Eric Estrin is hard at work revising and polishing Right of Way, the noir thriller featuring an ambitious, subway-craving Los Angeles mayor written last year by LA Observed readers in...
Archive: LAO Script Project
Today's segment on KCRW looks behind the scenes at The Wrap, the new Hollywood news website headed by Sharon Waxman. It airs at 4:44 p.m. at 89.9 FM, or is...
Over at the LA Observed Script Project, Eric Estrin writes a working screenwriter's two sweetest words: fade out. In the seven or eight months since this site has been active,...
In the third to last installment of the LA Observed Script Project, Mayor Russell Napolitano is on his way to be executed with the beautiful Rachel, but slips out of...
I figured it would get harder to recruit submissions for the LA Observed Script Project as the story got longer and more layered, but producer Eric Estrin has been keeping...
As the LA Observed Script Project nears its natural end point, producer Eric Estrin has an assignment for the would-be screenwriters out there. This project’s been a total blast to...
Eric Estrin and the LA Observed Script Project were featured tonight on the KCAL news at 8 pm and 10 pm and the Channel 2 show at 11. Eric says...
Mayor Russell Napolitano has gone back underground — literally, not metaphorically — and we have a new writer. This week's pages are by KP Mackie, who lives in San Diego...
Eric Estrin, and just abut everyone else, was surprised and probably a tad confused when the story line in our LA Observed Script Project script turned on a murder committed...
This week's LA Observed Script Project pages were submitted by Steve Chivers, a writer and producer for TV, movies and the Web. LAOSP producer Eric Estrin gives him thanks —...
Tomorrow at noon on KPCC (89.3 FM), John Rabe and his Off-Ramp Players will read a scene from "Right of Way," the script for a noir movie that LA Observed...
After the turn into Act 3, the story of Mayor Russell Napolitano and the Wilshire subway suddenly begins to make sense. Even with the mayor on live television running from...
Not Antonio Villaraigosa, but Russell Napolitano — the city's mayor in our LA Observed Script Project story Right of Way. This week's winning writer, Marvin Wolf, has written fifteen books,...
Quick run around the site: Celeste and Mayor Napolitano are reunited — with a twist I didn't see coming — and it's time to tie together some of the...
After being threatened, chased, kidnapped, battered and beaten, fictional L.A. mayor Russell Napolitano finally got back to his office in City Hall. Phew. The fast-moving action in "Right of Way"...
Imagine the mayor of Los Angeles, walking shoeless through Venice at night, kidnapped by a blackmailer who has compromising photos of the mayor and his honey. Then imagine the mayor...
In our developing L.A. noir story to beat them all, Mayor Russell Napolitano was snatched off the sand beneath Santa Monica Pier and thrown in a motorboat. He tried fighting...
Writers who couldn't get enough of the Times' Birds of Paradise contest still have a place to strut their stuff. A better place even, since the LA Observed Script Project...
As he's being chased down La Brea by two possibly phony cops in a menacing SUV, Mayor Russell Napolitano — the fictional mayor of Los Angeles — slips his precious...
Oops, The Order isn't a cult. It's "a gateway to ultimate enlightenment and fulfillment," as our Lexus-driving, subway-craving, ladies-loving mayor Russell Napolitano learns in this week's pages for "Right of...
In the latest installment of the LA Observed Script Project, Los Angeles mayor Russell Napolitano rushes from comforting a semi-grieving widow in Malibu to the scene of a homicide at...
Eric is off this week doing his duty as the parent of a pre-college teen, so everybody can take some time to play with their pages for Right of Way....
Scene: Detectives Deland and Gallardo drive to Malibu to give Celeste the bad news: her husband died in the restroom of a North Hollywood theater, the Vermouth. Murdered — while...
Eric Estrin selected two winners who have never met for the LA Observed Script Project t-shirt this week. Bill Braunstein was new to Los Angeles in 1985 when the Ross...
Tad Daley, a writing fellow with International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, rides on weekends with Los Angeles Wheelmen, Santa Monica Critical Mass and the South Bay Cruisers....
As Mayor Napolitano leaves the Brentwood party with Celeste, her husband is gagging on an unwanted mouth full of gnarly Scottish peat in the men's room of a North Hollywood...
Pages 4-6 of Right of Way have been posted at the LA Observed Script Project. In the emerging L.A. noir tale, Mayor Russell Napolitano has left the abandoned tunnel mouth...
Meet Eric Estrin, if you haven't already. He's been an occasional contributor to Native Intelligence for awhile now, as well as a TV writer and a moderator of the Writer...
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