazine's Los Angeles...
Laurie Pike at LA.com is on a roll today [not so fast...see below *], blogging that her old job as editor of Distinction magazine has gone vacant again. She reports...
Since last week's Inglewood vote (and L.A. Observed item) pushed a few buttons, here's a follow through from L.A. blogger Armed Liberal over at Winds of Change, who posts to...
LA.com blogs that Adam Moss at New York magazine may (or may not) be looking for a Hollywood columnist since Anne Thompson was let go by his predecessor. Before her,...
Reason magazine's June cover will be devoted to a cool exercise in technology: the 40,000 subscribers will see individualized satellite photos of their neighborhood, with their homes circled. The New...
The LAT's Bob Baker has a piece in the Calendar section on the newly younger and hipper magazine put out by AARP, the group for people 50 and older that...
Sack had also been a producer for Channel 2 here, a screenwriter, an actor and a writer for the TV show "That's Incredible." But he is best known as a...
Mark Robichaux takes over as executive editor of news for Broadcast & Cable, Variety reports today. He had spent 13 years at the Wall Street Journal "covering entrepreneurs, television and...
For the first time, more people in California buy The New Yorker than in New York, writes Cynthia Cotts in the Village Voice. The score was 167,580 in California (with...
NBC's anchor-in-waiting Brian Williams was not stripped and body-cavity searched recently at the San Diego airport. Broadcasting and Cable magazine regrets misinterpreting the joke Williams told... (via I Want Media)...
In his column at TV Week, Alex Ben Block rips Entertainment Weekly's ranking of the "25.5 funniest people in America." In fact, he calls it "one of the worst power...
Back in November, Eric Umansky in the New Republic savaged claims by famed paralegal Erin Brockovich-Ellis and people around Beverly Hills High School (and a report on KCBS Channel 2)...
Caitlin Flanagan of the Atlantic Monthly is up for a National Magazine Award in the Reviews and Criticism category. Otherwise, it's pretty slim pickings for locals on the list of...
Author and journalist Ann Louise Bardach has written for Vanity Fair, Los Angeles, Talk, George and, among others, the New Yorker -- but you can probably scratch that last one...
The New Yorker's worst-selling cover of 2003 was the one about Arnold Schwarzenegger as "California's strongman." The best-selling double issue was winter fiction. Jesus covers sold best at the Economist...
The new "bi-coastal, biannual print magazine dedicated to identifying and promoting established and emerging literary talent" is out. The editor is Leelila Strogov. Writers in the first issue of Swink...
James Wolcott opens his exploration of politics blogs in the April Vanity Fair (not online) by asking "are we in danger of drowning in blogorrhea?" But he comes around, shows...
In the March 15 issue of Forbes, Los Angeles bureau manager Seth Lubove asks of Roy E. Disney and Stanley Gold, "so who are these guys--really?" He goes on to...
The first issue of Vodka magazine, based here in L.A., has hit the streets with photographs from former District Attorney Gil Garcetti's book Iron: Erecting the Walt Disney Concert Hall....
Los Angeles-based writer Caitlin Flanagan joins the staff of The New Yorker to write stories about "modern domestic life," says the NY Observer's Sridhar Pappu. Since 2001, Ms. Flanagan has...
In e-mail, Distinction publisher Jane Dalea-Kahn takes exception to yesterday's post on the magazine, and confirms that another editor (at least the third see below) has taken over. Get your...
Los Angeles has just two spheres, according to the latest Distinction magazine: West of the 405 and East of the 405. Here's how the Tribune Company glossy compares the two,...
Joel Kotkin, the L.A. author and urban analyst busy writing a book on the history of cities, rates the best (and worst) places for doing business in this month's Inc....
Six months after becoming the New York Times cultural czar, Adam Moss leaves to become the top editor of New York magazine. Moss gets a lot of the credit for...
In the New Vanity Fair, contributing editor Howard Blum and freelance digger John Connolly (author of that much-rehashed Premiere piece on Arnold Schwarzenegger) team up for a piece on jailed...
Reason's L.A.-based associate editor Matt Welch has a strong piece in the current issue that takes off from the bad experience of his wrongly accused friend, local blogger Tony Pierce,...
My piece on PR giant Fleishman-Hillard and its top local operative, former Daily News managing editor Doug Dowie, is now up on the Los Angeles magazine site. The other story...
The fashion monthly decrees the top poker game in town is the Gourmet Poker Club, which has met once a month for 25 years: Barry Diller, Steve Martin, Johnny Carson,...
The February issue of Los Angeles is the annual Oscar-timed number, with Patricia Clarkson and Benicio Del Toro on the cover. Inside are a piece on the culture of In-N-Out...
Last week in The New Yorker, Nation columnist Katha Pollitt confessed at length about web-stalking the lover who left her for a younger art critic. Pollitt never named the man,...
Magazine and tabloid sales are off as much as 20% due to the southern California supermarket strike, says a Business story by Melinda Fulmer in today's L.A. Times. Market sales...
Tad Friend's "Letter from California" for The New Yorker this week is about the L.A. River -- the line on the contents page reads, "Trying to rescue L.A.'s lost waterway."...
US Weekly's follow-up cover story on Britney Spears' brief marriage carries 16 bylines. Discuss. (from NY Daily News)...
Honchos of The New Frontier, the self-appointed successor to George magazine long promised by Kennedy friend Helen O'Donnell, tell Folio they will finally launch in February after some false starts....
The magazine was purchased for $55 million this afternoon by Bruce Wasserstein, chairman of investment bank Lazard, says AdAge.com. Emmis (Los Angeles magazine) and the Tribune Co. (L.A. Times) had...
In this month's Written By, the journal of the Writers Guild, Calle Khouri and Gary Ross talk with each other about the writing process, directing your own script and Ross'...
In The New Yorker's "Talk of the Town" this week, Tad Friend reports on what ensued when the L.A. staff of the National Lampoon website -- Steve Brykman, Joe Oesterle,...
Richard Horgan writes at FilmStew that the Playboy Interview was once a cultural milestone, but today has become just another pit stop on the Hollywood PR circuit. And so, as...
The Orange County DA Tony Rackauckas, who is engaged in a nasty feud down there with the L.A. Times and the OC Weekly, is the subject of a cover piece...
Seth Lubove, chief of the Forbes L.A. bureau, visits the set of the forthcoming Howard Hughes biopic, The Aviator, and profiles the film's bankroller as a symbol of how movies...
Reason's December issue celebrates the L.A.-based magazine's 35th year in existence with a list of, yes, 35 "Heroes of Freedom" who "made the world a freer, better, and more libertarian...
Richard Horgan considers the "Sexiest Man Alive" phenomenon at FilmStew.com: Two decades later, the annual title of worldwide male hottie, which was awarded last week to a 40-year-old Johnny Depp,...
More tales of Buzz and of Los Angeles magazine from a few regimes ago, as told by Nancy Rommelmann. Who apparently, and alas, is still leaving L.A....
New York Post gossips aren't impressed with Us Weekly's choice of reporter for the Michael Jackson case. Says Page Six: If you're expecting hard-hitting coverage of the child sex-abuse charges...
Michael Caruso, the editor of Los Angeles while the magazine was owned by Disney, is taking over the top spot at Jann Wenner's Men's Journal, the New York Post says....
Slate's Eric Umansky, writing in the New Republic, takes on allegations that the oil wells at Beverly Hills High are causing a high rate of cancers -- a case being...
Emmis Communications, owner of Los Angeles magazine, is no longer a player in the bidding to buy New York, Keith J. Kelly reports in the NY Post. But Village Voice...
Brett Pulley in a Forbes magazine cover piece examines the Matrix franchise and says it has so far taken in $1.9 billion in gross revenue -- with the third film...
Mark Bowden's October cover story in The Atlantic, "The Dark Art of Interrogation" -- which explored the role of torture and other tactics in interrogation of suspected terrorists -- has...
Nice interview at mediabistro with Nick Gillespie, editor of Reason. The libertarian magazine is nominally based in Los Angeles, but he is near Cincinnati. We're probably far and away the...
The second issue of L.A. Innuendo is online and presumably in print, though I haven't yet run into it anywhere....
Cosmo Israel is a start-up where Editor-in-chief Lea Kantor-Matarasso grapples with the big questions. It's sometimes difficult to write with humor or tell stories about sexual escapades when 15 people...
David Denby in The New Yorker on Kill Bill--Vol. 1: Kill Bill is whats formally known as decadence and commonly known as crap. It will doubtless cause enormous excitement among...
Grant Robinson of Los Angeles is the winner of The New Republic's contest to name Gregg Easterbrook's new blog. It's now the Easterblogg. These must be heady days at TNR....
If you only see Los Angeles magazine on the newstand, this month the cover is on fall travel. Subscribers, however, are getting a gorgeous Dan Winters photograph of Disney Hall...
Cathy Seipp uses her CityBeat column this week to peruse the first issue of Distinction magazine and other L.A. glossies in search of some inner meaning. I don't think she...
New York magazine plans to start a blog and is apparently hiring Elizabeth Spiers of Gawker to help on that and write pieces for the magazine. At least that's what...
Greg Lindsay in Women's Wear Daily cites sources saying that Emmis Communications is reluctant to bid for New York magazine, seeing it as "a major fixer-upper, requiring millions in editorial...
Just how serious will Emmis Communications, owners of Los Angeles magazine and Power 106 radio here, be in the crowded derby to acquire New York magazine? Steve Cohn, editor-in-chief of...
The mailing list for Distinction, the magazine from Angeles Publications -- which is the Los Angeles Times ad department in disguise -- is supposed to be the 50,000 highest-income households...
Ad Age says that Emmis Communications, publisher of Los Angeles and other city and regional magazines, including Texas Monthly, has had talks about buying New York. Neither Emmis nor Primedia,...
In his day job Ken Baker is the West Coast executive editor in L.A. for Us Weekly. Somehow he also finds the time to write personal books. His first, Man...
Jonathan Cohn, the former executive editor of The American Prospect and The New Republic, has a Los Angeles Diarist piece in the current TNR on the studies at UCLA and...
Everything changed for the pranksters of the Los Angeles Cacophony Society (into "Art, Exploration and Subversion of the Secular Norm") after two members died in a car crash returning from...
Matt Welch, who appears to be having more fun than any magazine writer-editor should in his stint at Reason, goes to Lexis and catches Arianna Huffington having it both ways...
Cinescape, the Studio City-based magazine for hardcore cinema aficionados, has a new owner, editor and focus, the L.A. Business Journal's RiShawn Biddle reports this week. The owner is Mania Entertainment,...
A couple of Los Angeles writers have pieces in the September Esquire. Ross Johnson puts actor James Caan to the "What I've Learned" test, and finds him dismissive of actors'...
Genre, a lifestyle mag for successful gay men, is leaving Hollywood Boulevard for the Empire State Building in Manhattan. There's an all-new editor team in place too. (Advocate.com via I...
At least most of us are, writes Matt Welch in a new Reason article that argues against denying the vote to 4.6 million Americans with a rap on their sheet....
Haven't seen it -- so the welcome is conditional -- but anything that calls itself "L.A.'s scrappiest satirical newsmonthly" sounds good to me. L.A. Innuendo is being launched by Stacey...
It looks like Distinction, the upcoming magazine from a newly created arm of the L.A. Times advertising department, is signing up actual editorial types. From the Daily Dish in the...
Well it has a few, on special stories, but very few. In his media column in this Sunday's L.A. Times, David Shaw explores the Economist's success -- circulation is soaring...
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Clinton fundraises in LA

Brown declares disaster area

Performing arts with cheer