Archive: LAT

Former LA Times sports editor Randy Harvey remembers his friend and colleague in the context of Houston's vote over transgender use of bathrooms.

Tribune Pubishing wants to reduce editorial expenses by about $10 million and 80 positions. That's a big hit.

Baker worked for the Times as a reporter and editor for 26 years. He also contributed to LA Observed in the site's early years.

Laventhol created the Washington Post Style section and came to the Times through Newsday.

The Orange County Register's horrible, terrible, not so good month continues. The suit seeks more than $2.4 million in damages.

Russ Mitchell will guide coverage of Silicon Valley and tech companies, and write for the paper's Tech Now blog.

Former national correspondent will double the allotment of Times staff to the Valley. Wonder if this move is Register related? Meanwhile, in Orange County the Register partners with a local startup newsroom.

The LA Times maintains its silence despite fair questions about what else Jason Felch was reporting on and whether the editors and lawyers botched handling of Occidental College stories.

Jack Griffin, a longtime print media executive who now runs the New York consulting firm Empirical Media, will take over this summer as CEO of Tribune Publishing. Eddy Hartenstein will become "non-executive chairman" of the new company.

Kathy Thomson, the president and COO of the Los Angeles Times, sent around an email announcing her impending departure from the company. Also: projects editor Julie Marquis to Kaiser Health News.

Los Angeles Times staff writer Anna Gorman posted her job change on Twitter.
This morning's memo to the staff from the top editors of the Los Angeles Times explains nothing about the past three months of official silence regarding the T.J. Simers situation. It's noted that the sports editor is not one of the editors to sign the memo.

From Marc Ambinder, the Los Angeles-based contributing editor at GQ and The Atlantic.

Los Angeles Times national editor Roger Smith is retiring and will be replaced by Kim Murphy, currently the paper's Seattle bureau chief.

With today's news about Angelina Jolie, Los Angeles Times reporter Anna Gorman revisits on the Times website her 2007 surgery.

Wilson was a Los Angeles Times art critic from 1965 until he retired in 1998, and the chief critic for 20 of those years.
Noel Greenwood was the editor in charge of local and California coverage at the Los Angeles Times during the 1980s and some of the '90s, I believe. He hired scores if not hundreds of the journalists who passed through the Times and went on to populate newsrooms around the world. Greenwood died today at his home in Santa Barbara of prostate cancer complications.

California Watch and three LA Times staffers, including photographer Liz O. Baylen, were finalists for today's prizes. The national reporting Pulitzer went to InsideClimate News and there is a winner in fiction this year.

Dan Turner was a member of the Los Angeles Times editorial board who wrote on a wide range of topics. He died Saturday at home in Los Angeles of pancreatic cancer that was diagnosed about two years ago. He had continued to write editorials and blog items for the Times' opinion section until taking a leave of absence only about a week ago.

It's an internal hire: Geoff Mohan, who has recently been the editor for state bureaus and the immigration beat. He was previously the paper's environment editor, among other jobs. Memo to the newsroom inside.
Saylor started his own public relations firm in 2007 after leaving Sitrick & Co., and before that was entertainment editor for the LA Times Business section. He oversaw the Pulitzer-winning stories on the Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, radio payola and luxury detox by reporters Chuck Philips and Michael Hiltzik.

Eddie Lazarus has a been a federal prosecutor in Los Angeles, as well as a some-time book reviewer and op-ed contributor to the Los Angeles Times. He also went to Yale with new Tribune CEO Peter Liguori, and perhaps most important he is deeply connected at the Federal Communications Commission.

This one is open to staffers and non-staffers. "Someone who is as comfortable and proficient writing for the front page of the paper as for the Sports section," says the sports editor. "Skill in all aspects of digital journalism and a strong background in social media are required."

The Celtics lost Thursday to the NBA-best Clippers, but they did gain a new beat writer from LA.

The newest technology business reporter at the Times is Chris O'Brien, who comes from the San Jose Mercury. The memo to the newsroom from Business Editor Marla Dickerson.

Federal regulators gave the go-ahead for Tribune Corp. to continue operating TV stations and newspapers in five markets where it holds both, removing a major obstacle to the Chicago company...

In the wake of Hero Complex blogger Geoff Boucher's departure from the paper, the LA Times has re-hired Chris Lee and moved Gina McIntyre over to be the lead writer and editor on the Hero Complex blog.

Philips is the former LA Times staff writer who left the paper shortly after editors fully retracted his 2008 story naming names in the murder of rapper Tupac Shakur. He will break what he calls a new story Thursday via tweet.

The newest music writer on the LAT staff is Mikael Wood, most recently a freelancer for the paper and elsewhere. Here's the newsroom memo:

Patrick Goldstein doesn't explain the end of his film column, but he seems to be defending how he went about it. The piece begins "When I began writing this column...

Leaving the Los Angeles Times staff is Dean Kuipers, recently the nightlife editor in Arts and Entertainment. Read his farewell email. Plus an editor joins Pacific Standard magazine, and Nieman Journalism Lab explains HuffPost Live.
Nice Column One story by the LAT's Kurt Streeter on confronting his fears of the water so he can help his two-year-old learn to swim.

Nick B. Williams Jr., a veteran Los Angeles Times reporter and editor who also was the son of the paper's former editor, died this morning in Texas at age 75.
These will be stationed in Business, and include yet another body devoted to coverage of entertainment industry awards and another covering TV, plus the return of a slot based in New York.
James Rainey has been covering media as a reporter since his bosses at the Los Angeles Times dropped his media column back in October. He will now post items to the paper's Politics Now blog, per Friday's note to the newsroom from national editor Roger Smith.

David Savage, the Los Angeles Times' long-time Supreme Court expert in Washington, gets a nice pat on the back for his coverage of the health care ruling in this note to the newsroom from Deputy Managing Editor Marc Duvoisin. Interestingly, we learn in the email that the Times website had six alerts of various flavors pre-written to be sent once the news broke.

It's Paige St. John, who won the Pulitzer Prize in investigative reporting last year in Florida. Read today's newsroom announcement.

Los Angeles Times foreign editor Bruce Wallace is indeed leaving town for his native Montreal, as we noted last night. Nicholas Riccardi, whose exit we posted on Monday, will cover politics for AP. We have details.
The City Council has approved a $50,000 reward for information on the May 31 murder of chiropractor Robert Rainey at his office in Palms. James Rainey, the media writer at the Los Angeles Times, spoke this morning about his brother at a press conference at the scene. Watch the video.
Former Los Angeles Times editor Dean Baquet and his wife, the author Dylan Landis, were snapped recently while riding the subway in New York, where he is now a managing editor at the New York Times. "He is reading 'A Guide to the Selected Poems of T. S. Eliot,' by B.C. Southam. She is reading 'Selected Poems,' by T. S. Eliot.," says the posting at The Underground New York Public Library.
Bruce Wallace appears headed back to his native Montreal to edit a policy journal. Meanwhile, newly retired LAT veteran Craig Turner has pointed analysis of the Laurie Ochoa and John Corrigan moves from earlier today, and criticism of LAT editor Davan Maharaj.

There's a new trickle of newsroom exits going on at the Los Angeles Times. The same day that editor Davan Maharaj announced that entertainment editor Sallie Hofmeister would be moving on, former Denver bureau chief Nicholas Riccardi sent his colleagues a nice if brief newsroom farewell.
Ever since Davan Maharaj became LAT editor, the newsroom has waited to learn whether arts and entertainment editor Sallie Hofmesiter would move up, leave or carry on. She's leaving. The Register's hiring of new media guru Rob Curley will create more buzz in the greater newspaper world.

The Houston Chronicle announced this morning that Los Angeles Times associate editor Randy Harvey is joining the paper as sports columnist. Harvey was a longtime sports writer, editor and columnist before becoming a masthead editor under Russ Stanton at the LAT.

Jon Thurber, the Los Angeles Times book editor since 2010, is leaving the paper at the end of the summer. He's one of the few remaining 40-year employees. The note from editor Davan Maharaj is silent on what Thurber may be going off to do, or on the future of the books staff. Read the memo inside.

Trying to get a handle on highlights from the Los Angeles Times, KPCC and other sources.
Unlike the Pulitzer Prizes, the Los Angeles Times Book Prizes had no reluctance about giving awards to fiction books on Friday night.

The two disturbing corpse photos from Afghanistan that the Los Angeles Times published today were the least gruesome of the 18 that the paper received from a solider in the 82nd Airborne, reporter David Zucchino said.
At the Times website, editor Davan Maharaj and national editor Roger Smith took part in a live chat with readers this morning. "At the end of the day, our job is to publish information that our readers need to make informed decisions," Maharaj said.

On the night the Dodgers sale was announced, I noted how it was unfortunate that the LA Times website was a little behind the news after baseball writer Bill Shaikin...

After this week's layoffs, the group started in 2008 has grown to 153 members.
James O'Shea, whose short span as editor of the Los Angeles Times bridged the eras of Dean Baquet and Russ Stanton, writes in a piece for Nieman Reports that if he had it to do over, he would totally reorganize the paper's news-gathering.
Craig Turner confirms that he stepped forward for a buyout and will be retiring from the Los Angeles Times.
The involuntary layoffs in the Los Angeles Times newsroom that began last night are rolling through the ranks today, falling hardest on the features floor downstairs from the main newsroom.
Longtime health writer Shari Roan gets a call at home to tell her she's out, plus Laurie Ochoa joins The Hollywood Reporter and Slate's Culture Gabfest is in town. And more.

When Jonathan Gold returns to the Los Angeles Times this month, he will be both food critic and columnist.
The Times also kills its standalone Food, Health and Home sections and puts that content together in a new Saturday section.

In a change, the winners of this year's Los Angeles Times Book Prizes will be announced at a public ceremony in USC's Bovard Auditorium on April 20.
A food blogger for the Village Voice misread our latest post on Jonathan Gold and wished Gold the best of success at the LA Times, saying that LA Observed confirmed the move. Except, of course, we didn't.

The Times wants two reporters to cover the Vietnamese and Korean communities in the West, while KPCC is still advertising for a co-host of the soon-to-be Latinoized Madeleine Brand show.

Geraldine Baum's farewell note to the Times newsroom reminds you what a collegial family a newspaper is to its inhabitants

The daily circulation of the printed Los Angeles Times was 572,998 in the latest audited numbers released today. It used to be well over a million, at the paper's peak.
Man in Smurf costume shot leaving Halloween party.
James Rainey will no longer write a media column for the Los Angeles Times, but will continue to cover the media as a reporter for the arts and entertainment desk. Read the memo.
Current and former employees of Tribune have agreed to accept $32 million to settle a class-action suit over their Employee Stock Ownership Program funds that became part of Sam Zell's takeover of the Tribune Company.

Lorraine Ali is the new pop music editor for the Los Angeles Times, where she began writing for the longtime pop music editor Robert Hilburn.

Diana Marcum, a freelancer for the Times since 2010, is joining the staff as Fresno correspondent while the agriculture writer is leaving for Reuters.

The girls' father is "one of history’s biggest and most sought-after drug lords," Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman.

Steven Gellman says he was fired for objecting to the paper discontinuing magazine delivery to less desirable Zip codes.
After years using the paper's website to push Republican talking points, Malcolm will take his blog to Investors Business Daily.
Grahame L. Jones, the Los Angeles Times' longtime soccer writer, was among the last of the 40-year newsroom presences. He began on the news side as a reporter and editor...
The same week that parent Tribune asked the bankruptcy judge to approve bonuses for 640 managers, Los Angeles Times employees received an email saying they will not accrue vacation for the rest of 2011.
Add Faye Fiore, a national correspondent for the Los Angeles Times based in Washington, to the list of those taking the paper up on the offer to leave this week.

Richard Cooper goes back to the 1960s at the Los Angeles Times, for much of the time the key deputy in the Washington bureau who held things together on big national stories and crises.
Former NBA columnist's comments on earlier sports deadlines are interesting,
The latest monthly memo from online managing editor Jimmy Orr says that the L.A. Times website is now the second most-read newspaper site in the country.

Longtime Hollywood photographer David Strick is suing the Times and Tribune for using his photos 500 times.

Mis-attribution of quote on anonymous political novel is cited.
A note from Assistant Managing Editor Henry Fuhrmann reminds copy editors that "Latino should be used in nearly all contexts."
Susan Salter Reynolds and Richard Rayner will continue the book columns that the Los Angeles Times recently dropped in its cost-cutting of freelancers.

There's some newsroom grumbling over timing.
Baghdad Bureau Manager Salar Jaff was among those let go last week.
Environment reporter Margot Roosevelt's note to the newsroom tells the story. Plus another exit, and Tim Rutten's KCRW appearance.
The veteran LAT columnist talks to Warren Olney about being laid off.
One of the Los Angeles Times newsroom veterans who found today that she was laid off is Jane Engle, an assistant editor in Travel who has written a lot for the Travel section.
NBA writer Mark Heisler is out, according to a source.
All book-related pieces will now be done in-house, part of another cost-cutting move at the paper. Among those out of a gig: Susan Salter Reynolds, a former staffer who had...
Reporting extended from Mexico to Bell to the Bronx, says the memo by Times editor Russ Stanton.
After the Rodney King verdict riots in 1992, George Ramos wrote a first-person piece in the L.A. Times that began "Los Angeles, you broke my heart. And I'm not sure I'll love you again."
A sudden flurry of high-level meetings and grim faces this week at the Los Angeles Times has people in the newsroom on edge again. But stats are up at LATimes.com.

Bob Drogin, a longtime foreign and national correspondent for the Los Angeles Times, will be the deputy in Washington. Read the memo.
L.A. Times Metro features editor Nita Lelyveld is returning to local reporting and posted a request on the city desk's public Twitter account.
Brand X, the Times' somewhat youthier culture and events publication, is ceasing publication with today's issue.

Metro reporter Scott Gold will focus on stories about "the scientific and technological breakthroughs of the modern era" — and also earthquakes. The challenge of the beat will be to...

Willman, a Pulitzer winner for the paper in 2001, is the author of the recent "The Mirage Man," about the suspected perpetrator of anthrax attacks that killed five. Read the memo.
Next to go from the L.A. Times blogroll is apparently The Daily Mirror, copy editor Larry Harnisch's look back at stories and photos out of the Times archives.
L.A. Times media columnist James Rainey tweets an open question about AOL Patch.
Todd DeStefano, who resigned in January as the Coliseum Commission's long-time events manager, "collected tens of thousands of dollars in private payments from liquor and soft drink companies, television and...
Outposts will drop from the L.A. Times blogroll due to "committee" decision, blogger Kelly Burgess says in her final post.
Randall Roberts is moving over to fill the pop critic spot at the Los Angeles Times that was vacated recently by Ann Powers. Read the memo.
Variety columnist Brian Lowry has a bad reaction to Sunday's Calendar story in the L.A. Times about the current cycle of action heroes in films being more impressively muscled than in previous rounds.
The Robert Redford myth that refuses to die, this time in the Los Angeles Times.
The LAT explains why it didn't, the NYT says why it did, plus revelations on how the L.A. Times got the story in the first place.
Tracy Weber details getting some of Schwarzenegger's victims to talk days before the election in 2003, but wonders if it mattered.
The City-County bureau concept is coming back again, with longtime staff writer Rich Connell in charge.
Eddy Hartenstein remains publisher of Los Angeles Times Media Group, but has appointed former Times executive Kathy Thomson as president and chief operating officer of the paper.
L.A. Now commenters now have to sign in via Facebook. It's part of the battle to contain comment trolls and racists and raise discourse to at least the fourth-grade level....

Video shot by a staffer, plus my KCRW column for tonight congratulates the paper on getting past the Sam Zell era's talk of demise.
The Times' staff gets the public service medal for uncovering the corruption scandal in the city of Bell, and photographer Barbara Davidson wins for her images of the victims of gang violence in Los Angeles.

L.A. Times Seoul bureau chief John Glionna, his driver, interpreter and another reporter rolled up the windows in an SUV, closed the vents and drove toward the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
John Lippman, editor of the Company Town report, is moving his family to New Hampshire to work at a small newspaper that isn't on the web in a town that's not obsessed with Hollywood.
LATimes.com broke its own new records for page views (195.2 million) and unique visitors (33 million) in March.
The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books is at USC this year, pushed back a week to April 30 and May 1.
David Lauter is moving to be Tribune Washington bureau chief, and Ashley Dunn takes over as California editor of the Los Angeles Times — basically the point editor on all local, regional and state coverage. Read the memos.

By one way of looking at combine print and online local readership, the Los Angeles Times came in second to the New York Daily News.

Ann Brenoff writes on the L.A. Times op-ed page that "without question, the recession changed my life for the better."
Times does a terrific job on its community college investigation, but lets the college trustees off the hook in Tuesday's election.
Resignation email from Calendar's Maria Elena Fernandez says 'I cannot work under these hostile work conditions anymore."
Bert Fields, Maria Elena Fernandez, Charlie Sheen and Amy Wallace, Lesley McKenzie and more.
Jeffrey Goldberg, national correspondent for The Atlantic, blogs at the magazine's site that a quote used by LAT columnist Tim Rutten has an unusual origin.
The Selden Ring Award for Investigative Reporting from the USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism comes with a $35,000 prize.
L.A. Times photographer Luis Sinco and staff writer Raja Abdulrahim crossed into Libya on Wednesday to report on the clashes there.
The Los Angeles Times picked up this year's Polk in local reporting for those stories on corruption in the city of Bell.
Powers, the LAT's pop music critic since coming from Blender in 2006, will join NPR Music and switch to contributor status at the Times.

Tom Unterman, the venture capitalist and former chief financial officer of Times Mirror who engineered the company's 2000 sale to Tribune, has been having discussions around town about starting a non-profit journalism venture that would partner with the L.A. Times on investigative and other projects.
I can't help but notice the detailed nature of the criticism leveled at the Times' adoption of "value-added" measures as its metric of choice for rating teachers.
Last week's very pointed academic criticism of the Los Angeles Times' work on teachers rankings has finally gotten a repsonse from the paper.
Jimmy Orr, the deputy editor for LATimes.com, is getting the promotion to managing editor, online.
Russ Stanton's Saturday morning email to the bureaus and the newsroom names lots of names.
Cathleen Decker will oversee all aspects of Los Angeles Times national campaign coverage between now and November 20102.
Sean Gallagher, the editor in charge of the online product at the L.A. Times since late 2009, is leaving the paper for the United Kingdom.
Carla Hall has already joined the editorial board on the second floor, and Sandra Hernandez will be starting shortly.
Steve Lopez's lead on tomorrow's column: "What do 'tea party' beauty queen Sarah Palin and U2 guitarist the Edge have in common? Nothing..."
Times' controversial "value added" project is called a disservice worthy of an apology by Colorado researchers. The LAT spins it otherwise.
"The sight of its people losing their fear of the police state will inspire others across the Middle East," reports the BBC's Jeremy Bowen.

Instant classic Steve Lopez column in tomorrow's L.A. Times. A tipster dropped me a line the other day to say she'd spotted an infamous former public official in Huntington Beach,...
Sylvia Bursztyn created Sunday crossword puzzles for the Los Angeles Times for 30 years. She was found dead of natural causes in her Granada Hills home on Dec. 30, according...
The L.A. Press Club is creating a Public Service in Journalism award and giving the first one to Jeff Gottlieb and Ruben Vives, the lead reporters in last year's Los Angeles Times . stories on corruption in the city of Bell.

Times publisher Eddy Hartenstein sent a memo to the staff this afternoon reporting that the paper will end 2010 with "improved operating cash flow over the prior year," and listing the year's high points.
Sallie Hofmeister, assistant managing editor for arts and entertainment coverage at the Los Angeles Times, says in an email sent a few hours ago that she wants her Company Town entertainment bloggers to be more "surprising or interesting."
LAT film columnist and Big Picture blogger Patrick Goldstein announced last night that he will be expanding his portfolio and adding James Rainey as a co-blogger.
I can't say it never happens, but it doesn't occur very often.
Robert J. Lopez, the night cops reporter at the Los Angeles Times, just tweeted the sad truth.

David Lauter, the assistant managing editor for local coverage at the L.A. Times, responded this afternoon to critics of the paper's stories on the deaths of children who had been under the care of the county's Department of Child and Family Services.
An ever-louder chorus of complaints is being heard about coverage of child deaths and the county's Department of Child and Family Services by L.A. Times reporter Garret Therolf.
Christmas is coming early to the good folks at the Los Angeles Times. Not only is owner Sam Zell conceding he won't be active in a post-bankruptcy Tribune Company, I'm told that the Times is getting back operational control of the Tribune Washington bureau.

A piece in the November issue of the Los Angeles Times Magazine starts out sounding a little bit like Silverton's financial reversals weren't already big news two years ago, but the story goes on to look at what's been going right at the Mozzas and elsewhere.
A federal judge in Illinois ruled in favor of former L.A. Times newsroom staffers who used over the handling of the employee stock ownership plan used by Sam Zell to get control of Tribune Company.

Dan Neil's farewell email when he left the Los Angeles Times for the Wall Street Journal last Febuary gets a thorough parsing at Lifehacker.
The L.A. Times looks at 14 polls released in the final 10 days of the campaigns for governor and U.S. Senate and says the one that came closest to the final numbers was — ta-dahhh — its own LAT-USC poll.

Jim Newton, the former editorial page editor at the Los Angeles Times, is about finished with his biography of President Dwight Eisenhower and will be coming back to the paper with an Op-Ed column starting in December, just in time for the city election cycle to ramp up.

An L.A. Times editor disputes that the paper mischaracterized watchdog Michael Gennaco regarding Sheriff Lee Baca helping a donor.
Robert Niles, a former editor at the Los Angeles Times who also was editor of USC's Online Journalism Review, writes at OJR that he has canceled his print subscription because continuing to pay for a copy "was an act of co-dependence for sick and troubled organization."
Read the email from Michael Gennaco claiming that a Times reporter mischaracterized his position and his words.
That does buck the industry trend, as they say in the story, but the overall numbers are nothing to cheer about. The Daily News' Sunday circulation sits at 97,000; the daily average is 89.093.
The Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times are reporting that embattled Tribune CEO Randy Michaels has decided to resign, and that LAT publisher Eddy Hartenstein will be one of four executives tapped to run the company.
Rebecca Keegan and Nicole Sperling are joining the L.A. Times movie staff, writing for print and online. Read the memo.
Barbara Demick and Megan Stack, who are both staff correspondents in the Los Angeles Times Beijing bureau, have each picked up nominations in the non-fiction category of the National Book Awards
Marjorie Miller, the former Los Angeles Times foreign editor and correspondent who since 2008 has been an editorial writer, will move to Mexico City as Latin America and Caribbean Editor for the Associated Press.
I've been receiving email all day about this. So has the L.A. Times. Now the paper's Readers' Representative blog explains why gantlet is the correct term.

Media reporter David Carr's takeout in the New York Times on Tribune's boorish corporate culture under Randy Michaels and Sam Zell is the kind of story that gets media types across the country tweeting late into the night.
The Los Angeles Times may have decided to be a Republican mouthpiece when it comes to political blogging, but the editorial page has endorsed Democrats Jerry Brown and Barbara Boxer.
The Times has been working with the LAPD and sheriff's department to ensure good data and today launches a new feature mapping crime across the city and a substantial part of the county.

From today's Los Angeles Times corrections page, plus a reaction tro the latest NBC ad to wrap the paper.
NPR media reporter David Folkenflik devoted six minutes to the Los Angeles Times reporting on Bell and the related media coverage issues in a piece for Weekend Edition.
The body of Rigoberto Ruelas, a 5th grade teacher at Miramonte Elementary in South Gate, was found near his car in the Angeles National Forest.
L.A. Times publisher Eddy Hartenstein and USC just jointly announced that next year's Festival of Books will be moving from UCLA, where it started and was held for 15 years.
The Los Angeles Times's controversial database rating LAUSD teachers based on test scores has been a big online traffic draw.
The weekly entertainment listings section put out by the Los Angeles Times is now more of a Times Community News operation.
The next shock for Times readers could be an upcoming ad campaign for "Law and Order: Los Angeles" that Variety says again blurs the line between editorial and advertising, similar to previous ads in the Times for "Southland" and the King Kong attraction at Universal Studios.
Sofia Coppola's "Somewhere," a forthcoming film set mostly at the Chateau Marmont, won the top Golden Lion prize at the Venice Film Festival. LAPD chief Charlie Beck said the...
The L.A. Times has rightfully been receiving a lot of credit for its disclosures of the corruption in the city of Bell (and probably too little criticism for enabling the...

Tami Dennis, health and science editor at the Los Angeles Times, is getting new Tribune-wide responsibilities and the title of vice president of health content for Tribune Company.
A quick search for LA Observed on the L.A. Times website found four mentions this year, all on blogs. That's fewer links than LA Observed provides to LAT stories on a typical day.

LA Observed columnist Bill Boyarsky, writing for the second time on the teacher effectiveness series that has been getting so much attention for the Los Angeles Times, argues that the debate over the stories is being over-simplified.
Might be fun for somebody to go back and look at which print columnists and which Dodgers-hypers in broadcast media bought into the myth that the McCourts were a return to O'Malley-style family ownership.
With time clocks a foreign concept in the Los Angeles Times newsroom, a top editor sends out a memo reminding the staff that everyone must be trained in the new "time and attendance system."
The Wrap has posted a story saying that an announcement on former Disney CEO Michael Eisner "becoming the chairman of the Tribune Co., is imminent."
Deborah Vankin has been the editor of Brand X, the L.A. Times weekly section on stuff to do.
Just came across this piece with NBC 4 News Conference host Conan Nolan talking in some depth with Doug Smith, the data analysis editor who led the Los Angeles...
New memo on how the time clocks idea is going to work at the Los Angeles Times.
Superior Court Judge Hilleri J. Merritt committed "an unconstitutional prior restraint on speech" violating the First Amendment when she blocked the L.A. Times from publishing a courtroom photo of a murder defendant, the state Court of Appeal ruled.
Board of Education member blasts the story, while a nationally respected author has praise.
Yesterday, Sheriff Lee Baca was refusing to let the L.A. Times see eight boxes of documents on the killing of Ruben Salazar, the former Times columnist who was the news director at KMEX when he was killed by a sheriff's tear-gas projectile fired into a bar during East L.A. protests in 1970.
Superior Court Judge Hilleri G. Merrit upheld her order barring the L.A. Times from publishing a courtroom photo of a murder defendant whose picture has already been in the media.

Peter Hong worked with and admired Eric Malnic, the reporter and editor who worked at the Los Angeles Times for 47 years, bridging the Otis Chander and Sam Zell era.
Some of my email correspondents have been having some fun with this in today's L.A. Times Business section
The URL on an L.A. Times blog item about anti-Semitism in California is long and ugly as such web addresses often are, but this one is revealing because it contains the phrase "embargoed-until-9-am-tuesday." The item was posted by the Times at 8:12 a.m.
My KCRW column this evening gives kudos to the Los Angeles Times for its city of Bell reportage, but also notes that high salaries there were possible in large part because the Times stopped covering small cities like Bell over the last decade or so. Plus media notes.

Eryn Brown will be the paper's general assignment science reporter, though she won't be one of those newsroom specialists who brings expertise to a beat.

Julie Makinen, who left the Los Angeles Times awhile back to live in Hong Kong as deputy business editor of the Asian edition of the International Herald Tribune, is returning as movie editor on the LAT entertainment desk.

Jon Thurber had been one of the Los Angeles Times managing editors, but only for the past year or so. On the books desk he replaces David Ulin, who recently...
Well, if you mean the movie, it's way "Despicable." An ad for the new movie "Despicable Me" covers the top and bottom of the Los Angeles Times Calendar section —...
For two reasons I'll be opening my Los Angeles Times early tomorrow.
Former LAT feature writer Roy Rivenburg zings a few parody arrows at the paper's current word stylists (and editors.)

Ed Padgett posted on his blog a bit ago: "I return to the Los Angeles Times at 4:00 p.m. this afternoon and will meet with management tomorrow to discuss or clarify what content can be published online."

Ed Padgett says he has been suspended for writing about the production problems that the Los Angeles Times had last week — and is waiting to hear if he has been fired.
On page 12 of today's Lakers special section in the L.A. Times, J.C, Penney congratulates the Lakers and offers a free replica of the championship trophy to customers who make a $50 purchase of NBA merchandise.
With the Downtown Los Angeles pressroom overworked, the Los Angeles Times has quietly sent crews back to Costa Mesa to fire up the recently shuttered Orange County presses. There are...
Publisher Eddy Hartenstein made a statement this morning about the production problems at the Los Angeles Times lone-remaining printing plant that led to most papers being delivered late today — and some being delivered without a Sports section or news of the Lakers championship.
Many problems with the Los Angeles Times presses last night and early this morning — with numerous breakages of the pressroom web — and some papers are still just being delivered.
Book editor David Ulin moves to book critic. No successor immediately named.
With some Jewish leaders now acknowledging the 1915 Armenian genocide by Turkey, former Los Angees Times reporter Mark Arax recounts how his story on the subject led to his 2007 exit from the paper.
John Arthur, who left last summer as executive editor at the Los Angeles Times, begins in July a three-month stint as interim editor of the Bakersfield Californian.
What is it about real estate items and the Los Angeles Times?

Phil Willon has covered City Hall for the L.A. Times, with an emphasis on Mayor Villaraigosa, for two years. He's going back to Riverside.
L.A. Times stops the presses on John Wooden but misses almost a third of papers.
Friends of longtime Los Angeles journalist Jerry Clark are saying he died yesterday, possibly of a heart attack

Joint LA Times-USC polling rolled out in a series of weekend stories.
Rachel Abramowitz is leaving to to work on "Outlaw Country," a new FX show she wrote with her husband.
The Los Angeles Times Media Group on Thursday announced that it "restructured" the entertainment division of its advertising department, naming three new vice presidents. The most interesting part was buried...
Anna Gorman of the Los Angeles Times is among the journalists selected to spend the year at Harvard and attend Nieman Foundation for Journalism reunions forever after. She "plans to...
The Orange County Local News Network was a partner of the Los Angeles Times, working out of the Times' offices in Costa Mesa and doing hyper-local coverage.

Dean Baquet, the Washington bureau chief at the New York Times, will rotate through the managing editor chair for two months this summer.

Saturday night's game at Dodger Stadium had a 7 p.m. start time, did not go into extra innings, and only lasted 2:52 according to the box score. Yet it wasn't in the Times.

Whoa, what got into Jim Rainey? The L.A. Times' media writer not known for his bite channeled his inner Howard Rosenberg in a piece today saying KNBC News has "devolved from cheese to cheesier to, perhaps, cheesiest of them all."
LAT Editor Russ Stanton wants to fix the record on embedded e-commerce links, and fresh info on the Bill Dwyre column on Pat Tillman.
Regarding that Bill Dwyre column on Pat Tillman that I mentioned over the weekend, sharp-eyed readers noticed that the original phrase Dwyre used — that Tillman was "murdered by guys on his own team" — has been changed to "killed by guys on his own team."
The Los Angeles Times will begin selling e-commerce links in selected stories and blog posts — but not in news stories or columns — as "both a reader service and a revenue opportunity for the company," editor Russ Stanton announced to the newsroom in a memo that also changes the comment moderation policy.

Some of today's printed Los Angeles Times editions carry no report on last night's Kings' playoff game, which started early about 7 p.m. and, though it went into overtime, ended with a Kings win at 10 p.m. — well within the Saturday night deadlines of previous years.
Who knew opera could be so contentious? Fan Rip Rense reams LAT critic Mark Swed for not reporting on loud booing, while a heckler who interrupted a lecture on the Ring Festival was almost evicted by Zev Yaroslavsky.
Last night's Dodgers score didn't make it into this morning's Los Angeles Times Sports section, at least the printed version that many subscribers get — just as predicted when the...
On Saturday morning, the Culinary Historians of Southern California are hosting a discussion on "the heyday of the Los Angeles Times Food section." Former Food section stalwarts Betsy Balsley, Donna Deane, Rose Dosti and Barbara Hansen will be on the panel at the Central Library in Downtown.
The L.A. Times editorial board on Sunday explained its approach to this year's upcoming election endorsements. In recent years, The Times' editorial page has most often endorsed Democrats, but we...
Thursday's Los Angeles Times story on the indictment of a L.A. Unified official for allegedly funneling district business to his company rightly credits an earlier Times investigation that exposed the conflict of interest. What isn't mentioned is that the reporter was laid off last year.
CEO Randy Michaels has sent every Tribune staffer — that takes in the L.A. Times and KTLA, among others — an email reminding them that they there are no strict dress codes, unneccesary rules or retaliation for speaking up. Oops...on that last one, people at the Times may have to disagree.
Remember: Pacific Daylight Time resumes its rightful place in the natural order of things on Sunday.
It's come to this. The Los Angeles Times website seems now to think the Silver Lake section of L.A. is a city unto itself.
Each member of the county Board of Supervisors gets $3.4 million a year to spend on pet projects and doesn't have to account for it to the public — or share much info at all, according to a Times story.

Randall Roberts gave notice at the Weekly yesterday, and sources say he has been hired to be music editor at the Los Angeles Times.
Noel Greenwood, the LATs retired Senior Editor, says the suggestion that earlier deadlines are an improvement is nonsense.
The Wall Street Journal-bound L.A. Times auto critic and columnist sent his farewell message to the newsroom this afternoon, saying he'll miss the place and the people.

The surprising L.A. Times headline today that Los Angeles County's Department of Children and Family Services would "no longer strive to reunite families" proved to be a bit too surprising....

On Tuesday we begin to find out how well L.A. Times editors have been able to contain the damage from the latest management order to cut costs — by moving to some of the earliest news deadlines in town and trimming story lengths. Read the latest memo.
When ESPN staffed up its local operation in Los Angeles, it hired several staffers from the Daily News and Los Angeles Times. The result has been some promotions and hiring at those papers.
The Dodgers blog by Variety TV writer-editor Jon Weisman that moved into the Los Angeles Times stable a year ago is going to ESPN.
I have to wonder if the Times' near-total surrender of its award-winning tradition of covering a major local industry — cutting-edge science — helps explain why the New York Times beat the locals on the apparent suicide of a world-class Caltech scientist.

The non-profit investigative reporting outlet ProPublica has grabbed Sebastian Rotella, a 23-year reporter at the Los Angeles Times who most recently was doing national security reporting in the Tribune Washington bureau.
Josh Meyer is leaving after 20 years for a gig at the nexus of journalism and academia. Here's his exit note to the newsroom.

Metro desk reporter Mitchell Landesberg is the new religion writer at the Los Angeles Times. More staff moves in the memo from Metro honcho David Lauter.
ESPN columnist Rick Reilly began at the Los Angeles Times in the same year as his friend and sports colleague Mike Penner. Reilly and his wife helped Penner make the transition to a new identity as Christine Daniels.
Great Los Angeles story in the L.A. Times: there are several waiters who sandwich in deli shifts at Langer's by day then head over to the Fairfax area to work Canter's at night.
L.A. Times editor-at-large Jim Newton is now teaching a course in journalism ethics at UCLA, part of his appointment as a senior fellow in the School of Public Affairs. In...

An email to LA Observed from a Los Angeles Times insider I trust says that, in recent weeks as the latest moves involving new deadlines to accommodate the Wall Street...
Today's moves at the Los Angeles Times are about the financially stumbling paper selling the prime time on its Los Angeles presses to the Wall Street Journal, forcing much earlier deadlines on the Times itself.
Here's the newsroom memo from L.A. Times Editor Russ Stanton about staffing for LATExtra, the section made necessary by the early deadlines that will flow from the of the Costa Mesa printing plant.
Mark has the rundown over at LA Biz Observed on the latest Los Angeles Times restructuring to keep the place running. In closing the Orange County printing plant (and casting...
The Times columnist begins this week as a contributor on "SoCal Connected" on KCET.
Eric Bailey will be communications director of Consumer Attorneys of California.
It's the blog's seventh annual compilation of "bias, omissions, and distortions" at the paper they call the Dog Trainer.

Not too many shrinking media outlets have the chutzpah to hire a few days after laying off people, but the new Los Angeles Times isn't shy about announcing its changing...
ESPN's new Los Angeles website does have, as rumored, columnist J.A. Adande, plus former Daily News sports staffers Tony Jackson and Ramona Shelburne, Steve Mason and John Ireland from ESPN...
Today is departure day for some of the Los Angeles Times staffers who were laid off this week or who retired and/or took buyouts. Arts reporter Suzanne Muchnic sent a...

A federal judge in Chicago today ruled that key parts a lawsuit by current and former Los Angeles Times employees can proceed against Tribune Company chairman Sam Zell and the...
Confirmations are coming in on Los Angeles Times newsroom staffers who were laid off in yesterday's new wave of staff cuts, or who are taking buyouts to get the heck...
Those on the list are starting to get the word. Elina Shatkin, who wrote for Calendar and The Guide, posted on her Twitter and Facebook feeds that she was tapped...
This went up on the Times' Readers' Rep blog late Friday. I just saw it. Excerpt: He has reported from more than 50 countries, beginning in Nicaragua in the mid-1980s...

Krekorian goes back to Sacramento, Art Torres gets a raise, another reporter move at the Times and City Hall's beacon shone last night. More news and notes after the jump....
The Los Angeles Times has moved Metro's religion writer, Duke Helfand, to cover health on the Business staff. Some of you will remember Helfand as a City Hall reporter for...
Here's the new addition to the Los Angeles Times I alluded to in the previous post: an investigative reporter in Sacramento. Tonight's memo in the newsroom from David Lauter, the...
In the last installment of their survey of each other, most former Los Angeles Times newsroom staffers polled say they expect their old paper to fold — just 16% expect...

Yes, Claudia Eller will still be digging for scoops in Hollywood. But she's shifting to also help manage the other reporters for Company Town, the L.A. Times' entertainment news operation....
In the second part of a survey of recently formered newsroom staffers at the Los Angeles Times, almost all say they have health insurance — but mostly due to COBRA...
This won't come as good news for the Los Angeles Times staffers who are worried about losing their jobs in the coming cutbacks. The ex-staffers behind The Journalism Shop did...
Assistant Managing Editor for Arts and Entertainment Sallie Hofmeister tonight announced the second recent hire to fill openings on the L.A. Times entertainment team. We told you about Steven Zeitchik...
Jamie Gold worked in the Readers' Representative's office at the L.A. Times for ten years, since 2001 as the main liaison between readers and the newsroom "on questions of accuracy,...
Sad news at the Los Angeles Times website about one of their own. Mike Penner, the veteran sportswriter who in 2007 and '08 was known publicly as Christine Daniels, was...
Here's a hire that will be closely scrutinized and dissected, no matter who gets it: the LA Weekly is looking for a replacement for Scott Foundas. The L.A. Weekly is...
The Los Angeles Times has revised and reorganized its guidelines from last March that staffers are supposed to follow on social media networks. Political advocacy is still out, for instance,...
The L.A. Times dusts off the first-person thing for today's Column One, promoting Tuesday's season finale of "Dancing With the Stars" by letting entertainment reporter Dawn C. Chmielewski go through...

The latest Los Angeles Times blog to fade away is L.A. Land, which never seemed to quite recover its mojo from last year's departure of originator Peter Viles. When real...
Memo from Tony Pierce, blog editor of the L.A. Times, about a traffic rush over the weekend that gave the paper's national politics blog its biggest day yet — and...
As Mark noted at LA Biz Observed, L.A. Times publisher Eddy Hartenstein has been named non-executive chairman of Sirius XM Radio. He has been a director of the company. His...
Not a month removed from the last newsroom layoffs, and with editor Russ Stanton talking openly about another round of staff cuts coming in December, the Los Angeles Times is...
Don Shirley, a theater critic in Los Angeles for many years, including many at the L.A. Times, is now writing for L.A. Stage. He wasn't real thrilled on Sunday to...
The first L.A. Times/USC poll will run in Sunday's and Monday's papers and will cover a bunch of topics. Some of the findings the Times is teasing: 51% of Calfornia...
Q: What's more bizarre than the Los Angeles Times having a blog for the paper's most inveterate staff animal lovers to talk about pets, animal causes and, of course, dogs...
I never understood why the Los Angeles Times made A Movable Buffet, by Las Vegas writer Richard Abowitz, one of its first blogs four years ago. But it did, and...
Six statewide polls will be conducted between now and the November 2010 election, to be called the University of Southern California College of Letters, Arts & Sciences/Los Angeles Times Poll....
Believe it not, the Los Angeles Times has decided it doesn't wallow in (and get its ass kicked on) celebrity gossip enough already. The paper's website has moved a copy...
This morning's L.A. Times editorial agrees with the state Fair Political Practices Commission that ex-Speaker Fabian Nuñez did not break the law in his travels and schemings with donor funds,...
Media reporter James Rainey of the L.A. Times, USC Annenberg professor Felix Gutierrez and former LANG executive Steve O'Sullivan talk with Warren Olney about the meaning of the latest bad...
Los Angeles Times Op-Ed columnist Meghan Daum and staff writer Alan Zarembo, who recently broke the stories about Cedars-Sinai over-radiating 206 patients, were married yesterday. Pics and congrats all over...

Bad circulation numbers for the L.A. Times, the mayor steps out with Lu Parker, new controversy around David Lizarraga and a media apology — plus more after the jump, of...

Los Angeles Times publisher Eddy Hartenstein sent out a paper-wide missive today calling 2009 "a year of great progress" — he even calls it "an incredble year" — and makes...

Pater Wallsten, a star in the Los Angeles Times Washington bureau that became the Tribune chain's bureau, has jumped to the Wall Street Journal. He will cover national politics, "an...
While the latest newsroom reduction in talent was going on, L.A. Times editor Russ Stanton was upbeat last night in a class at USC Annenberg. The professor, executive-in-residence David Westphal,...
Jack Nelson led the Los Angeles Times Washington bureau during much of the time that the paper's reputation for national reporting was growing, and before that was known for his...
Diane Haithman has been writing in the Calendar section of the L.A. Times for a good long while. Most recently she has been doing a lot for Culture Monster, the...
The San Diego editorial writer who is upset that the L.A. Times blew off coverage of the Metropolitan Water District pensions controversy is intrigued by a new angle — that...
Tina Daunt, the former City Hall reporter for the Los Angeles Times who has been writing the Cause Celebre column about Hollywood politics, posted on Facebook that she felt the...

Terry McDermott, a former national reporter at the Los Angeles Times, is one of four new CJR Encore Fellows named by the Columbia Journalism Review. [It's] a new initiative—the first...
It's Martin Miller, says Variety's Michael Schneider in a tweet. Miller is listed currently as an assistant entertainment editor in Calendar....
Nikki Finke is reporting that Annie Gilbar was let go today as editor of the Sunday magazine published by the Los Angeles Times company, and that the magazine will return...
That question is being asked by San Diego Union-Tribune editorial writer Chris Reed, who can't believe the L.A. Times has written repeatedly about the $82,000 David Nahai will get after...
Now that he's jumped to be west coast editor for Gawker, Richard Rushfield talks about why he left as entertainment editor of the Los Angeles Times website — and why...

The Washington Post announced that it will now partner with Bloomberg on a joint news service, combined online page of business news and transmission of Post stories on Bloomberg's financial...
"One of the oldest corporate marriages in the newspaper business ended in divorce Wednesday," Howard Kurtz reports in the Washington Post. He means the joint wire service of the Post...
Lisa Fung, the Los Angeles Times editor who runs arts and culture coverage in the Calendar section, has been an active blogger for the paper's Culture Monster blog. Now she's...
The new managing editor for online at the Los Angeles Times is Sean Gallagher, who has been a managing editor at the paper's website. Gallagher, who succeeds Meredith Artley, will...
An L.A. Times investigation found that Metrolink trains have killed 244 people in 15 years, and that unsafe conditions have been allowed to continue at some intersections and rail crossings....
Murray Fromson, the longtime CBS News correspondent who holds emeritus professor status at USC Annenberg, has good things to say about the Los Angeles Times these days. He just doesn't...
Jim Newton relinquishes the top spot to go ahead and write his book on Dwight Eisenhower. He'll serve as an editor-at-large. Nick Goldberg ascends from deputy to be editor of...
The long-time education writer at the LAT was 80. From the Times obit: At The Times, where he was a reporter for nearly 30 years starting in 1964, Trombley was...
Exactly an hour after praising his staff's fire coverage online and off, Los Angeles Times editor Russ Stanton sent a memo announcing the departure of managing editor for online Meredith...
While local television has been skimping on fire coverage, the L.A. Times has been going all out. I'm planning to give props in my KCRW segment today (4:44 p.m. at...
I received a few emails yesterday from people wondering why their usual Tuesday Ralphs coupons weren't in the printed Los Angeles Times. Todd Everett blogs that he may have some...
The female orgasm story from 2008 has made it to the number one spot on today's most viewed and most emailed lists at the Los Angeles Times website....
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann and the L.A. Times' Andrew Malcolm, who increasingly seems like a Fox News embed writing the paper's main politics blog, are going at each other. I have...

Scott Martelle and Brett Levy are the former Los Angeles Times journalists running The Journalism Shop, the new co-op in which they and a selected group of other ex-LAT staffers...
These corrections are notable mostly because 1) they are both about stories that ran in 2006, 2) both corrections were not published until this month, and 3) both ran in...
John Cherwa left the Los Angeles Times in 1995 to become sports editor of the Chicago Tribune. Most recently he has been in Orlando, but now he's returning to the...
Former Los Angeles Times reporters are key players in Zester Daily, which bills itself as "the latest news and information from around the globe about all aspects of food and...
Mark at LA Biz Observed picked up this morning's news out of Chicago about Tribune Company creditors trying to delete Sam Zell from any reorganization that comes from the bankruptcy....

Tomorrow's correction today from a post on radio personality Don Imus at the L.A. Times' Show Tracker blog: Recently, he has devoted time on the air to discussing his prostrate...

The LAT's Richard Rushfield has posted his final entry on the Idol Tracker blog where he's been spending most of his time the past couple of years. He's headed to...
Publisher Eddy Hartenstein has memoed this afternoon on some tweaks in his executive lineup at the Los Angeles Times. Prominent is the rise of Scott McKibben to a new post...
Couple of weeks ago it was former Los Angeles Times photographers starting a service to offer their freelance expertise. Now it's reporters and former associate editor Leo Wolinsky. "Highly skilled...
Today's L.A. Times follows on our Thursday night news about the Festival theater closing and adds a triple whammy of bad news for Westwood: Mann is giving up its leases...
The Times and Register have announced a deal in which L.A. Times delivery people will deliver both papers. The Register will thus become the Times' largest commercial delivery client. If...
L.A. Times publisher Eddy Hartenstein has turned to the San Diego Union-Tribune for his newest executive. The post is a hybrid that carries the title of Executive Vice President/Business and...
The L.A. Times does Ted Kennedy no favors with this one: Sen. Kennedy: An article in Sunday's Section A about Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's role in Congress' healthcare debate said...

Gawker just put out the word that the site's new West Coast editor will be Richard Rushfield, currently at LATimes.com. The note from Gawker's editor in chief is below (and,...
When Jack Klunder returned to the Los Angeles Times in 2005 to run circulation, the crowing from Spring Street was that he was a brilliant choice to turn around the...
The memo to the sales and marketing staff says it's Steve Gellman. External announcement to come later, tied to a launch (finally?) of the Los Angeles Times magazine website. Remember,...
L.A. Times coverage of the Los Angeles Kings is the poster child in a Sports Business Journal examination of waning sports reportage in newspapers and how worried pro sports teams...
I mentioned in last night's ESPN item that the Times was about to name a new editor for sports. It's Mike James, a veteran of the LAT's sports desk. The...

Pro Photography Network is a new business offering photo services from recently departed Los Angeles Times photojournalists, including Pulitzer winner Annie Wells. From today's release: A funny thing happened on...
Tina Daunt, who writes the Cause Celebre political column for the L.A. Times' Calendar section, posted on her blog that she's taking time off to care for her ailing father....

Her husband Eric Weisbard posts on Facebook that he will be teaching in Tuscaloosa. Powers says in a Facebook note that she will continue to write as L.A. Times pop...
In a move to save space, the Los Angeles Times weather page dropped 43 international cities, 16 U.S. cities and four California locales — Blythe, Mt. Wilson, Rialto and Santa...
Newsroom groups are being informed right now that John Arthur is out as Los Angeles Times executive editor — that's number two on the paper's masthead. Sports editor Randy Harvey...
TMZ may have won the breaking news competition, but the Los Angeles Times is happy with the web traffic brought in by Michael Jackson's death. It's a new record for...
First Lady Michelle Obama on Saturday urged the first full graduating class at UC Merced to help solve society's problems with the same creativity and persistence they showed in wooing her to be their commencement speaker and in pioneering the 4-year-old campus in the San Joaquin Valley.

While I was out, Jill Stewart defended her work at the LA Weekly that was panned this morning by Times media writer James Rainey. Stewart's email response was posted by...
L.A. Times media writer James Rainey has not previously talked about the transformation of the LA Weekly from lefty cultural organ known for hard-hitting pieces into pursuer of Jill Stewart's...
Paul Watson is still listed on the Los Angeles Times staff roster as the paper's man in Jakarta, but he's headed to the Toronto Star. Note to the staff there:...

Mark Ficarra is stepping down as publisher of the Daily Breeze to become a VP at the San Diego Union-Tribune, the Register has lost investigative reporter Norberto Santana Jr. and...
Intriguing story out of the Chicago Tribune (via Romenesko) says that negotiations with big creditors of the bankrupt Tribune Company could lead to chairman Sam Zell losing his role. Details...

In the June issue of Los Angeles, our own Mark Lacter takes a look behind the sagging fortunes of the L.A. Times and finds a set of multifaceted challenges. The...
I've now read and thoroughly enjoyed Michael Connelly's latest book. In today's Times review, Tim Rutten calls "The Scarecrow" Connelly's best since "The Poet," and also the first novel to...

Federal court oversight of the LAPD that was agreed to in a consent decree nine years ago "has been a resounding success, and it should at last be allowed to...
The second publisher has departed LA, the monthly magazine inserted in the Los Angeles Times by the ad side's editorial staff. And the new weekly insert LAetcetera is suspending publication...

With lots of careers ending today at William Morris and Endeavor, Hollywood writer Michael Oates Palmer gives a shout out to his now-unemployed agent: palmermix My agent was a casualty...
Former Los Angeles Times publisher David Hiller has been appointed president and chief executive of Chicago's McCormick Foundation, which has been the charitable arm of the Tribune Company. Hiller worked...
I keep getting notes from readers about mistakes in the L.A. Times and on its website, including today's subhead gaffe saying the Hubble Space Telescope got new* telescopes rather than...
Ben Fritz has been freelancing for the L.A. Times for about a month and will be a general assignment reporter on entertainment, writing the Sunday box office roundup and items...
What we blurbed about in March is now official. L.A. Times reporter Tina Susman is moving from Baghdad to the paper's national bureau in New York. The memo from national...

You might think the Los Angeles Times would do pretty much anything to keep the loyalty of possibly the last teenagers in L.A. who still consume news in print. But...
Editor in chief Joanne Lipman broke the news to the financial magazine's staff this morning, citing financial reasons at Advance, the parent of Conde Nast. The mag's media blogger Jeff...
Times staffers Jessica Garrison and Kim Christensen went big on Sunday's page one with an expose on oft-accused L.A. slumlord Frank McHugh. Money grafs: For more than 50 years, McHugh,...
An amalgam of observations and reports from the L.A. Times Festival of Books, held Saturday and Sunday at UCLA: There were really long lines to have books signed by children's...

Add L.A. Times critic Kenneth Turan to those reporting back with lukewarm reviews of "The Soloist," despite wanting to like it. I could back up and write all this in...
Longtime Los Angeles Times journalist Annette Haddad has died of cancer. Here's the newsroom announcement by editor Russ Stanton: From: Stanton, RussSent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 10:57 AMTo: yyeditallSubject: Annette...

If the blogs at the Los Angeles Times website are all about the ratings, the big winner is Elizabeth Snead's The Dish Rag. Her blog packed with items on celebrity...
Los Angeles Times Metro staff writers Bettina Boxall and Julie Cart won the Pulitzer Prize in explanatory reporting, announced today in New York. The prize is for their Big Burn...
Gustkey's byline appeared in the L.A. Times sports section for more than three decades, most notably on stories about boxing, the outdoors and the WNBA. "He was a sports editor's...
Joe Flint will take the lead on Company Town, the L.A. Times' entry in the blog space where the NYT has The Carpetbagger. Flint has a long resume and does...
Variety columnist and blogger Brian Lowry wasn't impressed by L.A. Times columnist-blogger Patrick Goldstein's recent critique of the trade paper and Peter Bart. Lowry's open letter to Goldstein gets a...

Peter H. King has been the Los Angeles Times city editor, California columnist, roving reporter and a writer of big stories over almost 30 years at the paper. He's jumping...
Jerry Gillam covered California government and politics for 40 years, most of that time in the Sacramento bureau of the Los Angeles Times. He left the Times in 1995. Gillam...
As expected, Sunday's four-page advertorial section for "The Soloist" in the Los Angeles Times is being talked about as the second act of the controversy that began with last week's...
Kinsey Lowe left the L.A. Times Calendar editing staff in one of the 2007 contractions, telling colleagues "I have the highest hopes for all of you and for the Los...
It has become a sadly familiar syndrome: L.A. Times ownership or management betrays readers in some new way, gets panned, then the paper reports and publicly reflects on the controversy....
Times publisher Eddy Hartenstein is addressing the newsroom this afternoon about the uproar over his decision to put an NBC ad designed to look like a news story on a...
Getting some more details on the debate inside the Los Angeles Times about today's front page ad for NBC. Newsroom sources say that as of Tuesday, publisher Eddy Hartenstein had...

The annual awarding of the Los Angeles Times Book Prizes has been moved from UCLA's Royce Hall, scene of a fairly copious free dinner and open bar for authors, invited...
An LA Observed reader spotted this latest headline goof on the L.A. Times website: Obama makes unexpected visit to Iran By Ned Parker, Laura King and Christi Parsons | 7:03...
Writer-producer Stu Kreisman has taken the Los Angeles Times for three decades, and he knows the paper still has some top writers. But management decisions to dilute the paper got...

In today's printed paper, the L.A. Times acknowledges its mistake (see Tomorrow's correction today?) in saying that a lesbian sought to become a priest of the Presbyterian church. "The church...
Regarding an unbylined item in today's L.A. Times about a lesbian Presbyterian seeking to be ordained as a minister (or priest, as the Times put it), an LA Observed reader...
This time it's Aaron Curtiss, the former innovation editor at the Los Angeles Times, moving over to the crisis PR shop run by Michael Sitrick. I had an item last...
The Times is moving "celebrity justice reporter" Harriet Ryan from Metro downstairs to the newly ascendant entertainment team. The former Court TV senior correspondent will be "part of our expanded...

The L.A. Times recently gave the Calendar section a later copy deadline, made possible by the killing of the California section. But when you axe too many copy editors, stuff...
Hoy, the Spanish-language paper that reports to the marketing side of the Los Angeles Times, is switching from daily to weekly. The Times' Sunday magazine will narrow its circulation to...
Sigh. The website for the L.A. Times' new weekly tabloid for light readers, called Brand X, is already dysfunctional. Word from an insider is that it was "blocked inside the...
Unfortunate choice of names, perhaps, but the L.A. Times is officially calling its new weekly tabloid Brand X. It's the latest grasping at straws down on Spring Street and replaces...
From what I hear, some Los Angeles Times newsroom reporters and editors are still discussing with higher-ups whether to leave and under what conditions. So it's a developing situation. Here...
I asked Bruce Wallace, the L.A. Times' Foreign Editor, to detail the moves affecting his correspondents in the wake of today's announcement that the staff is combining with the Chicago...
This week's mix of voluntary departures and layoffs from the Los Angeles Times includes (in addition to those reported earlier) these staff veterans: William C. Rempel, a reporter and editor...
Editor Russ Stanton just sent the newsroom the word that the L.A. Times foreign staff will now be a Tribune operation, run out of Los Angeles with reporters from the...
The Roundup picks up that reporter Jordan Rau is leaving the L.A. Times Sacramento bureau, apparently not as part of today's layoffs. Presuming that Rau won't be replaced, the Sacto...
L.A. Times staffers affected by today's cuts began getting calls at home yesterday, with one of them transportation writer Steve Hymon. He posted confirmation of his layoff on his LAT...
Staffers in the Los Angeles Times newsroom expect the the next wave of forced departures to come down today, along with revelations of colleagues who choose this moment to retire...
Times media columnist James Rainey wrote over the weekend about how political pros love one unintended consequence of the wane of mainstream news outlets and the rise of blogs —...
Morley Safer did a nice piece on the connection between L.A. Times columnist Steve Lopez and Nathaniel Ayers, with some reportage on the Downtown street musician's former life as a...
For the past few years, Times reporter Hugo Martin has hiked, skied and soaked in hot springs for the Travel section. No more: now he's going to the Business section...
Tina Daunt says in the Times that President Obama bedded down at the Century Plaza. The Beverly Hills Courier, however, reports that he was at the Beverly Hilton and has...
David Lauter was promoted to L.A. Times assistant managing editor. "This appointment reflects David's skilled leadership of our largest and most important news-gathering operation, the local and California report," says...
Bob Dylan's neighbors in Malibu are up in arms over his porta-potty. Bob Pool at LA Times.com: How sweet is life when you live next to a celebrity in Malibu?...
I don't typically flag routine media typos — never have, and less so these days — but this error on the L.A. Times website today seems to have bothered people....
In a "Blowback" piece on the Times' opinion web page, former LAT staffer Allan Jalon goes into the controversy that ensued after Jim Bellows let Times gossip columnist Joyce Haber...
A promotional video from 1993 [? see below] for the Los Angeles Times Valley Edition — an almost stand-alone newspaper put out by dozens of reporters, editors and other journalists...
Rick Wartzman is not some Twitter-happy newbie who naively pimps New Media and technology. He's the former Business Editor at the Los Angeles Times, and was the editor of the...
Melissa McCoy is the Los Angeles Times deputy managing editor for copy desks, standards and the editorial library. She's decided to leave at the end of the week. Her email...
The KFI talk hosts helped draw an estimated 8,000 people to a tax revolt rally in Orange County on Saturday. (Here's the Register story, and the Orange Juice blog.) The...
Rick Wartzman, the former editor of the LAT's own West magazine, is a finalist for a Los Angeles Times Book prize in the history category for "Obscene in the Extreme:...
The New York Times' latest ad pitch to gather up defecting L.A. Times readers shows stories out of here on the Lakers, Eli Broad, William Bratton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Clooney,...
While Los Angeles readers will mostly have to just look elsewhere in the paper to find the news that used to appear in California, for those in Orange County this...
John Corrigan succeeds Sallie Hofmeister as editor of the Los Angeles Times Business staff. Here's this afternoon's newsroom memo from editor Russ Stanton: Colleagues, John Corrigan, deputy business editor for...
The L.A. Times editorial board, in a slap to the mayor and City Council, recommends a no vote on Measure B: Set aside, for a moment, the secretive and rushed...
For the first time, Times reporters and editors covering entertainment in Calendar will work alongside the Business staffers who cover the harder news side of Hollywood. A new masthead job...
When the L.A. Times kills the California section and moves local news inside the A section next week, the result will be less versatile space for news, fewer feature stories,...
Even before last week's new round of departures from the Times, the paper's once-signature foreign staff had shrunk. The bureaus in Tokyo, Paris and Rome have been listed as vacant...
Phil Willon, the L.A. Times City Hall reporter whose beat is mostly Mayor Villaraigosa, delivers a pre-election analysis that declares the mayor's record mixed. Villaraigosa gets credit from Willon for...
The Times unveiled its Mapping L.A. effort to identify Los Angeles neighborhoods yesterday and has been getting lots of online reaction and suggestions at the paper's website. A story that...
Monica Corcoran, a staff writer in the L.A. Times Image section, was on the front page this morning with a co-byline on a piece about Oscar fashion being toned down...
Los Angeles-based tech writer Joseph Menn has been on book leave. In a note to the Times newsroom that I've heard described as "droll," Menn announces that he's moving back...
I'm told now that the pending wave of departures from the Los Angeles Times newsroom will be split into two phases: with voluntary departures and a relatively small number of...
Abigail Goldman, who told colleagues that she raised her hand to leave the Los Angeles Times, was the last remaining member of the four-reporter team that won the Pulitzer Prize...
The most-visited newspaper websites — errantly labeled the "top sites" by the Nieman Journalism Lab — all posted big gains in readership in 2008. While the absolute numbers from Nielsen...
Joe Mathews, who left the Los Angeles Times last year to write and be a New America Foundation fellow, says in the New Republic that reading the paper these days...
Staffers who had been preparing for the axing of 70+ co-workers today are now expecting the newsroom to get hit on Thursday....
The Times' L.A. Now blog, in reporting Chris Brown's apology, locates the incident with Rihanna in "the Westside neighborhood of Hancock Park." Well, I guess it is west of the...
The next big wave of journalist departures from the Los Angeles Times is due to start Monday — and continue at the end of the month, apparently — but Metro...
Newsroom staffers at the Los Angeles Times have been told to expect the newest layoff taps to be delivered Monday, amid talk that the numbers to be let go are...
The Los Angeles Times editorial pages don't get as much use out of their website as I expected — the blogroll would have been light in 2006, for instance —...
The Huffington Post says the L.A. Times was the first major media outlet to identify Rihanna as the victim of Sunday's early morning domestic violence, "despite the LAPD's refusal to...
Relaunch of L.A. Now is in the works, plus the much-needed redesign and more links to blogs and other free non-Times content: "simply doing a better job of linking to...
The pressmen's union at the L.A. Times has been told it looks as if 63 of the 244 workers at the printing plants downtown and in Costa Mesa will be...
The New York Times has a series of nicely done Flash ads running on LATimes.com playing off the popularity of Obama coverage and offering, among another things, a "weekender" subscription...
Jon Weisman, keeper of my favorite Dodgers blog and blogging community, is leaving the indie ranks and moving Dodger Thoughts to LATimes.com. He starts there immediately and will be replacing...
County supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky just sent a letter to Los Angeles Times publisher Eddy Hartenstein urging him to reconsider his decision to fold local news into the A section and...
Bill Keller, the editor of the New York Times, is answering questions from readers this week on the NYT website. He extolls the virtues of good journalism and explains the...
Readers have pointed out this tagline at the end of the Times' Super Bowl ads story in today's paper and online: Editor's note: This review has been ended because of...
Los Angeles Times staffers were told Friday by resigned editors that publisher Eddy Hartenstein realized there would be a sizable public backlash against his decision to kill the local news...
* Saturday updates are down below There's been a lot of email, blog and Facebook traffic reacting to my report this morning that the publisher of the Los Angeles Times...
With the news out about killing of the California section, Los Angeles Times publisher Eddy Hartenstein and editor Russ Stanton have sent around their memos announcing the latest round of...
Publisher Eddy Hartenstein has ordered the California section killed, leaving the L.A. Times without a separate local news front for the first time since the paper's early decades. The publisher...
Hollywood apparently isn't impressed that the new Los Angeles Times thinks the cutting-edge way to cover Sundance is to give a print reporter a cheap cellphone camera and have him...
Maybe this has been up for awhile, but it was just pointed out to me today. The L.A. Times website has a little photo slide show feature called: "Are you...
The Los Angeles Times staffers I've heard from seem pretty convinced there will be a new round of newsroom bloodletting next week, with many fearing the firing starts Monday. A...
I'm glad to see the most emailed L.A. Times story right now is the one I enjoyed the most in yesterday's paper — Food Editor Russ Parsons' guide to caramelizing...
The Los Angeles Times has a thick book of style conventions that seem more and more to be ignored, especially online — same with past work by in-house committees to...
Rumors have been swirling at the Los Angeles Times about lists being pulled together for the next round of newsroom cuts, but there's been a lack of solid numbers and...
Copies of the Nov. 5 edition of the Los Angeles Times cost 50 cents on the street the day after the election. Today at the Martin Luther King Day parade...
Dropped again as a Times columnist, Al Martinez writes his final column for the paper: Actually, this is my second final column. I wrote one a year or so ago...
Those supposedly secret reader survey panels convened by the Los Angeles Times to provide feedback on proposed changes — thanks for the posts, guys — are no more. An email...
The New York Times is a forming a team of seven reporters from several desks to ramp up its coverage of environmental issues and news. The team includes former L.A....
Invitation-only forums and salons hosted by media outlets are becoming more common. The L.A. Times has one tonight to talk about the Obama transition, with an eclectic mix of speakers...
Author J. Michael Walker didn't mind that three brochures for local arts institutions — REDCAT, the L.A. Art Show and the Eli and Edythe Broad Stage — tumbled out his...
The street sale price of the Los Angeles Times went up to 75 cents (from 50) all over town today, judging by my email....
David Lauter, California editor of the L.A. Times, has been replying to readers upset at the latest dropping of Al Martinez' column. Lauter's reply was posted online by the paper,...
Word, unconfirmed, out of 1st and Spring is that Metromix Los Angeles is shutting down — the Tribune pub's staff will merge with the staff of The Guide at the...
L.A. Times Editor Russ Stanton sent the staff a note about the approaching re-departure of Al Martinez from the columnist ranks. Here's the LAO exclusive from Wednesday. Stanton's note today...
Traffic was up an average of 83% over last year, with local readership up 54% and overall page views up 47%, says the year-end memo from LATimes.com executive editor Meredith...
This time the editors mean it: Al Martinez's last column is scheduled to run in the Los Angeles Times on Jan. 19. He asked to go until his 80th birthday...
Doug Frantz, one of the many senior Los Angeles Times editors to depart in recent years, has been named chief investigator for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee under new chairman...
These two items aren't really related, but they came in at the same time and are both about the new Los Angeles Times. First, right now the story at the...
This year the L.A. Times didn't fall back into the trap of reporting the old canard that a million spectators watched the Rose Parade. But the editor in charge of...
There's been plenty of drama at the Los Angeles Times the last couple of years — and now there's a documentary. "Inventing Los Angeles: The Chandlers and their Times" hits...
Everyone in power at the Los Angeles Times vowed that 2008 would be the year the paper stopped making news for the wrong reasons — remember how unbelievable 2007 seemed?...
To save a very small number of bucks, the Los Angeles Times has again decided to close the building's historic entrance — and to block public access to the carefully...
Friday was the last day at the paper for Times Poll director Susan Pinkus and assistant director Jill Darling. The latter sent around the newsroom an email saying the poll's...
At yesterday's discussion of Tribune's bankruptcy and other journalism cuts at USC, L.A. Times editor Russ Stanton was asked by one of his staffers about the latest newsroom gossip that...
California Editor David Lauter rebutted former reporter Anita Busch's comments yesterday in court tying the L.A. Times to convicted private eye Anthony Pellicano. Lauter, who emailed the response to Patterico,...
The Los Angeles Times website is dropping the MyLATimes feature for organizing stories as of Dec. 22....
At today's sentencing of Anthony Pellicano, former Los Angeles Times Hollywood reporter Anita Busch — she's also the ex-editor of The Hollywood Reporter — accuses the Times of collaborating with...
I guess it was personal with Carina Chocano. [Or not. See note.] Two months after laying her off, the Los Angeles Times today named a new second film critic to...
Just about everybody, says law professor and former political consultant Susan Estrich in her column at the Cagle Post: The once mighty Times has managed to give almost everyone in...
If the Los Angeles Times owes you money, you might have to wait a long time. Publisher Eddy Hartenstein told the staff yesterday that the Chapter 11 filing freezes pending...
Matthew Garrahan, the Financial Times' man in Los Angeles, updates the U.K. readership on all this hand-wringing out here about the L.A. Times. Excerpt: The speed of cuts implemented first...
With all that's gone down at the L.A. Times on Sam Zell's watch, it's good to point out that the paper has retained most of its foreign-based staff writers (even...
From Tribune's internal Q-&-A on the impacts of today's Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing: How are severance payments affected? All ongoing severance payments, deferred compensation and other payments to former employees...
The L.A. Times has dusted off the dormant title of Metro Editor and moved veteran Steve Clow into the role as number two on local coverage. Most recently he had...
Hard science coverage, which the L.A. Times has been gradually downgrading for years, takes a back seat to health coverage. Space reporter John Johnson moves to National rather than go...
Design improvements to Business, Sports, National and World, plus more databases and aggregation of (free) content from around the web, and the return of The Homicide Report, says Executive Editor...
David Willman, who won the Pulitzer Prize for his 2000 investigation into the FDA's approval of some deadly drugs, is one of the solid reporters to recently leave the former...
I hate to think what fresh traffic generation gimmicks these stats might encourage at LATimes.com, but the numbers are surprising. Even after all the photo galleries, reader pets, Oscar speculation...
Steve Hymon's Bottleneck blog is the latest Times staff blog to be folded into L.A. Now, which the paper is trying to deepen and finally build up in hopes that...
In this month's installment of the new Los Angeles Times Magazine, editor Annie Gilbar explains: I think pessimism is a bummer. It is also kind of irresponsible, because it's infectious....
Don Heckman has been the unofficial jazz critic of the Los Angeles Times since hall of famer Leonard Feather died in 1994. But Heckman blogs today that he thinks he...
Eric Ulken, who recently left as editor for interactive technology at LATimes.com, shares some lessons learned with USC's Online Journalism Review. His main case study is the project to develop...
Longtime L.A. journalist (and former LA Weekly media columnist) Marc Cooper was disappointed last night to find that the Los Angeles Times website's main story was a feature rather than...
The Los Angeles Times, which never had trouble making gobs of money until very recently, is loving the Obama phenomenon so far. The paper's hawking of front pages and other...
Retired USC Annenberg professor and CBS News correspondent Murray Fromson writes at the Huffington Post that Sam Zell has gotten off too easy for destroying the Los Angeles Times Washington...
The Los Angeles Times features — not in the good way — in a Columbia Journalism Review critique of science reporting that makes too credulous use of news releases written...
The depleted Los Angeles Times has suspended publication of the Homicide Report, which at this time last year was one of the breakout hits among the paper's blogs. Its success...
First, some good news. Remember Lauren Beale, who edits the Times' real estate section? Though her name made the list of the 75 editorial employees cut from the newsroom last...
Chief Tribune innovation honcho, Lee Abrams, was in town this week for a Press Club event and, in addition to this YouTube video, left a flurry of news stories...
There's a cottage industry of black humor and killer irony at the Times thanks to Lee Abrams' smug memos, with their hefty helpings of hubris tinged with Tourettes. Here's one...
Talk about a power vacuum. The LA Times Washington bureau is no more. What we get instead is a Tribune Washington News Bureau which, as Kevin blogged earlier, will feed...
Here's another body blow for our hometown paper -- Virginia Ellis, the Times' Sacramento bureau chief, is retiring. She'd been planning to leave last year but, when asked to please...
Assistant national editor Millie Quan will become the new Column One editor at the Los Angeles Times, not the senior editor in Features as announced in August. Of course, the...
The LATimes.com website set a traffic record for itself on Election Day, then broke it the day after. The site also set a new monthly high in October, when the...
The Washington Post is doubling the size of its White House beat and including a web person, "The Fix" online columnist Chris Cillizza. Romenesko Meanwhile, today's naming of Cissy Baker...
As expected, Tribune just announced that it's merging the Washington bureaus of the Los Angeles Times and its other papers and placing the bureau under Cissy Baker, vice president/news operations...
The lead movie review in today's print Calendar section of the Los Angeles Times isn't by lead critic Kenneth Turan (his review of Stranded gets second billing.) Or Carina Chocano,...
Tongue-in-cheek Q-and-A with the Jewish Journal. Excerpt: JJ: How does it feel to write for The L.A. Times when they're so publicly crumbling? JS: It's not a happy place. It's...
Newspapers across the country are selling out today and in some cases going back to press. Kudo email to the staff from Tribune chief Randy Michaels says the Los Angeles...
Los Angeles Times editors had decided, weirdly, not to run Garry Trudeau's vantage point on the election in tomorrow's Doonesbury strip because he assumed a victory by Barack Obama. Editors...
There were two prominent stories at the top of Sunday's Los Angeles Times front page, but only one of them was reported by Times staffers. The other — the one...
Word from Sacramento is that Bill Stall, the Los Angeles Times' Pulitzer-winning editorial writer, died today after suffering from emphysema. The Times is working on an obituary, and colleague Karin...
The Los Angeles Times Washington bureau, one of the last pre-Tribune strengths of the paper still mostly intact, has been told that Chicago will announce this Friday that the bureau...
Critic Christopher Knight found LACMA's exhibit of celebrity portraits by Vanity Fair a curious choice for an art museum — "a vanity exhibition, plain and simple" — especially since it...
First the Los Angeles Times lays off its real estate editor and reporter, and now blogger Peter Viles posts that he is moving on to a corporate job. L.A. Land...
There had been speculation that Marjorie Miller might leave the Los Angeles Times after stepping down in June as Foreign Editor, but instead she's moving downstairs to be an editorial...
The L.A. Times admirably sent out an email bulletin to website subscribers right after the Phillies won the World Series. Alas, they got the opposing team wrong. Thrice. From: Los...
Daniel Hernandez is a former L.A. Times staff writer now working on a book in Mexico City. He's watching the continued outflow of talent from the paper and wonders, as...
Yesterday's newsroom cost-cutting is shaping up as the biggest single downshift in content and staff depth in the history of the Los Angeles Times — with big hits in Washington,...
With the 75 job cuts yesterday, which was another 10% of the staff, the newsroom has eliminated at least 250 positions this year, the paper's story says. The editorial staff...
Eddy Hartenstein, the L.A. Times' rookie publisher, cheerleads in a memo to the paper's entire staff. I can just hear them muttering bullshit throughout the building. From: Hartenstein, Eddy Sent:...
As per my usual practice, I'll list staff departures from the Los Angeles Times who put out the word that they're leaving or whose exit I'm able to confirm. They...
The film reviewer who was billed as such a big hire when she replaced Manohla Dargis a few years ago confirmed to Mayrav Saar at Fishbowl LA that she was...
This morning's email memo from editor Russ Stanton on layoffs in the Los Angeles Times newsroom: From: Stanton, Russ To: yyeditall Sent: Mon Oct 27 08:31:50 2008 Subject: Newsroom job...
A friend who was listening to the L.A. Kings telecast from St. Louis the other night called to tell me the team's longtime, much-honored and very mild-mannered broadcaster, Bob Miller,...
When the Los Angeles Times tinkered with its design this week, the Sports section stopped producing the long-standing Morning Briefing feature. Papers all around the country used MB in their...
Jonathan Dobrer is an author and professor of comparative religion at American Jewish University, but the subject of his post today at the Daily News' Friendly Fire opinion blog is...
The final word on this wave of newsroom layoffs at the L.A. Times — and on whose buyout offers are accepted — may not come until next week, but in...
Michael Whitley, assistant managing editor for design and graphics, talks about the visual tweaks that appeared in the Los Angeles Times this morning over at the Society for News Design's...
Not much to say about today's lite redesign of the Los Angeles Times. They added the color to the nameplates that I told you about, moved "Times Staff Writer" to...
Eighteen month after writing a column about becoming Christine Daniels, veteran sportswriter Mike Penner has quietly returned to work at the Los Angeles Times, according to multiple sources close to...
The Los Angeles Times won't unveil its top to bottom redesign until Tuesday's paper, but Tribune innovation dude Lee Abrams shared his thoughts with the staff. He sounds kind of...
In a long blog post at Opinion L.A., editorial page editor Jim Newton says the paper's editorial supporting Barack Obama has gotten a near-record response and was written wholly without...
The movie based on LAT columnist Steve Lopez's stories and book about homeless musician Nathaniel Ayers was already being promoted in trailers. But Paramount bumped it from the November schedule,...
Courthouse News reports: A longtime copy editor for the Los Angeles Times sued Tribune Co. for age discrimination, claiming it fired him and 111 other people older than 40 in...
For the first time since backing Richard Nixon in 1972, the Los Angeles Times editorial board has publicly endorsed a candidate for president. It's also the first time ever that...
OK, so first the story is reported — back in the 1980s — that a big, fat Sunday Los Angeles Times landed on and crushed a dog belonging to actress...
Though Herald Examiner fans love the tale of a Sunday Los Angeles Times crushing Barbara Bain's dog in the 80s, a former Times staffer who I know sends along an...
Nick Goldberg, who has run Op-Ed, officially gets the title of deputy editor of the Los Angeles Times editorial pages with added responsibilities. Sue Horton, who was editor of Sunday...
In Los Angeles media circles the legend is told that in the 1980s, the Los Angeles Times was so fat with news, feature stories and ads that a paper thrown...
L.A. Times Editor Russ Stanton today named Alice Short, the former editor of the L.A. Times Magazine, as an assistant managing editor to oversee some of the feature sections that...
I'm told the Los Angeles Times mailroom opened a hand-scrawled letter today that read "death to Obama" and contained a white powder that triggered a call to the FBI and...
Associate Editor Leo Wolinsky checked out Friday, the first to go in the new wave of departures from the Los Angeles Times. He had been there 31 years, starting as...
I got a look at some of the latest Los Angeles Times redesign options being tested with selected readers. They're being asked their reaction to new designs for the front...
Roy Rivenburg's tongue-in-cheek Not the Los Angeles Times jumped right on the news that the real LAT publisher, Eddy Hartenstein, is warning employees that it's "treason" — treason I say!...
I've never felt the need to do this before, but it seems prudent to alert the Los Angeles Times staffers who help me stay informed about the inner workings of...
This time — just weeks after the last, historically deep round of newsroom and content cutbacks at the Los Angeles Times concluded — I'm hearing there's a fair bit of...
This is a breaking situation this afternoon. Editors met over the weekend to get the word and to refine their lists. Newsroom staffers are being told today individually and in...
Former sportscaster Lisa Guerrero has been given an outlet on The Fabulous Forum, the sports blog at LATimes.com. In this morning's post, she says it may be time for the...
Native Intelligence contributor Adrienne Crew made a nice find for fans of L.A. media history: a web archive of covers from West, the Sunday magazine in the Los Angeles...
The top grossing release at LATimes.com for the month of September was Gloria Steinem's Op-Ed piece called Palin: wrong woman, wrong message. The latest monthly update from website executive editor...
Garrett Therolf gets a partner in the Times' big but lonely office tucked away in the Hall of Administration on Temple Street. Molly Hennessy-Fiske has worked in Washington, Baghdad and...
Ex-LAT reporter and editor William Lobdell took some meaning from a recent perusal of the most-viewed stories at the Times and Register websites, concluding that the opinion pieces, crime briefs...
Upon hearing of Paul Newman's death, Times sports writer Lisa Dillman had to go right out and rent "Slap Shot." Does "Slap Shot," and its player-coach leader, hold up or...
No felony charge for Kanye West in that scuffle with a photographer at LAX. Reuters New editor assignments on the L.A. Times city desk — involving Nita Lelyveld and...
The staff-written Fabulous Forum hopes to deliver "the who, what, where, when, why and why not of L.A. sports." That makes 43 blogs listed on the Los Angeles...
1) An LA Observed reader spots this politically balanced — if illogical — disagreement between facts on a news story up on the Los Angeles Times website this morning: [The...
The Los Angeles Times went public today with Culture Monster, its new blog by the Calendar section's critics and arts writers that goes by the slogan "all the arts, all...
Last night's contrasting of New York Times and Los Angeles Times web editing choices elicited a bit of snark from up north. The SF Weekly suggests at least a different...
Major economic news from Wall Street and the nation's capital, or cute furry kitties speaking baby talk? You decide. These screen grabs of the New York Times and Los Angeles...
I guess Jim Newton really didn't want to leave the Los Angeles Times to write his book about Dwight Eisenhower — and that Publisher David Hiller was the main reason...
Sam Zell responded to yesterday's class-action lawsuit by Los Angeles Times employees — which was first reported here — in a Dear Partners note to the company. He calls the...
A few minutes ago I added the names of the Los Angeles Times columnist and former reporters who sued Sam Zell in federal court today, alleging he messed with the...
The film in which Robert Downey Jr. portrays LAT columnist Steve Lopez, and Jamie Foxx plays downtown street musician Nathaniel Ayers, must be getting close. The trailer runs 2:31 on...
I'm told that lawyers representing current and former Los Angeles Times newsroom staffers are filing a class-action federal lawsuit against Sam Zell and Tribune this morning in Los Angeles, alleging...
New York-based publishing writer Josh Getlin signed out over the weekend with an email to his colleagues. His job was eliminated in the July cutbacks. From: Getlin, Josh Sent: Sunday,...
Every big newspaper used to have a bar nearby where reporters stayed too late, editors brought new hires to get acquainted over drinks, and Pulitzers were celebrated. For the L.A....
Even the original item sounds skeptical, but the Wall Street Journal's Heard on the Street page speculates today that Sam Zell may share the newspaper empire-building gene of his predecessors...
The NYT's T Magazine also noticed the resemblance between its cover and the Los Angeles Times Magazine cover. (My post from yesterday.) The LAT mag's creative director, Rip Georges, calls...
I finally listened to the whole interview that Los Angeles Times Editor Russ Stanton gave the Daily Sundial at Cal State Northridge, linked in Monday's Morning Buzz. He drops a...
In the foreground, the New York Times' successful fashion magazine. In the background, the L.A. Times Magazine that made its first appearance Sunday, hoping to be accepted as a fashion...
I enjoyed reading the story of Tom Dreesen and Tim Reid, who met at a Jaycees meeting outside Chicago in 1968 and struggled to break through as a black-and-white comedy...
According to an editor's email sent to Calendar staffers on Friday, Los Angeles Times Magazine publisher Valarie Anderson left the company even before the first issue came out on Sunday....
Sunday brought the first edition of the new Los Angeles Times Magazine that isn't part of the Los Angeles Times, but that comes in the Times. It's 144 pages and...
House ads the past couple of weeks have revealed that the new magazine will indeed carry the old Los Angeles Times Magazine label, despite complaints from the paper's top editors...
A lot like the old L.A. Times rules, with small adjustments for the more casual lexicon of the web. The Readers Representative blog discusses a memo from Deputy Managing Editor...
The previous publisher of the Times, David Hiller, used to break out in song around the office (he favored pieces from musicals) and even belted out a respectable national anthem...
Top of the Ticket has reached #85 on the Technorati hit parade, LATimes.com executive editor Meredith Artley says in her wrap-up for August. More highlights: Total traffic to the Times...
Los Angeles Times editor Russ Stanton welcomed the staff back from Labor Day with encouragement to do good work — and plans to reorganize where people sit. His email this...
Today's New York Times story says right up high in the fourth graf that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin announced her daughter Bristol's pregnancy "after a swirl of rumors by liberal...
Houston bureau chief Miguel Bustillo jumps to the Wall Street Journal. He is a product of the LAT's once-lauded minority intern program. His exit email to the staff wonders why...
Scott Martelle has been busily covering the presidential election for the Los Angeles Times, including many posts to the Top of the Ticket blog. But he was tapped on the...
The L.A. Times says it omitted race from the descriptions of three Melrose-area serial robbers by mistake. From the Reader's Representative blog: At least a dozen readers sent a question...
Those fears within the Tribune about Sam Zell's radio-izing of the company look even more justified now. A day after the Los Angeles Times hired a top executive with roots...
Investigative reporter T. Christian Miller is joining the Los Angeles Times exodus to ProPublica, the non-profit that hired Pulitzer winners Charles Ornstein and Tracy Weber. Miller's exit e-mail, sent recently:...
Publisher Eddy Hartenstein had made his first move, adding a new senior executive and "chief revenue officer" at the Los Angeles Times — and grabbing him from the parent company...
Sometime this fall the Los Angeles Times will unveil wholesale changes that SoCal readers may or may not want. The reinvention of the Times as we know it was ordered...
Gawker has posted a whole bunch of excerpts from the Washington, D.C. case that led to a restraining order against former L.A. Times rising star Andrs Martinez. OK, he's a...
Kelly Mullens' attorney Blair Burk says in a statement that the lawsuit filed today by ex-L.A. Times editor Andres Martinez is without merit — and grows out of a restraining...
Whoa, this needs some background. Martinez is the former editorial page editor of the Los Angeles Times who resigned last year over the brouhaha that resulted from his offer to...
Dave Strickler, a former USC research librarian, has painstakingly compiled an online database listing the run years and some details of every comic strip to appear in the Los Angeles...
The Los Angeles Times got beaten on Tuesday by the San Francisco Chronicle's disclosure of an FBI probe into City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo. A memo to the staff last night...
Scott Kraft will move aside after the election to the new position of senior editor and roving correspondent — the special deals didn't end with Sam Zell, it seems —...
Bruce Wallace, currently a correspondent in Tokyo, gets the Foreign Editor job that Marjorie Miller said awhile back that she would be vacating. Here's the memo from Editor Russ Stanton:...
A story in the L.A. Times last week on reactions from local Russians to the events in Georgia was based on interviews conducted in Russian by Metro reporter Ann Simmons....
Corie Brown won a big-within-journalism award for a story on climate change and wine. Too bad she doesn't cover wine, or anything else, for the Los Angeles Times anymore. From:...
New Los Angeles Times Publisher Eddy Hartenstein met some of the staff this afternoon and didn't make any headlines. That's a switch from previous debuts by Times and Tribune executives....
Eddy Hartenstein's email to the staff is brief. He will address all hands at 3 pm. Good day, As an avid reader of The Times for more than 45 years,...
One of the challenges facing new L.A. Times publisher Eddy Hartenstein will be stopping the brain drain of top journalists who see no future in a Sam Zell-run media venture....
The reports — starting, I believe, with Cynthia Littleton in Variety back in July — have all been accurate. Up next in the rotating chair of Los Angeles Times publisher...
Even though Tribune's innovation guru keeps advising Sam Zell's newspapers to make stars of their staffs and be funnier, in last month's cutbacks at the Los Angeles Times the editors...
You may think the Los Angeles Times is shrinking in print, but don't let your eyes deceive you. This Sunday's LAT was 368 pages fatter than a week before, if...
Allan Sloan of Fortune Magazine, a persistent skeptic of Tribune dealings, breaks down Sam Zell's latest creative financing scheme for Marketplace: "The company is in, as you know, big trouble....What...
It was less than a year ago that L.A. Times Sports Editor Randy Harvey praised his hire of young Metro reporter Jonathan Abrams to cover the Clippers. Now it's the...
Top of the Ticket finished atop the blog rankings at the L.A. Times again this past month, with the celebrity driven stuff just behind. Peter Viles' L.A. Land continues to...
William Lobdell launched his new Orange County-centric blog with a list of the 42 things he knows after a career at the Los Angeles Times. Excerpts: 8 - The idea...
Michalene Busico, who left the Los Angeles Times last week, was one of the high-profile New York Times talents who jumped to the LAT during the John Carroll-Dean Baquet era....
Executive editor John Arthur to the L.A. Times newsroom early this morning, about the paper's scoop on the suicide of anthrax suspect Bruce Ivins: From: Arthur, John Sent: Friday, August...
Just before noon, the editors at LATimes.com decided to give one of the top spots at the Los Angeles Times home page to a story — and tag cloud —...
Is this a metaphor about internal tension at the L.A. Times over future priorities — or maybe an indicator that the reading public is split? Here's an email that the...
Joe Scott blogs that Sam Zell should sell the Los Angeles Times. What amazes is the current lack of outrage about the decline and fall of LAs most important asset....I...
Here's the audio link for today's show on the Los Angeles Times. And a link to last night's Which Way, L.A.?, also on the Times. Tomorrow about 4:40 pm, I'm...
Nikki Finke blogs that she has heard from reliable sources that Eddy Hartenstein, the ex-chief of DirecTV, "is under serious consideration to be the new Los Angeles Times publisher, replacing...
The New York Observer visits with interns spending the summer at Sam Zell newspapers and finds they aren't exactly having a great time. The story leads, not surprisingly, with the...
This morning's newspaper feels like the smallest and lightest Los Angeles Times I've ever seen, with only six pages each in the Business and Sports sections (and not a single...
Scott Martelle, who has been covering the presidential campaign for the National politics desk, sent an email this afternoon to L.A. and literary contacts informing them that he got tapped...
The "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer" drills down on the closure of newspaper book sections, pegged to the L.A. Times situation. Here's the email blast at Romenesko: This past Sunday, the...
Alan Mittelstaedt, formerly an editor and L.A. Sniper columnist at CityBeat and LA Weekly (and blogging at the Weekly and at Witness LA), is joining the editing staff at the...
Times book editor David Ulin tells Publishers Weekly that, in the post-Book Review era, the upside is that editorially and aesthetically, we are going to be producing the same kind...
Former Times feature writer Roy Rivenburg calls his send-up Not the Los Angeles Times and includes spoof blogs by Sam Zell and Tribune innovation guru Lee Abrams, some digs at...
The end of several sections was formally announced in today's Los Angeles Times, starting with a wrap-around sheet on the paper itself that included a message from Editor Russ Stanton:...
Mickey Kaus has the email from Los Angeles Times blog editor Tony Pierce telling the paper's bloggers not to go there on the John Edwards-tryst-in-Beverly Hills story: Subject: john edwards...
A large banner proclaiming Zell Hell was draped this morning off the corporate parking garage at the Los Angeles Times building in Downtown. It carries a link to TellZell.com, the...
Bob Carey is one of the Los Angeles Times photo staffers who were let go this week. Over at the Columbia Journalism Review, which is inviting parting journos to have...
TellZell.com got hold of the Powerpoint presentation for the new magazine that will replace the old Los Angeles Times Magazine, and it looks like pap. The mission statement: Loving L.A....
I'm hearing that at last night's L. A. Times farewell soiree, the elephant in the room, so to speak, was Eli Broad. The billionaire art patron was a very active...
If the new downZelled L.A. Times is going to convince people it knows about Los Angeles, it needs to stop describing places in Los Angeles as in "the Burbank area."...
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and ex-mayor Richard Riordan attended tonight's reception in the L.A. Times building for departing editor of the editorial pages Jim Newton. He quit June 3,...
When Jaime Crdenas was hired as a Los Angeles Times sports writer last year, Sports editor Randy Harvey gave him special billing. Crdenas was an intern with a personal story...
The hits just keep on coming, but not in the radio sense that the Zellots think about. Judy Pasternak, who won a prestigious enviro reporting award this year for her...
Yesterday it was the Book Review's former editors pleading to keep a distinct books presence in the Los Angeles Times. Today, Los Angeles author Daniel A. Olivas (Latinos in Lotusland,...
Truthdig's columnist writes: The decline of newspapers is not about the replacement of the antiquated technology of news print with the lightning speed of the Internet. It does not signal...
Los Angeles editor Kit Rachlis was an editor at the Los Angeles Times for six-plus years, mostly helping craft the kinds of narrative stories that fed the paper's reputation for...
The editor of Variety blogs: As another wave of Los Angeles Times staffers got their farewell notices last week, everyone seems willing to accept the notion that big city newspapers...
I make typos because I'm rushed and here alone, without another set of eyes until readers check in with their catches. The main page of LATimes.com makes typos because...the paper...
Now that the L.A. Times has folded its real Sunday magazine and laid off more than a hundred editorial staffers, the new upscale magazine being launched outside the newsroom's influence...
Four past book editors of the Los Angeles Times — Sonja Bolle, Digby Diehl, Jack Miles and Steve Wasserman — released a letter protesting the planned termination of the Sunday...
I'm woefully behind on emails and hope to catch up while traveling this weekend. Meanwhile, here's the link to Friday's LA Observed segment on KCRW. The script is posted below,...
Layoffs and voluntary departures continue at the Los Angeles Times, which has yet to reach the magic 150 figure for the newsrooms (250 paperwide.) Also, it seems that many staffers...
One of the big concerns I hear voiced repeatedly in Los Angeles about the new webbier, less journalistic L.A. Times is the fear that it will become LAT Lite: less...
Environment writer Marla Cone, a former president board member of the Society of Environmental Journalists, sent an email to the members explaining her exit from the Los Angeles Times. Example:...
Today's Los Angeles Times sports section, once a cash cow for the paper, carries a grand total of three tiny ads. That's 11 column inches of advertising across eight pages,...
Robert Abele at the LA Weekly wonders if the new character introduced in "The Closer" this season would be Sam Zell's idea of a model reporter. Whats with the inane,...
Departing Los Angeles Times reporters Marla Cone and William Lobdell will be on KPCC's "Airtalk" in the 10 o'clock hour, along with Book Editor David Ulin longtime sports writer and...
Confirmed departures not yet reported here, among the 150 editorial jobs (plus 100 outside the newsrooms) being lost by layoffs both voluntary and not: Steve Harvey learned he will no...
Michelle Quinn, one of the Los Angeles Times staff writers who blogs about technology, used this photo of Pope Benedict to illustrate a post about Apple apologizing to customers of...
The L.A. Times local columnist writes today, "Like a lot of my colleagues, I've wondered if I should finally give it up, or might be forced to. But most of...
More confirmed departures: David Haldane was a reporter at the Times for 23 years, the last 16 in Orange County. "Yesterday (Monday) was my last day; Im gone, gone, gone...
This is a note that someone in the Los Angeles Times building taped to the wall where past Pulitzer winners are recognized. A bouquet of flowers was left on the...
OCWeekly's Gustavo Arellano exchanged email with William Lobdell, one of the Los Angeles Times staffers who is ankling the shrinking Orange County office. They appear together regularly on the Orange...
It's hard to know which would make Sam Zell happier — seeing so many prominent Times journalists heading out the door, or this headline that the editors have put in...
The Washington Post announced in the newsroom that Los Angeles correspondent William Booth is going back on the foreign beat. His wife, ex-foreign correspondent Anne-Marie O'Connor, will be leaving the...
Chuck Philips is the investigative reporter and Pulitzer winner whose March story linking rapper Sean Combs to an attack on Tupac Shakur was fully retracted by the Los Angeles Times...
Times publisher David Hiller invited staffers by email to drop in and say goodbye. He praises his executive assistant, Caroline Thorpe, who has worked with LAT publishers since Otis Chandler....
Turns out that the 150 or so newsroom staffers leaving the Los Angeles Times are a mix of buyout volunteers (who have to agree not to take another job until...
The company line, and what the Los Angeles Times reported as confirmed news on its website, is that David Hiller resigned as publisher. Now here's what he says: From: Hiller,...
Randy Michaels note to Tribunistas: I want to let you know that David Hiller has decided to step down as publisher of The Los Angeles Times, effective immediately. David took...
Editor Russ Stanton's memo to the staff says "Today, editors will begin notifying most of the 150 people who will be leaving us, and we hope to complete that process...
On the Los Angeles Times website: L.A.'s Latino mayor praises Obama at La Raza conference The locals just call him Villaraigosa. Shorter by two letters....
At the L.A. Times' Top of the Ticket blog, many of the reader comments posted about former Bush spokesman Tony Snow's death have been tasteless — to say the least....
Three newsworthy deaths today: Dr. Michael DeBakey, Tony Snow and Bobby Murcer. The Los Angeles Times website lede says of DeBakey, "preeminent cardiac surgeon saved millions with his breakthroughs." The...
Today's email from California Editor David Lauter about the preparations for layoffs at the Los Angeles Times. (The number hasn't risen above 150, he says.) It looks like next week...
That's how one staffer describes the mood around the Los Angeles Times offices, where editors were believed to be working last night on their final lists of staffers — 150...
The reason Sam Zell and company get so much attention (and let's face it, derision) here is not that they want to force change on institutions like the Times and...
With Sam Zell and Randy Michaels in town and making everybody antsy, and speculation raging in the newsroom about the future of Publisher David Hiller, the cutting out of printed...
In today's LAT, reviewer Leslie Brenner absolutely savages Gladstone's Malibu, the Pacific Coast Highway goldmine where former mayor Richard Riordan is the largest shareholder. The food is "abominable" and the...
Word swept through the Los Angeles Times newsroom today that managers were directed to prepare lists ranking staffers by level of talent then turn in the lists by tonight, a...
Sam Zell's in-house innovator Lee Abrams has memoed again, long and rambling and ungrammatical as usual. Now that the cost-cutting Los Angeles Times is apparently moving towards folding the stand-alone...
Investigative reporters Charles Ornstein and Tracy Weber, who won a Pulitzer Prize in 2005 for reporting on the deaths at King-Drew Medical Center, are leaving the Los Angeles Times for...
Surprise, a bit of good news about the Los Angeles Times. It appears that, just ahead of the layoff reaper, one of the paper's most graceful and reportedly highly paid...
It's not clear who was putting out the Los Angeles Times this afternoon, since the top editors attended the service for retired reporter Ken Reich. No hard feelings about his...
I'll be on with Larry Mantle about 10:06 am talking about the Times. Editor Russ Stanton goes on first. Update: Stanton sounded quite subdued and was frank about the Times...
There has been a range of reaction to the coming shrinkage of the Los Angeles Times, from horror and sadness to something close to glee from conservative haters of the...
"These moves will be difficult and painful," Times editor Russ Stanton says in a memo this afternoon that is short on details. He says the firings required will take place...
Six events at least, including a bunch involving contributors with business (or potentially so) pending at City Hall. David Zahniser touches on them at the Times' local blog, but for...
Kathy Reich, who is familiar to many on the California politics scene, posts at Take Back the Times: I am deeply saddened to write that my father, Ken Reich, died...
Word at the Los Angeles Times is that retired reporter Ken Reich, 70, died in his sleep. He was found this morning. Friend and former Tom Bradley deputy mayor Anton...
That's what retired Los Angeles Times reporter Ken Reich calls his series of blog posts telling a little bit about 75 former Times staffers who left during the later part...
Los Angeles Times Publisher David Hiller sent the staff a little pre-layoff salvo to prepare them for the cuts and repositioning that will be announced soon. Light on details, but...
Mark Lacter isn't alone in predicting that Sam Zell would be lucky to get any value for the Los Angeles Times property in the Civic Center. Downtown guru Tom Gilmore...
I'd much rather not be posting all the time about a Chicago billionaire, but Sam Zell is L.A.'s biggest news media mogul right now. Yesterday at a taping for Dave...
Tribune's Lee Abrams, in an interview with Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic, sought to clarify some of his image as...a not very informed observer of newspapers, even though he's the...
Radio talker Hugh Hewitt offers some new advice to Sam Zell and Randy Michaels on the problem child of their big debt-laden, default-threatened investment in the Tribune company. (Here was...
The writer of the Times' weekly Big Picture column will now start posting to a blog, also called The Big Picture. The print column will become a rehash of what's...
Earlier this month, it was Truthdig's Robert Scheer reappearing on the L.A. Times Op-Ed page — notable because his firing as an Op-Ed columnist after thirteen years created quite a...
Sam Zell's Orland Sentinel has unveiled its new more colorful and "get to the point" redesign. The editor of the Chicago Tribune today told her staff that the paper will...
The anonymous L.A. Times staffer (plural?) behind Tell Zell has posted a list of the LAT journalists who have left the newsroom in the past two years and a link...
I've been kicking myself for a week for under-playing the selection of Russ Parsons, one of my favorite food writers, to the dining industry's hall of fame. He's the first...
Anita Busch, the journalist who was famously threatened by associates of jailed Hollywood snoop Anthony Pellicano while reporting for the L.A. Times, has a letter in Saturday's LAT co-signed by...
Never a dull moment.... Chicago Tribune publisher Scott Smith says he'll retire, calling it time for Zell and Randy Michaels to bring in their own morning deejay "new leadership." Romenesko...
Times editor Russ Stanton emailed the newsroom today with his take on the conversion of the LAT's Sunday magazine into a non-editorial venture. He suggests that today's New York Times...
The New York Times has posted the story it almost ran last week revealing a sloppy end to the Los Angeles Times Magazine as a newsroom product. This being the...
Joel Sappell, who vented recently in the American Journalism Review about Sam Zell and other changes that led him to flee the Los Angeles Times, started today as Deputy for...
Harriet Ryan has been a senior correspondent for Court TV and "is comfortable on camera," the L.A. Times memo says. In Times fashion, the memo wraps her hiring to monitor...
Tony Pierce of the LA. Times website captured and posted video of the boss, publisher David Hiller, belting out the national anthem at Thursday's Cubs-Dodgers game. Hiller hit all the...
While Sam Zell's pronouncement of yesterday continues to ripple across the media, the New York Times has budgeted a daily for Saturday saying that the Los Angeles Times Magazine has...
Marjorie Miller says it's her call to return to reporting and that the new management team at the L.A. Times should get to name its own foreign editor. Memos here...
* Update: The Times' unofficial pressroom blog, which posted the Sam Zell memo formerly quoted below, now says it was a repeat from February. (!) So no, Zell hasn't talked...
In an interview with Mediabistro's David S. Hirschman, L.A. Times Editor Russ Stanton puts the good spin on the cuts that his newsroom expects to land soon. "I get that...
Staff writer Thomas S. Mulligan, based in the New York bureau, writes "Newton's message carried praise for his colleagues and the paper, plus a hint of unspecified conflict between him...
Updated Los Angeles Times Publisher David Hiller announces that Jim Newton, his editor of the editorial pages, will leave in July to write a book. Newton lasted 14 months. Newton...
Joel Sappell had been at the L.A. Times for 26 years, most recently as an investigative projects editor. He never considered any previous buyout, thinking of the LAT as his...
After three somewhat stormy years living and blogging in Paris, four months in China and a stint in a rented apartment near Santa Monica beach, Los Angeles Times travel writer...
I'm happy for Times Publisher David Hiller that on June 5 he'll live his dream and sing the national anthem before the Cubs game at Dodger Stadium. (Back in February...
Sallie Hofmeister is the new business editor at the Los Angeles Times, reporting to the managing editor. LA Biz Observed Scary forecast about the financial future of newspapers, also...
Andrew Malcolm, the former New York Times correspondent and Laura Bush press secretary (as well as part-time Karl Rove assistant), talks about his conversion from L.A. Times editorial writer to...
Jon Thurber, the LAT's obits editor, gets some ink on Claire Hoffman's religion blog for Newsweek and the Washington Post. To me, one of the most desirable jobs in newspapers...
Nikki Finke points a chiding finger at Defamer, Variety columnist Anne Thompson, LAT columnist Patrick Goldstein and Slate's Kim Masters for posting an erroneous item that she says began...
In an interview with Patterico blogger Patrick Frey, the victim of the dead-fish incident that helped spur the Anthony Pellicano prosecution voices concerns about ties between the convicted private eye...
Tidbits from the print world... The Daily News continues to lose journalists to other pursuits. But Councilman Jose Huizar gains a press deputy. Today's newsroom missives from Managing Editor Melissa...
Every year the L.A. Times throws a party for the newsroom staff and hands out some cash prizes. In past years, these were overflow banquets held at the Beverly Hills...
For the past few months Kareem Abdul-Jabbar posted to a blog on LATimes.com. As of Monday, it has moved to Abdul-Jabbar's own website (with sound, so turn down your speakers.)...
"In fact, we made no errors," John T. O'Loughlin, President/Targeted Media and SVP/Marketing for Los Angeles Times Media Group, writes to the head of the Southern California Broadcasters Assn. Here's...
The president of the Southern California Broadcasters Association has a bone to pick with a recent L.A. Times house ad claiming the paper has more reach to offer advertisers than...
I never know what to really make of this data, but Scarborough Research has released its 2008 Newspaper Audience Ratings Report. It aims to estimate, based on telephone surveys, how...
Perhaps Sam Zell realized his troubled new company needs a full-time boss, or maybe he just tired of his newspaper toys after a few months in charge. Whatever, executive VP...
Tribune innovation czar Lee Abrams blogs that before coming to Los Angeles, "For years I have heard the Industry dirt on the Los Angeles Times. Got a lot of 'good...
The Times is moving California political writer Phil Willon onto the Los Angeles City Hall beat. The memo from California Editor David Lauter waxes on a bit about the importance...
He actually sounds pretty forgiving about that whole Tupac Shakur business, while talking to Associated Press about getting his star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame and house-hunting in Los Angeles:...
I've heard more grumbling than usual from the features side of the L.A. Times newsroom about the time and money devoted to this week's touchy-feely innovation session, facilitated by a...
Sure, the Tribune Co. has owned the L.A. Times since 2000. But the Chandler family's trust kept the land at 1st and Spring streets in Downtown, so the Times had...
As LAO noted yesterday, the L.A. Times suffered a greater circulation drop the past six months than any of the top U.S. newspapers — and by far the most precipitous...
The Times' website today is pushing a travel feature on the West San Fernando Valley, writing that "in what we hope will be an ongoing series, we present you a...
In the early 1990s, my beat at the Times was to rove California's small towns and far-flung regions and cover stories that needed telling. Just about every time I would...
With another 5.13% loss in average weekday circulation comparing this March 31 to last year, the L.A. Times posts the biggest percentage drop of the top 10 U.S. papers. The...
L.A. Times Sports Editor Randy Harvey felt he had to bang his writers and editors over the head yesterday about the paper's rules regarding unnamed sources, threatening written reprimands and...
L.A. Times editor Russ Stanton takes great pains in his memo to make it sound like current managing editor John Arthur will still have a crucial post, but the real...
If you want to know if anyone is reading your stories, "make sure you insert a mistake about George Washington," writes Mary McNamara, the Calendar TV critic who mistakenly said...
Erstwhile and future minor candidate for mayor Walter Moore proves a lightweight in an email exchange with L.A. Times editorial page editor Jim Newton, blogged by Ron Kaye. According to...
In a Q&A with Forbes' Louis Hau, L.A. Times Publisher David Hiller answers one of the lingering questions about the future paper: The Los Angeles Times is one of the...
RJ Smith at Los Angeles magazine conducted interviews with all six living ex-editors of the Los Angeles Times, a group whose time in charge spans from 1971 to this year....
Hours after Howard Kurtz dinged Russ Stanton for not talking about the first big scandal under his watch as Los Angeles Times editor, Stanton told Editor & Publisher that reporter...
Bringing home a Pulitzer Prize to Los Angeles isn't the only praise Investor's Business Daily cartoonist Michael Ramirez gets to bask in this month. He also just picked up a...
The L.A. Times put its online entertainment listings today under The Guide banner. Memo from associate editor Leo Wolinsky and website executive editor Meredith Artley follows: From: Wolinsky, Leo Sent:...
At the end of his Washington Post media column today, Howard Kurtz seems put out that L.A. Times editors haven't given interviews about the big Tupac Shakur-Sean Combs screw-up. He...
Los Angeles Times editor Russ Stanton took 25 editors to the South Bay this week for a beachfront "off-site" to figure out how to stop the bleeding and regroup as...
Sunday's L.A. Times real estate section will include a nice piece from real estate editor Lauren Beale praising the 24-year run of Hot Property columns by Ruth Ryon, who originated...
Just passing along what I was told this morning from a possibly good source — no confirmation, no independent reporting, no warranty implied. But my contact travels in the right...
No, not at the Daily Journal — yet. In yesterday's print edition of the L.A. Times, the headline on the third editorial — about religion and the 1st Amendment —...
In one of his occasional long messages to the staff, Los Angeles Times Publisher David Hiller says "we are smack in the middle of a recession on top of the...
This cartoon by Rob Tornoe runs today under the headline "Sam Zell must be very proud" at PolitickerCA. That is the relatively new local outlet of a national chain of...
It's hard not to notice that the periodic recaps of web performance at LATimes.com don't dwell on writing or reporting quality, impact of the journalism or connecting with Los Angeles....
Russ Stanton is taking key editors at the Los Angeles Times on a retreat this week to prepare them for the future. "If we don't chart a new course, others...
My prediction of this morning was correct, if general. The Washington Post cleaned up with six Pulitzer prizes, for coverage of Walter Reed, Virginia Tech, Dick Cheney and Blackwater among...
Forget Saturday's Guantanamo correction — this is your correction o' the week, if not o' the year. It has to be especially painful for LAT staffers, coming out on the...
Cecilia Rasmussen's regular Sunday column in the Times on L.A. historical figures went out with a bang. She and the paper commissioned DNA tests that appear to show that L.C...
The day was yesterday, the perpetrator was the Los Angeles Times, and the question left by the correction is geez, what did they get right? Guantanamo Bay: An article March...
Ann Brenoff succeeds Ruth Ryon as maven of the L.A. Times column on real estate that happens to be owned or leased by celebrities. Memo after the jump:...
LAT Beatbox, being incubated on Blogspot, has a post criticizing Sean Combs for threatening reporter Chuck Philips' job: "You might be a smooth criminal, but when you pick on the...
Bunk Magazine pokes fun at the L.A. Times past and present with an April Fool's Day website The Los Wikiless Timespedia, billed as a last-ditch effort to save the newspaper...
I'm told that Times publisher David Hiller did make some news-driven exceptions to last Friday's buyout departure date. L.A. Times Poll director Susan Pinkus and deputy Jill Darling will be...
This updates the preliminary list I posted on March 4. It's based on my best information, but I'm sure there will be additions or deletions as better info comes in....
Stephanie Simon, a national reporter based in Denver for the Los Angeles Times, will roam the heartland for the Wall Street Journal starting April 14. At the L.A. Times she...
Calendar section writer Robert Welkos, co-author with Joel Sappell of the Los Angeles Times' seminal investigation of Scientology awhile back, took a lighter touch than most of this season's buyout...
Times legal affairs writer Henry Weinstein's voice carries a lot of weight in the newsroom and his departure may be the one affecting staff morale the most. (Here's his Friday...
Many of the journalists who departed the L.A. Times on Friday sent farewells to the newsroom. Some directed messages at Tribune owner Sam Zell. Here's the email from special projects...
Friday was clean out their desk day for the editors, writers and other staffers who left the Los Angeles Times in the lastest wave of buyouts. (I'll update my list...
I've got a bunch of things to do away from the computer, and today really is a holiday for some, including UCLA staff: Cesar Chavez Day. Here's a roundup of...
The headline is NYU journalism professor and blogger Jay Rosen's response to Warren Olney's question about how big a black eye the L.A. Times has suffered in the Sean Combs-Tupac...
Reporter Myron Levin, one of the veteran reporters to take the Los Angeles Times buyout, checked out today with a farewell email to the entire editorial staff. He seems to...
Romenesko adds up the stream of comments on the errant Tupac Shakur story: 25 pages (now 30 and counting, because they limit each to ten entries.) First seven provide a...
The L.A. Times will resume calling its staff critics what they are. Memo today: From: Wolinsky, Leo Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 11:58 AM Subject: Critic Bylines After a 7-year...
CityBeat's L.A. Sniper columnist Alan Mittelstaedt captures Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky's persuasive argument that the Times' cutback of local coverage through the years contributes to the city's bad traffic by letting...
Veteran Los Angeles Times reporter Chuck Philips and his editor, Deputy Managing Editor Marc Duvoisin, issued statements of apology for the story that linked Sean Combs to the murder of...
The report in the Smoking Gun that the Times got duped on its recent Sean Combs- Tupac Shakur story has been top of the page for hours now at LATImes.com,...
The Smoking Gun claims that the L.A. Times relied on FBI documents fabricated by con man James Sabatino for the paper's report last week that the 1994 shooting of Tupac...
Greg Krikorian, a Los Angeles Times veteran who is the lead reporter on the Anthony Pellicano trial, applied for and received the recent buyout. He's joining the office of the...
Eric is off this week doing his duty as the parent of a pre-college teen, so everybody can take some time to play with their pages for Right of Way....
MaryKaye Schilling is leaving to return to New York, according to an abrupt memo from the newly assigned editor helping with management issues on the L.A. Times features side. From:...
Foreign Editor Marjorie Miller marked the fifth anniversary of the Iraq war with a "well done" message to the Iraqi nationals who help staff the Los Angeles Times bureau in...
Andrew Kamenetzky, half of the brotherly duo that travels with the Lakers and covers the team every day for their L.A. Times-owned blog, was denied access last night to the...
Alan Miller was a charter member of the investigative team in the Times Washington bureau and won his Pulitzer in 2003 for stories on problems with the military aircraft so...
David Willman of the L.A. Times Washington bureau is no longer on the buyout list, he confirms. (I previously termed it that he "withdrew," but that's saying more than I...
The Downtown News' Jon Regardie saw some news in Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa repeating to Charlie Rose the company line that will he run next year for a second term. In...
An LA Observed reader emailed to alert me to the big news out of the Federal Reserve and to wonder why his hometown paper wasn't on it: Lead story...
The Los Angeles Times has lost more subscribers in the past four years than any U.S. newspaper and it isn't even close. Editor & Publisher compared 2007 circulation to 2003...
The latest entry on the Los Angeles Times politics blog comes from a new — but no longer unexpected — source. It's credited not to one of the Times' bloggers...
Ed Padgett at the Los Angeles Times Pressmens blog posted the news on Friday: 31 employees out, most in Orange County, some at the downtown L.A. printing plant. Just a...
The best political contest of the year in Los Angeles, by far, is the showdown between Councilman Bernard Parks and State Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas to be anointed the next Los...
Couple of bad links fixed Sports columnist Paul Oberjuerge, science writer Elise Kleeman and former LAT editor Wes Hughes are among the staffers out of jobs in this week's round...
Certain eyes popped wide open when the Times reported last week that Nancy Daly Riordan, the ex-mayor's ex-wife, had sold her Malibu home for a whopping $68 million. Even for...
Associate Editor Leo Wolinsky had handled page one duties through several of the recent editorships at the Los Angeles Times. For the first time in his 30-year career at the...
Long Beach resident and LA Observed reader Ron Schweitzer sent a letter to the Press-Telegram explaining why the latest cuts there pushed him into becoming an L.A. Times buyer. His...
One reporter each at the Pasadena Star-News and San Gabriel Valley Tribune so far, says former LANGland editor and reporter Gary Scott. More expected at the Inland Empire properties, he...
Veteran Times reporter Henry Weinstein will be on KCRW's Which Way, L.A.? tonight at 7 pm talking with host Warren Olney about the effects of buyouts at the LAT. Weinstein...
Mark Lacter and I were just on "Airtalk" talking with Larry Mantle about the buyouts at the Times and other local papers. You can hear it in the archives at...
This is the unofficial list going around the Los Angeles Times newsroom of staffers who applied for the buyout, whether nudged or not. Some applications may be declined, in theory,...
Dance critic Lewis Segal got the tap on the shoulder. His position is being eliminated, Sasha Anawalt writes: In a city where dance riddles the inner sanctums of churches, temples,...
Three Pulitzer winners from the John Carroll-Dean Baquet era turned in papers by yesterday's deadline, I'm told. Many other veteran reporters and editors have decided to call it quits. I'll...
News and politics did well in the LATimes.com stats for February, so maybe there's hope yet. Politics blog Top of the Ticket led the pack of in-house blogs in February...
How often can the people who actually have to run the L.A. Times cover for Sam Zell's...Zelliousnness? This time, Publisher David Hiller sent the Washington bureau a valentine assuring the...
Michael Tackett, who runs the Chicago Tribune's side of the big bureau in Washington that the LAT dominates, tells Editor & Publisher that his people are ready to work with...
Chicago Tribune media columnist Phil Rosenthal covers yesterday's Sam Zell attack on the LAT Washington bureau, and it goes beyond the psychic bloodbath I picked up. Zell wants the Times...
I'm told Sam Zell just informed the Los Angeles Times Washington bureau that there's way too many people there and they should start acting like a wire service for the...
Jacket Copy, the blog written by the staff of the L.A. Times' books section, today added a new voice: Carolyn Kellogg's. She is the former editor of LAist who left...
The L.A. Police Protective League took umbrage at Times columnist Tim Rutten's chiding of Mayor Villaraigosa for injecting a bit of politics into his TV time at the funeral of...
I listened to Sam Zell answer questions Thursday night at the Hammer Museum, then afterward shook his hand and chatted a bit about the Times and newspapers. First time I'd...
The new L.A. Times news blog looks and acts freakishly like LA Observed, often posting on the same news nuggets after we do. (And sometimes it works the other way.)...
Editor Russ Stanton, in offering the package clearly aimed at getting older staffers to leave, suggests that Sam Zell's message is "take it or else." Sam's people have indicated that...
A mini-profile of L.A. Times publisher David Hiller in tomorrow's New York Times leads with the idea that he's star-struck by the glamour of his adopted hometown. It's pegged to...
L.A. Times publisher David Hiller and editor Russ Stanton both guest on tonight's Which Way, L.A.? with Warren Olney, at 7 pm on KCRW. Presumably Hiller will talk about why...
The rumors were true that new editor Russ Stanton made getting rid of John Montorio his first big move. Montorio, the managing editor for features, told his editors this morning...
Kareem Abdul Jabbar's blog on the Times website seems to be working its way through his personal African American Hall of Fame — the latest subject is Charlotte E. Ray,...
The shrinking L.A. Times needs to get better in some areas and to "walk away from" some subjects it has traditionally covered, new editor Russ Stanton says. He wants the...
Russ Stanton gets the job of Los Angeles Times editor, as expected for the past few weeks. The announcement had been delayed by the presidential debate in Hollywood, and apparently...
L.A. Now has gone live on LA Times.com, with posts on the news and the region from the recently hired Veronique de Turenne (yes, that one) and veteran Times staff...
The first print edition of the free culture weekly Metromix — "reverse-engineered" from the Times-run website of the same name, Ad Age says — hit the streets yesterday. It will...
While I was on the road, Mark Lacter picked up the news that Sam Zell ordered staff cuts at the Times and across Tribune, citing the need to reduce costs...
President Felipe Calder�n of Mexico was in Chicago and the Bay Area yesterday. Today he'll address the Legislature in Sacramento and visit the Napa Valley, then be greeted at LAX...
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has taken up a blog for the Times. So far he has talked about the Giants' win in the Super Bowl, the video he helped make for Barack...
Bad timing. As soon as I finished and posted the previous item on some LAT concerns about the reaction to Sam Zell's style, I received an email that went out...
So you get the choice assignment: illustrate a story on the science of orgasm. Problem: How do you depict something you can't see? Caveat: It's for a big family newspaper,...
I know firsthand that media types who mention Paris Hilton (or Britney Spears) are likely to hear harangues from readers/viewers/listeners turned off by all the celebrity worship that's on the...
Sam Zell apparently got enough feedback about his boorish (at best) remarks at the Times and Orlando Sentinel last week that he sent out a mea culpa this morning posing...
Times pressman Ed Padgett blogs that Sam Zell was a big hit at the paper's downtown printing plant this morning. The new boss also brought some news, according to Padgett....
The latest report from web executive editor Meredith Artley shows the most important traffic drivers to the Times website are celebrity news and Hollywood. Nothing beats the page view-inflating efficiency...
New owner Sam Zell apparently lit into ex-editor Jim O'Shea during this morning's talk to L.A. Times employees. If I get better reports, or the transcript — or video? —...
That dramatic reading of the collected works of David Hiller and Jim O'Shea didn't air as billed on the Jan. 26 edition of "Deadline L.A." KPFK's transmitter was knocked off...
Last year's managing editor of the Los Angeles Times (actually he stayed nearly two years) will be on Hugh Hewitt's radio show Thursday. Frantz and his wife, Catherine Collins, will...
The veteran Times columnist, briefly dumped last year, holds his nose and starts posting on Blogspot: A blog is generally a loathsome, tedious creation of the electronic age, an opportunity...
Sam Zell is turning out to be prickly about having his wisdom about journalism challenged, even slightly. He got all huffy about a question in one of his visits to...
The blogger at Spanglish Gringo lives in Boyle Heights and recently was told by the Los Angeles Times that he can no longer receive the paper at home. Baffled, he...
Joe Mathews, who's covering the presidential campaign, will leave the Los Angeles Times sometime after Super Tuesday to join the New America Foundation as a California Fellow. Other ex-Timesmen already...
First presidential endorsements by the LAT since Richard Nixon in 1972. On Barack Obama: "Either of the Democratic candidates would make a strong nominee. But just because the ballot features...
Robert Downey Jr. and Catherine Keener (said to be looking somewhat Maureen Dowd-ish) are in the Times newsroom today filming the Nathaniel story. Along with a bunch of extras portraying...
Janet Clayton stepped down last year as the L.A. Times editor in charge of Metro and California coverage, which followed a long stint as editor of the editorial pages. Today...
You might remember last summer when Times editors spiked a Patrick Goldstein column that recommended the LAT give away music to boost interest in the paper. (The Calendar section ran...
Outgoing L.A. Times editor Jim O'Shea won't be on "News Conference" here Sunday morning, as we noted, but he is scheduled to turn up on CNN's "Reliable Sources" with Howard...
While the battered denizens at the L.A. Times wait to hear whether their next editor will be a patsy for the publisher or an actual respected newsroom leader with independence...
Filming of the movie "The Soloist," based on Steve Lopez's series of LAT columns and book on Downtown homeless musician Nathaniel Ayers, will move into the Times city room on...
Author Samantha Dunn writes in today's Calendar section, "We should thank our lucky stars Mary McNamara's debut novel, 'Oscar Season,' arrives when it does, because if the writers strike goes...
You may remember awhile back (June 2006, actually) that the L.A. Times editorial page said it would resume making presidential candidate endorsements. Those plans survive the change in editors, publishers...
Tribune chairman Sam Zell decrees that his properties will no longer filter the Internet content that employees can view. Via email to staffers: From: Talk to Sam Sent: Tuesday, January...
Now we know how Jim O'Shea could find time to write a 1,700-word farewell speech. He got the message at lunch at Traxx in Union Station that the gulf between...
That seems to be a popular theme, pegged to the coincidence that yesterday's news about yet another high-level exit from the Times broke on the same day that HBO's popular...
New Tribune chairman Sam Zell emailed the Times staff: From: Talk to Sam Sent: Monday, January 21, 2008 10:04 AM Subject: Jim O'Shea's departure Everyone, With all of the media...
Departing L.A. Times editor Jim O'Shea addressed the newsroom this morning and reiterated that he was pushed out and did not quit. He also criticized Tribune's priorities, and said that...
The budget squeeze that apparently prompted the departure of L.A. Times editor Jim O'Shea wouldn't result in newsroom layoffs or seriously impair coverage, according to Managing Editor John Arthur, the...
Times publisher David Hiller tells his newspaper's reporter that he did not fire his editor — "Jim and I decided we no longer saw things the same way about how...
* Freshened and slightly edited post It's amazing to me that the journalists left at the L.A. Times can put out a paper and a website every day, with all...
Although the Los Angeles Times is listed as one of the sponsors (along with CNN and Politico) of the presidential campaign debates behind held here Jan. 30 and 31, the...
New health care and regional air transportation reporters, and a new beat assigning a veteran reporter with a video camera to report on local government. Memo from California editor David...
Back when there were newspaper wars between the L.A. Times and the Daily News (over the Valley), the Times and Register (over Orange County), and other suburban papers, this never...
A new employee handbook from the Zell regime went out to all 20,000 Tribune "owners" today. It tries to distance the new Zellian Tribune from the old group, and begins...
Mark Swed's Jan. 7 LAT review of an L.A. Philharmonic performance of pieces with an urban theme said, among other things: In between came Frank Zappa's 'Dupree's Paradise.' Short, diverting...
I have to think the Sports staff at the L.A. Times is still rattled by the gaffe and front page skimback on the Roger Clemens investigation. They should be. Now...
The most-viewed story on the Los Angeles Times website in 2007 was nothing the paper's reporters covered or exposed or explained. It was sports columnist Mike Penner's last byline —...
If you are Emerald City, the L.A. Times' environment blog, you follow yesterday's post on your friend's bikini crotch with a post today on the underwear your mother gave you...
Three L.A. Times editors go online to defend the paper's use of three reporters to cover Ms. Spears' latest public meltdown. "If we had wanted simply to report the facts...
The L.A. Times' decision to go ahead and distribute Parade magazine's Benazir Bhutto issue as if she were still alive — with an unfortunate cover line — has drawn more...
The Times seems happy with the traffic performance of its national politics blog, which has been covering the presidential races mostly in posts by Andrew Malcolm and Don Frederick. It...
Times publisher David Hiller has let staffers know that he was back home for the holidays but has returned here refreshed and ready to carry out the Sam Zell agenda....
Ken Ellingwood moves from Jerusalem to Mexico City, and Ashraf Khalil leaves Metro for the Middle East. Memo from Foreign Editor Marjorie Miller after the jump....
Jill Leovy hinted in this month's profile of her in Los Angeles that she would stop writing the Times' homicide blog in the new year. It's one of the most-read...
It's amazing, really, to look back at all the distraction, disruption and toe-shooting the new Los Angeles Times can pack into a single year. In 2007 alone: The #2 editor...
Irv Letofsky, former editor of the L.A. Times Sunday Calendar section and a critic for the Hollywood Reporter, died Sunday of liver cancer at age 76. From the Reporter obituary:...
The Tribune Company takeover by Sam Zell prompted Times media columnist Tim Rutten to pronounce the seven years of Tribune ownership at the LAT "a disastrous journalistic experiment...there's no need...
That was quite a front-page correction the L.A. Times ran on Thursday, below the fold under the headline 'Steroid affidavit unsealed.' The Times acknowledged that its own 2006 story implicating...
Tribune Company chairman Dennis J. FitzSimons won't be missed much at the L.A. Times. Here's his farewell missive sent this morning (the typos or misspellings are his, not mine.) From:...
It's been six months since Joe Hutchinson left the L.A. Times for Rolling Stone. Today his replacement was named. It's apparently a somewhat controversial decision within the newsroom, judging by...
Times Hollywood columnist Patrick Goldstein got off some good observations about the waning quality, originality and relevance of Oscar race analyzing and gossip. The award announcements make a nice one-day...
With the Zellionaire's takeover of Tribune expected to close this week, the L.A. Times and the Chicago Tribune are reporting that chairman and chief executive Dennis J. FitzSimons could resign...
Leslie Brenner, the Food Editor at the L.A. Times, will move over to become interim editor of the monthly Sunday magazine. There's at least nominally a search on for a...
A long story at Editor & Publisher.com on newspaper political blogs ledes with the veteran reporter who co-writes Top of the Ticket, the L.A. Times campaign blog. The story muses,...
The memo is out on the additions we told you were coming to the Times' web staff — LAist's Tony Pierce and LAO's Veronique de Turenne — plus a couple...
The L.A. Times is going back to reporter "bureaus" placed around the Los Angeles area, in hopes of flushing out more local news. The paper has had them before, then...
OK technically it was an editor's note. And the day was Sunday. But it was just pointed out to me. The subject is architecture critic Christopher Hawthorne's piece in Sunday's...
I'm working through my email from last week and will be posting the most worthy stuff. To start, here's the latest memo at the Times from Meredith Artley, executive editor...
Sometimes the hiring memos at the L.A. Times yield some insight into the interests an editor brings to the table. In this case, we learn that new California Editor David...
Matt Welch makes official what has been unfolding behind the scenes for a bit: he has left the Los Angeles Times editorial page to return to Reason, with the current...
Brian Grazer was "deeply upset by the episode" in which the L.A. Times asked him to guest-edit the opinion section on Sunday, then refused to publish it — and he...
Phil Willon, who runs the L.A. Times bureau in the Inland Empire, is becoming the paper's newest statewide political writer. He'll continue to be based in Riverside. Higher education reporter...
Times Publisher David Hiller uses his in-house blog to refute Joe Scott's blind item that reported the LAT building is for sale. I guess most Times editors don't keep up...
Political blogger Joe Scott, citing buzz among major real estate brokers, says the Tribune Co. intends to sell the square block of Downtown where the Los Angeles Times sits for...
Times media columnist Tim Rutten is moving to the opinion pages, where he began his L.A. Times career [* nope, I'm told he began in the old View feature section.]...
It seems the masthead where the L.A. Times lists its top editors is either expanding — or shrinking — depending on the leadership culture in vogue. Right now the trend...
It's hiring memo day at the L.A. Times. First, before he became the Wall Street Journal Hollywood columnist and a Sitrick and Company troubleshooter, John Lippman covered the television biz...
CityBeat columnist Alan Mittelstaedt FOI'd the chancellor of UC Irvine trying to find out who pressured him to un-hire Erwin Chemerinsky as dean of the new law school, before eventually...
Andrs Martinez, the former LAT editorial page editor, has teamed up with the Washington Post website on a twice-weekly online political advice column. (His former deputy in Los Angeles, Michael...
The New Yorker's Connie Bruck examines the personality that is Sam Zell and his deal to acquire Tribune, and comes up with some earthy quotes and notable observations. Zell on...
Martin J. Smith and Barbara Thornburg were, I think, the last senior editors at the Los Angeles Times Magazine to pre-date and survive the West experiment. Anyway, Smith is finally...
Pajamas Media's Ron Rosenbaum has got some chatter going with an item that hand-wrings about media gossip that the L.A. Times is sitting on an explosive story about sex and...
Sure, Allan Mayer is a veteran Hollywood crisis flack with many successes on his resume — but he's not the only one. So what explains this slobbery treatment in Elizabeth...
An LA Observed reader who didn't receive his L.A. Times on Sunday went to the paper's website and was amused to see these competing notices on the same page. Emphasis...
Remember this photograph from the L.A. Times that I posted on Monday, at the start of this week from hell? It's still the strongest fire image I've seen, because you...
Today's LAT devotes a story — and three bylines — to casting doubt on the claims of a million fire evacuations that the paper reported earlier. For one thing, many...
I've nothing to add on the wildfires that are burning homes by the hundreds across Southern California, but you've got to see — and appreciate — this photo on the...
Shav Glick covered auto racing for the L.A. Times for 37 years, until he was 85 years old, and earned legend status in the sport. He died Saturday of complications...
I haven't checked this out, but the source who tipped me has never steered me wrong. The report is that the L.A. Times held a little internal silent auction yesterday...
Jay Clendenin, a freelancer in Washington, DC, and Liz O. Baylen, a freelancer in New York, are joining the L.A. Times photo staff. Photo editor Colin Crawford's memo also posts...
From today's Los Angeles Times: The obituary of Doolittle Raider Nolan A. Herndon in Monday's California section gave his nickname as Sue. In fact, he was known only as Nolan...
Times reporter Peter Hong sat through the whole first act of The People vs. Phil Spector, but he found a way to leave at intermission. He's transferring to the LAT's...
Announcing today's return of the Los Angeles Times Magazine name, the front page note in the Times reads: The magazine will offer a richer and more substantial report on the...
This could be good — or not. Times Publisher David Hiller, who likes to explain at length his view of the emerging media world, has decided to blog it. But...
Remember that episode back in March when Andrs Martinez resigned as editor of the Times editorial pages after the publisher, David Hiller, didn't back him in the Brian Grazer...
Ever wonder how those bright, not very insightful little blurbs about restaurants, shops and nightlife get onto all the city search websites you mostly don't read? They come from people...
Lennie LaGuire may have taken the sweet buyout to leave the L.A. Times staff, but her fingerprints remain on the weekly-turned-monthly Sunday magazine. As consulting editor she's looking to hire...
Meredith Artley, executive editor of LATimes.com, has sent the staff another periodic update on the site. Traffic is creeping back up, and there are plans this month for more blogs...
Jim O'Shea, coming up on one year since he inherited the top job at the L.A. Times, is shaking things up a bit. In a memo posted in full below,...
In his talk today at Town Hall Los Angeles, Times publisher David Hiller said he may launch a free tabloid patterned after the Tribune's Redeye in Chicago. The Reuters story...
Timothy M. Phelps, the Washington bureau chief at Newsday, moves down the hall to the Times bureau as the Washington investigative editor. Memo from LAT bureau chief Doyle McManus:...
The Tribune Company has come up with a new tactic to cut costs and annoy the hell out of its employees — again. It seems that everyone on the staff...
The only thing lamer than the new LATimes.com feature where reporter William Lobdell writes about pretending to do stuff that other people do for real is that former Breeze columnist...
The Times lost its School Me blog and column when Bob Sipchen quit to edit the Sierra Club magazine in San Francisco and co-blogger Janine Kahn went to the OC...
A Craigslist job posting advertises for an experienced director of audience development for an unnamed downtown Los Angeles website. The employer is described only as "one of the biggest brands...
Another big exit from the Los Angeles Times, and another hit to the paper's national profile. Washington columnist Brownstein is joining Atlantic Media, publisher of The Atlantic and National Journal,...
Marc Duvoisin, the LAT's assistant managing editor for writing and projects, gets a boost to deputy managing editor for all projects at the paper. Memo from Managing Editor John Arthur...
Stewart has covered the sports side of TV and radio in Los Angeles since 1973, first for the Herald Examiner and lately in the Times. After today he's moving full-time...
David Lauter, a veteran of Metro and the foreign desk, gets the job as editor over all news coverage within the state of California. Different title than his predecessor: Janet...
If you didn't get enough of corporate exec-turned-dumpster diver Madeline Nelson in the lede of yesterday's L.A. Times front page story, you can always see more quotes from her in...
Remember when former Los Angeles mayor Richard Riordan was so perturbed at the L.A. Times that he dallied with starting his own rival paper? He even produced a prototype of...
Recent chatter in the L.A. Times newsroom had co-managing editor Leo Wolinsky in trouble with the forces of Tribune over his overtures to suitors Eli Broad and David Geffen and...
Since the U.S. government appears to be sharing his email with journalists, the Times' Chuck Philips figures it's only fitting to get out the rest of the story. It begins...
Today's Times Opinion section runs another piece proclaiming the blogosphere lacking — this time in factual political reporting. It read to me as if journalism professor Michael Skube wasn't familiar...
In Friday's story about actor Steven Seagal feeling burned by the Pellicano scandal, Chuck Philips of the Times reported that U.S. Attorney spokesman Thom Mrozek "declined to comment" on questions...
When Dean Hill began as a reporter for United Press International he watched the construction of the downtown state building's parking structure outside the bureau window. More recently, he watched...
Geoff Mohan takes over the Times environment desk for Frank Clifford, who left via buyout to work on another book. Clifford had national status in the LAT's hierarchy of desks,...
He did not pay anyone to threaten reporter Anita Busch and pretty much loathes PI Anthony Pellicano, says the actor whose name was prominently mentioned when the feds first began...
Sam Zell doesn't yet have control of the Tribune Company — and tried to reassure a skeptical stock market today that he will — but he's billed as the special...
Jaime Cardenas has been covering soccer as a Times sports intern. He apparently impressed enough to stay — and inspired Sports Editor Randy Harvey to put some writing into his...
Down to $24.87 in mid-day trading today, almost ten dollars below what Sam Zell is supposedly going to pay for the struggling company. It's the lowest value for Tribune stock...
The Times has added a whole bunch of filters and details to the new interactive map that goes with Jill Leovy's homicide blog. If you want to just see the...
Jim Bates, the deputy editor on the entertainment-tech desk in the Times' Business section, is jumping into the crisis PR game at Sitrick and Company. He has the second-longest tenure...
Jessica Guynn will cover Google, Yahoo and other Silicon Valley media companies from the Times' San Francisco bureau. She comes from the SF Chronicle and lives in Berkeley with Art...
The Lakers blog still leads the pack — followed by Show Tracker — and the Henry T. Nicholas sex story beat out the Antonio Villaraigosa sex story for visitor traffic...
New shorts will be tacked on to the end... Updated: A 19-year-old handyman at Oakland's Your Black Muslim Bakery told police he killed Oakland Post Editor Chauncey Bailey over stories...
Los Angeles Times Editor Jim O'Shea didn't like reading a New York Times editorial suggest that the LAT has suffered "sharp reductions in its national and foreign coverage. O'Shea sent...
Tim Swanson will leave Portfolio to take over as film editor in the Times' Calendar section. He's formerly of Premiere and Variety. Memo below:...
Geoff Boucher was in San Diego to cover Comic-Con when he encountered some toughs on the sidewalk in the Gaslamp Quarter. In the 15 years I have been writing for...
In a piece at Artnet called "L.A. Confidential," writer Emma Gray surveys local galleries and also gives credit to journalist Jori Finkel, a sometime contributor to the New York Times,...
The L.A. Times got around to chasing last week's story on the suicide of Theresa Duncan and possible death of Jeremy Blake, leading with the angle that other reports have...
The losing candidates are apparently being told that John Arthur is getting the Times managing editor nod after all. A few weeks ago his name circulated, but after that he...
The bug at the bottom of the Calendar front in today's Los Angeles Times says columnist Patrick Goldstein is on assignment. Not true. His The Big Picture column for Tuesday...
San Bernardino Sun sports columnist Paul Oberjuerge seems to have a bit of a thing about Christine Daniels, the transgender sports scribe for the L.A. Times. Oberjuerge encountered Daniels in...
The L.A. Times PR staff has taken to sending pitch emails to journalists bragging about stories the paper wants credit for breaking in the Sunday paper. Pickings must have been...
Bob Sipchen left the L.A. Times last month after working as an education columnist, editorial writer (where he won a Pulitzer Prize) and founding editor of both the Current and...
David Lazarus is joining the L.A. Times in August to write a Business section column. Let's hope the San Francisco Chronicle, his current employer, knew before the house ad popped...
Glenn Bunting took the buyout from the L.A. Times last month and signed on at Sitrick and Company. Guess he makes his old colleagues nervous. Check out this email that...
Strong words from financial analyst Jim Cramer at The Street.com about the pending Tribune Company sale. Make that red flags and warning sirens: You have to feel terrible about what's...
Newly reunited at Los Angeles Magazine with his former editor Kit Rachlis, Moehringer explains at the end of a long profile of an obscure musician he admires how it was...
Publisher David Hiller just dropped a "mid-year business update" on L.A. Times staffers that has fresh bad news: "Revenue was down 10% in the second quarter, and cash flow down...
Director Susan Pinkus, who's staying, issues a statement after the jump. In addition to the senior staffers she names, something like 90-odd interviewers who work as needed when there is...
While researching his forthcoming biography of the late California political leader Jess Unruh, Bill Boyarsky delved into the story of how reporter Paul Weeks covered the civil rights era at...
Abigail Goldman has covered the retail beat for the Times' Business section even though she loathes shopping. They are moving her to a newly created beat "focused on the crossroads...
Ross Johnson of Sitrick and Company did such a good job promoting Tuesday night's premiere party for Captivity that he had bloggers falling over themselves to pre-hype the event, got...
The Daily Dish is blog number 25 at LATimes.com, not counting the phantom USC sports blog that hasn't appeared yet. The DD carries contributions from pretty much all the staffers...
Editor Jim O'Shea informed the staff today that eliminating the Times Poll operation came up during the recent round of staff cuts, but that he decided instead to keep a...
The Times editorial page calls Rocky Delgadillo "unfit" to be City Attorney and urges he do the right thing and resign. Under the headline "The honorable thing," the paper says:...
For the past few days, the Times has been promoting the re-appearance of columnist Al Martinez in the California section and, sort of, admitting that the paper feels it screwed...
Both FishbowlDC and The Huffington Post are reporting this morning that Page One editor John Arthur has been promoted to managing editor of the L.A. Times, citing sources. Arthur is...
Well now we know where (soon to be ex) L.A. Times managing editor Doug Frantz is going. He is returning to Istanbul as Middle East bureau chief for the Wall...
Doug Frantz told senior editors this morning that he has resigned as number two editor at the Los Angeles Times. He didn't say if he was headed to a new...
Purging of top names at the San Francisco Chronicle continues. With a bunch of painful newsroom cuts still to come, Deputy Editor Narda Zacchino has decided the time is right....
Al Martinez has been told that his Monday column will start in the Times' California section on July 2. It's the compromise solution reached by Times editors who got caught...
Now this should get interesting. LA Weekly political reporter David Zahniser, the hottest property on the City Hall beat, is jumping to the L.A. Times to cover Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa....
Writers Dan Neil and Charles Perry of the L.A. Times (and former LAT film critic Manohla Dargis) are on MSNBC's list of 144 journalists who donated to political campaigns between...
Today's Times relegates the obituary of Mexican music legend and big-time Los Angeles crowd pleaser Antonio Aguilar — "the Roy Rogers of Mexico" — to the obits page. In the...
For Richard A. Aust of Lake Forest, the LAT's decision to scale back West magazine to a monthly was the last straw. If they are only going to serve him...
The last of the West magazine senior writers to remain with the L.A. Times, Lynell George is moving back to her roots in Calendar. Here's today's memo from Lennie LaGuire,...
Columnist Joel Stein has pulled out of teaching that oral sex class at Babeland on Melrose, at the L.A. Times' insistence. The store blames "censorship" by the Times and says...
The Times editorial page launched a Rocky Watch box this morning that counts the days until City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo "comes clean" about who was driving his city-owned GMC Yukon...
Longtime L.A. Times staff writer Mark Arax and the paper reached an undisclosed settlement of their public dispute about a story he wrote about the Armenian genocide that was spiked,...
On the Times Op-Ed page, Patt Morrison doesn't want to know any more about the Villaraigosa marital troubles. But Steve Lopez writes in the Times that it's time for Mayor...
Jim Newton, new editor of the Times editorial pages, explains to Editor & Publisher's Greg Mitchell why the paper on Monday called for a ceasefire and peace talks. "I see...
According to Babeland, the sex toy store on Melrose, Joel Stein will co-teach an oral sex workshop later this month. I feel it's time to give back after taking so...
The L.A. Times readers' representative is telling people who email about the treatment of veteran columnist Al Martinez that his column will resume — only on Mondays and somewhere in...
Former editorial writer Andrew Malcolm handles the West Coast, Washington bureau editor Don Frederick the east for Top of the Ticket. What can one more blogger bring to the nation's...
Kurt Streeter, a Metro reporter at the Times whose lengthy narrative pieces have sometimes focused on athletes, is moving to the sports staff as a columnist and feature writer. He's...
The brief West magazine experiment at the L.A. Times ends with the June 17 restaurant issue — and with it apparently goes the tradition of a serious Sunday magazine at...
The former editor of the Los Angeles Times editorial pages will be joining the New America Foundation as an Irvine Senior Fellow. Martinez, you'll remember, resigned in a huff after...
The latest internal missive from Executive Editor Meredith Artley says there were 77.9 million page views at LATimes.com in May, which they think is a record for the Times website....
Now that the last of the Chandler family representatives have left the Tribune Company board, Chicago Tribune columnist Phil Rosenthal writes, "it's like passing a stone. One only hopes the...
The L.A. Times website is finally going 24-7 (ish) with the addition of a couple of overnight editors. They will scan the wires and, in theory, keep the home page...
Budget pressures are the stated reason for ending Rick Wartzman's weekly California & Co. column in the Business section. But as usual with the L.A. Times these days, there's a...
I had a feeling the decision makers at the Times were clueless that an outcry — from the paper's most loyal but ever more perturbed reader niche, no less —...
This is the day for farewell messages down at the Times. A selection of emails to colleagues from the bought out and the otherwise leaving follows after the jump (with...
We reported before that L.A. Times Schwarzenegger reporter Peter Nicholas was leaving Sacramento for the Washington bureau. Now here's the memo from bureau chief Doyle McManus and national editor Scott...
The Times' Sacramento blogger Robert Salladay, who took the buyout, signed off this afternoon. Political Muscle will continue in some guise, he writes. From his farewell post: The Political Muscle...
Times publisher David Hiller says the revenue picture is dire. Sounds like he's looking to restore the suburban zoning that his Tribune predecessors did away with, plus he announces a...
J.A. Adande, the only Times sports columnist who went to Crossroads, writes that he took the buyout and is exploring other options. He sends a shout-out to a roundup of...
The Kinseygram, the L.A. Times blog by Calendar editor Kinsey Lowe that offered a morning roundup of entertainment news, has been quietly killed and the evidence obliterated from the LAT...
The Metro staff at the Times will lose fifteen reporters and editors on Friday, spurring a couple of internal moves and plans to hire some replacements. Three staffers — Jenifer...
Readers sent along these form emails they are getting from the Times in response to complaints about Al Martinez being pushed out. Editor Jim O'Shea, perhaps hearing a public backlash...
Or did the LAT pass? Mickey Kaus of Slate compared Times coverage of the Lindsay Lohan crash and arrest with the same-day coverage in the New York Post. Guess which...
"Still the same place, with the same address, the same mission, and the same attitude that has always made HuffPost such a great read," Arianna Huffington says in this morning's...
Does it seem like reader email over the Al Martinez shove is getting more mean? Check out the new stuff. Martinez himself is scheduled to guest on KPCC's "Patt Morrison"...
Patrick McGreevy, a fixture at City Hall for the L.A. Times, is transferring to the buyout-impacted Sacramento bureau. Memo after the jump....
Times editor Jim O'Shea emails the staff to report that 57 editorial staffers will be leaving, some voluntarily and some given the Al Martinez treatment. The Los Angeles Times Poll...
Al Martinez just sent a second email to his L.A. Times colleagues, informing them that the newspaper will de-activate his email address tonight. He included a personal email address, but...
OK, if I ran Times Sports I might try to hide my connection with T.J. Simers too. But since his mug is all over newsboxes and even inside the Times...
The news is hidden after the jump for aesthetic reasons. Click to go on in....
Columnist Al Martinez has been with the Los Angeles Times more than 30 years and, despite being exiled to the back of the features section several years ago, is one...
Staffers at the Los Angeles Times were more than a bit shocked when they got to work Tuesday. Posted on the elevator walls were large photos of selected sports columnists...
Nothing punctuates buyouts under the threat of layoffs like some new hires. While the top suits contemplate how many of last week's rush to the exits to accept, two additions...
Fans of "The Sopranos" spent all day Monday comparing notes on what an exultant Tony Soprano screamed at the end of Sunday night's intense episode. The LAT's television writer Paul...
* Updated with later information; names will be underlined as I get confirmations, but all of these are on lists circulating in the Times newsroom. Senior Calendar Editor Lennie LaGuire,...
Video of the columnist addressing journalism graduates at today's USC Annenberg commencement, at LAist....
The L.A. Times education blog pioneered by former Current editor Bob Sipchen is going away, but not necessarily permanently. "School Me is going into hibernation for a while...while the folks...
Kevin Sack was one of the New York Times veterans who came west to LAT territory in the Dean Baquet wagon train, and it was a no-brainer that he would...
Daniel Weintraub reports on the Sacramento Bee's Capitol Alert website that Robert Salladay, who writes the LAT's Political Muscle blog from Sacramento, plans to take the buyout. Here's the item,...
Times reporter Mark Arax lives with his family in Fresno and has deep roots there — his 1996 book In My Father's Name investigated the failure of the Fresno police...
OK, the Times claims to be getting religion about local coverage, but this isn't what the focus groups had in mind. Sunday's fashion story in the Image section on downtown's...
The Times sports writer formerly known as Mike Penner is scheduled to be interviewed live tonight at 11:30 on Sports Byline USA. She will chat with local journos John Woolard...
Meredith Artley, the new top editor at LATimes.com, sent a missive to the staff talking up new features on the website and ranking the most viewed stories of the past...
Retired L.A. Times Metropolitan Editor Dave Rosenzweig died last night after battling cancer. A longtime investigative reporter and editor, Rosenzweig most recently had covered the federal courts downtown. I believe...
The Armenian National Committee of America in Glendale is orchestrating a campaign to besiege the L.A. Times with emails demanding that Managing Editor Doug Frantz resign over his handling of...
Just to finish the thought from yesterday, Daily News circulation dropped 7.3% from a year ago to 146,000. That's not good news in the already threadbare L.A. Newspaper Group empire....
Not only did L.A. Times circulation take another hit today — down more than four percent — but Editor & Publisher named N. Christian Anderson III of the Orange County...
Times staff writer Mark Arax just escalated — in a big way — his dispute with the paper's managing editor over a recent story about the Armenian genocide. He emailed...
Couple of additions to the lineup of LA Observed contributors at this weekend's L.A. Times Festival of Books at UCLA. Veronique de Turenne has been added as moderator of the...
The Times has shown laudable sensitivity to the story of transsexual sports writer Mike Penner making the transformation to Christine Daniels, but not so much the publisher of the Times-owned...
Mike Penner's column announcing his transition to Christine Daniels is already one of the most viewed LATimes.com stories of the past year, the paper says today in an interview with...
Well, just in the monologue "The Tonight Show" emails out: Here's an interesting local story, a L.A. Times sportswriter, Mike Penner...a very good sports writer, has announced he's undergoing a...
Editor Jim O'Shea has emailed the L.A. Times staff a response to all the hubbub about Mark Arax and whether or not a story was killed because of concerns that...
A few years ago Baseball Prospectus managing editor Christina Kahrl went through what Mike Penner wrote about this morning. She has been counseling the Times sports writer, who will be...
Nah, but the LA Weekly's Daniel Hernandez adds good new details in the dispute we reported Tuesday between Times managing editor Doug Frantz and West magazine staff writer Mark Arax....
Veteran L.A. Times sports writer Mike Penner writes in today's paper that he will return from vacation in a few weeks as Christine Daniels. He lays out his personal journey...
The Wall Street Journal and USA Today will report slight bumps up in circulation next week, but the Orange County Register will be down more than 5%, Editor & Publisher...
There's no point in asking Times newsroom staffers people to clean up their desks, Channel 2 style — clutter there is so far gone that fire inspectors have come through...
Books editor David Ulin is scheduled to discuss the changes in the Times Sunday Book Review, the situation at the paper and this weekend's LAT Festival of Books with host...
The L.A. Times Sacramento bureau is looking to bring in a new body to help cover Gov. Schwarzenegger. Here's how the offer went out to the newsroom: From: Janet Clayton,...
A dispute that has been quietly bubbling in the Times newsroom went public today when the publisher of the California Courier demanded that LAT managing editor Doug Frantz be fired...
I'm talking about today's Times news with guest host Jon Beaupre on KPCC's "Patt Morrison," after the NPR news at 2 pm. Update: Times Publisher David Hiller and USC Annenberg...
Times editor Jim O'Shea follows up the publisher's memo with a missive of his own, asking the newsroom to have faith and saying he understands anger over Tribune execs receiving...
As reported last week, the Times offers a buyout to most employees and will take 150. Long-term employees can receive up to a year's pay. An unstated number of positions,...
A buyout offer to be announced Monday will try to cut 70 newsroom jobs, taking the editorial staff from 920 to around 850. Before Tribune took over the news staff...
LA Weekly food writer Jonathan Gold won a Pulitzer Prize today in Criticism. It's the first Pulitzer ever for a food critic, according to the Weekly, and the paper's first....
Jim Newton, chief of the Times' City-County bureau, gets the post of editor of the editorial pages, reporting to Publisher David Hiller. He replaces the prematurely departed Andrs Martinez. Newton...
The LAT's Image section returns this weekend for its second stroll down the runway of public opinion. I'm told that Sunday's edition has a piece setting up the rivalry...
Times reporter Anna Gorman goes first-person in today's Column One to detail her family's fight with cancer and her own surgery to remove her ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes. Gorman...
Remember last year when the plastic devices placed in Times newsboxes to promote Mission: Impossible III kept prompting frightened calls to bomb squads? Well, the U.S. Attorney's office here has...
Metromix, the younger and, ahem, edgier sibling re-make of Calendar Live coming in June from the Times and Tribune, has staffed up. Deborah Vankin, formerly of Variety and LA Weekly,...
The Times has rolled out a new web section devoted to the Lana Clarkson death and Phil Spector trial — stories that ran in the paper, photos, miscellany. The occasion...
The latest innovations from LAT Innovation Editor Russ Stanton are out -- a bunch of job openings following on his memo of earlier this week. Here's our favorite new reporter...
Borzou Daragahi, the Times' former bureau chief in Baghdad, has left the war zone for a new posting in Beirut. He writes in his farewell piece about some of the...
Couple of minor organizational twists were introduced today at LATimes.com. On the foreign page, a gathering of notes and observations from correspondents mostly in Latin America is being called La...
Times columnist Steve Lopez, looking for an angle, went out to Malibu to check out the hard-to-reach public beach near Tribune buyer Sam Zell's estate. After Lopez knocked on the...
David Geffen told the Washington Post yesterday that "I continue to want to buy the Los Angeles Times," and a source close to the mogul says that "Geffen has spoken...
Aside from what the Sam Zell deal does for the value of his Tribune stock, and his general Chicago loyalties, Times Publisher David Hiller talks up Zell as an owner....
The hometown Chicago Tribune got a long interview with the buyer of the L.A. Times, KTLA and everything else in the Tribune Company's portfolio (except the Cubs.) Mark Lacter gives...
Tribune buyer Sam Zell is known as "the grave dancer," so OC Register travel editor-blogger Gary Warner thought he would mark yesterday's news by stopping in at the graves of...
I'm not sure how persuasive this will be in the skittish Times newsroom, but Editor Jim O'Shea just emailed the staff his take on the transfer of Tribune to investor...
The nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics ran the numbers on victorious Tribune suitor Sam Zell and calls him a political contributor who gives generously to both Democrats and Republicans. "Double-giving...
The Chicago Tribune calls it an "epic corporate drama" that ends with the paper's parent company — owner of the Los Angeles Times and KTLA — being taken private by...
In a live story posted at 12:29 1:26 am Midwest time, the Chicago Tribune's website says the board of the parent Tribune company was busily negotiating a $13 billion deal...
Good piece in the Sunday LAT that began as a post on Jill Leovy's Homicide Report blog: LAPD officers frequently assign the wrong name to Latino crime victims and arrestees....
Washington Post columnist and Slate contributor Richard Cohen makes a stab at some Grazergate humor. Didn't work for me, but your mileage might vary. Excerpt of "One Man's Desperate Attempt...
Yeah, the Times really got its money's worth out of that innovation. "We have concluded we will not be moving forward with the program," the paper's official statement says. Gee,...
An L.A. Times press release announces several reductions in the value of what the paper give its dwindling readership — oops, I mean "editorial changes designed to meet the evolving...
The Times has quietly eliminated some of the typographic cacophony that erupted on the front page in October. Gone are the skinny, sans-serif headlines, the stacked decks of secondary headlines...
I received a whole bunch of thoughtful email last week on the Grazergate episode. Submissions are over at We Get Email from, among others, a former editorial writer at the...
In Andrs Martinez's email to LA Observed after he quit Thursday as Times editorial page honcho, he implied that former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was on the list of...
Allison Silver, now a producer on "The Charlie Rose Show," edited the Sunday Opinion section in the L.A. Times for ten years before moving over in 2000 to be an...
Tim Cavanaugh, the web editor who joined the Times Opinion staff recently from Reason magazine, reacted to the resignation of his boss, Andrs Martinez, by posting a personal message on...
Times media columnist Tim Rutten was fingered by Andrs Martinez (in Thursday's email to LA Observed) as one of the LAT staffers supposedly blocking innovation at the paper and purposely...
Times Editor Jim O'Shea sent a missive around the newsroom this evening replying to Andrs Martinez's attacks emailed to LA Observed and posted earlier today. In his retort, O'Shea...
(* Update after jump: New email from Martinez reacting to Times editor Jim O'Shea.) After my post last night on his exit blog from the Times, Andrs Martinez asked me...
Lost in the earlier flurry of posts about the resignation of Andrs Martinez were his verbal attack on the Times newsroom and veiled bitterness at Publisher David Hiller's plans to...
Brian Grazer's thoughts on the big issues won't be in Sunday's Los Angeles Times Current section, if there even is a Current stuffed deep into papers this weekend. But here...
I was locked in a meeting when the morning's dramas went down, but here's the bottom line. Los Angeles Times Publisher David Hiller, under heavy pressure from the news staff,...
Bill Boyarsky played a prominent role in cleaning up the L.A. Times' ethical mess after the Staples Center scandal in 1999, serving as the conduit for ex-publisher Otis Chandler to...
Times publisher David Hiller says in the morning paper that he might kill this Sunday's Current section rather than run an editor's note about how Hollywood producer Brian Grazer was...
Sunday's Current section in the Los Angeles Times will carry an editor's note disclosing some details of a romantic relationship between Andrs Martinez, the paper's Editor of the Editorial Pages,...
Michael Newman is the deputy editorial page editor at the Los Angeles Times who starred in a minor media dustup this month over his observation, from the vantage point of...
You (and I) weren't crazy: the Times did launch a new enviro-blog last Tuesday and suspend it on Thursday. It will return in early April, though, deputy innovation editor Aaron...
Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonists Index has become a go-to daily blog digest of editorial cartoons. Today, though, he commiserates about the incredible shrinking (except for the new Image section) Los...
Our Morning Buzz post on Tuesday reported the launch of a new L.A. Times blog, Carbon Shift, to cover "energy-related news: climate change, energy security, public health, and business [and]...
There's continued talk at the L.A. Times of looming cost-cutting and a senior newsroom shift in the works, but I guess there is no hiring freeze. The LAT has snapped...
Last year's L.A. Times publisher, Jeffrey Johnson, has a taken an executive post where he will oversee media interests for Ron Burkle's Yucaipa Cos. Burkle, through Yucaipa, joined with Eli...
The L.A. Times has announced that Current, the paper's Sunday (for now) commentary and ideas section, will have a guest editor every quarter to bring a little outside intellectual...
More La Cucaracha-related troubles at the L.A. Times feature section: 'La Cucaracha': In some copies of today's Comics Plus, the "Blondie" comic strip was printed twice, mistakenly replacing "La Cucaracha,"...
Yes, newspapers still care about Pulitzer prizes. Prompted by yesterday's news that the Times has two Pulitzer finalists in criticism who nominated themselves, a whisper campaign has begun in the...
Science writer Robert Lee Hotz is leaving the Times for the Wall Street Journal to write the Science Journal column. An elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement...
All three finalists in the cricitism category of the Pulitzer prizes are from Los Angeles, Joe Strupp reports at Editor & Publisher. The trio includes two Times critics who nominated...
Joseph Russin joins KTLA News as executive editor of planning. "Russin's responsibilities will include overseeing news coverage on-air and on the web, planning feature stories and supervising the work of...
From the L.A. Times: An article in Sunday's California section profiling members of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors said that decorations on the walls of Supervisor Mike Antonovich's...
The new fashion-centric Image section will appear monthly in the Times starting next Sunday then switch to weekly in September. The section will be headed by deputy features editor Michalene...
Geez, it's been nothing but memos today. One more: the LAT Business section shuffles editors and brings back Anne Reifenberg, who had been running West magazine since the exit of...
As we hinted earlier, the columnist rotation changes. Out are Erin Aubry Kaplan (as reported previously), Max Boot and Jonathan Chait. Meghan Daum escapes the Saturday ghetto for Mondays. Also,...
Look whose arms are being twisted to subscribe to the Los Angeles Times: employees. Head of circulations Jack Klunder, who returned to the LAT after a stint at the MediaNews...
Every year Joe Strupp of Editor & Publisher reports the supposedly secret list of finalists submitted by Pulitzer Prize judges. One year I beat Joe into print and felt pretty...
Lalo Alcaraz feels pretty good about having "La Cucaracha" restored to the L.A. Times. He's sending around this riff on Dewey Beats Truman....
I'm going to guess that the pressure to fold the Times' Sunday Book Review into a cheaper, thinner Saturday tabloid comes from the Chicagoans in temporary residence on Spring Street....
Are we entering an era of cross-newspaper snark? Yesterday it was Daily News blogger Mariel Garza making fun of an L.A. Times editor who finds Los Angeles ugly and who...
Back in November we noted that the Times' then-new publisher David Hiller replied to a disappointed reader's email with a personal note. That's still his style, apparently. Hiller today answered...
That was fast: the Lalo Alcaraz comic strip that was killed yesterday will be back tomorrow by popular demand. Flip side: the dog cat gets it. A blurb on the...
If Jeffrey Trachtenberg's Wall Street Journal report is accurate, that would mean the Times decided to face the critical music and launch the scaled-back Book Review before the big LAT...
Michael Newman, the Times' deputy opinion editor from out of town, thinks so after running yesterday's marathon. He particularly seems to not much like Boyle Heights, Koreatown or the sections...
The San Francisco Chronicle has a unique understanding of how readers here might react to the LAT folding its Book Review in with Current. The Chronicle merged its Sunday review...
Essayist William Kittredge will pick up the Robert Kirsch Award on April 27 when the winners in the following Los Angeles Times Book Prize categories will be announced. Finalists were...
For the newsroom at the L.A. Times, the most upsetting parts of last night's "Frontline" episode on the paper's future were remarks by the vice chairman of Ariel Capital Management,...
Today's Times Op-Ed column by Erin Aubry Kaplan will be one of her last. She has been told that her services will no longer be required come April, along with...
The latest installment of "News Wars: What's Happening to the News" airs tonight on PBS — and Times publisher David Hiller sounds concerned about how his paper will be treated....
Bunch of new correspondent assignments were just posted for L.A. Times foreign bureaus, with Baghdad the most affected. There's also a new chiefs of bureau for Moscow and Cairo and...
Times political reporter-columnist Ron Brownstein is taking his act to the opinion side, writing a weekly Op-Ed page column and longer pieces for Current. He'll also have a presence online....
LA-ClergyCases.com was started in 2005 by by the law firm (Hennigan, Bennett & Dorman) that represents the Archdiocese over sexual abuse allegations against priests and defends Cardinal Mahony against accusations...
Chicago real estate developer Sam Zell has proposed to take over Tribune Company and Trib is listening, the New York Times reports on its website. Zell's late-hour play has put...
With the Times launching a new travel website to go with Sunday's redesigned Travel section, newsroom staffers were encouraged Friday to contribute their own experiences so the cupboard doesn't look...
The L.A. Times will send all of its staff bloggers, current and aspiring, to blogging "boot camp" on March 12. The idea, according to a memo from Innovation Editor Russ...
In emails flitting around Hollywood today, Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez take offense at a passage in yesterday's Times by Susan King. It ran in The Envelope and read: "Demander...
In the new issue of Los Angeles magazine, media columnist RJ Smith offers several suggestions to help the Times survive — "for rescuing a newspaper that deserves to be." He...
Joel Sappell, who gave up the title of Assistant Managing Editor for Interactive at the LAT in last month's shakeup, gets a new gig as Special Projects Editor. The memo...
Newsroom sources at the Times expect the Sunday Book Review will be folded into a new hybrid opinion section and delivered in Saturday papers. The new section that some staffers...
Amid resurgent newsroom talk of personnel cuts by the end of the quarter — that's March 31 for you civilians — the Times this afternoon undermined staff morale a bit...
Meredith Artley, named earlier this month to be executive editor of the Times website, tells the Online Journalism Review that her focus will be on strengthening the local impact of...
Portfolio is calling Claire Hoffman a contributing editor, starting immediately. Hoffman's jump from the L.A. Times was reported last month, shortly after she danced briefly with the New York Times....
Dean Baquet, erstwhile editor of the Los Angeles Times, talks about his future at the NYT Washington bureau and the state of newspapering in a Q-and-A at the Poynter Online...
I'm a week late in noticing Hugh Hewitt's blog essay, but the talk show host and author offers a bunch of tips under the provocative rubric of "the Los Angeles...
Throttle Jockey columnist Susan Carpenter walks, talks and rides on her video reviews on the Times website. Today's installment covers three-wheeled bikes and scooters and shows Carpenter whizzing around downtown,...
Jill Leovy's LAT homicide blog now takes note of 99 killings across Los Angeles county so far this year, about three a day. That's lower than last year's daily average,...
Vernon Loeb, wooed off the CIA beat at the Washington Post in 2004 to run the Times' investigative team in Metro, is returning to the Philadelphia Inquirer as Metro Editor....
On the same day that the editor was given a better parking spot in the Times garage, Hoy was forced to run a "to our readers" editorial sheepishly doing the...
On the same day that Tribune announced it is selling the New York edition of Hoy to La Opinin's parent, the Los Angeles version of the Spanish-language newspaper gets a...
The Times plans to launch its long-discussed Image section on March 18, the first day of Los Angeles Fashion Week, WWD.com says. Rose Apodaca, the former West Coast bureau chief...
Davan Maharaj was being recruited hard by the New York Times, according to reliable newsroom gossip. Instead, he will stay at the L.A. Times as the top editor in the...
While debating the war at National Review Online two years ago, Times op-ed columnist from the right Jonah Goldberg offered the following wager: Let's make a bet. I predict that...
From the LAT: L.A. Fashion Week: An article and headline in Saturday's Calendar section about making L.A. Fashion Week a more exclusive event incorrectly quoted Fern Mallis, vice president of...
Meredith Artley, digital development director of the International Herald Tribune, is moving from Paris to be executive editor of latimes.com. She began at the New York Times website. Memo after...
Covering murder and mayhem in Los Angeles for the Times, Jill Leovy has been driven crazy knowing that for every homicide that captures the media eye there are others that...
TMZ has the 911 tape from Ryan O'Neal's home the night police came and arrested him for firing a shot during a ruckus with his son. O'Neal says his son...
Guess they mean it. Training classes begin Feb. 12 for Los Angeles Times editors to learn how to post to the website — and in some cases to just learn...
Aaron Curtiss, the tech editor in the Business section, gets the title of Deputy Innovation Editor at the Times. He was on the Spring Street Project, has experience on the...
Using low-experience freelancers paid by the item. Job posting: Tribune Interactive is looking for a limited number of experienced freelance writers in Los Angeles to generate listings for a new...
Jim O'Shea, the Times' reluctant editor, has moved to a Manhattan Beach condo and taken to commuting downtown via Lexus. He has done an LAPD ride-along in South Los Angeles...
The three white female victims of the Halloween beating in Long Beach testified tearfully in court today and asked that the black defendants, in jail since then, get the...
The Chandler Trusts, which own a 20% stake in Tribune, are continuing talks with the special committee reviewing offers for Tribune, a source tells Chicago Business. The deadline had been...
It became clearer and clearer to me that The New York Times was the place where I belonged now, ex-LAT editor Dean Baquet told the New York Observer. He said...
Doyle McManus, Washington bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times, bucks up the troops with a go-get-em memo. Posted at Romenesko: From: McManus, Doyle Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 11:29...
Former LAT editor on high Dean Baquet is returning to the New York Times as Washington bureau chief. He'll also be an assistant managing editor and instantly a potential contender...
They run it by collective, call it make/shift — subtitle "feminism in motion" — and plan to launch in March. One of the Los Angeles-based regulars caught my eye: Times...
As a clicks-generating tactic, LATimes.com could do worse than having op-ed columnist Joel Stein chat live with visitors again. Last week's chat brought in a few readers and some attention....
Bill Keller, executive editor of the New York Times, was asked by Market Watch's Jon Friedman if ex-LAT editor Dean Baquet would be returning to the NYT. Friedman writes: "Lately,...
The lumber has arrived, demolition has begun, and Veronique de Turenne is off on the home remodeling ride of her life. She tries at Here in Malibu to take it...
More than 500 LA Observed readers put their media savvy credentials on the line and offered predictions on the top Los Angeles media stories of the coming year. The news...
An alert LA Observed reader noticed a discrepancy between the Times' online version of yesterday's web shake-up and today's print version. The James Rainey story that ran on the web...
L.A. Times editors are busily trying to come up with a new beat attractive enough to keep Business section rising star Claire Hoffman away from the New York Times. The...
Tom Plate has a singular L.A. media distinction. He was the editorial page editor at the Los Angeles Times toward the end of the Chandler ownership era and, previously, at...
James Rainey's staff story on today's shakeup at the Times website reveals some behind-the-scenes details on the internal tension over how best to move the LAT toward a higher and...
This is the big reinvention that publisher David Hiller promised. Joel Sappell is out as Assistant Managing Editor for Interactive, and current Business Editor Russ Stanton will get the new...
Sheriff's deputies are "relatively sure" they have the guy who spilled mercury in the Pershing Square Metro station last month. Armando Bustamante Miranda, 27, was being held on an...
The PR industry anony-blog Strumpette is making fun today of Villaraigosa press deputy Matt Szabo. He came up in Steve Lopez's recent Los Angeles Times column on Hummer-driving transportation aide...
Correction to yesterday's item: it was a homeless woman who jumped to her death from the L.A. Times parking garage yesterday while staffers were arriving at work. Brief memo today...
Eric at Blogdowntown has posted a heat map showing where the homeless population is concentrated, based on LAPD counts. You can see distinct nodes of where people are sleeping on...
Mark Lacter applies his veteran business editor acumen to figuring out what the heck is going on at Times-Tribune. He was also on KPCC this morning as an analyst. LA...
In a revision to her first story for today's paper, Sarah Ellison of the Wall Street Journal says that three proposals were submitted to Tribune by yesterday's deadline: one of...
Twice Updated: Eli Broad and Ron Burkle and the Chandlers are readying competing bids for all or part of the Tribune, Jim Rainey reports in the LAT He essentially confirms...
Eli Broad has opened up a bigger lead on David Geffen as LA Observed readers' most likely (or preferred?) buyer of the L.A. Times. Ron Burkle runs a distant third;...
While L.A. Times publisher David Hiller struggles to make the paper more local, his business side has decided to out-source the in-house computer help desk — to India. This function...
You might remember that after losing Tim Brown to Yahoo last November, LAT sports editor Randy Harvey put out the call (second item) for a Spanish-speaking writer to work general...
Merrill Lynch analyst Lauren Rich Fine thinks the most likely outcome of the Tribune Company's dance with potential buyers is no outcome -- that no sale will take place, Editor...
Have you seen the Times spots where fisheyed faces peer into a newsbox and consider whether to drag out a copy of the paper? Advertising Age reviewer Bob Garfield has,...
Kevin Bronson's Buzz Bands column in Calendar Weekend is now a blog. He's been doing it quietly since New Year's Eve, but the news just filtered down. Bronson writes of...
There's one California newspaper in bigger turmoil than the Times: the San Jose Mercury-News. After being taken over by the Dean Singleton crowd last year, the Mercury has been downsizing...
Tim Rutten's Saturday LAT column about the online-vs-print future of newspapers exemplified by the redesigned Wall Street reached at least one influential reader. Times Publisher David Hiller, shaking off that...
Jacob Soboroff has video up now with Times employees celebrating their success at bringing a union into the paper's downtown and Orange County pressrooms....
General Otis (and Otis Chandler) must be rolling in their graves. For the first time in a long while, workers at the Los Angeles Times have voted to affiliate with...
Slate's Jack Shafer identifies the Los Angeles Times newsroom stars he says are vulnerable to poaching by other media outlets if the Tribune-induced fear and loathing doesn't settle down soon....
The difference between the news side of the L.A. Times and the newly and earnestly irreverent opinion side was on display in the handling of this photo from the Gerald...
The Times' Pressmens Club blog has photos up of all the anti-union banners and placards placed around the Olympic plant (and presumably in Costa Mesa too) in preparation for today's...
Ax falls at Channel 2/9: veteran reporter Paul Dandridge has been taken off the bio page, though his blog remains — last updated in August. Newsroom sources say that Inland...
Workers in the L.A Times press room on Olympic Boulevard downtown begin voting tomorrow whether to bring in a union. The paper, of course, has long been anti-union within its...
An unsigned editorial in the Columbia Journalism Review calls on Chicago's Tribune company not just to sell off the Los Angeles Times, but to quit the newspaper business entirely. After...
In his Times column today, Joel Stein drums up web traffic and blogosphere chatter by throwing down with his readers. Don't email him, Stein writes, because he doesn't care what...
Right blogger Patterico's fourth annual review of a year in the life of the Los Angeles Times is up. It has become kind of a yearly event for the conservative...
Did the Los Angeles Times have a tough year or what? Lots of unhappy departures, speculations about a dark future and criticism aimed at the paper. There also was much...
Kim Masters writes at Slate that David Geffen is the wrong man to run the L.A. Times, taking issue with the position voiced earlier this month by Times Hollywood writers...
Shades of Brown in the LA Weekly was Daniel Hernandez's take on the relationship between the Times (his former employer) and its Latino staffers as well as the city's largest...
Mary Kaye Schilling, the former executive editor of Entertainment Weekly, gets the helm of the LAT's Calendar Weekend section. She used to be the magazine's Los Angeles bureau chief. Looks...
Mark Lacter has the scoop over at LA Biz Observed: Rick Wartzman gave his notice at the L.A. Times to join the New America Foundation, the think tank where Gregory...
John Balzar, one of the last ties to the L.A. Times' run as an exemplar of the literary newspaper journalism form, has given his notice and will move to Washington...
Daniel Hernandez, a former Metro reporter for the Los Angeles Times, goes long on the paper's dearth of Latino journalists and disconnect from the community in today's LA Weekly (and...
Alissa Rubin, who just last September was given the Paris bureau chief slot for the L.A. Times, succumbed to the lure of the New York Times. She's going back to...
Dean Baquet's defense of news values against the bean counters — and his November ouster from the LAT — has won him the New York Observer's fourth annual Media Mensch...
Saturday's Daily Breeze ran this photo of Dean Singleton addressing the staff, along with a main story about the day's big news in the South Bay. Including the Breeze within...
Jill Leovy covers homicide and the police for the L.A. Times, often in South Los Angeles. She writes today at Salon.com that the recent uptick in murder stats and spreading...
Readers of The Envelope in yesterday's Times might have thought that Calendar staffer in New York Paul Lieberman's interview with Martin Scorsese was timely. It was all framed around the...
Tribune has neither accepted nor rejected David Geffen's all-cash offer last month to buy the Los Angeles Times, a source tells the paper's James Rainey. Also: Rainey reports that ousted...
No, not Allen Iverson — not yet anyway. LA Observed contributor Bob Baker has taken over from Rick Cipes as the official, paid Clippers blogger at LATimes.com. He'll be spending...
Dean Baquet told his younger brother Terry (right) that he was being ousted as editor of the Los Angeles Times on Oct. 31, seven days before the Wall Street Journal...
A quartet of Hollywood old hands — Patrick Goldstein and John Horn of the LAT and Sharon Waxman and Laura Holson of the NYT — agreed last night at Zcalo's...
The Teamsters union is trying again to organize in the L.A. Times pressroom, and new publisher David Hiller has taken to the web to urge employees to vote no. I...
Remember this spring when the Los Angeles Times announced with some fanfare that it was devoting three staffers, two front-section pages and some design energy to giving readers a brighter...
Variety editor-in-chief Peter Bart uses today's column to say he doesn't think much of The Envelope, the L.A. Times' effort to take Oscar campaign ads away from the trades. He...
Nelson is a professor at the Annenberg School of Journalism at USC and a former national correspondent at the Los Angeles Times. In an op-ed in next week's Los Angeles...
There will be a new lineup of Los Angeles Times editors managing coverage of the next presidential race. The desk will be bicoastal: one editor in Washington, one here in...
David Geffen tells the WSJ that Dreamgirls is his final Hollywood project: "I don't want to keep solving the same problems. I'm not interested in buying things simply to make...
Hollywood Reporter lays off five more, including executive editor Peter Pryor, Fishbowl LA and Nikki Finke say. Earlier in the week editorial director Howard Burns got the axe. (I'm...
New religion and higher education reporters, a philanthropy beat, a reporter for the South Bay and Long Beach and Jeff Rabin moves off the city ethics and developer influence beat....
LA Observed reader Marc Litchman emails with one of those shake-your-head stories about trying to get through to the more-depleted-than-ever business side at the Los Angeles Times. I know circulation...
The LAT is once again trying to find good reporters willing to relocate to, as Jon Stewart puts it, Mess-O'-Potamia. Memo from foreign editor Marjorie Miller follows. The Foreign staff...
I'm quoted in another out-of-town piece about the Los Angeles Times, this one a cover package by Rob Gurwitt in Governing magazine that takes on the larger issue of declining...
Eli Broad didn't talk specifics about his bid with Ron Burkle to buy the Los Angeles Times, but in a wide-ranging interview circulated today by the Associated Press he said...
Ellen Barry of the Los Angeles Times' New York bureau confirmed for The Media Mob that she is switching to the NYT. She'll start her New York Times career in...
To go with today's California section story on radiation testing at the Brentwood dog park and nearby sports field, the Times runs a staff photo of a technician using a...
Highway 1, the LAT's weekly two-page featurette on driving and vehicle buying, seems of split minds on motorcycle culture. On the one hand, they gave staff writer Susan Carpenter the...
Lennie LaGuire moves a couple of bodies in the Calendar section: From: LaGuire, Lennie Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 11:33 AM Subject: staff moves Just to keep things interesting around...
Have you noticed a definite uptick in journalistic ambition in the L.A. Times? Credit the annual rush to squeeze in big projects while papers are fat with holiday ads and...
Departures from the increasingly Tribunized L.A. Times are beginning. Tim Brown, the national baseball writer since leaving the NBA beat, is jumping to Yahoo! Sports, where the former #2 at...
Lennie LaGuire has clearly emerged as a favorite of Times features czar John Montorio. Fifteen months ago he put her in charge of Daily Calendar, with the awkward title of...
L.A. Times op-ed and Current editor Nick Goldberg e-mailed to elaborate on his terse response to historian Mike Davis in yesterday's post, and also to correct my notion that Davis...
After UC Irvine historian and controversial Los Angeles chronicler Mike Davis was called a "Marxist apocalypticist" by Gregory Rodriguez in the LAT's Current section on Sunday, he fired off an...
Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Paul Conrad occupied the prime spot on the Los Angeles Times op-ed page from 1964 to 1993, and I know from signing books next to him that...
Item: The Los Angeles Times makes a 20% annual profit and wins Pulitzers, but is considered in decline as a business. Instead of investing in delivering more to readers, Tribune...
L.A. Times legal affairs writer Henry Weinstein, in New York to pick up his John Chancellor Award, dropped in on lefty Pacifica Radio's "Democracy Now" for a chat with hosts...
A bunch of Times readers have emailed to say how jarring they found this morning's front page. Not because the news stories above the fold were all local, but that...
This shouldn't happen at the Los Angeles Times. In the staff-written web story about the UCLA student who got the stun gun, the Times says the incident has prompted "outrage...
LATimes.com has posted ten minutes of video showing new editor Jim O'Shea's address to the newsroom yesterday. He says in it that he told his Tribune bosses that the Times...
It has come to this: James O'Shea's first address to the staff as editor of the Los Angeles Times was considered newsworthy enough to be reported on in today's paper....
I was wrong earlier today (Eastward ho) when I mentioned that the Times' associate editor, John Montorio, had stayed mum about his future with the post-Baquet paper. Actually, he had...
Programming note: I'm supposed to talk about the Times with Suzi Weissman on Beneath the Surface live on KPFK (90.7 FM) at 5:15 pm. I'm not sure what the folks...
Legendary Texas journalist Molly Ivins, in Editor & Publisher via Yahoo. What may ultimately happen, she believes, is that "we settle into some form of prestige papers, a bit like...
Safe to say the trend of New York Times staffers leaving the gray lady for brighter, more optimistic futures at the Los Angeles Times is over. As ex-editor Dean Baquet...
There's been a bunch of analyzing, fretting and free advice-giving by staffers at the Times the past couple of days (not to mention Metro reporter Sam Quinones' cheeky email to...
Remember Times publisher David Hiller's email plea on Friday for staffers to think about the newspaper's future? Metro reporter Sam Quinones emailed the entire newsroom his reply, which could be...
Harry B. Chandler actually worked at the Los Angeles Times, unlike most of his relatives who own shares in Tribune. He was an early proponent of an ambitious Internet strategy,...
David Hiller, the new L.A. Times publisher who pushed out editor Dean Baquet last week, gave $1,000 to the Republican National Committee as recently as 2003. Since 2000, while an...
New L.A. Times publisher David Hiller read the paper's story on itself this mornng and emailed a missive to the staff asking them to devote time thinking about the paper's...
The Journal's Sarah Ellison does a good job explaining how the culture clash between Tribune and the Times has escalated to the point that two Los Angeles publishers and two...
Steve Harvey, the Only in L.A. columnist for the Times, was in West Los Angeles when he heard a voice from the past. A panel truck stopped and the driver...
The Times is all over the running story of its future. Along with a piece breaking the news that Tribune is offering KTLA to potential buyers, James Rainey reports that...
Former L.A Times and New York Times reporter Anita Busch, in an amendment this week to a civil suit, names onetime Hollywood power Michael Ovitz as one of the figures...
Expect more video on LATimes.com and sharing of video between the paper and Channel 5, with KTLA producing local news segments for the website through the day. Here's this afternoon's...
Finally, some meaty if unattributed info out of the billionaires trying to buy the Los Angeles Times. LA Weekly columnist Nikki Finke has been sounding confident for months about her...
At James O'Shea's going away party today in the Chicago Tribune newsroom, his ovation came with a gag gift of a plastic shield and body armor — a comment by...
A disgruntled Times reader sent new publisher David Hiller a heated email yesterday afternoon after the Baquet news broke. She got back a personal (perhaps defensive?) response pointing out that...
Eli Broad and Ron Burkle have together offered to buy the Tribune Company, the Times' James Rainey reports on the paper's website. Details about the offer and the price that...
Here are the some of the best observations and news culled from the next-day coverage about the ouster of Dean Baquet as editor of the L.A. Times. Managing editors Doug...
I will be on live talking with Warren Olney about LA Observed's coverage of Dean Baquet's ouster tonight between 7:20 and 7:30 pm. Wall Street Journal reporter Sarah Ellison, who...
Dean Baquet was forced out as editor in chief of the Los Angeles Times after just more than a year and replaced by the #2 editor at the Chicago Tribune....
Jamie Court, president of the Santa Monica-based Foundation For Taxpayer and Consumer Rights and a founder of ArnoldWatch.org, posts somewhat bizarrely that today's ouster of Dean Baquet "pulled a page...
Times publisher David Hiller just emailed the newsroom his version of this afternoon's events. Basically, he wanted his guy: From: Hiller, David Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 2:40 PM Subject:...
Updated repeatedly with new information Times editor Dean Baquet "is stepping down under pressure from Tribune Company," the Wall Street Journal says in an online story citing "people familiar with...
Even before seeing these dozen graphs at NewsDesigner.com, you knew that the odds of the L.A. Times' front page redesign helping stem the circulation slide were long. As someone asks...
I should have noted this yesterday, but when rookie Los Angeles Times publisher David Hiller announced a new emphasis on "serving our Hispanic audience" he defied his paper's 25-year preference...
On the same day that his publisher calls for a new Hispanic business strategy, Bob Sipchen's education column in the Times runs in both Spanish and English on his School...
New Los Angeles Times publisher David Hiller just sent out a call for change across the paper to deal with plunging circulation and other threats to the future. He stresses...
Friday's Times carries the obit on the paper's long-time and respected classical music reviewer, Daniel Cariaga, who died on Wednesday at age 71. His life path was not typical of...
This is the Jackson Pollock painting that David Geffen has reportedly sold for $140 million — should I say that again? $140 million — to Mexican financier David Martinez. It's...
The Times' Susan Spano is heading to Asia for a month and turning over Postcards from Paris to a guest blogger, new-to-Paris author Elliott Hester. Spano critic Amy Alkon, writing...
Daniel Cariaga was the longtime classical music reviewer for the Los Angeles Times Calendar section. A note sent to the staff this afternoon said that he had been hospitalized with...
The Wall Street Journal has moved a story (subscribers only) saying that since private-equity bids for the whole company came in so low, Tribune has given noticed that "it will...
Fox News shouter Bill O'Reilly is back on his Times kick, this time alleging that the real circulation is about half of what the ABC said it was this week....
A source outside the Los Angeles Newspaper Group who has been reliable before says the Daily News suffered a scarier circulation plunge than even the drop at the Times: down...
Among big-city newspapers, only the Miami Herald (8.8%) lost a bigger percentage of its daily readers than the Los Angeles Times (8%) in today's new numbers. The Times, of course,...
Writing over at Native Intelligence, New York Observer columnist (and LA Observed regular from Hancock Park) Bruce Feirstein says the Los Angeles Times is losing the war for the hearts...
First, let me say that I want West magazine to flourish. I think it should be, and on some Sundays is, an important home for California-oriented journalism. Just today the...
The number of college graduates who read the L.A. Times is closer to the 42% that Times columnist Tim Rutten claimed in his churlish snappish response, not the 19% that...
Times editor Dean Baquet spoke to the gathered Associated Press managing editors in his hometown of New Orleans today and urged newspaper editors not to passively accept whatever cuts the...
In most election years, the Los Angeles Times Poll would be out in the field this week with a final look at the governor's race and the other statewide offices...
A powdery substance found this evening sent everyone down to the lobby. A Los Angeles Police Department Hazardous Materials team is on the scene along with the health department. *...
Kurt Andersen is a New Yorker, but as the onetime editor-in-chief of a couple of decent magazines (Spy, New York), columnist at others (The New Yorker, Time) and co-founder of...
I'm not sure that ambushing your customers with an unfamiliar product and giving the perception of less content — four front page stories instead of the usual six or seven...
After an internal redesign process that has gone on for years, Sunday's Los Angeles Times will unveil a busy new look on the front page and announce a major shift...
Editor & Publisher, the newspaper trade mag, likes L.A. Times Cairo bureau chief Megan Stack. A profile posted today says that Stack, then the Houston bureau chief, happened to be...
The L.A. Times is really embracing this whole solicit free advice idea. In addition to the Manhattan Project and asking readers to share tips at the Opinion blog, the paper...
Is the ex-New York Daily News gossip columnist about to pop up as the long-awaited in-house gossip for the L.A. Times? I don't know, but intriguing stars are aligned. Grove...
Before he was a city ethics commissioner, Bill Boyarsky was city editor of the Los Angeles Times, chief of the paper's city-county bureau and a political writer for the paper....
I've gotten some more details on the Los Angeles Times' sudden new quest to journalistically investigate how it can reengage with readers, an effort unfortunately dubbed the Manhattan Project (more...
Item #1: The Tribune Company has finally decided the time is right to sell off Chicago's corporate jet. No details were divulged on what the plane was worth or what...
Three investigative reporters and a half-dozen editors have been assigned to identify ideas that get readers excited about the newspaper again. Editor Dean Baquet is holding a meeting today to...
The L.A. Times' investigative reporters on the Getty story, Jason Felch and Ralph Frammolino, didn't get the Pulitzer but they did get a book contract. Chasing Aphrodite was billed as...
Those billionaires interested in buying the Los Angeles Times should put their money into creating a new web-based news venture, says Robert Niles, editor of the Online Journalism Review at...
Starting on Oct. 29, the two confusingly organized sections of Sunday Calendar in the Times will have more clearly delineated content. One will focus on movies, TV and web entertainment,...
City Hall beat reporter Duke Helfand is on the mayor's trade trip to China and blogging about it for the Times website. In the first post we learn that Villaraigosa...
The deposed LAT publisher tells Chicago Tribune columnist Phil Rosenthal that he knew his job was on the line as soon as he went public telling the bosses at Tribune...
Forget local. Merge the best of the Tribune papers into an LAT-dominated national brand that competes on foreign and Washington news and owns coverage of entertainment and celebrity culture, Michael...
Going into the weekend here is some follow through on the Times and Daily News situations: LAT petition: In an email to the newsroom, Times investigations editor Vernon Loeb says...
Actually I don't know where you get them, but Los Angeles Times foreign correspondents have donned t-shirts with editor Dean Baquet's image in solidarity with the newsroom petition. (Nope, actually...
Nikki Finke and John Amato at Crooks and Liars have posted lengthy pieces on the past right-wing connections of new L.A. Times publisher David Hiller. He was an assistant to...
Times newsroom staffers are circulating another petition expressing support for editor Dean Baquet and their unhappiness at the ouster of publisher Jeff Johnson. The call for signatures is below: From:...
Newsroom sources at the Los Angeles Times are angry that today's axe fell on ex-publisher Jeff Johnson at a personally difficult time. According to the sources, a family member this...
LA Observed contributor Bob Baker is a former Los Angeles Times city desk editor, reporter and writing coach. He posts at Native Intelligence that today goes down in Times lore...
Times editor Dean Baquet told an editors meeting at 11:30 that he can work with new publisher David Hiller. Baquet had coffee with Hiller this morning and apparently was told...
Brendan Huffman, president of the Valley Industry and Commerce Association, was one of the community leaders who signed last month's letter urging the Tribune company to reconsider cuts at the...
Updated at the bottom as new info comes in... * It's breaking this morning. Editor Dean Baquet is said to be in meetings with Tribune this morning. * The Times...
Two new editorial writers, an online editor and an articles editor for op-ed in on the second floor at the L.A. Times, and some other names headed out. Plus the...
A memo shooting around the Los Angeles Times today introduces Nancy Sullivan, most recently SVP of Music & Digital Entertainment at Rogers & Cowan. Her job will be to tell...
Thought I recognized some of the scenery in "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip." The board room scenes and corporate offices of fictional network NBS in Aaron Sorkin's new NBC...
After the district attorney's spokeswoman blasted investigative reporter Christine Hanley, the editor of the LAT Orange County edition responded: Susan Kang Schroeders letter to her staff about our reporter Christine...
Today's New York Times carries a man-in-the-news on LAT publisher Jeffrey Johnson, who "seemed to many Los Angeles Times employees to transform himself as dramatically as Clark Kent does when...
Nikki Finke is out with an LA Weekly story saying that David Geffen is actively trying to buy the L.A. Times and feels confident he will succeed. She also reports...
The Orange County District Attorney's office is attacking the Times again, this time focusing on an investigative reporter working on a story about the office's chief spokeswoman, Susan Kang Schroeder,...
Marty Kaplan, associate dean of USC Annenberg, takes the Times to task at Eat the Press for Sunday's bizarre inside ad for Time Warner Cable. The ad covers page 37...
Mark Lacter blogs over at LA Biz Observed: Getting relatively little attention in today's stories about the Tribune announcement was a sentence buried in the press release. It relates to...
Sebastian Rotella yields the Paris bureau to become a roving international investigative reporter, plus a new correspondent in Baghdad. Memo after the jump:...
Conan Nolan just left LA Observed Tower and I may be on NBC 4 at 5 pm talking about the Times-Tribune situation. (I was, along with Prof. Bryce Nelson of...
By the way, the memo went out Monday that Sallie Hofmeister is the Times' new Business section poobah for entertainment and technology coverage. It follows after the jump:...
Today's Los Angeles Times sports section carries a story on NASCAR racing under the byline of Times Staff Writer Ed Hinton. One problem: readers (and probably most Times staffers) don't...
Nikki Finke says at Deadline Hollywood Daily that Dean Baquet's three top deputies have a "suicide pact" to resign on the spot if he is fired for refusing to carry...
Today's Editor and Publisher has the wording of the letter that hundreds of staffers at the L.A. Times have signed in support of editor Dean Baquet and publisher Jeff Johnson:...
NPR's David Folkenflik came up with a good piece this afternoon for "All Things Considered" that fleshed out some of the internal corporate struggle going on at the Los Angeles...
On the eve of a crucial board meeting, Tribune Company chairman Dennis J. FitzSimons sent a contentious four-page reply to Los Angeles civic leaders who had said publicly the company...
Times columnist Tim Rutten adds his voice to those advising the Tribune Company — essentially his bosses — to consider selling the LAT. His Saturday column contrasts the Tribune's latest...
After all the morale-sapping speculation about a new wave of Tribune-ordered cutbacks, LAT publisher Jeff Johnson felt moved to email words of reassurance to the staff. Are they reassuring? You...
In the aftermath of the letter from Warren Christopher and others urging the Tribune to shape up in Los Angeles or get out, today's report on August revenues finds the...
Celebrity gossip Marc Malkin is taking his act from The Insider to E! Online. He will write the daily Planet Gossip column to launch in October and co-host a weekly...
Under pressure to extract more budget savings by further cutting the staff, Los Angeles Times editor Dean Baquet admits in the paper today to a "difference of opinion" with his...
From the Los Angeles Times: Scandinavian fest: A listing in Sunday Calendar said hot dogs would not be allowed at the Scandinavian Autumn Fest and Marknad on Sept. 17 at...
Scriptland is billed as a weekly-on-Wednesday addition to Calendar by freelancer Jay A. Fernandez. For the first installment, he reads from James Vanderbilt's 200-page screenplay adaptation of Against All Enemies:...
The Los Angeles Times launched its California Politics website and blog today, four days after it was promised. There are links to today's LAT stories out of Sacramento, video of...
At age 82, classical music critic Alan Rich could be expected to look down over his bifocals at the newbies who come along on his beat. And at that age,...
Don't go looking for the new Los Angeles Times blog that was supposed to launch today as part of a new website, California Politics, per managing editor Doug Frantz's memo...
Amy Scattergood is going full-time on the staff of the Los Angeles Times Food section. She might a be a trifle overqualified, judging by today's memo from Michalene Busico, the...
After Steve Lopez's column today ragging on the New York Times for using La-La Land in a piece about Amy Wilentz — calling it a cliche favored by New Yorkers...
Nita Lelyveld gets the nod, replacing Washington-bound editor John Hoeffel. She became an editor in Metro last year. Yes, she is the offspring of retired New York Times executive editor...
Fear of the long knives from Chicago is rampant again in the Los Angeles Times newsroom at First and Spring streets downtown. You know people are skittish when a rumor...
T. Christian Miller of the Los Angeles Times Washington bureau shows up on the blog at the Huffington Post with an entry about the subject of his new book, Blood...
The Black Dahlia opened the Venice Film Festival yesterday, with James Ellroy and the stars in attendance. (Variety covers and reviews: "...literally ripping good yarn is undercut by some lackluster...
David Davis at SoCal Sports Observed makes the point that the Los Angeles Times has yet to mention that the father of USC basketball player Brynn Cameron says his daughter...
The young reporter (he's 25) who left the Los Angeles Times this year for the LA Weekly (and did a well-received profile of Gustavo Arellano and took heat for his...
Don Woutat doesn't stay long in any job at the Los Angeles Times. But he really didn't stay long as the Times' new correspondent in Las Vegas. He was announced...
Anna Richardson is the former British late-night TV personality who said that Arnold Schwarzenegger pulled her onto his knee, fondled her and asked if her breasts were real after a...
It's not unusual for someone to claim that a newspaper misinformed them. It is quite unusual, though, for the complaint to come from a Los Angeles Times contributor — about...
In my Politics piece this month for Los Angeles magazine, while talking about South L.A. black politics post-Yvonne Burke I observe that reporters typically resist assignments at the county Hall...
Claire Hoffman's talker on Girls Gone Wild creep Joe Francis in West two weeks ago might be the most-clicked-on L.A. Times non-news story ever. As this memo sent from LATimes.com...
The LAT announced in yesterday's TV Times that the weekly guide to what's on television will no longer come with Sunday papers. If you are a Times subscriber, and if...
The Times has posted the full list of its anointed 100 most powerful Southern California players. After the first ten, which I gave you here this morning, they are in...
West Magazine will run "The West 100" of power players in Southern California on Sunday, as chosen by Los Angeles Times staffers drafted by the magazine. It's not a conventional...
I don't think so, but Clay Risen at the website The Morning News does. His reasoning is a little tortured: he calls Claire Hoffman's piece in last Sunday's West magazine...
The topic of Gary Webb and his treatment within the journalism world remains divisive. People I respect fall on both sides: that he was a courageous investigative digger who got...
That profile of Joe Francis in West magazine I told you about last week was the talk of the town (to the degree that can happen in L.A.) all weekend....
Business section staff reporter Claire Hoffman opens her piece in the Sunday magazine West with a graphic scene. The screaming phone calls, accusations that she has a crush on her...
In a column tomorrow motivated by Mel Gibson's anti-Jewish recidivism, Times Calendar columnist Patrick Goldstein chides Hollywood executives for not distancing themselves from the actor-producer. Amy Pascal is my hero....
Desperation strikes. Publisher Jeff Johnson just announced that the Los Angeles Times will begin to accept advertising on the front pages of some news and feature sections — but not...
The annual gaming trade show that the geeks drool over is cutting way back and will move out of the downtown Convention Center — but wants to stay in Los...
Each of the local billionaire media moguls-in-waiting — Eli Broad, David Geffen and Ron Burkle — sent separate letters to the Tribune Company board this month expressing interest in buying...
After my Monday scooplet (yes I mean it ironically) about Los Angeles Times managing editor Doug Frantz giving Metro reporters pony rides at lunch hour as a staff bonding exercise,...
Staffers at the Los Angeles Times are giggling about a morale booster that managing editor Doug Frantz perpetrated in the midday heat downtown today: pony rides for the Metro staff....
The weekly Highway 1 section in the Los Angeles Times always skews toward the few who are buying a vehicle and usually has little if any information or fun stuff...
We told you on Monday that Helene Elliott would become a general columnist for the Los Angeles Times sports section. Today the memo came down: she joins Bill Dwyre, Bill...
She has been the editor in charge of entertainment coverage for the Los Angeles Times business section since last year, after returning from Los Angeles magazine in 2004. She will...
L.A. Times beat writers will no longer routinely cover road trips of the Kings and Ducks, Sports Editor Randy Harvey tells LA Observed. Hockey columnist Helene Elliott will become a...
Alexandra Zavis comes from the Johannesburg bureau of Associated Press. Memo to the staff from foreign editor Marjorie Miller follows:...
Sell the Los Angeles Times, Devin Leonard advises the Tribune Company. The Chandlers of L.A. will never be confused with the Sulzbergers of New York or the Grahams of Washington,...
Marilyn W. Thompson becomes the national investigative editor, based in Washington, on September 1. She is currently editor and vice president of the Lexington (Ky.) Herald-Leader and had been assistant...
I guess LATimes.com admired last week's Ghana hed on ESPN so much—as I did on Thursday—that they decided to borrow it for the top of the page today. A soccer...
Tribune CEO Dennis FitzSimon's so-called town meeting with Los Angeles Times employees this morning is being held in the Norman Chandler Auditorium. It's named for the late patriarch of the...
New York Times executive editor Bill Keller this morning distributed a statement on the paper's publication of details about the CIA-Treasury Department program of tracing financial transactions by suspected terrorists....
I haven't mentioned it much because it's frankly kind of lame, but for 111 days the Times has kept two goldfish in an aquarium supposedly living on water taken from...
Tribune CEO Dennis J. FitzSimons is dropping in on the L.A. Times tomorrow for a "town hall" meeting with employees. (With the cutbacks I think it's more of a neighborhood...
It took a shot from a Taser to end a pursuit and traffic-snarling standoff on the westbound San Bernardino Freeway in Baldwin Park. Michael Kinsley will join the...
Two items: Josiah Beeman, the former aide to San Francisco politicians and Ambassador to New Zealand and Western Samoa for President Clinton, died at age 70. He ran three Jerry...
Seen on the wall in the second-floor Calendar area at the Los Angeles Times: FOR SALE: Major metropolitan daily newspaper (slightly used). 312 222 4300 That's a number at the...
On KPCC right now, Patt Morrison has on Times Washington bureau chief Doyle McManus talking about their paper's decision to run this story disclosing secret U.S. government tracking of banking...
Headline at the top of LATimes.com: Gunmen Snuff Lawyer for Saddam * 1:55 pm update: Changed....
Staffers in the Los Angeles Times newsroom have discovered they cannot fully connect with the Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum in Topanga. You know, the renowned repertory group that is putting...
Tribune chief Dennis J. FitzSimons vows to stand up to the big bad Chandlers. A spill of cooking oil closed three lanes of the Long Beach Freeway this...
Well I lied; my desk is anything but clear. Here are some final news notes from the day though. Have a good weekend: The Times replies to this morning's...
Peacefire.org, which keeps track of the political websites and other non-sexual sites that are blocked by content filters, sent a note to subscribers saying that its own website can't be...
A day after the Chandler family breakup demand hit the news, Tribune CEO Dennis FitzSimons sent a rebuttal from independent members of the Tribune board to staffers at his newspapers...
The Chandler family called for breaking up the Tribune Company into separate newspaper and television units, and possibly selling off the papers. A strongly worded letter filed with the SEC...
Carol J. Williams was put on a military flight out of Guantanamo Bay along with reporters for the Miami Herald and Charlotte Observer, on orders from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's...
No one even says the paper is for sale, but Eli Broad, Ron Burkle and Peter Ueberroth "reaffirmed this week their interest in bidding for the country's fourth-largest daily newspaper"...
Newspaper editors and reporters are all doing it—taking note of which stories top the most-emailed list and get the most website hits—but everybody denies that it influences news judgment. "What...
Last week's Los Angeles Times investigative series on judges in Las Vegas was impressive as a piece of reporting, but a bad sign for the paper, writes Jeffrey Brody, professor...
Flurry of stories this morning on the repercussions of the Chandler family's strained relations with the Tribune Company. The most immediate effect is that the weak stock price is rising,...
Kate Aurthur has been writing for Calendar, Vanity Fair, Slate and the New York Times. Her father Robert Alan Aurthur was a producer and writer of All that Jazz and...
Times business reporter Kim Christensen has been detached from her his! Hollywood beat to work on the paper's Pellicano investigation team. So they are bringing Joseph Menn down from Silicon...
Susan Carpenter debuted today as the Los Angeles Times' first motorcycle columnist. Throttle Jockey will run bi-weekly in the Wednesday Highway 1 section. The flackage promises "comprehensive motorcycle reviews, ranging...
Today's WSJ story on the dissenting Chandler family board members was enough to prompt Tribune CEO Dennis FitzSimons to email some all-hands spin throughout Tribuneland. The missive received by the...
The Wall Street Journal fronts a story on opposition to the Tribune Company's stock buyback gambit from an unusual source—the three representatives of the Chandler family who sit on the...
There's been some grousing about the news summaries the Los Angeles Times began running on the second and third pages in April (or was it March?) Some complain that the...
Memo to the staff at the Los Angeles Times: From: Stern, Sherry Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 8:20 AM Subject: TV Times Changes (Managers and supervisors: Please share this information...
The Times columnist got off some good lines in his Tuesday op-ed offering about being invited to speak at career day at Beverly Hills High School—"I was pleased to find...
A post by Kirk Biglione at Medialoper is titled Why I Hate the Sunday Paper: Its Sunday morning in Pasadena and my newspaper is sitting on the front lawn, untouched,...
Guess it was true about Michael Hiltzik landing in Sports when the defrocked Los Angeles Times columnist-blogger returned from suspension. He wrote the Sunday feature on Clipper Elton Brand's "checkered...
♦ "There is no exact moment when the cultural epicenter of the country shifted from New York to Los Angeles," Manohla Dargis writes in the NYT, "just a series of...
In response to a question from golfing journalist Geoff Shackelford at the Times Festival of Books, LAT Editor Dean Baquet said (as he had when I interviewed him last fall)...
The dutiful minions at the Times' Opinion blog know one way to keep the boss, Andrs Martinez, happy: they posted his observations from China, where I assume he is on...
As a sidebar to Time magazine's 100 people who shape our world, LAT op-ed columnist Joel Stein was given a spot on the Time website to post the Joel 100:...
In the two years that LAT travel writer Susan Spano has been living in Paris, I've noticed two kinds of reactions among LA Observed readers. One is envy and resentment...
In advance of the top editors going on retreat in the desert to noodle on the future of their newspaper, some juggling ensued in the mid-level lineup at the Los...
The Los Angeles Times lost another 5.4% of its print readers in the March-to-March comparison, falling to 851,832 daily copies sold. Other local papers are not included in today's media...
By now most people have probably heard of the Times' promotion-gone-wrong for Mission: Impossible III. Devices placed in newsracks to play theme music when the box is opened apparently look...
Not only won't it cost the L.A. schools $2.1 million for yesterday's 27,000-plus protest absences, it pretty much won't hurt at all financially. School Me, the new Times blog on...
Business Week's Inside Wall Street column says some investment pros are betting that Tribune Co. will be a takeover target. Like most other newspaper stocks, Tribune has been beaten to...
There's an extra-long Morning Buzz chock full of good stuff after you turn the page, catching up to the weekend. Of course the news of the day in Los Angeles...
Michael Hiltzik came up, of course, during my interview of Los Angeles Times Editor Dean Baquet on Sunday at the Times Festival of Books. He beat me to the punch,...
Editors at the Los Angeles Times have stripped Michael Hiltzik of his Golden State column in the Business section and suspended him as punishment for posting anonymous arguments on his...
Unhappy U.S. prosecutors, very happy (and affluent) L.A. firefighters and the Hiltzik story goes national—plus items on Villaraigosa, Dov Charney, Reggie Bush, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and much more. Click on the...
♦ Michael Hiltzik's previous gaffe involving invasion of colleagues' email privacy when he was stationed in the Times' Moscow bureau is now making the rounds of conservative bloggers delighted by...
Media reaction to the Hiltzik blog disclosure, a city budget with money for more cops, some awards, some obits and General Zinni is in town. Much more after the jump......
This notice is posted at the top of Michael Hiltzik's Golden State blog on the Los Angeles Times website: The Times has suspended Michael Hiltziks Golden State blog on latimes.com....
Liberal L.A. Times columnist-blogger Michael Hiltzik and conservative prosecutor-blogger Patterico have been butting heads and online personas ever since the former joined the blogosphere last October. Even earlier, perhaps, if...
Deb Nelson, who has led the resurgence in investigative reporting by the Washington Bureau of the Los Angeles Times, is leaving for a job in academia at the University of...
Die Hard director John McTiernan, the top Hollywood name to be charged in the Pellicano wiretapping case, appeared in court today on the charge of lying to the government and...
♦ Everyone following the Dodgers knows that reserve Cody Ross is primed to get the axe any hour now. So today he gets a start and slams a grand-slam homer—followed...
Light posting this weekend, but first... ♦ Michael Sonnenschein exits as co-editor of FishbowlLA. He bids farewell on the blog, and Claude Brodesser gives marching orders for the new regime....
The credit tag at the end of the LAT story on the Mammoth Mountain tragedy includes one Jeffrey M. Johnson. Who's that? Well he's the publisher of the paper. He...
It's official now that Kim Murphy is moving to the London bureau of the Los Angeles Times, replacing the newly departed John Daniszewski. Memo follows:...
Former Los Angeles Times staff writer Evan Maxwell left daily journalism two decades ago to fashion a successful career as a romance novelist with his wife Ann Maxwell. Now living...
The struggling Los Angeles Times has gone through another advertising chief. Publisher Jeff Johnson waited until after the stock market closed on Friday afteroon to disclose a new managament reorganization...
Times columnist Steve Lopez has sold Putnam a book to be called Imagining Beethoven, based on his personal connection to the columns he has been writing about the homeless, Juilliard-trained...
Tribune's experiment with a glossy lifestyle magazine aimed at high-income Southern Californians is over. Staffers at Distinction were told that next Friday is their last day. Today they are busy...
Managing Editor Doug Frantz thinks that stories in the Los Angeles Times are too flabby and he wants to tighten them up. Everyone at the paper has heard this before—it...
Notes from around... ♦ An estimated 5,000 students are protesting outside of school today in San Pedro, Compton, Bellflower and the Valley, according to NBC4. ♦ There's a 1 pm press conference...
In the past year or so the Los Angeles Times newsroom has seen the creation of the Image Team, the Demographics desk and the Sense of Place team. Yet another...
John Daniszewski is going to Associated Press as International Editor. Romenesko has the memos from AP and the Times....
From today's Los Angeles Times Food section: An article in last week's Food section said an invitation-only "Secret Restaurant" event in Los Angeles would be open to the public and...
In the wake of the recent Los Angeles Times series spotlighting questions about the union, the United Farm Workers has posted an ad on Monster.com looking for a new director...
Editors of the Los Angeles Times Calendar plan to revamp the staff lineup yet again, aiming to "build on the considerable strengths of the section and augment its talent pool...
This is how the Times website packaged this morning's Meghan Daum op-ed column jumping into the question of whether teenagers really do engage in lots of oral sex, and whether...
From today's Daily News: OXNARD - The United Farm Workers and Dole Food Co. have reached agreement on a three-year contract that gives berry pickers the best wage and health...
Reader Louis just emailed: It's 8:25pm, and the Kings made a major trade today....it was announced hours ago. So I go to the Times' sports on the web, and not...
Robert Niles at USC's Online Journalism Review blog picked up an exchange in which the Los Angeles Times readers' representative seems to say that headlines on LATimes.com are encouraged to...
From the Los Angeles Times: Abortion: A March 4 column about abortion and overpopulation said that "roughly 10 billion people" die of hunger annually. The correct figure is 10 million....
Ann Powers is the new chief pop music critic for the Los Angeles Times. The former pop critic for the New York Times and editor at the Village Voice lives...
The Times moved quickly to fill the job vacated recently by Alice Short. But now they need a new media editor: To: The Staff From: John Montorio, Associate Editor Lennie...
A lot of people in California and Los Angeles politics know John Balzar, the Times' former political writer, columnist and Sacramento correspondent. He has written most recently for the paper's...
Stephen Burgard was an editorial writer in the Los Angeles Times Orange County edition and now is director of the journalism program at Northeastern University. He emails: A few thoughts...
Patt Morrison writes in today's Los Angeles Times on her former publisher Otis Chandler: In his person, Otis stitched together two ideas as dissonant as Valvoline and Sparkletts: a believer...
Dennis McDougal, author of Privileged Son: Otis Chandler and the Rise and Fall of the LA Times Dynasty, gave a lecture on his subject and former publisher at the Los...
Alice Short, editor of the daily Calendar and Thursday Weekend Calendar sections at the Los Angeles Times, is moving off the features floor and upstairs to the third floor newsroom....
People care about this stuff and write in. Today several readers noticed that the Times got two names wrong in the Eddie Nalbandian obituary in this morning's paper. The early...
Why the Los Angeles Times may be getting some new window blinds, blog reaction to the death of Otis Chandler, Channel 5's anchors accept a free night at a swanky...
Tomorrow's printed Los Angeles Times obituary on Otis Chandler will run over five to six pages and be one of the longest the paper has published. It is now online...
Eagle-eyed reader Doug Thomson spotted the paid obituary in Saturday's Los Angeles Times for Edward G. Nalbandian, better known as Eddie in TV commercials for his clothing store Zachary All....
The war of words between the United Farm Workers union and the Los Angeles Times continues. To catch you up, the Times in January ran an investigative series on the...
Orange County Register investigative editor Mark Katches emailed his staff yesterday about losing one of his prized reporters to the Los Angeles Times: "As staff departures go, this one is...
The Times website is rolling out some design tweaks today—press Ctrl-F5 on a PC to reload the new stylesheet if the pages look screwy at first. They have shrunk and...
Tribune stock has lost 27% in value since the start of 2005 and most of its newspapers went through layoffs and are losing readers and advertisers, but the company yesterday...
In case you didn't catch enough premature Oscar buzz the first time around, the LAT is publishing the best of The Envelope and other Times coverage as a special tab...
Josh Getlin, New York bureau chief for the Los Angeles Times, is moving over to the Calendar staff to cover the publishing beat. He will remain bureau chief, while mixing...
Would you believe Jackie Goldberg for school superintendent? Rampant talk of that, plus good press for Alan Rothenberg, the mystery ooze of Olive Street takes a toll, a fresh crop...
Today's New York Times has a piece on the post-Katrina travails of LAT editor Dean Baquet's New Orleans family, some of which is still transplanted in Conyers, Georgia. Conyers is...
* Newest shorts at the bottom... ⇒ More subplots in the Anthony Pellicano affair, a thirteenth defendant and Leslie Abramson joins the case. Also, the Times says anonymous witness 'Johnny...
Martin Ludlow's possible political demise is what the clued-in class will be chattering about this morning, but there's also a Republican move to break up the school district ahead of...
Will Campbell at blogging.la (last night), Carolyn Kellogg at LAist and Brady Westwater (this morning) blogged about last evening's forum on homelessness at the Times building. Publisher Jeff Johnson stumbled...
Tough talk in Crain's Chicago Business about the L.A. Times being a serious drag on the Tribune Company—and charging way more for ads than the waning circulation numbers justify. Here...
Three lead items out of the largest local bureaucracy in the nation, none of them good news...plus Hiltzik lashes Keith Brackpool, no retraction for the UFW, the best and worst...
The LA Weekly editor has posted a defiant response to the United Farm Workers demand for a retraction of an earlier column he wrote lauding the Times series and chastising...
Mayor Villaraigosa voiced his support today for the commission's decision to no longer release names of LAPD officers involved in shootings. But he isn't too happy that the commission''s executive...
Doug Dowie scores some points but not a knockdown, the police commission mums up, "Today" takes the Chino shooting story, a new Nina Zero review and paying tribute to the...
⇒ Truthdig.com's Blair Golson contends that Times editor Dean Baquet would not meet with representatives of the United Farm Workers union to hear their challenges to the paper's recent investigative...
Former LAT book editor Steve Wasserman, now in New York as Managing Director at the compound-named agency Kneerim and Williams at Fish and Richardson, has gotten a preempt deal for...
Rick Wartzman's editor's note (labeled "From First and Spring") in Sunday's debut issue of West magazine fesses up to a strong belief in the Carey McWiliams school of California reportage...
LAT book editor David Ulin responds to the James Frey controversy in Sunday's Book Review with an essay that argues the line is fuzzy between literary truth and lie. Ten...
Here's the story lineup for the first issue of West, the Los Angeles Times Magazine replacement that debuts in the Sunday paper. Cover story: "The Valley's Not So Civil War"...
Rip Rense has some thoughts about the marketing campaign for the LAT's new West magazine, coming soon to a Sunday paper near you. Whatever the new West will be, or...
The first eight pages of this morning's Calendar section in the Times—including six full opens plus most of the cover—are devoted to coverage of the Oscar nominations. The State of...
Updated with new entries at the bottom ⇒ Copies of the first West magazine issue were seen at the Times' Travel Show over the weekend. The cover piece in the...
In the news this morning, the FBI looks at that videotaped shooting by a deputy in Chino...misreading Los Angeles...quitting James Frey...buying off Stuckey...and Hollywood's gay thing analyzed from a couple...
Talk about awkward timing. Miriam Pawel, the reporter on this month's L.A. Times' series about the United Farm Workers union, applied for the employee buyout back in November and was...
The 81-year-old grandmother suspected of shooting and killing her granddaughters ex-husband confessed today to Times reporter Mai Tran at the Orange County jail—where she is the eldest inmate, the paper...
A libel lawyer retained by the United Farm Workers sent the Times a 62-page retraction demand to this month's investigative series on the union, Bill Bradley reports at New West...
⇒ The Daily News' Beth Barrett investigated complaints that the Tribune Company's philanthropic foundation counted about $3 million donated by Los Angeles charities as part of its own fundraising. ⇒...
Joel Stein will be on Oprah at 3 pm on Channel 7, but not to talk about his own controversy of the moment. The LAT op-ed columnist is one of...
This is the anniversary of the Metrolink disaster near Glassell Park. Unrelated, we think, fictionating non-fictionist James Frey will guest on Oprah to address the literary hubbub he has created....
While the right continues to hammer Joel Stein for his "I don't support the troops" op-ed column, and bloggers channel his possible response, Tabloid Baby thinks the piece was a...
Yahoo's hiring of Dave Morgan, the #2 editor in the LAT Sports section, gets a thorough dissection in the forum at SportsJournalists.com....
I posted this morning that Joel Stein would get letters about his Warriors and Wusses column on the Times op-ed page. Reuters has moved a story quoting Stein saying he...
Late last year the L.A. Times hired Amy Moynihan, who used to direct corporate branding for McDonald's. When you bring in a new VP for Brand Marketing, corporate culture pretty...
I've already noted the LAT's addition of Rob Greene and Matt Welch (his job is actually assistant editorial page editor.) Today Andrs Martinez posted his memo to the staff and...
Joel Stein's going to get letters [finally?—ed.] for writing that its wussy to "support the troops" if you oppose the war. Also if you fly a yellow ribbon. And don't...
Recent buyouts and transfers pretty much cleaned out the religion desk at the L.A Times. To fill the void, veteran state desk reporter Louis Sahagun is moving to the religion...
A job posting from Joel Sappell, Executive Editor/Interactive at the Times, hints at a new approach to putting news on the Web. He's looking to staff "a different kind of...
The co-creator of the old L.A. Examiner website, editor at Reason magazine, longtime blogger and occasional L.A. Times skewerer is going inside the tent. Welch is joining the Andrs Martinez...
A new week begins with happy birthday greetings to the mayor, a glitch at KPCC, the Defamer-in-chief in Vanity Fair and a dustup between Cathy Seipp and a New York...
Times coverage of the Civic Center figures to pick up in February. Editors today posted the lineup for the newly re-created unit that will cover local government and politics, and...
You can end the week with a Wall Street Journal look at Dave Dreier, a thousand Valleyites out of work, possible trouble for Ron Deaton at DWP, a new Times...
The mayor draws a crowd in Sherman Oaks, the UCLA controversy, bunch of reporter moves at the Times and Long Beach cops still can't find their shotguns...that and much more...
Are the Bible citations tucked away on the packaging of In-N-Out burgers, fries and shakes "the most identifying feature" of the chain? Not to me, but the blogger at Lifelike...
Councilman Bernard Parks didn't care for the Times' weekend story on the surplus city land in his district that he wants to sell to a developer, three years after the...
Here's a letter to the editor in the latest Fortune magazine, posted on the website Online News Squared: Could Craigslist turn newspaper classifieds to ashes? If it does, the fault...
Completing the David Lauter transaction from yesterday, the Times announced today that Steve Clow will move from Sports to be the deputy California editor. Memo covering both moves follows:...
City Controller Laura Chick is profiled on tonight's Life & Times on KCET at 6:30. Longtime LAT pop music editor and critic Robert Hilburn, who is stepping down this month,...
Marjorie Miller, the L.A. Times editor in charge of the foreign staff, announced a new deputy this afternoon. It's David Lauter, confirming the speculation we heard last week. Miller's memo...
A Times staffer emails that at yesterday's goodbye affair for features-floor editor John Scheibe, the golf-themed message on his cake referred to tea time instead of "tee time." Three's a...
After 47 years and thousands of bylines, retiring Times staff writer Eric Malnic sent the following email to his Metro colleagues and left the Spring Street newsroom to a standing...
Sunday's Las Vegas Sun announced a bunch of senior hires with connections to the L.A. Times. I told you last week about Drex Heikes, who comes in as deputy managing...
Solomon Moore goes back to Iraq, this time assigned to the bureau (instead of just visiting.) Memo from foreign editor Marjorie Miller after the jump....
The House that Jack Kent Cooke Built might be no more, air rights are hot again downtown (and so is Richard Meruelo), Tad Friend expounds on Los Angeles car chases...plus...
Miriam Pawel, the reporter on this week's L.A. Times' series on the United Farm Workers union, will be on KPFK's Deadline L.A. Saturday at noon at 90.7 FM. Barbara Osborn...
While I may seem to pile on the Times for taking a boosterish approach to awards shows in its hunger to attract new readers and website visitors, The Envelope is...
This year's Los Angeles Times Book Festival at UCLA will be April 29-30—no repeat of last year's awkward overlap with Passover, which cost the festival some authors and probably some...
⇒ Marc Cooper claims in the new LA Weekly that the Times' series on the United Farm Workers union was "directly inspired by � if not in great part derived...
LA Observed reported earlier that Amy Tan is the new literary editor of the Times' revamped Sunday magazine, which will launch as West on Feb. 5. We also told you...
Heisman Trophy winner Reggie Bush just announced that he will leave USC to accept the riches the National Football League would like to throw at him. Most likely stop in...
One of the top four news stories featured in the upper slot at LATimes.com this afternoon isn't news or even from the Times. When you click the link, up pops...
The Times' Chatsworth plant printed its final edition over the weekend. Someone posted a farewell slide show of the plant in operation and in shutdown mode. I still wonder what's...
The Times series on the United Farm Workers, a potent force in L.A. politics for decades, is certainly a talker. Three of the top four most-emailed stories at LATimes.com right...
Patt Morrison, appearing at the Huffington Post in her role as the "First Mlle. of Millinery," cuts to the chase on the Jack Abramoff affair: What is with those hats?...
The lede in today's Daily Journal, by staff writer John Hanusz: For months, the Los Angeles legal community has nervously awaited word of indictments arising from the federal wiretapping probe...
The UFW urges emails to the editor of the L.A. Times, Chick and Romer cozy up, one less obstacle for New Times and a stalwart of the Los Angeles Rams...
The Times on Sunday began a hard-edged four-part series on the United Farm Workers union after Cesar Chavez under the label "UFW: A Broken Contract." The nut grafs for the...
⇒ Geoffrey Mohan, an editor on the L.A. Times California desk, moves to assistant foreign editor. He was previously Latin America bureau chief for Newsday. The Times also posted an...
Today's LAT editorial page delivers on its Rose Bowl wager to say something nice about Texas: "Any state that gave us Lance Armstrong, Lyle Lovett and Larry McMurtry can't be...
Michael Ramirez, the conservative cartoonist whose services were recently deemed no longer desired by the L.A. Times, has been hired to draw for Investor's Business Daily. He will also be...
We're number two! USC lost the Rose Bowl and the national championship to Texas 41-38. Thirty-two of those points came in the last quarter. Today's front pagesNew York Times See/Read...
Judging by my email today, the L.A. Times' failure to get together an obit on Frank Wilkinson (while the New York Times did recognize his historic significance to Los Angeles...
From Wednesday's Los Angeles Times: Radio station An article in the Dec. 27 California section about the Christian-focused station KKLA-FM (99.5) described it as a 50,000-watt station. KKLA is...
The Times says it managed to stop the presses, call back the trucks and publish last night's awful turn in the news from Tallmansville, West Virginia. Many other papers got...
Today's front pagesNew York Times See/Read Washington Post See/ReadLA Times See/ReadDaily News See/ReadDaily Breeze See/ReadPress-Telegram See/Read Register See/ReadStar-News Read Variety ReadHwd Reporter ReadLa Opinin Read Slate: Today's Papers ♦ Unless the L.A....
I don't know whether Times business columnist Michael Hiltzik is the paper's designated hitter or just is being allowed to take his Golden State blog wherever he feels it naturally...
The Times finally got around to making official what LA Observed reported last month: Dawn Chmielewski is leaving the San Jose Mercury News for the tech coverage pod in Los...
Welcome back to work. Since it's been awhile, I'm letting it run long... Today's front pagesNew York Times See/Read Washington Post See/ReadLA Times See/ReadDaily News See/ReadDaily Breeze See/ReadPress-Telegram See/Read Register...
From today's L.A. Times: An article in Tuesday's Section A about tensions over the federal effort to reintroduce wolves into parts of the West wrongly attributed to Wyoming Gov. Dave...
⇒ City Controller Laura Chick turned up the heat today on schools Supt. Roy Romer, making a public records act request for all federal, state, county, and internal audits of...
Outside of the many disgruntled ex-colleagues (and a few fans) he left in his wake, Michael Kinsley's relatively brief tenure as chief opinionist at the Times seems mostly forgotten. He...
Fresh off the buyout/layoffs, the Times is bringing in San Jose Mercury News tech columnist Dawn Chmielewski to be a multimedia reporter. She used to be at the Register in...
As many expected, LAT op-ed editor Nick Goldberg today also got responsibility for the Sunday Current section. The staffs of each will be merged and Goldberg receives a couple of...
Colleagues of longtime LAT film reviewer Kevin Thomas have been unhappy that he was nudged to take the buyout and upset that after four decades the paper did not plan...
Last week a delegation of progressives met with the top opinion editors at the L.A. Times to complain about the axing of Robert Scheer's column and push for more anti-war...
More than 2,000 people (LAT; AP says "hundreds") viewed the body of executed murderer Tookie Williams Monday at a mortuary on South Vermont. Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan and Snoop Dog...
With lots of buzz around today about Tom Cruise and Scientology, various sources emailed to remind me of some seminal local reporting in addition to the 1990 Sappell-Welkos series in...
Reporters will recognize the email that L.A. Times staffer and dog owner Samantha Bonar received from an unhappy—some might say deranged—reader. He objected to her Sunday Current piece calling for...
In 1990, L.A. Times reporters Joel Sappell and Robert Welkos ran a six-part series on Scientology that took them most of five years to report, vet, re-report, write, re-write, lawyer...
Car racing has a long history in the Los Angeles area. Legendary driver Barney Oldfield lived and raced on Wilshire Boulevard and drove on the speedway that stood where the...
The L.A. Times is dropping the shell that remains of its national edition. Once a full-scale newspaper sold on the street in Washington and New York as part of a...
Tookie Williams has asked for a stay of execution by the state Supreme Court. No word yet. (* Also: Gov. Schwarzenegger won't divulge his ruling on clemency until Monday, his...
LAT watcher Brady Westwater has been watching closely to see how long it will take for the Times to correct a story that said Los Angeles was incorporated as an...
Yesterday's Barbra Streisand-drops-the-LAT meme has morphed into a Yahoo News story posted this afternoon....
Public Radio International's Tavis Smiley interviewed condemned Crips founder Tookie Williams by phone on San Quentin's Death Row. Calls are limited to fifteen minutes, so it took two redials to...
Barbra Streisand wanted to make sure we all got to read the full text of her letter to the editor that ran—edited—in the L.A. Times on Nov. 28, protesting the...
* 12:30 pm update: Dow Jones Newswires has backpedaled all the way on its report of 2006 job cuts by Tribune: "Tribune Co. will not cut 4% of its workforce...
An angle raised by the Times' scheduled closing and sale of its Chatsworth printing plant: what happens to the time capsule that was buried under the floor amid great civic...
Michael Massing, a Columbia Journalism Review editor writing in the New York Review of Books, reports on why Pulitzer winner Nancy Cleeland is no longer covering labor for the L.A....
Added below: Publisher says 300 Times jobs lost in all There's still a few reporters based in an office in Encino (and they are slated to move), but the Chatsworth...
Those of you who were still cozying up to Richard Fausset of the Times' third-floor bureau can scratch him off the holiday party list. He is shipping out to Atlanta...
Websites at the L.A. Times and other Tribune properties aren't getting freshened this morning due to an unsolved technical glitch. This note was sent to Times editors by the "extended...
Extending the subway out Wilshire Boulevard is essential—and only didn't happen originally because of white fears about "those people" coming to the Miracle Mile and Beverly Hills, bus rider D.J....
LAT notable: Patrick McDonnell, now the LAT's bureau chief in Buenos Aires, wrote about his two years in Baghdad in the Times' Sunday magazine...Steve Lopez helps his Skid Row violinist...
Longtime LAT writer Al Martinez uses today's column to report that he survived the buyout and layoff putsch, and to commiserate with those who lost jobs at the Times and...
Couple more things came in via email after this morning's post: ⇒ MoveOn.org has—believe it or not—adopted the L.A. Times buyouts and cutbacks as a lefty political cause, complete with...
I received several reports that computer system troubles plagued the Times yesterday. A big chunk of the IT staff was laid off last week. Also, Orange County staffers are complaining...
Today's most-emailed L.A. Times story is the off-lede talker about the U.S. military covertly paying Iraqi newspapers to run propaganda written by American troops. Mark Mazzetti and Borzou Daragahi report:...
I don't know for certain that L.A. Observed's scrutiny played any part, so let's just applaud the Times for making the right call. Mark Kurtich, the senior VP of operations,...
Jon Wiener, the KPFK host and Nation contributing editor, posts an email that left-side historian Mike Davis sent to Susan Brenneman, the deputy op-ed editor at the Times, rejecting an...
In another move to save a few bucks, the Times is once again closing the ornate main entrance to its historic building—shutting off public access to the Globe Lobby and...
Sacramento columnist George Skelton opted out of the L.A. Times buyout at the last minute. But a more prominent name put himself on the list: longtime Pop Music Editor/Critic Robert...
Before he edited the L.A. Times Book Review, Steve Wasserman was deputy editor of the paper's op-ed page and Opinion section (and before that was a researcher for Robert Scheer.)...
Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio and former L.A. Times columnist and reporter Robert Scheer have been pals a long time—at least since Scheer interviewed the "boy mayor" of Cleveland for...
Wife-and-husband team Elizabeth Snead and Joel Stratte-McClure used to jointly byline their celebrity gossip dispatches for the Daily News and the other LANG papers. Then Snead started dispatching her side...
Steve Wasserman, the Times book editor until earlier this year, will give his take on the cutbacks at his former paper in the first issue of Truthdig.com, the webzine by...
Who's leaving and other weekend buzz from inside our local downsizing newspaper: ⇒ Did Publisher Jeffrey Johnson kill an editorial that was tough on General Motors this week? Multiple sources...
Sports columnist T.J. Simers claimed in Thursday's Times column that he just noticed his paper's month-old, Daily News-citing Lakers blog—and says the Times should have gone with the other NBA...
♦ Curveball was a screwball and the Germans knew it, but President Bush exaggerated his bad info on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction anyway, the Times said in Sunday's lede story...
When the Times chose to stake its biggest website initiative on the dicey notion that Hollywood awards are a year-round obsession of its readers, my main fear was that the...
Robert Scheer's syndicated column, dropped last week by the Times, will appear from now on in the L.A. Alternative. The paper, formerly known as the L.A. Alternative Press, has been...
I don't know whether today's moves are being called layoffs, involuntary buyouts or flat-out firings, but a number of long-time staffers at the Los Angeles Times are being told to...
The L.A. Times plans to relaunch its Sunday magazine Feb. 5 as West. The name has a history at the paper. A previous incarnation of the Sunday magazine was called...
Robert Scheer will not be heard on today's Left, Right & Center on KCRW. But ScheerNation shouldn't get all protesty and throw up a picket line on Pico. He is...
A reader writes: I just called to cancel my subscription to the Times except for Sundays. And if the new TV Guide, which I get for $13 a year,...
♦ Yeah, curator Marion True shouldn't have taken that $400,000 loan from two wealthy art collectors right after the Getty acquired their collection. Today's front pages New York Times See/Read Washington...
Times Editor Dean Baquet follows up the publisher's message with his own announcement. Staffers have until Nov. 25 to decide if they want to take the buyout terms: Nov. 16,...
Yesterday's incoming email at the LA Times was lost due to an outage between about 5 pm and 7:30 pm. Will Bob Scheer's fans claim they inundated the server? Meanwhile,...
When Will Campbell called to drop his subscription after the paper axed his favorite Outdoors section, the handler on the other end accidentally read him the spiel for the Bob...
♦ Reacting to the Times' series on abuses by conservators for the elderly, the Board of Supes formed a task force and an L.A. judge ordered an investigation into one of...
KCRW's Warren Olney kept asking for a reason why the Times would shed one of its few recognizable voices, but Andrs Martinez would never specifically say why he dumped Bob...
Bob Sipchen, the editorial architect of the Times' Current section (former Sunday Opinion), is moving back into the newsroom for a role in an as-yet-unannounced new initiative. Sipchen's departure from...
Times staffers who fear another budget shoe dropping this week (and the rumors are strong about some hammer falling tomorrow) won't be reassured by the word that swept through their...
L.A. Times editorial page editor Andrs Martinez took the unusual step of publishing an editor's note today to explain the paper's decision to drop Robert Scheer from the roll of...
♦ More cuts are coming within weeks, Times Editor Dean Baquet confirms in a staff story about his shutdown of the Outdoors section (reported here yesterday) for financial reasons. "I made...
Sources at the Times say the Outdoors staff has just been told the section will put out its final issue on Dec. 6. No word yet on what becomes of...
Robert Scheer continues his exit tour, tossing rhetorical bomblets at the Times for dropping his syndicated column. Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation, posts some of Scheer's comments to...
Bob Scheer's dis-invite from the Times op-ed page resonated all day: ⇒ Email from ex-Timeser David Crook: "Re this line in Scheer's au revoir: 'My only regret is that my...
In an email to friends and supporters, soon-to-be-ex Times columnist Robert Scheer blames Publisher Jeffrey M. Johnson for his ouster from the op-ed page: On Friday I was fired as...
Today's L.A. Times reports on what the news side calls a "major shake-up" of the paper's op-ed page (detailed here yesterday), leading with the dropping of controversial presences Robert Scheer...
The editorial cartoonist that liberals love to hate, Michael Ramirez, is not part of the new Times op-ed lineup announced today by Editor of the Editorial Pages Andrs Martinez. You...
Marc Cooper writes in the LA Weekly that the axing of Robert Scheer's syndicated op-ed column amounts to another bad circulation-draining move by the Los Angeles Times: To mediate its...
Here's an update to my exclusive post last Friday on the end of Robert Scheer's column on the L.A. Times op-ed page: He went on KPCC's "Airtalk with Larry Mantle"...
I mentioned in the morning that pinning down newspaper circulation figures is a bear. Now this: Hours after the ABC (via Editor & Publisher) said that average daily circulation at...
Facing a Monday with more bad circulation news and head scratching about the Times' outsized devotion to Hollywood awards hype, Associate Editor John Montorio dispatched an email to the Calendar...
That was the average weekday circulation for the six months that ended September 30, according to Editor and Publisher. The report from the Audit Bureau of Circulation says it reflects...
In addition to this big serving of Monday items, don't miss the late-Friday postings about Bob Scheer, some media moves and a shakeup of the LAT's City Hall coverage... ♦ Ethics...
Reporter Matt Myerhoff is leaving the L.A. Business Journal to be communications director for Councilman Greig Smith...Lots of newsroom buzz at the Daily News about the futures of Business Editor...
Assistant Managing Editor Janet Clayton has fielded complaints about the depth, breadth and savvy of Times' local political coverage since she became the Metro staff boss last year. Late Friday...
♦ A senior Times editor says the paper checked out Mickey Kaus' second-hand report of a big Halloween gang rumble in Brentwood—just a few blocks from Editor Dean Baquet's residence—and was...
In addition to the newsy posts below about Nissan and Chief Bratton, here are some morning nuggets... ♦ The City Council approved an unusual tax-exempt bond scheme that could be worth...
The biggest physical change at the Los Angeles Times since the Tribune Company took over has been the clearing out of the former Times Mirror headquarters suites. The sixth floor...
Newly announced L.A. Times op-ed columnist Meghan Daum (website) gets the full treatment in today's New York Observer. She owns a home in Echo Park and wrote a novel, The...
With Joel Sappell leaving the Business section to run LATimes.com, the Times needed a new editor to oversee coverage of the business side of studios and entertainment. That person is...
Former LAT Editor John Carroll has been invited to spend a semester at the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard. There's a good chance...
Yes, some tweaks to the look and the front pages box. The latter drove the former. The box now has separate links to view the actual front pages (where available)...
Times columnist Bill Plaschke, the leading cheerleader to get Paul DePodesta fired, hails the Dodgers' move in Sunday's paper and predicts that veteran old-school baseball exec Pat Gillick will become...
The McMartin Preschool case is ancient history to many people in Los Angeles, but in 1984 the shocking story exploded out of Manhattan Beach. Dozens of children told amazing stories...
Pajamas Media has inked Judith Miller as keynote speaker for its Nov. 16 launch in New York (according to Roger Simon) and added Austin Bay to the editorial board...L.A. Times...
Business page columnist Michael Hiltzik will be the next Times staffer to start blogging. Golden State is already up on the paper's website, leading with an entry on publisher Michael...
The Rob Barrett-Joel Sappell-Richard Rushfield team at LATimes.com has a lineup of new blogs and other projects in the wings, nearly ready to hit the public stage. First out into...
Retired L.A. Times staff writer Ken Reich blogs that the LAT's new ethics policy forbidding sportswriters from voting in the college football polls cost USC the top ranking. It is...
When AFI Fest comes to Hollywood next month, the Times will host a day of interviews and panel discussions with prominent filmmakers, journalists and actor George Clooney at the Arclight....
♦ "We're going to try to keep an open mind until we can see what will happen...there are definitely a range of reactions and emotions," LA Weekly Editor Laurie Ochoa told...
The Los Angeles cartooning team of Guy Endore-Kaiser and Rodd Perry broke into the Times in January with "Brevity." They got some attention then (including here on LAO) because the...
The Greek government is demanding that the Getty Museum return four antiquities they say were illegally removed from the country. The Getty is already under pressure from Italy over a...
There's a big media scandal in Sweden over a journalist, Alexandra Pascalidou, who ripped off a 2003 L.A. Times story about Spanglish by Daniel Hernandez. Here's a link to the...
♦ The national board of the Screen Actors Guild caucused in Santa Monica on Sunday and fired executive director Greg Hessinger and three of his aides. Variety's hed: "Thesps gone wild."...
As several readers have pointed out in email, I missed this For the Record in the L.A. Times: B.B. King A profile of B.B. King in the Oct. 9...
Just hours after I posted below about the OC Register's Lakers blog, the Times sends a news release about the launch of a blog following the team on LATimes.com. From...
Gore Vidal, the Valley and more Skid Row... ♦ Could it be FashionWeek in L.A. again so soon? My time does fly. ClothesHoarse has all the action. ♦ Groundbreaking is at 10:15...
Just took a look at my server logs and was surprised to see that the second most-popular search engine term for October is "Miranda McOsker." She is the 15-year-old Bishop...
Friday's abrupt departure of longtime LATimes.com editor Richard Core was not the only involuntary separation that day. At least a handful of newsroom staffers were let go, apparently as part...
Over the last three decades or so, countless Times writers (or so it has seemed) have found their reporting muse or their social conscience writing about Skid Row. In journalism...
Richard Core, editor of the L.A. Times website since 2000, had his position eliminated Friday. He had worked at LATimes.com since its inception in 1996. It appears to be the...
A little bit late today... ♦ Mayor Villaraigosa asked for an outside review of the DWP's power failures and appointed Forescee Hogan-Rowles to the agency's board. ♦ Doug Dowie won't get to...
Revamping of the Kinsley-less Times Op-Ed page continues. Editorial Page Editor Andrs Martinez just announced that Joel Stein, who has been writing that Hollywood sort-of insider column for the Sunday...
Big development in the high-stakes legal and public-image chess match over allegations of clergy sexual abuse and coverups by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles. On Tuesday, the archdiocese...
LAT editor Dean Baquet this morning made it official that Doug Frantz and Leo Wolinsky will be his number two's as managing editor. Features czar John Montorio also gets a...
Oops, sorry about the day (the headline said 'Wednesday' for the first nine hours or so. We think ahead around here...) ♦ Whispers in the wind say that Times editor Dean...
With all the media buzz about the L.A. Times and its new editor, Los Angeles magazine broke with its usual practice and posted on the web my story about Dean...
A few days after the Tribune's Baltimore Sun said it would close its Beijing and London bureaus, the Los Angeles Times and its newspaper cousin the Chicago Tribune inadvertently made...
Follow-ups, catch-ups and clearing off the desk for Columbus Day... ♦ Sunday's L.A. Times fronts a Steve Lopez column about his violin-playing street person, Nathaniel Anthony Ayers, taking in the stage...
President Bush said yesterday said that a serious terrorist threat to the tallest skyscraper in Los Angeles (now called US Bank tower) was thwarted sometime since 9/11. Just how serious...
Remember last week's ungrammatical smooch that the L.A. Times gave Harvey Weinstein in the form of a free full-page ad, the same day that the Weinstein Co. paid for ads...
Joel Sappell has been the deputy editor in Business for entertainment coverage and the editor who oversaw the groping investigation of Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2003. He will now become an...
Ken Auletta will be on KPCC to talk about his New Yorker piece on the Times and Tribune during the first hour of Larry Mantle's Airtalk today. The show comes...
Slow start to the day due to other commitments... ♦ Former Tribune reporter John Cook has posted a PDF of this week's New Yorker story on Tribune, the Times and Dean...
Ghoulish teaser on LATimes.com this morning:...
Tribune Company CEO Dennis J. Fitzsimons flooded employee screens with another email today saying that the hefty tax bill has been paid and celebrating that the stock price drifted up...
In addition to last night's items on the Times stories by Ken Auletta and the Wall Street Journal, here are some other things you might want to know about: ♦ Getty...
First it was The New Yorker, now Monday's Wall Street Journal is getting in on the all-eyes-on-the-LAT trend. In today's free feature on the the WSJ website, Joseph T. Hallinan...
In a piece titled Fault Line in this week's New Yorker, Ken Auletta weighs in on the future of the LAT and gives some new details on the negotiations between...
Kim Day got the offer she couldn't refuse to leave as head of LAX personally from Mayor Villaraigosa's in-house counsel Thomas Saenz and deputy chief of staff Marcus Allen, according...
Since I'm back for a few minutes, what's with the house ad on pg. E-20 of today's L.A. Times Calendar section? It's a full-page kiss to Harvey and Bob Weinstein...
The Times' new poobah of all things opinion, writes Nikki Finke in today's LA Weekly, "is the personification of a riddle wrapped in an enigma when it comes to the...
Tribune execs may have shrugged off the company's bad tax news, but Wall Street did not. Tribune stock fell today to a new four-year low of $34.22 a share, down...
In a conference call today with Wall Street analysts, Tribune Company executives said they will cover the billion-dollar tax bill by increasing corporate debt and won't be forced to sell...
In today's New York Observer, Bruce Feirstein attempts to help Gothamites understand why on his block in upscale, literate Democratic-voting Hancock Park, only three of twenty homes get the Pulitzer-winning...
This is a day the Tribune Company hoped would never come—or one of them at least. Call it the revenge of Times Mirror's former bosses. When the Chicago-based Tribune swooped...
Dan Glaister, the Guardian's man in L.A., fills in the home folks on the departure of Michael Kinsley from the L.A. Times and writes, "Kinsley may not be a household...
US Weekly's WORLDWIDE EXCLUSIVE NEWS BULLETIN on the wedding of Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher runs three paragraphs and carries eight credit lines for "exclusive reporting." People confirms the news...
Andrs Martinez, the Times' Mexican-born editorial page editor, writes today on the op-ed page that his eleven-month-old son's babysitter was upbraided by a customer for speaking Spanish to the child...
Let's hope L.A. smells better today... ♦ Today's LA Weekly declares war on air pollution with a thirty-page special package that looks closely at the threat posed by ultrafine particles and...
New LAT books editor David L. Ulin sits for the Three Minute Interview at The Elegant Variation, the site by Mark Sarvas that regularly panned the Times Book Review under...
Mickey Kaus found that trying to cancel an L.A. Times subscription is harder than it sounds. He also posts the kind of anecdote that should ruin the morning oatmeal of...
Kudos to James Rainey, the LAT's media reporter—and a kick in the ass for me. Two weeks after I let the Tribune's spokesman blow off my inquiry, and a week...
While Michael Kinsley had fans inside the Times, he also created a legion of detractors. Reassigning half the editorial writers to new jobs, and piling work on those who remain,...
Mayor Villaraigosa confirms that, yes, his family will be moving to Getty House, at least part-time. A day earlier, he was still being cagey. Next week, one of the...
Looks like Gov. Schwarzenegger announces Friday that he will run for reelection, the Times says. Also, La Opinin says its reporter was denied entry to the governor's recent community meeting...
Andrs Martinez, the new opinion honcho at the L.A. Times, tells the paper's Jim Rainey that he intends to "ratchet up" the presence of pieces on local and state affairs...
Michael Kinsley's departure from the LAT rates a bylined story in the New York Times, and to a cynic maybe that alone was good enough reason to give him a...
Michael Kinsley won't be staying on at the L.A. Times as a columnist or anything else. An email he sent staffers this morning disclosed that Publisher Jeffrey Johnson dis-invited Kinsley...
Expect an announcement today from Times publisher Jeff Johnson that Michael Kinsley has been formally replaced as Editorial and Opinion Editor. The editorial page, Op-Ed and Current will report to...
LAT Publisher Jeffrey Johnson told the staff today that sales of the paper increased an average of 9,600 a day (or 8.8%, and I'll assume those are street sales) since...
If you were wondering why Calvin and Hobbes suddenly returned to the LAT comics pages this week, here's what's up. It's to help sell a massive new collection by the...
Southern California writers dominate the books section in the current issue of The Nation. In fact, they write the whole thing. David L. Ulin, recently named Book Editor of the...
Michael Kinsley dropped in at the L.A. Times offices this week (the ones in Los Angeles, not in Seattle) and sent around this email to the staff explaining his presence....
In the fashion spread by photographer Stefan Studer in last Sunday's Los Angeles Times Magazine, the male model wearing a $2,870 peacoat and $690 pants on page 30 is deeply...
On Sunday, Mireya Navarro filled in New York Times readers on the horsey life in L.A. Life is good for Rocket, the urban horse. He lives in a wooded neighborhood...
The paper's number two designer, News Design Director Bill Gaspard, told his staff this evening that he has resigned. Newsroom sources emailed that he cited the recent shuffle that stripped...
Wikitorials and other changes at the Times editorial page by Michael Kinsley and colleagues are argued from five directions in the new journal of the National Conference of Editorial Writers....
The LAT columnist who desires very badly to work in Hollywood answers questions from A. J. Daulerio at The Black Table. Here's a sample. Q: So, do you think it's...
Newsday, based on Long Island, will offer 45 buyouts and slash its coverage of Manhattan. "The decision to reduce our city staff was wrenching. But the cold, hard truth is...
Welcome to September... Seems like every gas station between Hollywood and Santa Monica went to $3-plus a gallon overnight. The 76 station at Olympic and Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills...
Colleen Wainwright reports at Blogging.la that an L.A. Times circulation clerk offered her a lower price to take the paper for more days, if only she would not switch to...
Louise Roug, who has been on the L.A. Times' Getty Museum beat, is moving on to cover an institution with less wealth, simpler politics and not as good an art...
If you've been watching the video from New Orleans and wondering why the city wasn't better prepared, consider this intro to a five-part "special report" in the local newspaper three...
It's Charles McNulty. He's a senior editor at the Village Voice and teaches at Brooklyn College. He used to work at Variety. The previous theater critic, Michael Phillips, left for...
The Times editorial page broke into conventional programming today with its second installment of Our So Cal Life. Instead of the usual third unsigned editorial at the bottom of the...
The Times is getting credit from Defamer and elsewhere for today's story on Scarlett Johanssons 911 call, placed after she had a fender-bender near Disneyland perhaps trying to elude paparazzi....
David L. Ulin's choice as Book Editor of the L.A. Times is starting to get good blog reviews. Mark Sarvas at The Elegant Variation wishes him the best, writing: "We...
That's Daily News sports columnist Tom Hoffarth in the photo, taking a parachute jump with an instructor at Lake Perris. It's front and center on the DN website this morning....
It's been a busy day for personnel moves down at the Times, in Dean Baquet's second week on the job. First the paper gets a new book editor and juggles...
When Dean Baquet became LAT editor, speculation swirled around the future of Deputy Managing Editor Joe Hutchinson. He came from the Baltimore Sun with the previous editor, John Carroll, to...
The Times has named David L. Ulin to run the Book Review. Ulin authored most recently The Myth of Solid Ground: Earthquakes, Prediction and the Fault Line Between Reason and...
The Michael Kinsley-to-Atlantic Monthly rumors are raised then dismissed in today's New York Observer. He had breakfast in Seattle with the magazine's owner, David Bradley, who is busily recruiting an...
First up on the LATimes.com podcast lineup are travel tips from Jane Engle and some past Column One stories. The page includes podcasting tips to get people started. Told you...
The Times website has been carrying audio reports out of the Gaza Strip from Jerusalem correspondent Ken Ellingwood. Today he's in Neve Dekalim and talks about the emotionally wrenching evacuations...
Tribune bosses Dennis Fitzsimons and Scott Smith didn't bring good news to the Times building today. Full-run advertising in the Times fell 11% in July, compared to July 2004—the worst...
Boston Globe editor Marty Baron shoots down talk that he would leave his #1 perch to become #2 at the L.A. Times. Baron's name had come up in the managing...
The Times quietly dropped "Dear Abby" from the feature pages a week ago, then waited to see if anyone noticed. Almost no one did. At least, there's been barely a...
Monday was Dean Baquet's first day on the masthead as Editor of the L.A. Times. Besides holding a half-dozen conferences on stories with reporters and editors, and fending off questions...
Longtime local conservative blogger Xrlq posts that he has been summarily banned from posting comments at Hit and Run, the blog of (loosely) Los Angeles-based Reason magazine. Spotted at Patterico's...
The last radio station to be located in Hollywood leaves Friday at 11:05 p.m., Bob Pool says in the LAT. All the high-profile ankling from The Firm, the once-hot Hollywood...
Author Frances Dinkelspiel heard new LAT Magazine Editor Rick Wartzman pitch the magazine this week at the Squaw Valley Community of Writers. She blogs the news that Wartzman plans to...
The L.A. Times website has a hit on its hands. Last Friday's story about revealing tapes Marilyn Monroe supposedly made for her psychiatrist in the weeks before she died in...
An email from an editor on the LAT features side says the Times has dropped "Dear Abby" after umpteen years. Something about a $20,000 renewal fee. The old-fashioned advice column...
Interesting graphic on page B2 in today's Times (and on the website in PDF format.) The paper's data analysis unit headed by Doug Smith mapped the location of every murder...
Erwin Baker used to be the Times' City Council reporter and by virtue of longevity was crowned the "dean of City Hall reporters" before that dubious label fell to either...
General Motors has cancelled its punitive boycott of the L.A. Times and resumed advertising. Many dealers had never pulled their ads from the paper, but the corporate side had yanked...
David Shaw won the Pulitzer prize for his media reporting in the L.A. Times. He died tonight of complications from a brain tumor that was first discovered in May. His...
Getting an early start on the weekend. It is summer, you know—and I've already posted ten times today. As new shorts are added, they will be appended to the bottom....
Talk radio host and conservative blogger Hugh Hewitt offers some unsolicited tips to Times publisher Jeffrey Johnson about how to attract new readers on the right. Excerpt: OK, Kinsley's on...
The LA Weekly's Nikki Finke gave a low score to Michael Kinsley's tenure at the LAT, and it turns out Kinsley is no fan of hers either. He writes in...
The claim by anony-blog Mayor Sam's Sister City that a Villaraigosa staffer (or two) would be fired for leaking to reporters is untrue, says Robin Kramer, the mayor's chief of...
LA Weekly columnist Nikki Finke takes a look back at Michael Kinsley's months in the top job at the L.A. Times editorial and opinion pages, and it's safe to say...
L.A. Times Editor-designee Dean Baquet gives Tom Scocca of the New York Observer some of his thoughts about the paper, the city and competing for hires with the New York...
That was fast. Michael Kinsley, who just took over on June 14, 2004, will soon relinquish his spot as editor in charge of the L.A. Times editorial and opinion pages....
MarketWatch columnist Jon Friedman wishes Dean Baquet luck in his future as Editor of the L.A. Times—and says he'll need it. I want to be happy for Dean Baquet, the...
It will start up in the next few months and likely focus on local politics, an exec of the L.A. Newspaper Group tells James Nash in the L.A. Business Journal...
Soon-to-depart L.A. Times Editor John Carroll contends in the Columbia Journalism Review that the paper's circulation is not dropping because of anything to do with how or what it reports...
News of LAT media critic David Shaw's illness prompted the usually snarky Gawker to interrupt regular blogramming: Forgive us a moment of non-smartass, non-Manhattanite comment, but we wanted to stop...
The New York Times story on the LAT editor change assumes that a troubling period lies ahead—and makes it clear that departing boss John Carroll has been spilling to his...
I've been sitting on something out of respect for a former colleague's privacy. Late this spring, longtime L.A. Times media and wine critic David Shaw was diagnosed with a brain...
John Carroll tells Editor & Publisher that the realities of budget cuts influenced his decision to give up the editoriship of the Times. He's been contemplating the move for a...
Former Chicago Tribune writer John Cook, now a contributor to Radar magazine, blogs that John Carroll's departure from the LAT follows soon after he implied to the New York Times...
* Updated with more details and links John S. Carroll, who announced his retirement at a newsroom gathering this morning, took over the L.A. Times in 2000. Most reviews have...
Rumors are rampant at the L.A. Times that a big announcement involving the future of the paper is coming today. I didn't have time to report out what if anything...
Former LAT Book Review Editor Steve Wasserman has not yet relocated to New York, where he'll run the office of Kneerim & Williams at Fish & Richardson, the literary agency...
Summer is a time for guest bloggers, and at Kevin Drum's Political Animal (written in SoCal but affiliated with Washington Monthly), L.A. Times columnist Michael Hiltzik is taking a whirl...
I guess Mark Lacter of the L.A. Business Journal didn't like the way the LAT publicly demanded a correction yesterday to the LABJ's story on the Times' new RSS service....
American Media CEO David Pecker confirms in the New York Times that part of the controversial magazine deal with Arnold Schwarzenegger was that the tabloids would lay off when he...
Los Angeles Times NewsPoint, tentatively due to launch next month, will give readers news collected RSS-style from a variety of print and web sources, possibly even the New York Times,...
Late entries are tacked on to the end... Wonkette Ana Marie Cox comes to town Tuesday to chat at 7 p.m. with Mickey Kaus at the Central Library. It's part...
The L.A. Times' blog on the Supreme Court vacancy has drawn posts from law professors Eugene Volokh of UCLA, Erwin Chemerinsky of Duke, Orin S. Kerr of GW and Douglas...
Tomorrow's Times runs a story by media reporter James Rainey on the paper's new ethics guidelines (the ones we reported Wednesday.) The story focuses mainly on how the new rules...
Times Editor John Carroll distributed new ethics guidelines for the paper last night. They spell out when Times reporters may use unnamed sources (and the pitfalls), restate that staffers may...
Both today and yesterday, an email correspondent has found the LAT's lack of a front page story on the London terrorist bombings off-key. He notes the continuing front-page coverage in...
L.A. Times Editor John Carroll is directing the reporting staff to avoid identifying confidential sources in their written notes and emails on the company computers. The problem is that those...
USA Today does the apparently obligatory feature story to accompany today's launch of its sudoku puzzle—and even spells it wrong in the URL. In the piece, the LAT's Sherry Stern...
Fox News crank Bill O'Reilly apparently is upset now with LAT rock critic Robert Hilburn. According to the conservative website Independent Sources, on his show last Friday O'Reilly bashed Hilburn...
Summer weekends when there is no fog at the beach are no time to be blogging. But here are some items that fought their way out of the pile. Shots...
Getting hit with surprise audio when I click on web link is always a turnoff for me. It seems amateurish in an AOL kind of way, and disrespects visitors who...
An investment research firm says General Motors' corporate decision to pull its ads from the Times is hurting the paper, but Times spokeswoman Martha Goldstein says "essentially all local dealers...
The search for a Times book review editor is starting to drag on, considering that Steve Wasserman told his bosses he was leaving before the Festival of Books in April....
The Times has finally named a fulltime radio reporter. Martin Miller is the first staffer asigned to the beat in a long while. [* Update: On the Calendar side anyway....
John Balzar becomes a senior writer for the weekly Home, Food and Outdoors sections at the Times. Bettijane Levine, the former fashion editor, joins Home. Steven Barrie-Anthony becomes one of...
Longtime L.A. Times rock critic Robert Hilburn is asked by a reader in today's Calendar Weekend section: "What do you do to protect your hearing at concerts?" Hilburn: I'm not...
If it seemed to you like reaction to the L.A. Times wikitorial split along the lines that often divide those who get the Internet from those who don't have a...
Updated with new entries at the bottom... It's official: the Dodgers' star reliever Eric Gagne is done for this year and the start of next season — at best. He's...
Several of the personnel moves posted here recently have been Style desk writers on the Times' features floor taking new assignments -- Roy Rivenburg to Orange County, Mimi Avins and...
Retired Times writer-turned-blogger Ken Reich raps his former LAT colleagues on the virtual knuckles for not turning out last night to support a book of columns by the late Frank...
As if freelancers weren't already feeling pensive about the coming remake of the Times Sunday magazine, they now have good reason to expect fewer assignments. Four staff writers are being...
Porn photos posted late at night doomed the L.A. Times wikitorial, the New York Times reports Tuesday. Deputy editorial page editor Michael Newman suggests the hardcore stuff came in after...
Mondays are always so busy... This news won't help the layoff jitters sweeping the LAT's newsrooms this week. Tribune Company stock was downgraded Monday to "neutral" from "buy" by brokerage...
Jim Flanigan's column has been a fixture in the Times Business section for more than two decades. His last piece as senior economic editor runs July 3, then he's leaving...
Well, you knew this was coming. The Times has taken down its first experimental wikitorial, explaining: Unfortunately, we have had to remove this feature, at least temporarily, because a few...
Change is coming to the third floor press rooms. At the City News Service desk, Art Marroquin is coming up from San Diego to take over for Erin Park, who...
It has been a while now, but some might remember when then-Times reporter Anita Busch was threatened in 2002 over a story she was pursuing on actor Steven Seagal and...
The innovation du jour at the Times editorial page is a lead editorial, titled War and Consequences, where readers are invited to go online and improve it. It's accompanied by...
Well not exactly the Times, but this was the top Google ad tonight on the California news page on LATimes.com: Topless in Vegas Folies Bergere at the Tropicana Gorgeous Women...
The experiment called the L.A. Times editorial page veered off in a new direction today. In place of editorials and letters to the editor, they blew out the whole page...
Michael Kinsley's old friend and Slate colleague Timothy Noah writes today that the L.A. Times should just do away with unsigned editorials. Excerpt: If the newspaper editorial were, in itself,...
Times feature writer Roy Rivenburg is going legit, transferring to the Metro staff in Orange County. Writes Style editor Rich Nordwind, in a memo to the staff today: "The O.C....
* Never fails. Something new comes in every time I post one of these shorts lists. Fresh shorties at the bottom. The Times live-blogged the runup to the Michael Jackson...
You can't say that Michael Kinsley hasn't gotten people talking about the L.A. Times editorial and opinion pages, though Kinsley and his colleagues might wish that more of the chatter...
A To Our Readers note on Sunday from L.A. Times Editorial Page Editor Andrs Martinez introduces some upcoming changes to his page (and his former paper, the New York Times,...
Michael Lewis has been stricken from the online menu of Sunday Opinion columnists at the Times since I observed last Wednesday that his presence there was moot. The same day,...
Readers of Mickey Kaus's blog at Slate know he's no fan of the local paper, but the Times really got him going this week. On Wednesday he blasted the LAT's...
One of Deputy Managing Editor John Montorio's ambitions for the features side of the Times is a stand-alone weekly section called Image. He thinks it would be a perfect fit...
Times-watcher Patterico points out on his blog that the LAT Sunday Opinion section has not run its innovative Outside the Tent feature since April 24. He writes: Theres no lack...
Slate's Mickey Kaus complains that yesterday's freeway chase-shutdown story should have been on page one of this morning's L.A. Times, not B-3 with a teaser on B-1. He blames the...
The Times is converting a seat on the editorial board into a three-month visiting fellow slot, as a way to bring in more thinking from academics and foreign journalists. The...
The entire editorials column in Sunday's L.A. Times was devoted to the first effort in what appears to be an ambitious months-long campaign against malaria in Africa. The 1,400-word piece...
At the end of his Monday column about Deep Throat and Watergate, Washington Post media reporter Howard Kurtz touches on Times political writer Ron Brownstein's marriage to the communications director...
An evolving post, with the newest items at the bottom: If true, this will open up some movement in local politics. According to email from a senior staffer at City...
With grim editor faces and private meetings up on the sixth floor fueling rumors about new cutbacks coming at the Times, the business section has filled a key opening. Davan...
At the end of yesterday's column on the Senate filibuster compromise, L.A. Times political correspondent Ron Brownstein alerts readers that his new wife recently became the spokeswoman for Sen. John...
Today's Times editorializes about Bill O'Reilly editorializing about Michael Kinsley and terrorists. On the op-ed page: Former "Seinfeld" writer Peter Mehlman sends a message to "the couple who talked throughout...
First, from the swirl of politics. Newsweek puts Antonio Villaraigosa on the cover of Monday's issue, using his landslide election as the peg for a story about Latino power. An...
J. R. Moehringer is not like most reporters at the Los Angeles Times. He wrote his way to a Pulitzer for feature writing in 2000, when he was the Atlanta...
NBC4's Ana Garcia did an investigative report tonight on sanitary conditions in L.A. gyms, complete with hidden cameras and an outside lab testing swabs collected from workout equipment and locker...
Five of the Times' eleven editorial writers are moving on, most of them getting the word last Friday that change is in their immediate future. All of those leaving were...
The Times is throwing Pulitzers at the Disney company beat in the Business section, hiring two-time winner (and ex-Register reporter) Kim Christensen. Most recently he has been an associate managing...
It's kind of rough and thin on compelling content, but at least LATimes.com is trying some new stuff. Snapshots from Election Day have been posted so far from four separate...
Finally, someone besides me is upset about the lost hockey season. Holders of those pricey luxury suites at Staples Center are complaining that they have gotten no refund for the...
Sunday's New York Times reported on last weekend's marriage of Ron Brownstein, the LAT politics writer in Washington and CNN analyst, and Eileen Nicole McMenamin, the new communications director for...
The street gang known as MS-13 was born two decades ago around MacArthur Park and now has between 30,000 and 50,000 members in half a dozen countries, various sources tell...
A feature story about the Chinese student body at San Marino High School has promoted an outcry by students and threats of violence against Pasadena Star-News reporter Cindy Chang. Editor...
The San Francisco Chronicle swoops in with two pieces on Steve Wasserman's departure (which becomes official today) from the editorship of the Los Angeles Times Book Review. In the newsfeature...
Joel Sappell, the Times' business editor who oversees entertainment coverage, writes in the Column One slot today about his teenage years working as a Disneyland character. At various time he...
Dodgers owner Frank McCourt refinanced his debt today, borrowing $250 million and using it to pay off loans from Bank of America and News Corp. that he needed to buy...
Manohla Dargis, taking off from the new Paul Haggis film Crash in her critic's notebok in the New York Times, writes that "Los Angeles is in love with the idea...
Everything except the archives is free, which is good, and the look feels fresher and snappier. It's impossible to please everyone, and I'm sure I'll have more detailed reactions about...
It's official — the L.A. Times' ill-conceived experiment with charging a fee to read stories about film, music art, culture, style, and books ends at 5 a.m. Tuesday. No word...
This weekend's L.A. Times brought two distinct in-house opinions about the future of the medium in which the pieces were printed. On Saturday, media columnist Tim Rutten argued that plunging...
Hear that roar? Those are the after-burners kicking in on Air Villaraigosa. For the period from April 3 to April 30, the councilman raised $2,211,367 to Mayor Hahn's $763,325. Viewed...
Late on this, but the L.A. Times has hired freelancer Borzou Daragahi for the Baghdad bureau. He was a Pulitzer finalist this year for Iraq stories in the Newark Star-Ledger...
The outgoing L.A. Times Book Review editor may be considering life as a book agent, says Steven Zeitchik on the Publishers Weekly website. [That's confirmed now.] Also, Tim Rutten —...
Wonkette carefully polled her readers, threw out the numbers and declared the winners in the Inside the Bubble Washington Journalism Awards. Her pick for nicest Washington correspondent:...
Sources at the L.A. Times confirm the buzz that Steve Wasserman is out as editor of the LAT Book Review. There since 1996, he informed his staff on Friday, after...
Later today the newspaper industry releases its latest bad news about circulation declines. An early peek by Banc of America Securities (yes, that's really how they spell it) found the...
LAT Assistant Managing Editor Janet Clayton reorganized the Metro editors a bit this week to create a new desk to specialize in coverage of immigration, growth and population changes. One...
* Newest at the bottom, including Bill Lockyer out of the race for governor... Looks like an interesting cover package in LA Weekly on apartment living, under the theme of...
* As usual, freshest stuff (think Laura Bush and John Kerry) at the bottom... David Shaw lunches on a double-chili-cheeseburger at Tommy's before he samples the Dodger Stadium cuisine for...
In today's Times, editorial page editor Andrs Martinez writes that "working at a major metropolitan newspaper these days can feel a bit like working for the East German Politburo, circa...
The LAT today joins the media pack on the Huffington Post, with an arch quip from ex-Timesman Tom Rosenstiel: "Is this a new kind of communication: a unique, elite blog-salon?...
General Motors' attempt to intimidate the L.A. Times by pulling $10 million in ads "couldn't happen to a nicer newspaper, as far as I'm concerned," USC law professor and Fox...
The fired L.A. Times reporter emailed this note today, giving his side of how his departure from the paper was handled. Slater again denies making things up and says he...
Fired LA Times reporter Eric Slater tells Howard Kurtz in today's Washington Post that he got lazy on his disputed story about Chico — "It was the worst story I've...
Times Sports Editor Bill Dwyre's professional burdens include being made fun of in print by columnist T. J. Simers and approving the expense accounts of his writers. Regarding the latter,...
Patrick McDonnell, the LAT's Baghdad bureau chief, is finally getting out of the war zone after about a year and a half. He'll be moving this summer to become Buenos...
One of ten in Thursday's Times: Rodolfo Gonzales obituary The obituary in Thursday's California section about Chicano activist and poet Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales misspelled the name of New Mexico...
Ex-Times reporter Eric Slater blames his story errors partly on editing and says the paper fired him before completing its investigation into his work. He confirms for the Chico Enterprise-Record...
Tuesday's Times will run an Editor's Note further explaining the problems with that shoddy March 31 story about Chico State and announcing that staff writer Eric Slater (pictured in happier...
Editor and Publisher says the Times is expected to announce some movement on the Eric Slater situation today. They report a rumor that Slater has been fired, but no confirmation....
New items added at the bottom Dawson's Books, the oldest bookseller in Los Angeles, celebrates its 100th anniversary this month with an exhibit at the store and Michael Dawson Gallery...
To be honest, I can't tell whether this restates previously known circulation losses, or whether it's a new drop. But an E&P story says that Tribune today told analysts to...
On the General Motors company blog, VP of communications Gary Grates says he won't detail any grievances against the L.A Times while the paper "has an ombudsman who is investigating...
Longtime ESPN baseball columnist Peter Gammons lifted a few lines Wednesday from a Steve Henson piece in the L.A. Times about Dodgers centerfielder-slash-reformed head case (and potential team leader?) Milton...
The subject is geography, from the LAT: Donner Party A map in Tuesday's Section A with an article about the Donner Party showed the wrong locations of three rivers....
Times staffers were informed late today that Denver bureau chief David Kelly is rotating in June to be a roving correspondent in Orange County and the Inland Empire. His Denver...
The Times has sent editor and former reporter Jim Newton to Chico to try to corroborate reporting by the paper's Eric Slater that has come under fire. Slater's story in...
From the Times' Tracy Weber and Charles Ornstein, still on the case after winning a Pulitzer: Another patient hooked up to a cardiac monitor died at Martin Luther King Jr./Drew...
General Motors' withdrawal of national car ads from the L.A. Times is getting lots of play. Investors Business Daily quotes a marketer calling it "a remarkably nonsavvy move." The New...
General Motors yanked all of its advertising in the L.A. Times Thursday because of unspecified but "strongly voiced objections from our dealers in California about factual errors and misrepresentations in...
The L.A. Times may be the biggest and most-awarded paper the Tribune Company owns, but the corporate culture sometimes still regards the hometown Chicago Tribune as #1. If Times staffers...
Denise Hamilton's newest Eve Diamond novel, Savage Garden, hits the shelves on May 3. There's a Jayson Blair-like subplot swirling around our favorite fictional LAT reporter. Tim Brown, the LAT's...
Eric Slater, the L.A. Times roving state reporter whose piece on Cal State Chico is under fire, has apologized in an email sent to "friends and colleagues." Slater sent the...
Women's Wear Daily's MemoPad page says that Kent Black [mentioned on L.A.O. in February] has filled the long-vacant post of style editor at the soon-to-be-relaunched L.A. Times Sunday magazine. And...
Last year's week-long series on the troubles at King-Drew Medical Center won the Pulitzer Prize medal for public service, and foreign correspondent Kim Murphy shared a prize in international reporting....
Last week's Times story by reporter Eric Slater about the frats at Cal State Chico, already the subject of an LAT For the Record and scorn in Chico, continues to...
It's Pulitzer showdown day between the Times and OC Register: both have series up for the Public Service medal. The prizes start posting at noon L.A. time. Also: Some new,...
The Times had to run this one: A March 22 Outdoors article about tuna fishing incorrectly identified an angler as Rusty Johnson. His name is Frosty Johnson. The article also...
Photographer Gary Leonard's archive of 40 years of Los Angeles ephemera and artifacts—menus, flyers, concert tickets and other hard to replace historical items—was soaked by a leaky roof in his...
Drex Heikes, recently replaced as editor of the LAT Magazine [actually, he was doing the #1 job from the #2 slot, with the top editor job vacant], becomes deputy editor...
A Sunday piece by Chicago Tribune business writer James P. Miller summarizes the parent company's weakened financial status and points to the "still controversial" 2000 acquisition of the L.A. Times...
Russ Stanton is the new LAT Business Editor. The memo follows:...
The Metro staff has muscled up a bit. Gale Holland, city editor of the Daily Journal, is joining the Times as the editor overseeing legal and law enforcement coverage in...
In today's "Heard on the Street" in the Wall Street Journal, the L.A. Times' drag on Tribune Co. fortunes is examined. Joseph T. Hallinan writes that investors for the most...
The Times has made official what L.A. Observed reported a couple of weeks back: deputy business editor Anne Reifenberg will become the number two editor at the Sunday magazine. She...
Ralph Shaffer is Professor Emeritus of History at Cal Poly Pomona (he compiled a searchable book of 1880s letters to the L.A. Times) and something of a stickler about the...
The top editorial in today's Times sets its sights on that $35,000 a year that Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuez gets paid by his friends in Los Angeles' labor movement (see...
Not surprisingly, the Times' James Rainey has the longest story on the paper's new 45-year-old publisher. The news didn't break until after 2 p.m. here, too late in the day...
Times publisher John Puerner, who has had his share of battles with Chicago, is going surfing. No nice landing within Tribune, no nothing—he's just gone with "no specific plans for...
In his Times column in Sunday Opinion, Michael Kinsley paid a nice compliment to the NYT op-ed columnist Maureen Dowd: [She] proceeded to reinvent the political column as a comedy...
David Abel, public policy consultant and publisher of The Planning Report, argues in this week's Outside the Tent that dumbed-down media are largely to blame for the city's pathetic voter...
Catching up with some reading and email after a slow online day: Venice gets the 36 Hours treatment in Friday's NYT Escapes. Janelle Brown has the gig and visits the...
Here's some stuff that piled up while I was off. Updated a couple of times: Gary Webb, the investigative reporter whose suicide has been partly blamed on his treatment in...
In a column today about the discussion of why so few women writers run on op-ed pages, the New York Times' Maureen Dowd takes a whack at Susan Estrich—then agrees...
Updated occasionally, newest at the bottom. Bob Hertzberg tells the Daily News he's undecided about what the future holds for him. That Friday Times piece on Estrich v. Kinsley is...
Michael Kinsley, the Times' Editorial and Opinion Editor, is interviewed (sub. req'd) by James Nash in next week's L.A. Business Journal. Susan Estrich is only a small part of it....
The Times' new media reporter, James Rainey, steps between Susan Estrich and Michael Kinsley with a piece in today's Calendar. The brouhaha that Rainey covers began as a debate about...
Did the Times get used by the defense in the high-profile gang-rape case that is occupying so much attention down in Orange County? R. Scott Moxley contends the answer is...
I guess Times editors don't spend a lot of time with the Thursday Calendar Weekend section. Just a month ago, staff writer Hugo Martn wrote about subtly altering his byline...
Catching up on my reading: LA.com catches Susan Estrich un-wowing at the William S. Paley Television Festival. On her website, Estrich sort-of apologizes for bringing up Michael Kinsley's health in...
The list of rumored Pulitzer finalists I began running last week keeps growing. Editor & Publisher adds the leaked photography categories, and among the finalists is Luis Sinco's photo in...
You might remember we told you on Feb. 14 that Rick Wartzman will be the new editor of a relaunched Times magazine. He's more than a month from taking over,...
After reading Sunday's freelanced L.A. Times story about CNN chief Jonathan Klein, Slate's Mickey Kaus says he's finally figured out why Calendar's website blocks readers who aren't subscribers: "It's a...
Most of Howard Kurtz's Media Notes column in today's Washington Post is about the public squabble between Susan Estrich and Michael Kinsley that began as a rift over how many...
Conservative political blogs led by talk show host Hugh Hewitt have chosen a new media bogeyman, or woman in this case. She is Barbara Demick, the L.A. Times bureau chief...
For the second time in less than three weeks, one of Michael Kinsley's predecessors as opinion editor of the L.A. Times, Tom Plate, has shown up on the Daily News...
Tracy Wilkinson, the L.A. Times bureau chief in Rome, has sold Warner a book on, as Publishers Lunch puts it, "the chief exorcist for the Diocese of Rome, Father Gabriele...
The first wave of supposed leaks from the Pulitzer judging swept through newsrooms today. Both the Times and the Register are buzzing that they're finalists together in the prestigious Public...
It's down to 24 pages in black and white, on odd-sized 11-by-19 inch paper, the New York Times says. There are no paid ads, and "national" really means 1,500 mostly...
I've lost track how many times the name Burt Prelutsky has appeared on brief quips and digs published in the various letters pages of the L.A. Times. In the past...
Way back in October, the L.A. Times staff was told that Pulitzer-winning automobile critic Dan Neil would begin writing a Sunday Magazine column about pop culture on Dec. 12. The...
Let the Oscar speeches begin. Updated from time to time, newest at the bottom: Sharon Waxman: Jon Friedman at CBS Marketwatch participates in the Sharon Waxman book tour. Interview excerpt:...
Today's advantage in the Susan Estrich-Michael Kinsley feud goes to Kinsley. Last week he informed the USC professor that she was no longer welcome on the Times opinion pages, and...
Starting March 1, much of KCRW's original programming will be available as podcasts. From the release: Podcasting, a growing grassroots phenomenon thats captured much media attention in the past month,...
Susan Estrich's blog about the L.A. Times has come to life. In today's installment, she COMPLAINS IN ALL CAPS about the lack of female editors at the paper and suggests...
An exchange of increasingly hostile emails between Susan Estrich and Michael Kinsley was strangely cc'd to the Washington Examiner and shows up in the new Phil Anschutz-owned paper. In the...
The blog Patterico's Pontifications usually refers to the L.A. Times as The Dog Trainer and almost daily flags what it considers liberal bias in the coverage of conservatives. Today, the...
In her new campaign against the L.A. Times and Michael Kinsley, Susan Estrich last week announced she was launching a website, latimesbias.org. As of Sunday night, it still wasn't working....
"Jack Dunphy" is the pseudonym of a politically conservative LAPD veteran who contributes to National Review Online. His most recent piece rails about the "carnival of racial pandering" he says...
The Times has filled the New York television beat opening created when Elizabeth Jensen resigned. Moving east is Matea Gold, who has been covering politics. She was a primary reporter...
Either the New York Times "House & Home" section has a long lead time, or Christopher Hawthorne hung on to his East Coast freelance gig when he became the L.A....
Who knew that blogger Mickey Kaus' call for the L.A. Times to run more gossip about the private lives of politicians would have such legs. First John Carroll used the...
Other projects and a stubborn cold have slowed me down the last day or so. Here's some things I missed: Estrich vs. Kinsley: USC law professor and columnist Susan Estrich...
This is pure one-source, unsubstantiated gossip of the sort I usually don't pass along, but it's so specific maybe there is something to it. The Times, like other papers, has...
A blogger can't even take a few hours away for a nice Valentine's Day lunch (at Angelini Osteria) without something breaking. While I was gone, the inbox was filling up...
The Sunday Opinion feature "Outside the Tent" seems in love with bloggers as the critics of the Times that count. Today it's Patterico's turn. Writing as Patrick Frey, he argues...
Sharp-eyed readers of the Times might have noticed recently that Times Riverside reporter Hugo Martin's byline has changed subtly—to Hugo Martn. He explains today, in a Calendar Weekend story (sub...
The Times critic-from-the-right takes credit for a correction the paper published today about its editorial last weekend on SpongeBob and the Focus on the the Family activist who is in...
If you can't beat them, join them? The L.A. Times and the Register have been rivals for years, but now are jointly offering a new advertising supplement for Orange County...
Franklin Avenue links to a Variety story on L.A. Times Opinion columnist Joel Stein scoring a second TV pilot with ABC. He'll be co-executive producer, which causes the blog (written...
In November we told you about Carol Stogsdill, the former Senior Editor and Vice President/News at the Times and later VP at Fleishman-Hillard, taking a senior job at crisis PR...
Blogger Cheat Seeking Missiles didn't like a recent Times editorial about James Dobson and SpongeBob SquarePants, so he called to cancel his 25-year subscription. In the pitch to get him...
The Times, following its long-established pattern, has writers working on personal profiles of each of the main contenders in the mayor's race. On Monday Hahn gets his 2600 words. Noam...
Hilary Swank picked up another trophy last night at the SAG Awards for her performance as Maggie Fitzgerald in Million Dollar Baby. Earlier in the day, Tim Rutten's Regarding Media...
Updated through the weekend Lesbian chic: Screenwriter and "L Word" creator Ilene Chaiken is profiled in Sunday's NYT Arts section. "In 1999, after writing a magazine article about same-sex couples...
"Looming financial uncertainty on the advertising side" is cited in the memo announcing that Campus Times, a tabloid weekly run out of the Times Community News operation in Orange County,...
That Los Angeles magazine story generally praising Michael Kinsley that I mentioned awhile back is now online. Also up on the Los Angeles website from the February issue are the...
Rob Schneider bought a full-page ad in today's Variety (pg. 39) to reply to Times columnist Patrick Goldstein's Jan. 26 dig at the studios for making sequels like the upcoming...
Mickey Kaus gets hold of a staff note that LAT Editor John Carroll circulated after the Times ran Kaus' "Outside the Tent" piece urging the paper add more gossip. In...
The Times' Outdoors columnist pens his final piece in Tuesday's section. It's an ode to the West and talks about what you learn being out on the road, striving to...
L.A. Observed reported back in September that the Times had promoted Tim Rutten to the new post of Associate Editor of Features and gave him authority over the Sunday Book...
Christiana Dominguez blogs at Phoblographer. Her dad runs the group that sponsored yesterday's ceremonial lighting of the Vincent Thomas Bridge that connects San Pedro to Terminal Island and Long Beach....
Looks like the full-page JibJab cartoon on the front of the LAT's Opinion section two Sundays ago wasn't the bold stroke and clever visual play it seemed. Turns out it...
The Bush Administration won't appeal a court ruling throwing out new FCC rules that would have made it legal for media giants to own TV stations and newspapers in the...
Max Boot, the LAT's conservative op-ed columnist, argues today that Seymour Hersh doesn't deserve his status as one of the top investigative reporters around. He's no Bob Woodward, Boot says....
There seem to be two leading schools of opinion about Michael Kinsley's impact on the Times as a voice of Los Angeles. One group believes that in striving to be...
Scanning the Sunday Opinion section yesterday, I completely missed that Hugh Hewitt wrote the second installment of the Times' new commentary spot, "Outside the Tent." That's where the editors intend...
Johnny Carson: No shortage of appreciations and retrospectives online and on the air for the late-night pioneer who died Sunday at home in Malibu (of emphysema at age 79). David...
Chris Reynolds, who began writing columns for the Times' new Outdoor section in 2003, is moving to be a senior arts writer. The staff announcement follows:...
I have no idea if this is true with other sports, but blogs about baseball can be remarkably good. At their best, they offer the pleasure of eavesdropping on a...
Customers of the Times are not taking well to some of the paper's recent cost-saving steps. The latest Reader's Representative report to the staff says that trims in the TV...
The Sunday Opinion section in today's Times (with an inauguration cover by the brothers behind JibJab.com, right) introduces a new feature, Outside the Tent. It's billed as "an experimental column...
Most reviews of the documentary Shortcut to Nirvana: Kumbh Mela, including the one by Kevin Crust in Friday's Times, mention the scenes where a man ties his penis to a...
Bill Rempel has been a lead investigative reporter for the Times on the international arms market and projects such as the Troopergate stories during the Bill Clinton years. He's shifting...
Until now, the L.A. Times has had an editor for environmental coverage of California, Frank Clifford, whose oversight pretty much ended at the state line. In a long overdue realignment,...
Some of you might remember last year's exchanges in the old comments section here about Michel Thomas. He was the language teacher to the stars who claimed a number of...
The Sunday Business section of the LAT is two pages thinner starting today. Certain stocks and mutual funds will no longer be included in the end-of-week stock tables, the paper...
A source at the L.A. Times writes that staffers returned from lunch today to see a banner going up on the employee parking garage offering monthly spaces to the public....
The Times added a new comic on Monday: "Brevity," by Los Angeles cartoonists Guy Endore-Kaiser and Rodd Perry. The same day, "Pardon My Planet" moved back a page in the...
John F. Lawrence had been the Washington bureau chief for the L.A. Times in the early 1970s and editor of the Business section, then a columnist, before leaving in 1988...
On today's L.A. Times op-ed page, author Patrick Moore chides the LAT and the New York Times for not stating in last week's Susan Sontag obituaries that she was a...
L.A. blogger Patterico has split his annual year-end rant from the political right about the Los Angeles Times into two installments. Part one finds liberal bias rampant in the paper's...
Mediabistro.com is trying out a new column on how PR people should pitch various media. It's done Q-and-A style, with the questions posed by Laura Galloway of Galloway Media Group...
The Times has named Jim Rainey a national media writer. He recently covered the presidential campaign and has reported in the past on L.A. city politics. His beat is separate...
Times media critic David Shaw on Sunday ran his list of the year's worst journalism moments. His top 10 include Dan Rather's use of fake memos for a "60 Minutes"...
The LA Weekly's Marc Cooper was quite disturbed by the Times coverage of the death of Gary Webb, the Sacramento reporter who shot himself last week. He's been writing about...
The link to the Third Floor View blog from inside the L.A. Times goes this morning to a "not found" error page. There's no indication whether the blogger is giving...
The Times business section has a new editor on the tech pod. To: The Staff From: Rick Wartzman, Business Editor Aaron Curtiss, Senior Technology Editor Ashley Dunn, Science Editor We...
That new L.A. Times newsroom anony-blogger who made it known that he or she would begin writing on Monday didn't wait. After my post on Thursday, a list of upcoming...
Updated through the weekend, newest at the bottom Mayor Jim Hahn and councilman Bernard Parks both opened their 2005 campaign headquarters on Saturday. Hahn's (photo provided by his campaign) is...
This could get interesting (or not, depending...). An anonymous L.A. Times staffer (I presume) has set up a Blogspot account and posted this place-holder: View From the 3rd Floor Once...
Assistant Managing Editor Janet Clayton tinkered with the Metro lineup down at the Times today, naming a new editor to oversee state government coverage. It's Linda Rogers, who has done...
The Times' five-day series on the bad situation at King/Drew Medical Center wraps up with a story by Mitchell Landsberg pointing the finger at African American community politics and reluctance...
Tribune has a new idea for Hoy, the Spanish-language daily that was caught cooking the circulation numbers—and that here in L.A. isn't doing too well, cooked or not, up against...
* Updated with newest posts at the bottom The February issue of Hustler will carry the story by Michael Collins and Mark Cromer that liberal critics of Rep. David Dreier...
The L.A. Times newsroom has been struck by a plague that could be considered an unintended consequence of all the belt trimming down on Spring Street. This email to Assistant...
Testimony began yesterday in the U.S. Tax Court case between the Tribune Co. and the IRS, which wants $915 million in back taxes and interest. It's a problem Tribune inherited...
Science writer Robert Lee Hotz reports on the front page of today's LAT: Harnessing the electrical echoes of thought, researchers have developed a way for people to control a computer...
L.A. Times photojournalist Luis Sinco talks at Digital Journalist about his photograph of Marine Lance Cpl. James Miller, taken during a battle in Fallujah. He calls it Thousand Mile Stare,...
Today's political notes columns are light on City Hall items, but Rick Orlov does mention the new blog by Ken Reich, the former Times political writer, that we reported on...
With the rainy, cool autumn, people in Los Angeles have been noticing—and complaining about—ant swarms invading homes and apartments. Today's Times picks up on the buzz, sort of. The story...
Michael Kinsley's latest East Coast addition to the Times pundit lineup runs today at the bottom of the Sunday Opinion cover, without introduction or bio blurb, under the label "Laptop...
* Updated all weekend, newest posts at the bottom A new (to me) blog of L.A. street photography: The Streets are Alive, by Nitsa of Streets of Los Angeles, where...
The Times' society editor for 14 years (1971-1985) chronicled the days when the Chandler family reigned over Hancock Park and the prominent names in Los Angeles society included the Reagans...
Ken Reich reported for the L.A. Times for 39 years until last spring, when he was allowed to retire after bullying a newsroom aide. Now he has started a blog...
In today's Zits comic strip in the Times, the character named Pierce asks to borrow a pencil, then rips open a condom package with his teeth and rolls the latex...
Some staffers in the LAT Washington bureau have been told that the paper's national edition will close at the end of the year. It's a condensed version of the Times...
Tonight's "Jeopardy" is the game when champion Ken Jennings is finally dethroned. He won $2.5 million on 74 shows before losing in a match taped in September. The new champ...
Milton Bradley did it again. The volatile Dodgers outfielder was cited for disorderly conduct after allegedly interfering with a police traffic stop near Akron, Ohio. The winter baseball meetings are...
By one media measure, the contest between Jim Hahn and his pursuers to finish first or second on March 8 kicks into higher gear today. After weeks of mostly event...
Steve Wasserman, editor of the L.A. Times Book Review, joined other editors (including Sam Tanenhaus of the New York Times) in a roundtable discussion at BookReporter.com. An excerpt from Wasserman's...
The L.A. Times must like Tom Kenny, the voice of SpongeBob SquarePants, quite a lot. Separate Q-and-A's with him ran Sunday in both the magazine and the Calendar movie pages....
It's been more than 24 hours since the last post involving Fleishman-Hillard—so here goes. Actually, this news comes from the shop of crisis PR hotshot Michael Sitrick. Today he promoted...
For the cover story in today's Outdoors section, Times staff writer Charles Duhigg goes to Utah and tries to find out what ensues at 2004 Adventure Team, which he calls...
The Sacramento Bee has created a new post of Public Editor and filled it with Armando Acua, the paper's sports editor. He used to be Sacramento bureau chief for the...
The American Journalism Review asks the question in a major piece by senior writer Rachel Smolkin on the financial pressures at Tribune Company newspapers and culture clashes with the L.A....
* Updated through the day Mark Schubb reads the LAT website closer than most, and finds another case of promotional copy for a car dealer being posted as a news...
A year since Gov. Schwarzenegger took over in Sacramento, KPCC's road-traveling talk host, Kitty Felde, takes Talk of the City to the capital on Friday from 2 to 3 p.m....
The new L.A. Times op-ed columnist hasn't published his first piece yet, but already the LA Weekly's Nikki Finke calls adding Stein the dumbest mistake Michael Kinsley has made as...
Washington Monthly blogger Kevin Drum calls on Michael Kinsley to stop publishing conservative pundit John Lott on the Times op-ed page. The man is a fraud and the Times demeans...
There's a little bit of good news out of the Tribune Company. October revenue was up over last year, 2.3% companywide and 1.4% in publishing. At the L.A. Times, though,...
GQ's Men of the Year issue includes a piece by former LAT reporter Jeffrey Gettleman—now at the New York Times—on what he saw covering the Iraq war. It's titled "Dispatches...
Starting in January 2006, the Washington bureau of the L.A. Times will share space with eight other Tribune papers, the Chicago Sun-Times says today. Consolidation is being met with "deep...
In the Sunday Los Angeles Times Magazine, Joel Havemann of the LAT Washington Bureau writes about his 14-year battle to manage Parkinson's disease and, finally, to undergo intricate surgery to...
Seven months after that sexual harassment lawsuit against the producers of "Friends" by fired writer's assistant Amaani Lyle began to be dissected, parodied and commented upon in the media and...
The Times reports today on that mini Internet dustup about tanks supposedly intimidating demonstrators at Tuesday's Westwood protest. The cops agree that, as already pointed out here and elsewhere, the...
This time it's at the Orlando Sentinel, where publisher Kathy Waltz informs the staff: "All of Tribune faces these same economic realities and is taking steps to improve financial performance....
Last week's Times dissing of Bastide—S. Irene Virbila downgraded it from L.A.s only four-star restaurant to one star—gets a full story on page three of the Business Journal. Rebecca Flass...
Forget any talk of national healing. On today's L.A. Times op-ed page, former major league baseball player-turned-Christian broadcaster Frank Pastore warns Kerry voters that America is about "ethnic and religious...
The copy editor on the national desk at the Times died this morning, Assistant Managing Editor Melissa McCoy announced to the staff. Barton had been hospitalized for several weeks with...
The retirement of Tribune Co. executive Jack Fuller does not bode well for the comfort of occupants in the L.A. Times building, Kate Berry reports in this week's L.A. Business...
Jon Weisman at Dodger Thoughts posted last week that Tim Brown will take over from Ross Newhan as the national baseball beat writer at the L.A. Times. He says to...
To be precise, the drop in Sunday circulation compared to last September is 6.3%, for the daily paper 5.6%. The daily circulation, once well over a million, is now 902,164....
Howard Blume at the LA Weekly asked Kerry voter Michael Kinsley why his L.A. Times editorial page didn't take a stand on the presidential race. Kinsley is up-front about his...
After the markets closed, Tribune Co. announced that Jack Fuller will retire as head of the publishing group at the end of the year. He had a newspaper editorial background...
It's going to be on the op-ed page or in whatever the reinvented Sunday Opinion section is to be called, written by Time (and ex-Entertaiment Weekly) columnist Joel Stein. In...
A post-election newsroom ritual at the L.A. Times is figuring out what the editors and reporters who staffed the campaign coverage will do next. Some land at their old jobs,...
Today's Times has the paper's first staff story on the death here of sportswriter Sam Kellerman and the charging of a professional boxer known as the Harlem Hammer. James Butler,...
The Daily News of Los Angeles backed George W. Bush in 2000 and praises the president for his guidance after 9-11, but says "for all the leadership Bush showed in...
The Times found a way to get Pulitzer-winning auto critic Dan Neil's name into the paper more. He's going to pen a column on art and pop culture called "800...
Both Steve Lopez and Patt Morrison write columns in today Times playing off the governor's quip about getting no sex from Maria for two weeks after his speech at the...
KPCC is giving Times op-ed columnist (and regular station fill-in) Patt Morrison a two-week run with her own talk show at 7 p.m. "PM with Patt Morrison" will air for...
The Times' John Montorio has finally named his panel of top editors for the features sections of the paper. As expected, Michalene Busico and Lennie LaGuire get the new title...
I guess we can suppose that Michael Ramirez' cartoon in today's L.A. Times didn't intend to suggest that George W. Bush is a crossdresser. But that's where the Monty Python...
The Times picked liberal columnist Patt Morrison to review Ann Coulter's newest book, How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must). She begins by calling Coulter "the Miss Mullah...
Dodgers outfielder Milton Bradley and Times beat reporter Jason Reid spoke before yesterday's game, and the writer declared the previous day's confrontation over. "He apologized for the slur he directed...
The Times' Calendar section has quietly brought back the feature where readers can ask a question of the paper's critics. On p. 66 of today's Weekend Calendar, and online, rock...
The lead editorial in today's Times tries to somewhat delicately approach the subject of the president's mental prowess. It admits that even asking the question may seem "snooty and elitist,"...
The reporter for the L.A. Times Orange County bureau was found dead today in his home in Cypress. Allison had previously worked as a Times copy editor and in the...
Michael Ramirez' "Mount St. Kerry" in today's L.A. Times: Steve Benson's "Mount St. Kerry" in Sunday's Arizona Republic:...
In this latest installment of the ongoing serial The Montorio Files, the Times' Daily Calendar editor Alice Short gets new responsibility for the Thursday Weekend section. This means that current...
The L.A. Times picked Christopher Hawthorne, currently at Slate magazine, to be the paper's next architecture critic. The frequent New York Times contributor replaces Nicolai Ouroussoff, who left some months...
The Times would love to see its Pulitzer-winning automobile critic, Dan Neil, get more exposure than he receives in the lightly read driving section. The editors sent him to Baghdad...
The L.A. Business Journal has another story this week on the financial pressures at the Times. The angle to this one is that, with ads still weak, the Times drags...
John Montorio continues to tinker with his chess pieces on the features floor at the L.A. Times. Today's it's Bret Israel, the editor of Sunday Calendar, who gets some new...
Michael Kinsley, The Times' editorial page and opinion über-editor, told Editor and Publisher that if it's up to him, the paper will probably break with its tradition and endorse a...
Times reporter Scott Martelle, currently assigned to the Barbara Boxer-Bill Jones Senate race, will move over to the Style desk after the election to cover the L.A. literary beat. The...
The picture with today's Times story about city councilman Greig Smith injuring a skateboarder with his car is not Smith, but one of his campaign contributors. City police commissioner Alan...
Paramount is home to the Zamboni machine! Sorry, pet peeve. At least some editor or reporter didn't discover...the Tree People! * Pro and con: Deanne Stillman emails: The Zamboni story...
Tim Rutten has taken a long (32 years) circuitous route through the L.A. Times editor and writer ranks, beginning under legendary editor Jim Bellows in the old View section. Today,...
The contents page in Sunday's L.A. Times Magazine had a posed photograph of a faux prisoner in a faux cell, to illustrate a cover story on the Three Strikes law....
Yesterday's Las Vegas Sun said the "rumor of the day" is that the Tribune Co. is talking to the owners of the Las Vegas Review-Journal about acquiring the paper. Today...
Los Angeles Times Books apparently had one more in-house compilation in the works. Ninety collected columns by the late editor and writer Frank del Olmo have been pulled into a...
Staffers at the L.A. Times (and presumably KTLA) have watched the Tribune Co. stock price drop 24% since February, knowing that the bosses back in Chicago are very attuned to...
Unfortunately, the personnel notices from the Times' second floor are trickling out rather than landing en masse. Latest to hit the transactions wire is the move of Janet Duckworth, a...
Jonathan Taylor, recently the L.A. Times' TV and radio editor, is leaving daily journalism to become senior vice president of The Lippin Group. Before joining the Times, Taylor was a...
The literary scene knows Tom Curwen as the one-time deputy editor of the L.A. Times Book Review and an erudite writer in his own right. Today, he was named editor...
Talk radio ideologue Hugh Hewitt has a long blog piece seeking to compare the controversy over Dan Rather's probably fake documents about George W. Bush to that anti-Fox speech given...
Phone lines are buzzing about an impending shakeup in the lineup of editors on the L.A. Times features desks, located downstairs from the main newsroom on Spring Street. There's talk...
Cost-cutting has come to the Sports section at the L.A. Times. In a memo to his staff received by L.A. Observed, sports editor Bill Dwyre doesn't sound pleased at the...
Advice columnist Amy Alkon takes note on her blog of the Times' Paris-based travel writer Susan Spano's recent perplexed observation that the prostitutes on Rue Blondel are "all gigantic and...
Newsday reports today on the tough spot facing the Tribune Co., which would see its Los Angeles ownership of the Times and KTLA turn more troublesome once channel 5's FCC...
Bob Sipchen moved from the L.A. Times editorial page staff last year to shepherd the new Outdoors section into existence. Now he's returning to the fold as editor of the...
Updated all weekend, newest at top In the Hat: The website that tracks Mexican Mafia killings is unhappy with the media, especially the Times. James O. Page: The former L.A....
Regarding that ad copy showing up as news stories on LATimes.com, Assistant Managing Editor Joseph M. Russin writes: L.A. Observed certainly knows that this advertorial copy was not deliberately inserted...
Ad copy is blended with editorial again today at the Times website. Clicking on Print Edition, then California section, leads to this "story" placed between the news briefs from San...
Michael Kinsley is still a new enough addition to the L.A. scene that his at-large punditry seems worth chronicling. At least for a little while longer. He's quoted twice in...
The Times' John Johnson is moving to the science desk to cover space exploration. He has been the roving reporter on the Central Coast. The memo from Science Editor Ashley...
Gisselle Acevedo-Franco, vice president for public affairs at the L.A. Times, gets the new title of president of Hoy, the Tribune's Spanish-language paper here. Also, Juan Arango, general manager and...
Janet Clayton came upstairs from the editorial page in June to take over as editor in charge of L.A. Times state and local coverage. After sizing up things for a...
Some things to note from while I was gone: Larry McCormick: The co-anchor of the KTLA "News at Ten Weekend Edition" began at channel 5 as a weatherman in 1971....
Lee Watters tried to register for CalendarLive. It didn't go well. He emails: I registered. They sent me the confirmation email. I logged in. They sent me to the screen...
A conversation with Times editorial and opinion editor Michael Kinsley will be first up when Zcalo returns to the Central Library on Sept. 7. This week's program at California Plaza...
Another batch of questionable public relations contracts with a political twist has caught the media's eyes. The Times' Jason Felch reports today that the giant Metropolitan Water District has paid...
New entries added at end Former LAT publisher David Laventhol is writing the history of Times Mirror for Public Affairs. The company's former chief exec, his working title is A...
Manohla Dargis' first film review for the New York Times runs in today's paper. A.O. Scott takes Open Water; she reviews the L.A. movie. In Collateral, the edgy new thriller...
In today's sports section, The Times' Jason Reid comes up with a pretty good reconstruction of the moves and deliberations behind last week's Dodger shakeup. He reports that the new...
Peter King's last byline in the Los Angeles Times (says LATimes.com) was during the recall election in October, 2003. Several months before then, he and photographer Genaro Molina began working...
Starting Sunday, craigslist will charge $25 for placing job ads on the website in Los Angeles and New York. The cheapskates who want models, actors and artists to work for...
L.A. Times staff photographer Rick Loomis writes about the battle for Fallouja at SportsShooter.com, a website for photojournalists. I finally tried to wash the Marine's bloodstains from my pants the...
Campaign Desk, the Columbia Journalism Review's politics site, observes while L.A. Times deputy managing editor Leo Wolinsky builds the paper's front page. At the appointed time, the editors pile in...
Wired News has a story up today on BugMeNot.com and other services that help visitors get around the sign-in requirements at news sites like LATimes.com. In the piece, the LAT's...
The Chicago Tribune hasn't missed a day since the Great Fire of 1871, but on Monday it almost didn't publish. What is being called a software glitch crashed the production...
The language school guru who says he was unfairly maligned by the L.A. Times — and who the Times says inflated his World War II exploits — and whose supporters...
I didn't hear it, but Michael Kinsley talked with Kitty Felde on KPCC today about his job as editorial and opinion editor of the L.A. Times. The audio is here;...
Sam Hall Kaplan — who probably lost his weekly commentary gig at KCRW for dissing Frank Gehry during the Disney Hall hoopla last year — writes in the Downtown News...
From a story on the Tribune Co. in the current Business Week, out of the Chicago bureau, headlined "Wrestling With Trib Co.'s Demons: Dennis J. Fitzsimons has had better months....
The senior writer at Los Angeles Magazine whose 2001 profile of Variety editor Peter Bart was much talked about — and was a finalist for the National Magazine Award —...
Ken Ellingwood's Hard Line: Life and Death on the U.S.-Mexico Border, based on his experiences as a reporter based in San Diego and Tijuana for the L.A. Times, is featured...
In announcing the shift of New York Times reporter Ed Wyatt to cover the publishing beat, editors Jon Landman and Lorne Manly poke a little fun at all their recent...
The top editorial in today's L.A. Times, headline Show Riordan the Door, urges Gov. Schwarzenegger to use the latest blooper by Richard Riordan to do away with the "redundant office"...
That micro-controversy over whether or not the L.A. Times erred in making the point Tuesday in a front page story on Paul Bremer that he left Iraq without speechifying has...
The L.A. Times has begun moving to fill some of its recent unexpected openings on the Calendar and feature side. First to benefit: Carina Chocano, who is moving over from...
There are some details of Michael Cieply's wooing by the New York Times — including L.A. Times business editor Rick Wartzman advising his star writer-editor to check out what the...
Mickey Kaus takes a break from being unhappy about Kerry's strength to lead his Slate blog with a recitation of L.A. Times stories out of Iraq that he says have...
That bizarre episode in Santa Barbara with ex-mayor Richard Riordan and the little girl got Steve Lopez's attention. He writes in today's Times column that Riordan didn't have a stroke...
Times watcher Patterico has been making a case that the L.A. Times erred when it reported last week on the front page that Paul Bremer left Iraq without giving a...
This time the buzz is about Michael Cieply, who's apparently leaving the LAT Business section to become film editor at the New York Times. More later... A little more: Cieply...
In the expanded print version of last week's LA Weekly story on Manohla Dargis and Nicolai Ouroussoff defecting to the New York Times, Nikki Finke touches on a sore point...
As predicted here a couple of weeks back, Kelly Scott has officially been named a senior editor at the Los Angeles Times Magazine. On the masthead now under executive editor...
In tomorrow's Times Calendar section, Anne-Marie O'Connor has a feature on President Bush's man in Brentwood, Bradford Freeman. He tells the story that his brother Russell got to be ambassador...
L.A. Times columnist Michael Hiltzik won a Gerald R. Loeb Award for commentary today in New York. The judges said his "Golden State" columns in the Business section "are smart,...
Michael Kinsley devotes the entire editorial rail in Sunday's L.A. Times Opinion section to declaring the Bush foray in Iraq a "disaster" — a "monument to folly" — and the...
Morale at the L.A. Times dropped a few more notches this afternoon on reports that the New York Times has grabbed three valuable names off the writing staff. Newsroom sources...
In the Talking Points segment of his Fox News Channel show last night, Bill O'Reilly complained there is not enough media outrage over the beheadings in Iraq — then brings...
Michael Kinsley may have trouble getting his editorials into print, but his first of what will be a weekly column ran today on the L.A. Times op-ed page. Headlined "The...
New York magazine's Intelligencer reports that L.A. Times architecture critic Nicolai Ouroussoff is close to replacing Herbert Muschamp as the lead architecture writer for the New York Times. It's based...
A Times story in today's paper reports that, in addition to the 62 editorial jobs lost through buyout and layoff, about 100 people have left on the business side. Another...
The Tribune Company is conducting an internal probe of circulation figures claimed by all of its newspapers, including the L.A. Times, after Newsday acknowledged that it inflated some numbers, the...
The threatened layoffs began today down on Spring Street. Reports vary on numbers, but I'm hearing that somewhere around 20-25 editorial staffers are being dismissed. Times spokeswoman Martha Goldstein didn't...
David Lamb, the dean of Los Angeles Times correspondents (now a Washington-based national correspondent), leads the list of veterans who have chosen to go in the current buyout wave. A...
Richard Rushfield of LA Innuendo peruses the Times' Calendar section very closely and reports the findings on his new blog, now renamed "The Magazine Reader." Today, he goes through the...
The L.A. Times — the left wing rag with Michael Ramirez as its editorial cartoonist and Max Boot as an op-ed columnist — on Monday begins picking up the conservative...
In his first writing venture as Editorial and Opinion Editor at the Los Angeles Times, Michael Kinsley came up against a tough editor: himself. He confirms to L.A. Observed via...
Yesterday at 5 p.m. was the deadline for reporters, editors and other L.A. Times editorial staffers who had applied for the buyout to rescind their requests if they changed their...
Janet Clayton, who used to be the Times' Editor of the Editorial Pages, has taken up her new job as Assistant Managing Editor (State and Local). She's now the editor...
The L.A. Times team investigating city corruption hasn't been turning up big stories, but it does come up with interesting revelations Monday on Hahn Administration parks commissioner Christopher Hammond. It...
Jacques Steinberg in Monday's New York Times advances the backstory behind the pending budget cuts and possible layoffs in the L.A. Times newsroom. He reports on a hasty June 4...
After Bush's pollster complained, Mickey Kaus went right to Los Angeles Times Poll director Susan Pinkus for an explanation of this morning's story that has Kerry ahead by 7 points...
Time is bringing back Life magazine in its saddest incarnation yet — as a weekly insert in newspapers such as the L.A. Times, Chicago Tribune and San Jose Mercury News....
The Livingston Awards are for excellence in reporting by journalists under the age of 35. This year's $10,000 award for international reporting went to T. Christian Miller, 34, of the...
Michel Thomas is the World War II veteran and language teacher to the stars whose supporters are in a running dispute with the L.A. Times over a feature story in...
Times editor John Carroll confirmed to the staff late today that buyouts and possibly layoffs are coming. His email echoes, and expands only somewhat, on the earlier message from publisher...
A memo to the staff today by L.A. Times Publisher John Puerner — who, incidentally, plays bass in an in-house rock band on the side — explains the paper's soft...
That's a reduction of 200 staffers across all the Tribune Co. papers, not just at the L.A. Times, a Chicago Tribune story says today. Each paper will decide how to...
L.A. Times editor John Carroll's provocative calling out of Fox News (retorted by Roger Ailes last week) is still getting around. A shortened version of Carroll's speech ran in today's...
Five Pulitzers or no, Tribune Publishing president Jack Fuller just threw a pall over the newsroom at the L.A. Times. While rumors swirl about 60 impending editorial department layoffs (and...
The buzzword around the L.A. Times newsroom today is layoffs. The masthead rushed into meetings, an editors retreat was cancelled and terms like "draconian" and "crisis situation" are on the...
Back on May 6, L.A. Times Editor John Carroll used a speech at the University of Orgeon to lambaste Fox News as a polluted journalism source, and its chairman and...
Frank McCulloch was, briefly and long ago, the managing editor of the Los Angeles Times when Otis Chandler was the fresh-faced young publisher intent on making the partisan Republican paper...
There's a new twist in the convoluted saga of Michel Thomas, the aging Beverly Hills language school operator who sued the L.A. Times for libel (and lost) over a 2001...
The L.A. Times' Tony Perry had been embedded with the 1st Marine Division in Iraq for nine weeks when the heat, the stress and being four years older than the...
Slate magazine's eagle-eyed media critic Jack Shafer noticed earlier this week that a paragraph mentioning him on the subject of the New York Times read too similarly in both the...
With reaction and commentary flying around about today's editors' note in the New York Times admitting the paper's role in hyping the pre-war Iraq threat, ex-editor Howell Raines sent off...
With Michael Kinsley soon to become a half-time Angeleno and fulltime overseer of the L.A. Times op-ed and opinion lineups, what he writes is being read for clues to his...
After 39 years, the former political writer, Atlanta bureau chief and lead reporter on the 1984 Olympics has written his last story for the Los Angeles Times. Reich, 66, most...
The L.A. Times Magazine has posted this Sunday's cover story on the John Kerry FBI files by Gerald Nicosia, the author of Home to War: A History of the Vietnam...
Six AP wire stories are all that shows, plus this alert: "We are experiencing technical difficulties on latimes.com and calendarlive.com. We are working to fix the problem. Thank you for...
Today on the Times op-ed page, Max Boot advises his fellow conservatives to quit wasting energy against gay marriage and move on to more important, and more winnable fights. Basically,...
The Times has figured out what to do with soon-to-be-ex assistant managing editor Miriam Pawel. She will join the never-larger ranks of reporters who write at-large about California, with a...
Writing "From the Left Coast" at National Review Online, Cathy Seipp criticizes Times editor John Carroll's recent "pseudo-journalism" speech and defends her friend Jill Stewart, who was left unnamed in...
The memo to the staff today from L.A. Times Washington bureau chief Doyle McManus: Colleagues: We're delighted to announce two additions to the bureau: Walter F. Roche Jr. will join...
The memo is out on Christian Potter Drury, hired recently to be the L.A. Times' design director for the features side of the paper. The spot had been open for...
Fox News gossip Roger Friedman thinks that Michael Ovitz somehow spurred the L.A. Times to investigate Graydon Carter, and calls the story about the Vanity Fair editor's Hollywood links that...
The Sunday Opinion section of the Times did publish, on its front page, the "rise of pseudo-journalism" speech that the boss John Carroll gave May 6 in Oregon. It includes...
From the L.A. Times: Colonoscopy An article in Section A on April 14 about virtual colonoscopy said that conventional colonoscopy used a flexible tube about the thickness of a...
Michael Walker's story in last Sunday's L.A. Times Magazine goes back and recreates the freak meterological conditions that caused heavy hail and five inches of rain to pound on Compton...
In advance of the LA Weekly's Thursday publication, columnist Nikki Finke has posted a web-only scoop reporting that the L.A. Times and New York Times are investigating Vanity Fair editor...
The full text of L.A. Times Editor John Carroll's speech last week at the University of Oregon on "the rise of pseudo-journalism" is more hard-hitting than previously reported. He praises...
New York Press contributor J.R. Taylor rips into Sunday's front-page LAT story "Hollywood Rediscovers Grown-ups" by Elaine Dutka, calling it sycophantic and breathless. (Movie City News agrees, terming the Dutka...
Benedict Carey is leaving the L.A. Times to write about psychology and human behavior for the NYT's weekly Science Times section. He follows by a bit more than two months...
Blogger Patterico, who contributes to the Oh, That Liberal Media website, counted 30 letters to the editor in the L.A. Times this weekend that mentioned or dealt with the war...
UCLA's Anderson School of Management announced the finalists for the Gerald Loeb Award financial journalism prizes today, but unfortunately made it unpleasant for many Net users to get the info....
The editorial board of the student-run Daily Emerald at the University of Oregon has posted a commentary praising John Carroll's "pseudo-journalists" speech that L.A. Observed put the word out about...
Time magazine's Los Angeles bureau chief, Terry McCarthy, has a piece in the current issue on John Carroll and the Times under the headline "Left-Coast Makeover." It profiles Carroll as...
L.A. Times Editor John Carroll, on a roll in the industry after picking up five Pulitzers this year and a big award from his fellow editors, gave a lecture Thursday...
Michael Kinsley spoke with Alex Chadwick on "Day to Day" this morning about his impending job with the L.A. Times. I didn't hear it, but here's the audio link....
Bruce Wallace is the new Tokyo bureau chief. His background is in the memo from Foreign Editor Marjorie Miller:...
In a New York Observer piece today about the pending demise of the NYT's Saturday Arts and Ideas section, LAT Book Review editor Steve Wasserman reveals he had discussions in...
The L.A. Times went to Montreal to talk with HIV positive porn actress Lara Roxx and put the story (and her photo) on today's front page. The paper agreed not...
Franklin Avenue points out that Michael Kinsley won't be the first major L.A. media figure to do his job from the Pacific Northwest. KROQ morning DJ Gene "Bean" Baxter, of...
Miriam Pawel, the L.A. Times assistant managing editor who will be moved from her job overseeing state and local coverage in June, has told the L.A. Business Journal (subscription or...
Michael Kinsley doesn't start until June 14 but he is introducing himself around the L.A. Times building today. He also expounds a bit on his new job as editorial page...
Michael Kinsley plans to fly back and forth between the two cities when he takes over June 14 as editor of the Los Angeles Times editorial page, op-ed and letters...
Michael Kinsley, the former editor of the New Republic, Harpers and Slate, is joining the L.A. Times as editor of the editorial and opinion pages. Janet Clayton, who has run...
The L.A. Times Festival of Books is a great community event, no question. People have a good time, it's free, authors meet readers and many books are sold. The paper's...
Freelance writer Candice Reed looked at the grisly photos of charred American bodies dangling from an Iraq bridge and thought, Thank God that isn't anyone I know. Then came the...
Scott Collins, the L.A. Times TV writer on book tour for Crazy Like a Fox: The Inside Story of How Fox News Beat CNN, shows up on the New York...
LA.com has Heather John's departing email: she's leaving as Style editor for Bon Apptit, where she writes, "as a senior editor I'll be covering wine and spirits, some travel, kitchen...
It's been a month now since Times travel writer Susan Spano began her online journal from Paris. She seems to have settled into posting once a week, and her column...
On the L.A. Times op-ed page today, the National Review's Jay Nordlinger reacts to the Inglewood vote against Wal-Mart with a big kiss for Sam and friends. Along the way,...
The headline of David Carr's piece in today's New York Times says "highish brows" are furrowing at the thought of an auto writer winning a Pulitzer Prize for criticism. But...
That's the rampant gossip in San Diego, says a writer for the local CityBeat there. Head guy David Copley is ill and the company's acounting department has been asked to...
L.A. Times editor John Carroll is set to be on with Charlie Rose tonight, along with Pulitzer-winning foreign correspondent Anthony Shadid of the Washington Post (from Iraq) and playwright Tom...
An email correspondent to Romenesko passes along some backstory in the career of Dan Neil, the LAT automobile critic who won a Pulitzer Prize yesterday. Writes Todd Morman: I'm sure...
Stories in the national media about the L.A. Times' pick up of five Pulitzer Prizes -- the second biggest sweep ever -- talk about a resurgent paper and credit Editor...
The Times' winners are Sacramento-based editorial writer Bill Stall for pieces about state government, photographer Carolyn Cole for her work in Liberia, automobile critic Dan Neill for columns in his...
It was bad enough that Liz Smith reported in her New York Post column last Tuesday that the old Perino's building was demolished the day after the recent LA.com party...
After taking its lumps for a couple of weeks, the World Journalism Institute has toned down its Christian advocacy mission statement. It no longer states the goal is to train...
Wednesday was a travel day so I was late to notice that Michelangelo Signorile at the New York Press has read a lot into LAT staffer Roy Rivenburg based on...
Today's front page story on Gov. Schwarzenegger and his bulldog lawyer Martin Singer getting tough with improper uses of Arnold's likeness is the first L.A. Times byline for Robert Salladay,...
The American Reporter's San Pedro-based media correspondent, Robert Gelfand, praises recent L.A. Times stories on Ford's defense tactics in liability cases (by Myron Levin) and on drug companies striving to...
L.A. Times feature writer Roy Rivenburg's involvement with the World Journalism Institute, whose mission is "training a cadre of Christian journalists to enter the mainstream newsrooms," has become a conversation...
Times columnist Steve Lopez took the bus from home in Silver Lake to the office for the first time since he lost his driver's license due to suffering seizures after...
Laurie Burrows Grad, the L.A.-based food writer who also stages the annual Dinner at Sardi's benefit to raise money for Alzheimer's research, had a 35-minute audience with the president yesterday...
Last night's KTLA "News at Ten" found time to report on the L.A. Times annual in-house editorial awards dinner, held over the weekend at the Beverly Wilshire. Odd news judgment...
L.A. Times Managing Editor Dean Baquet shows up in a New York Times story Monday on the rash of newspaper fabrication and plagiarism discovered since last year's Jayson Blair scandal....
A team of L.A. Times headline writers won the top prize for 2003 from The American Copy Editors Society. The judges had this to say about the LAT entries: These...
Jay Rosen, chairman of the NYU journalism department, has a piece up at his Press Think blog giving credit to anti-LAT blogger Patterico for pushing the Times to "even up"...
The Times' apparent domination in the Pulitzer Prize competition this year is being taken by other newspaper editors "as a sign that the paper has put itself back on top...
Randy Harvey has been a reporter and columnist for the L.A. Times sports section, and most recently has been a senior assistant sports editor. He's moving to be the sports...
Jacques Steinberg in the New York Times reports on the pitch received last week by 400,000 registered users of LATimes.com -- an invitation to click on an advertorial section espousing...
Prime space in the Travel area of LATimes.com announces "Postcards from Paris," which is supposed to be staff travel writer Susan Spano's journal of living the next seven months in...
Brian Vander Brug of the L.A. Times won a National Journalism Award in photojournalism from the Scripps Howard Foundation. He gets $5,000 and a trophy. No other locals were honored....
Caryn at art.blogging.la is unhappy that the L.A. Times won't let her post for free the full text of a story in the paper about an exhibition at her gallery....
This time from the San Jose Mercury. First, the correction in Tuesday's paper: The front-page Mike Cassidy column Saturday misstated the kind of place mats sold in Kmart under Martha...
In the months after 9/11, many travelers gave up flying to drive instead, thinking it "safer." The end result was 350 more traffic deaths, author and Hope College social psychologist...
Hard-core anti-L.A. Times bloggers Patterico and Xrlq are going national, so to speak, as regular contributors to a new group blog, Oh, That Liberal Media! It launched March 2, claiming...
The full list of Pulitzer Prize finalists in the journalism categories that we reported on Friday (apparently first) has shown up today on the Editor & Publisher website. The story...
The L.A. Times has probably taken more lumps than it deserves over the changing of "pro-life" to "anti-abortion" in an opera review. (See LAT's anti-abortion opera). What looks to be...
The descriptor "Big Tobacco" has been used in the L.A. Times 56 times in the last two years. But the term will probably show up less often now that the...
There are unofficial, and more to the point unconfirmed, lists of Pulitzer Prize finalists floating around the newsrooms at both the L.A. Times and New York Times. Both papers have...
L.A. Times photographer Carolyn Cole, whose work from overseas shows up here on occasion, was given the Newspaper Photographer of the Year award in the annual University of Missouri competition...
In today's CityBeat, Dennis Romero interviews New York Times taxes reporter David Cay Johnston about his new book, Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign To Rig Our Tax System To Benefit...
Here's why reporters want newspaper corrections to make clear that an editor is at fault for an error introduced to their copy. Last week, the L.A. Times' Mark Swed filed...
L.A. Observed reader John Krill (www.photoessayist.net) lauds today's full two-page double-truck photo spread from Haiti by L.A. Times photographer Carolyn Cole. But he complains, why is her credit so small?...
Writing as a "frequent listener," LAT Business columnist Michael Hiltzik points out in Monday's "Golden State" column that Clear Channel has approved of Howard Stern's radio crudeness for years and...
Blogger Lonewacko was listening to KFI's "John and Ken" on Friday and reports that Bob Dornan, who wants to regain his old Congress seat in Tuesday's primary, claimed to have...
Gabriel Garca Mrquez and Carlos Fuentes both write letters to the editor in the Sunday L.A. Times remembering and lauding Frank del Olmo, the LAT editor-columnist who died Feb. 19...
Writing in The Washingtonian magazine, Harry Jaffe gives props to the L.A. Times for its investigative reporting. The story leads with former Washington Post writer Vernon Loeb in his new...
According to blogger Tony Castro, who cites an unnamed high LAT editor, the paramedics who responded to the call about Frank del Olmo's collapse last week were held for almost...
Jeffrey Anderson in today's LA Weekly takes on the Times' coverage of Cardinal Roger Mahony and the sex abuse story. Religion writer Larry Stammer comes in for the most criticism,...
In 1997 during his investigation of President Bill Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky affair, special prosecutor Kenneth W. Starr was chosen to be dean of the law school at Pepperdine...
Column One in the L.A. Times is devoted to a profile of Victor Davis Hanson, the Cal State Fresno classicist whose writings on the war against terrorism, immigration and other...
Attention City Hall (cc: Fleishman-Hillard): Mark Matassa has been the Times assistant metro editor overseeing city and other local government coverage. He's headed back to Seattle (where he has family)...
When, if ever, has a movie review run on the front page of the Los Angeles Times? (Surely someone will know.) But I'm told that's where Kenneth Turan's take on...
The NYT's lead story Tuesday reporting that the CIA got the first name and telephone number of a Sept. 11 hijacker two and a half years before the attacks is...
Rick Flaste, the L.A. Times Features Editor who came west from the NYT with Deputy Managing Editor (Features) John Montorio a few years ago, is returning to the New York...
Dan Neil, the auto columnist hired last year by the L.A. Times, has won the best commentary or column award from the American Society of Newspaper Editors. Judges called Neil...
There's a familiar name in the L.A. Times sports section Sunday. Mike Downey, now of the Chicago Tribune, but formerly the big cheese LAT sports columnist then the victim of...
Associate Editor Frank del Olmo suffered an apparent heart attack in the L.A. Times offices this morning and has died. Frank had been a member of the staff for more...
A team of L.A. Times reporters won a George Polk Award in economics reporting today for their series on the global impact of Wal-Mart. The reporters are Nancy Cleeland, Abigail...
Screenwriter Joe Eszterhas's Hollywood Animal: A Memoir made today's L.A. Times bestseller list at #4, he's scheduled to appear Monday on KPCC's "Talk of the City" with Kitty Felde (on...
L.A. Times business columnist Michael Hiltzik today compares Michael Eisner's new situation to the one Gray Davis faced as last year's recall bore down on him -- and finds the...
The former assistant editor in the L.A. Times opinion section also had edited at the San Francisco Chronicle opinion page and worked for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. He died this week...
Tom Hamburger, a White House correspondent for the Wall Street Journal, has jumped over to the L.A. Times Washington bureau to cover "the Bush Administration's dealings with lobbyists, donors and...
David Willman of the L.A. Times Washington bureau picked up the $10,000 Worth Bingham Prize for his stories last year on the close relationship between drug companies and some scientists...
My observation last week that the Tribune Co. was operating the Times rather cheaply included this passage: "The premises are run so tightly that only one entrance remains open (to...
Speaking in a new American Journalism Review article on food writing, Gourmet editor in chief Ruth Reichl trashes the L.A. Times food section that she inherited back in the day....
"Life and Times" (KCET, 7 p.m.) is sending Patt Morrison, one of the Times' most liberal columnists, out to the Reagan Library in Simi Valley tonight to take a tour...
The Times plans to reopen its grand front door on First Street, the city landmark "globe lobby," for the first time since Sept 11, 2001. Just Monday, L.A. Observed pointed...
Every so often Times sports columnist T.J. Simers comes up with a memorable line. His opener today makes it for me: Sometimes you worry you're going to run out of...
In his L.A. Times column today, Steve Lopez characterizes the subscribers who cancelled after the paper published its Gropegate stories at the end of the recall campaign as 10,000 "apologists...
Three times in the past 14 months, federal judges have ruled that ex-Marine Thomas Lee Goldstein was improperly convicted of murder. Still, he sits in jail in Los Angeles. Henry...
The L.A. Times plays catchup today on the week's city corruption grand jury story with a 460-word piece that carries five reporter credits -- two bylines and three tags....
Joe Mathews of the Times' Sacramento bureau has sold a book proposal called The People's Machine: Governor Schwarzenegger and the Rise of Blockbuster Democracy, says Publishers Lunch. The book is...
In the heyday of soaring circulation and ambition in the 1980s, the L.A. Times basked in the warmth of being the flagship publication of a growing media empire. Times Mirror...
Glenn Bunting's piece in the L.A. Times magazine on sports writer Frank Deford's journalistic mistakes certainly elicited a bunch of response. On Saturday, the Times corrections page offered some response...
Shelby Coffey, the former editor of the L.A. Times, returned to the pages of the Washington Post Sunday with a review of two books on journalism, including Ken Auletta's Backstory:...
Agustin Gurza has been focusing on Latino pop music for Calendar and now will write about the "entire Latino arts and entertainment scene." The memo follows. Also, sources around the...
The L.A. Times has created a new senior job, assistant managing editor for photography, and filled it with longtime Timeser Colin Crawford. Yesterday's memo follows:...
A couple of L.A. Times names showed up in a Washingon Post story Sunday about journalists who make political campaign contributions. The relevant passage: Los Angeles Times food writer Charles...
Looks like a pretty good scoop by baseball writer Ross Newhan on the front page of the L.A. Times: Los Angeles developer and philanthropist Eli Broad has offered to buy...
Collins, the TV editor at Hollywood Reporter, returns to the L.A. Times as a television writer. He used to be a regular Times freelancer and worked for Inside.com. Collins also...
For those who keep track of such things (you know who you are), L.A. Times Business Editor Rick Wartzman is shuffling some desk assignments. As of Monday, these moves kick...
It always used to be humbling, and a mite embarrassing, at the LAT when California groups wishing to make a statement would buy full-page ads in the New York Times....
Bill Plaschke in the L.A. Times says the pending Dodgers sale to Boston developer Frank McCourt is looking more and more like a bad deal. This problem reaches all the...
Staff reporter Glenn Bunting's first-person cover piece in the L.A. Times Magazine on Sunday dinging the reputation of author and Sports Illustrated writer Frank Deford is prompting some pointed letters...
Alexander Proctor, the ex-con accused of threatening Times reporter Anita Busch over a story about actor Steven Seagal, was sentenced to 10 years on an unrelated drug-trafficking conviction. In the...
Newsweek's Los Angeles bureau chief David Jefferson went through the interviews, negotiated over salary and start date, and accepted the high-level job of Associate Editor of the L.A. Times Editorial...
The new edition of Slate's annual Movie Club, in which five film critics serially dish at agonizing length on the year's cinema, includes Manohla Dargis of the L.A. Times. Her...
It's Bill Sing, the L.A. Times Business Editor for six years until the new Tribune leadership came in. The paper has also hired Marc Lifsher away from the Wall Street...
Media critic Cathy Seipp dings today's L.A. Times front pager on that domestic terror plot in Texas for quoting a journalism professor unpopular with the right. And why, you may...
Tim Rutten turns his LAT Regarding Media column today into a tribute to his longtime friend John Gregory Dunne, who died last week. A snippet: Dunne was a master of...
An Atlanta consulting firm that declares the "best" urban newspaper by simply counting stories of interest has rated the L.A. Times tops in the country. Civic Strategies' criteria for picking...
Three L.A. Times reporters -- Tracy Wilkinson, Ann Simmons and Chris Kraul -- have been injured in a car bomb explosion outside a Baghdad nightclub that killed five Iraqis. The...
The L.A. Times today follows up science writer Robert Lee Hotz's six-day series on the space shuttle accident with a strongly written lead editorial: The space shuttle should never fly...
Tim Rutten on the symbiotic relationship between CNN's Larry King and Michael Jackson lawyer Mark Geragos, in today's L.A. Times "Regarding Media" column: Take what occurred when Geragos went on...
L.A. Times science writer K.C. Cole goes embedded at Fermilab for a first-person Column One about the hunt for elusive sterile neutrinos. It's one of the hardest experiments in physics:...
Berkeley Breathed replies to a Palos Verdes fifth-grade critic on the Kids Reading Room page at the back of today's L.A. Times Calendar section. Sarah, who was upset that Peanuts...
Times columnist Steve Lopez tags along as a couple of unemployed Orange County Republicans try to crash Gov. Schwarzenegger's fundraising troll through the exclusive skybox level at Staples Center during...
Essie Mae Washington Williams, the retired Los Angeles teacher who revealed Strom Thurmond was her father, tells her story on today's LAT op-ed page. I am not bitter toward him....
The L.A. Times sent staff architecture critic Nicolai Ouroussoff to Baghdad some time ago and the result is a four-part series beginning Sunday with two big installments: "A Crumbling Cultural...
NYU's Jay Rosen, writing at his PressThink blog, takes issue with Tim Rutten's L.A. Times Wednesday column dinging the idea of the New York Times public editor. Editor John Carroll's...
Tim Rutten was not impressed by Daniel Okrent's introduction as "public editor" of the New York Times, or his reason for being there. Rutten writes in today's L.A. Times "Regarding...
Slate's Jack Shafer read all 11,700 words of David Willman's report last Sunday in the L.A. Times on the influence of drug companies at the National Institutes of Health --...
A story by Michael Cieply and James Bates in the L.A. Times details some of the payments and expensive gifts -- watches, motorcycles, overseas trips -- that stars demand to...
Developer Brian Sweeney called off his hunt for the lion that killed his goat -- the last male puma in the Santa Monica Mountains....
...of the L.A. Times Calendar section today. The double-page ad for HBO's Angels in America contains eight blurbs running the length of the page. But all are from the New...
Some movement among editors on the second floor at the L.A. Times, where the Calendar and features staffs sit, was announced this afternoon. In: Style editor: Rich Nordwind Deputy entertainment...
In addition to the reconstruct of the Times' Arnold stories, the new issue of American Journalism Review has a piece on newspaper blogs. In it, Dan Weintraub says his California...
The American Journalism Review steps back and reconstructs how the L.A. Times says it reported and edited the paper's controversial pre-election story that alleged groping of women by Arnold Schwarzenegger....
Readers of the L.A. Times have come to expect cartoonist Michael Ramirez to toe the straight conservative line. So his drawing on Nov. 29 knocking the EPA for gutting the...
This morning's L.A. Times story on the Disney flap includes an interview with departing board members Roy E. Disney and Stanley Gold -- but does not have Michael Eisner calling...
Carina Chocano, the L.A. Times top TV critic, finds Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie surprisingly watchable. Despite its wickedly contrived and booby-trapped fish-out-of-water premise, "The Simple Life" is also the...
The L.A. Times' loss is Progress Media's gain -- or something like that. USC journalism professor Martin Kaplan, former speechwriter for Walter Mondale, has been tapped to host a nightly...
Things sure are complicated around KPFK. I listened for a few minutes in the car Sunday to Ian Masters's program Background Briefing, and he recounted how the show got bumped...
When L.A.O. posted last week on the county's crackdown on the terms "master" and "slave," the issue was already a week old (at least) on the Internet. But the media...
Came across articles today from two past editors of the L.A. Times editorial page. Tom Plate, who also held the job at the Herald Examiner, writes on the L.A. Business...
Confession: I don't always read or look at every section of the paper in the morning. Or in the afternoon. I just now noticed Tim Rutten's column in yesterday's LAT...
Following on the reporting staff's globally reported three-part series on Wal-Mart, the L.A. Times editorial page doesn't exactly have a position to argue, but it sure sees Big Questions. What...
Christopher Scheer, the son of regular anti-Bush contributor Robert Scheer, shows up on the L.A. Times op-ed page today arguing that the Administration is "waging the wrong war in the...
Overseas correspondents are preparing a letter to editor John Carroll complaining about the survivor benefits being offered the widow of Mark Fineman, the veteran L.A. Times reporter who died of...
Today's second installment (of three) in the L.A. Times front-page series on 'The Wal-Mart Effect" looks at how the world's largest corporation gets suppliers around the globe to cut costs....
The L.A. Times redid its Sunday comics pages this weekend and moved Peanuts and Doonesbury inside, with the revived Opus by Berkeley Breathed new on the front (after a ten-year...
Gov. Schwarzenegger has mentioned a couple of times now -- most recently in his inauguration speech -- the chill of Communism he felt as Soviet tanks occupied his native Austria...
The L.A. Times is putting off the launch of Image, a new weekly fashion and personal image section, until well into next year, and some travel is being curtailed to...
L.A. Times media critic David Shaw was interviewed this week by JournalismJobs.com and had a few things to say about the paper where he has written for more than 30...
The L.A. Times' Matt Lait and Scott Glover report today that investigators have "significant evidence" linking Anthony Pellicano to last year's threat against LAT reporter Anita Busch. She had been...
Tim Rutten suggests today that the Nation (158,810) overtaking longtime leader the National Review (157,616) in circulation at the top end of the opinion journal rankings could be about growing...
L.A. Times reporter Tim Reiterman, wounded the same day that Jonestown cultists shot and killed congressman Leo Ryan and three journalists -- among them former KNBC anchor Don Harris --...
That Anthony Pellicano is no dummy. On the eve of going to federal prison for 33 months, he gives an interview to Chuck Philips in the L.A. Times that seems...
At the center of the Bernard Weinraub-Luke Ford episode is a passage about private investigator Anthony Pellicano possibly robbing the grave of Mike Todd, who had been the husband of...
Jack Valenti "most likely will step down" in January as head of the MPAA and probably be replaced by Billy Tauzin, the Republican congressman from Louisiana, Jim Bates reports in...
Jay Rosen, the NYU journalism department chair who writes at Press Think, sounds disappointed and discouraged by L.A. Times managing editor Dean Baquet's remarks this week in New Orleans (see...
L.A. Times managing editor Dean Baquet spoke this week at a gathering in his hometown of New Orleans and began to address the fallout over the paper's groping stories on...
Ron White, a staff writer in the L.A. Times business section, was assigned to take a job as a replacement worker in the produce section at Ralphs. He didn't tell...
L.A. cops will no longer get a membership pitch from the NRA along with their new Berettas. Patt Morrison writes in the L.A. Times that officers objected to the membership...
National Journal's Wiliam Powers surveys the architectural reviews of Disney Hall and awards Herbert Muschamp of The New York Times the prize for "baroque exuberance verging into meaninglessness." His excerpt...
Tim and Nina Zagat respond in the L.A. Times to David Shaw's criticism last month of their restaurant guides. Say the Zagats: Ever since we started asking diners to rate...
At CalPundit, Kevin Drum and many of his commenters are horrified by an L.A. Times story today on the debate over the handling of evolution in Texas biology textbooks. The...
Reuters' Dan Whitcomb followed up on Tuesday's post about the L.A. Times halting use of the term "resistance fighters" to describe the attackers of U.S. troops in Iraq. LAT assistant...
Mickey Kaus, self-described "Ward Connerlyite opponent of racial preferences," picks apart L.A. Times coverage of UC admissions practices and connects on some points. I actually don't understand the entire basis...
Cathy Seipp asks on her blog if the online registration at LATimes.com is the worst on the planet. That's a rhetorical question, because the answer, hands-down, is yes, as everyone...
The L.A. Times will no longer refer to the attackers in Iraq as "resistance fighters." The word came down last night from assistant managing editor Melissa McCoy, keeper of the...
Catherine Hamm, the L.A. Times deputy travel editor since 1999, ascends to replace Leslie Ward effective immediately. Freelancers and travel industry flacks should revise their contact info. The memo follows....
Entertainment Weekly's Ken Tucker, the Washington Post's Lisa de Moraes and Time magazines James Poniewozik all turned down the L.A. Times television critic job that went this week to Carina...
Inside sources who seem to know say the L.A. Times had more than 9,000 subscribers cancel over the paper's election coverage, especially the Schwarzenegger groping stories that ran in the...
TV Barn says that Entertainment Weekly writer Carina Chocano will be named chief TV critic at the L.A. Times, replacing the retired Howard Rosenberg. Supposed to be announced today. Personal...
The publisher of a book that asserts the Pakistan government was behind the murder of reporter Daniel Pearl is upset with the L.A. Times Book Review. Melville House founder Dennis...
L.A. Times staffers Mark Arax and Rick Wartzman, authors of The King of California: J.G. Boswell and the Making of a Secret American Empire, tell in a Calendar piece today...
The L.A. Times Magazine checks out the surge in migration by Americans (especially from California) to New Zealand. Corie Brown says many of the 200 crew members who went to...
Cathy Seipp in CityBeat doesn't quite buy my take on the L.A. Times groping story about Arnold, and doesn't quite dismiss it either. In any case, she writes that when...
Jill Leovy, the L.A. Times crime reporter in South L.A., is writing the Slate Diary this week on the crime-ridden 77th Street Division. People typically find out about homicides on...
L.A. Times publisher John Puerner tells the L.A. Business Journal that subscription cancellations have slowed to a trickle and that some readers who quit over the Schwarzenegger groping stories have...
The L.A. Times political writer Mark Z. Barabak jumped into the fray over the paper's campaign coverage, apparently telling a class of Berkeley students yesterday that the disputed grope story...
In his food and wine columnist hat, the LAT's David Shaw has had it with the Zagat guide ratings for Los Angeles restaurants. Zagat is enormously successful and enormously influential...
Bob Drogin of the L.A. Times and four other journalists have been ordered by a federal judge to reveal their government sources for stories on Wen Ho Lee. The Times,...
Syndicated columnist Jill Stewart responds to L.A. Times editor John Carroll with a long scathing report on her website. Stewart, like most others, assumes she was one of the unnamed...
Mickey Kaus takes a look back at that L.A. Times Poll midway through the recall campaign that was widely questioned because it's numbers were so far off everyone else's. The...
An LAT source with some likely knowledge of the situation says that subscription cancellations at the L.A. Times over the Schwarzenegger groping stories have cleared 2,000. The circulation department set...
The Times' Jason Reid called it right when he reported a couple of days ago that Frank H. McCourt was the new top bidder for the Dodgers. Now McCourt is...
Following some weeks of high-level negotiation, Robin Wright, the long-time L.A. Times reporter on international terrorism, has jumped to the Washington Post. Washington bureau chief Doyle McManus announced her departure...
Los Angeles Times editor John Carroll responds to the paper's critics in an unusual (and somewhat testy) commentary in Sunday's paper. Titled "The Story Behind the Story," Carroll writes that...
Paul Weeks, retired public info guy for RAND in Santa Monica and ex-LA Mirror reporter, recalls when he was sent to the Valley to do a feature story on a...
The Republican talk show host and columnist has been the Times' most vituperative and partisan critic through the campaign (he signed on early with Arnold). He concludes the election cycle...
LAT editor John Carroll tells the San Francisco Chronicle that subscribers are continuing to cancel, but he added no new numbers. He said the furor has not changed his mind...
Bill Thomas was the top editor at the Los Angeles Times from 1971 to 1989, most of the time with Otis Chandler as publisher. Today's Times runs a letter to...
L.A. Times editor John Carroll says in the Wall Street Journal today that he expected a backlash against he paper's Schwarzenegger stories, because they were about the darker side of...
The L.A. Times had the newsiest of the weekend media stories on itself, reporting that about 1,000 subscribers have cancelled since the paper began publishing reports on Arnold Schwarzenegger's manhandling...
Former Democratic campaign aide Susan Estrich, now a USC law professor and syndicated columnist, comes down hard on the L.A. Times for publishing the allegations of groping by Arnold Schwarzenegger....
Schwarzenegger denies the specifics of the L.A. Times story on his treatment of women, but tells a friendly audience, "I have to say that where there's smoke there's fire." Dan...
After looking into the often-heard allegations about Arnold's sexual harassment, an L.A. Times team turns up six women who contend they were groped or otherwise invaded by Schwarzenegger, sometimes while...
Tony Hillerman sits in his office, somewhere in New Mexico, and ruminates on his framed Auto Club of Southern California map of Indian Country for the L.A. Times Outdoor section...
The L.A. Times and apparently everybody else got scooped by today's Washingon Post front pager on the Justice Department looking into the leak by "two senior administration officials" of Valerie...
The lead L.A. Times editorial today recommends a no vote on the recall -- no surprise there -- and says no as well on all the wannabe governors. Schwarzenegger is...
New: L.A. Times obituary by Bob Drogin Mark Fineman, one of the L.A. Times staff writers in Iraq, died this morning of an apparent heart attack suffered in Baghdad. He...
Last week's soft L.A. Times story on duck liberators freeing four quackers from a foie gras shed in Sonoma didn't elicit much reaction, according to the most recent internal missive...
Earlier in the week, recall candidate Mary Carey wrote (well, maybe she wrote) an op-ed piece in the L.A. Times making some points about the debates. Now the Times' Roy...
I must admit that as I read into the story in today's L.A. Times California section about a midnight raid by "duck freedom fighters," I kept waiting for the punch...
The piece by Peter J. Boyer in last week's New Yorker is the most calm and even-handed I've read about Mel Gibson and his self-described mission from God to make...
In response to the latest L.A. Times Poll on the recall, Mark DiCamillo and Mervin Field of the Field Poll have posted a long rebuttal (in PDF format) to the...
The Column One story in the L.A. Times today grew out of reporter Rosie Mestel being told by a doctor, at age 43, that she did not have a left...
Schwarzenegger called John Carroll, editor of the L.A. Times, to tell him that the LAT's coverage had been very fair and balanced, political reporter Mark Z. Barabak said yesterday on...
Ron Brownstein, the national political reporter based in Washington for the L.A. Times, is among the most influential of the scribes covering the presidential campaign, says Howard Kurtz in the...
The National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association made L.A. Times film reviewer Kevin Thomas only the group's second recipient of a lifetime achievement award. There was a bash over the...
Most places the best-read story in today's newspapers will be about Ben and J. Lo. But at Los Angeles City Hall, everyone will turn first to the L.A. Times piece...
The new L.A. Times Poll has the recall itself still barely ahead (50-47 with 3% sampling error), Bustmante sinking like a leaky balloon (high negatives, under 50% Latino support), Arnold...
Schwarzenegger said on The O'Reilly Factor that the L.A. Times is biased against him, with one of his points that they put more stories about his rivals on Page One...
The L.A. Times today debuted its weekly section on outdoor life. A section like Outdoors has been pondered for years as a natural for Southern California. I like the idea...
Catching up on last week: Romenesko's letters page has a couple of entries with opposing opinions on the L.A. Times liberal bias memo, pegged to the article by R. J....
Literary journalism of the sort practiced by Pulitzer winner Barry Siegel of the L.A. Times national staff has its fans and detractors. Count the UC Irvine School of Humanities (and...
The first issue of Distinction, the upscale SoCal lifestyle magazine from the creative minds at the L.A. Times advertising department, is arriving now in 50,000 high-income homes in Los Angeles...
I apologize for not posting that the blog was shutting down for the weekend. Sure did feel good though to skip reading about the recall. I'm not going to catch...
The LAPD is still having trouble respecting the law and the people it is supposed to serve, it seems. Undercover officers posed as civilians to see what happens when ordinary...
The official No on Recall website -- the one with Sharon Davis' diary -- has picked up the latest Peter King column from the L.A. Times op-ed page without labeling...
The bar to get in: 10% in either an L.A. Times or Field poll. Date is Sept 30, a week before the election. Rough and Tumble for a roundup of...
Email is rolling in (OK trickling, but coming in nonetheless) making a point I should have noted when announcing the L.A. Times hire yesterday of an automobile critic. An auto...
The centerpiece on the L.A. Times front today is solid work -- a reconstruction of the deadliest battle for American forces in the Iraq war. Plans went awry and 18...
From John Fund in Opinion Journal, who makes a case that the Times should poll proven registered voters, not random phone answerers. He has some other critiques, but thinks the...
Dan Neil fills the newly created post of automobile columnist and critic, writing mostly in Sunday Calendar and reporting to features editor Rick Flaste. He has a national reputation as...
When I go into small towns I often wonder how a publisher could ever avoid uncomfortable conflicts with the few advertisers around. Michael Hiltzik's column in the LAT business section...
Crispin Sartwell encourages the defacing of billboards and other public advertising in a piece on the L.A. Times op-ed page: Advertising is the public expression of wealthy people and organizations....
In the "One Question" feature on I Want Media, Matt Drudge is asked about LAT managing Editor Dean Baquet's assertion in the Sunday paper that because of websites such as...
I had one of those moments of perfect clarity this afternoon that reminds me why I don't invest much time listening to AM talk radio. Driving home, I heard the...
The media column by R. J. Smith in the September issue of Los Angeles visits with L.A. Times editor John Carroll and takes a read on the fallout from his...
The L.A. Times has decided to throw more heft at the recall campaign, tapping the paper's former California columnist and city editor Peter H. King to write two columns a...
The OC Weekly is back with another long examination of the awful relations between DA Tony Rackauckas and the Orange County press, especially the L.A. Times. Keeping the Times off...
Earlier this month Pulitzer-winning TV critic Howard Rosenberg retired, and now the lead TV writer Brian Lowry is jumping to Variety as a columnist and critic. Lowry gave his notice...
The Online Journalism Review's Mark Glaser tries to make sense of the L.A. Times putting content from Calendar behind the pay-for-access wall. It was done mainly to create new incentives...
Writing in today's CityBeat, Catherine Seipp gives the recent best-selling novel by famously ex-LAT writer Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez a read and likes it. She also revisits the much-chronicled flameout of Valdes-Rodriguez'...
David Laventhol most recently had been the chairman and editorial director of Columbia Journalism Review. He came up in journalism as an editor and created the Washington Post Style section....
The L.A. Times' Mark Z. Barabak and Michael Finnegan are out with a story on Arnold bringing in another Pete Wilson vet -- Bob White -- and pushing Gorton to...
Rosenberg thought of asking Larry David to write his farewell column after 25 years as the L.A. Times television critic and a Pulitzer Prize. But, as he observes, David "didn't...
Deputy managing editor John Montorio is the Adam Moss of the L.A. Times -- the masthead editor in charge of the paper's feature pages, including two new sections in the...
Ten different L.A. Times staff writers have bylines on recall stories today, including a rare double triple. Can't honestly say I've read them all, but I doubt there's a better...
"Watching Mel Gibson cleverly build interest in his unreleased film on Christ's execution is like watching an unwholesomely willful child playing with matches," begins Tim Rutten's media piece in the...
An Atlanta consulting firm called Civic Strategies that keeps track of how newspapers report on urban life has rated L.A. Times coverage number one. The company's method, basically, is to...
If the Los Angeles Times ran wedding announcements, perhaps the paper's reporters (or their parents) would not feel the urge to declare their marriages in the pages of the New...
Shalhevet is the Jewish middle and high school located in a former hospital at Fairfax and Olympic -- a "modern Orthodox" campus where boys and girls attend class together and...
The new J Lo & Ben movie "has single-handedly disproved the maxim that there's no such thing as bad publicity," John Horn writes in a dishy Calendar piece. Revolution Studios...
Michael Ramirez has gotten pretty good mileage out his Bush cartoon a week ago. The L.A. Times editorial cartoonist got a bit more attention over the weekend as a guest...
In Editor and Publisher, Michael Ramirez laughs off the Secret Service reaction to his Bush cartoon. "It makes you wonder about our so-called 'intelligence' services," the Los Angeles Times staffer...
Come August 4, the Calendar Live section of the L.A. Times website will start charging for access to users who don't subscribe to the newspaper. Steve Outing (scroll down) at...
Finally got a moment to read the 'Regarding Media" column in this morning's L.A. Times. Tim Rutten, who reported extensively on legal issues during the O.J. Simpson trial, takes the...
Rep. Christopher Cox says that the Secret Service used "profoundly bad judgment" this week in trying to question L.A. Times cartoonist Michael Ramirez -- and owes him an apology. Cox...
I'm taking down the Barry Siegel item -- it was bad information. If and when it becomes appropriate I'll repost something. My apologies all around. The mistake was mine....
The Secret Service dropped in on cartoonist Michael Ramirez on Monday. The agent only got as far as Karlene Goller, the L.A. Times attorney. Here's a couple of letters to...
L.A. Times editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez today issued a statement that explains the point of his Sunday sketch depicting President Bush with a gun at his head. (Cartoon is here,...
Staff photographer Carolyn Cole is making the L.A. Times decision to post her in Liberia pay off, sending home fresh photos daily of the deteriorating situation. A gallery of the...
Howard Rosenberg has been slipping his strong animal protection feelings into his L.A. Times television columns for some time now. In today's he skips the TV content altogether, except for...
Click here for the full cartoon. The Michael Ramirez cartoon on the L.A. Times op-ed page today is creating a stir. The image evokes the famous Vietnam War photo...
Michael Kinsley, Max Boot and Arianna Huffington on the L.A. Times op-ed page this morning. Read them, then guess which one is a Berkeley grad who did a reporting stint...
LAT-Early is a website that makes a game of trying to predict what the L.A. Times coverage of Israel and Palestine will say before it appears. Unfortunately, the blogger is...
Hugh Hewitt is on the L.A. Times' case again, this time over a story on asbestos litigation. An aside: giving out the editors' email addresses every time smacks of that...
Robert Scheer's L.A. Times op-ed column posits a "firm basis for bringing a charge of impeachment against the president who employed lies to lead us into war." By the way,...
The L.A. Times some time ago reassigned veteran editors to make sure staff-written pieces flow to the LATimes.com website earlier in the day, and it shows on the site today....
A Howard Rosenberg column in the L.A. Times last month about the way network news programs produce their stories irked ABC News president David Westin, he tells Howard Kurtz in...
Perusing the New York Times compilation of "Weddings & Celebrations" today -- they take up four pages in Sunday Styles -- a familiar L.A. journalism name popped out. Terry Pristin,...
Michael at Franklin Avenue called directory assistance to get the number for Wahoo's in the mid-Wilshire area, and the voice from somewhere else in the country politely asked: "Sir? Can...
Steve Carney, the freelancer who writes about radio for the L.A. Times Calendar, weighs in today on the KPFK brouhaha that broke more than a week ago. It's buried in...
L.A. Times editors and managers were informed in a memo that managing editor Dean Baquet won't be leaving for the New York Times or anywhere else, Paul Colford reports. The...
This blog is coming to life in the midst of the scandal over disgraced New York Times reporter Jayson Blair. He made up stories, claimed to be in locales where...
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