Archive: Eastside

Entries in this category going back awhile

Gomez wins in CD34 so you know what that means

jimmy-gomez-campaign-park.jpg There will be yet another expensive and even smaller special election in Los Angeles later this year.

Councilman Cedillo forced into runoff*

cedillo-brayali-600x400.jpg He's under 50 percent in the final vote tally and becomes the first councilman since 1999 to face a reelection runoff.

Streetscape: Myers Street

tracks-boyle-heights.jpg Railroad siding beside the river in Boyle Heights, looking downstream toward the 4th Street bridge.

Los Angeles councilman calls Trump a 'tyrant'

huizar-6th-st-viaduct.jpg Councilman Jose Huizar has had enough already, tweeting "If we acquiesce to his falsehoods, we fall victim to tyrannical government."

Boyle Heights: Anderson Street

boyle-hts-libre-andersonst.jpg Streetscape: Spotted on Tuesday.

Museum of Neon Art thriving in Glendale

mna-eastsde.jpg MONA had to leave downtown in 2011 but things are all right now. Visiting is like seeing old friends again.

How Chicken Boy got to Highland Park

chicken-boy.jpg Vice revisits the story of how designer Amy Inouye saved Chicken Boy from the landfill.
mystery-imagination-bookstore.jpg Big sale starts today then the Brand Boulevard shop will move online.

Porter Ranch leak sealed off, now on to Exide

porter-ranch-gas-well.jpg Gov. Jerry Brown wants the state to spend $176 million on cleanup of lead contamination.

Alex Padilla is among the Porter Ranch dislocated

padilla-news-conf.jpg California's Secretary of State put his family in a Burbank hotel about six weeks ago.

Gold Line opens in March, Expo in May*

expo-line-cc-overhead.jpg Just in time, perhaps, because rail ridership is dropping in Los Angeles, not rising.

6th Street Viaduct closes for good on Wednesday

6th-st-viaduct.jpg They have been talking about it so long, the neighborhoods on both sides have changed.

Small, quirky fixes that might help us get around

bike-path-santa-monica.jpg A bike ferry across Marina del Rey? A pedestrian entrance to Dodger Stadium? Might work!

Streetscape: Railroad Rolls

rolls-vargo.jpg Roger Vargo spotted this undressed Rolls-Royce today beside the railroad tracks near City Terrace.

An LA mariachi group that covers Morrissey

mariachi-manchester.jpg For her NPR piece on the Day of the Dead celebration at Hollywood Forever, Los Angeles correspondent Mandalit del Barco hooked up with El Mariachi Manchester.

From Ramona Gardens to Fenway Park

now-ramirez.jpg Noe Ramirez is the 18,548th player to appear in a major league baseball game, but he's almost certainly the first from the Ramona Gardens projects.

A Los Angeles poet's 'revolution of everyday life'

sesshu-foster-aljz.jpg Al Jazeera America goes for an Eastside tour with Sesshu Foster, "the poet laureate of a vanishing neighborhood."

From gang member to LA probation commissioner

Sal-Martinez2-witness-la.jpg Before he left the gang life as a teenager, Sal Martinez did five stints in juvenile hall, was stabbed four times and shot twice.

Michael Connelly visits the LA crime lab

connellyheader-csula.jpg In a piece for the Cal State LA campus magazine, Connelly goes to the lab that provides many scenes for his books and Amazon original series, "Bosch."
ave50-monte-vista-hp.jpg In "Viva Gentrification!," Hector Tobar says whites are returning to Latino enclaves such as Highland Park.

Video: Those maps found in a Mt. Washington cottage

glen-creason-video-grab.jpg The story of the LAPL map treasure collected by John Feathers is told in a video for the LA Review of Books.

Renderings day: 6th Street Viaduct and NFL in Carson

6th-st-viaduct-render2.jpg Of the two big projects officially kicked off on Friday, the construction of a new bridge to carry 6th Street over the Los Angeles River and beyond is the more likely to happen.

From the Gary Leonard archive: Richard Duardo

LAO_Durado.jpg I'm reposting this Gary Leonard photo from 2011 of the artist Richard Duardo, who died Tuesday.

Richard Duardo, LA master printmaker and artist, has died

richard-duardo-fb.jpg Tributes to the Los Angeles printmaker and artist Richard Duardo are filling my social feeds. Duardo has been referred to as the "Warhol of the West" for his prints of pop-culture icons.

John Perez won't join the race against Councilman Huizar

Thumbnail image for JohnPerezPodium.jpg But neither will Perez commit to an endorsement either way. Coverage is starting to crank up for the showdown in the Eastside and Downtown district.

Gloria Molina to seek Huizar's seat on the City Council

GloriaMolinaPhoto.jpg Termed out supervisor tells the LA Times that she has moved into the district and hired a campaign manager. "I am concerned that there is only one woman on the City Council."

Cal State LA hires another ex-LA Timesman

peter-hong-release.jpg The Eastside campus has been hiring to raise its public affairs profile under a new president. Peter Hong is senior deputy for Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas.

The making of 'Code Black' at County-USC

code-cbooth550.jpg Zevweb has a nice feature on how the documentary came to tell the story of the emergency room at County-USC Medical Center on the Eastside.
ramona-gardens-fire-laopinion.jpg Molotov Cocktail attack on units occupied by black residents of Boyle Heights projects is a bigger story for La Opinión than the English language media.

LAPD crash in Glassell Park sends four officers to the hospital

An unmarked LAPD car reportedly racing to a crime scene with lights and siren on went through a red light at Fletcher Drive and San Fernando Road and collided with another vehicle. In all seven people were hurt.

Even Silver Lake doesn't want you to call it 'Eastside' *

silver-lake-promo-sign.jpg The old Eastside versus Faux Eastside debate is back, this time at the level of neighborhood council. Silver Lake's council advises you not to call them Eastside (not that we would.)

The story behind Heritage Square and its Victorian homes

haleatheritage-curbed.jpg There are now eight historic structures at the museum -- in various stages of continuous repair -- built between 1876 and 1899. They offer "a fascinating look into an infantile Los Angeles without an architectural identity."

Sears store and warehouse in Boyle Heights sold

sears-eastside-edfuentes.jpg The Sears building on East Olympic Boulevard has been a visual landmark on the Eastside skyline since the 1920s.
ron-calderon-alj.jpg Al Jazeera America calls its scoop on a sealed FBI affidavit that accuses State Sen. Ron Calderon of taking more than $60,000 from phony Hollywood producers in exchange for legislation on better tax credits "an investigation that could become California’s biggest legislative scandal in more than two decades."

Wesson calls Huizar his 'best friend' on the City Council

wesson-cbs2-grab.jpg The City Council president quietly formed a panel several months ago to look into allegations against an unnamed council member, probably Jose Huizar. Now Wesson makes nice — very nice — in front of a political insiders crowd.

Huizar returns to council, calls affair 'huge mistake'

huizar-godoy-laopinion.jpg Huizar spoke to Times reporter David Zahniser — in a stairwell — before today's City Council meeting.

Wesson to help Huizar kick off his reelection campaign

huizar-funder-invite.jpg City Council President Herb Wesson is billed as the "special guest" at a fundraiser on Tuesday to launch Councilman Jose Huizar's reelection campaign. Awkward timing, eh?

Ex-Huizar aide sues, he admits sexual relationship *

huizar-godoy-laopinion.jpg Hours after former deputy chief of staff files job retaliation lawsuit, Councilman Jose Huizar admits having "an occasional and consensual relationship" but denies her allegations.

Eagle Rock burger icon closes after 78 years

the-bucket-eagle-rock.jpg The Bucket at 4541 Eagle Rock Boulevard was small but lively, says Eagle Rock Patch. Lost its lease.

NYT sees a lot of second acts out here this weekend

boyle-heights-musicians-nyt.jpg Boyle Heights, Wilshire Boulevard Temple and Gov. Jerry Brown all come in for some East Coast observation. Brown at 75 "is the oldest governor in the nation and about to become the longest-serving governor in the history of California."

Huizar's ex-deputy chief of staff files sex harassment complaint

Thumbnail image for greuel-huizar-guisados.jpg Francine Godoy, who left Councilman Jose Huizar's staff in April for a job with the Department of Sanitation, reportedly says in a complaint that she was harassed and endured retaliation because of her gender and "refusal to engage in sex." Huizar's spokesman said the councilman "strongly and emphatically denies the assertions."

Caltrans opens two lanes of northbound 5 freeway

caltrans-i5-tanker-chassis.jpg Caltrans officials were able to open two northbound lanes of I-5 at the interchange with the 2 freeway in Elysian Valley in time for today's afternoon commute. The rest of I-5 may open Tuesday, but the tunnel beneath connecting the northbound 2 to the northbound I-5 is closed indefinitely.
gas-fire-river-frogtown-anthea.jpg The northbound Interstate 5 freeway near Dodger Stadium, and half the southbound lanes plus the connectors to the 2 Freeway, will likely be closed for Monday's morning commute. That's because of possible structural damage to the freeway by Saturday's fire from a gasoline tanker crash.
ramirez_108a.jpg AP says that Richard Ramirez has died at age 53 while in prison. No more details are available yet. In the mid-1980s, Ramirez would enter Los Angeles area homes through open windows and doors and murder who he found inside.

Antonio Villaraigosa, it turns out, is a Venice kind of guy

villaraigosa-dancing-ko.jpg When his term ends July 1, making Villaraigosa a bachelor free agent, he apparently wants to move even further to the west. A source tells LA Observed that Villaraigosa is looking hard at Venice (or already there.)

Go have fun on the LA River (no really!)

lariver-elysian-valley.jpg You may have never thought you would see this. As of Monday, a 2.5-mile stretch of the Los Angeles River was officially opened to recreation: kayaking, fishing, or just walking along and checking out the blue herons and the floating trash. Here's where.

Tamale on Whittier Boulevard put up for sale

the-tamale-lapl.jpg The piece of progammatic architecture in East LA known as the Tamale was listed for sale this week: $459,000 with adjacent house.

Sal Castro, Eastside educator and Chicano activist was 79 *

SalCastrolausd.jpg The high school social studies teacher gained legend status on the Eastside for his mentoring of Chicano students and for being arrested during the 1968 Chicano walkouts. The middle school on the campus of Belmont High was named for Castro in 2010.

With all votes counted, we still have an Eastside council race

city-hall-from-lat.jpg Gil Cedillo falls short of 50% and has to face Jose Gardea in the runoff. There's no change in the order of finish in the mayoral race or other contests, but as expected the low voter turnout to be moaned about creeps up to 20.79 percent.

County-USC Medical Center may add 150 more hospital beds

county-usc-medctr-new-lao.jpg The Board of Supervisors gave the go-ahead Tuesday for expansion of the new medical center that opened in 2008. Details such as when and exactly where remain to be decided.

Blog comments embraced as art, sort of

comments-screenshot-eastsider.jpg Jesus Sanchez, the creator and editor of the blog The Eastsider LA, will hold a public reading — by actors — of selected comments from his blog next Saturday at Taix. It's a performance and a meetup and a fundraiser.

Manuel Rojas, burrito maestro of El Tepeyac

manuel-rojas-el-tepeyac.jpg KFI News tweeted that employees of the burrito stand, on Evergreen Avenue since 1952, confirmed Rojas' death. Rojas is credited with creating the Hollenbeck Burrito.

Hilda Solis resigns as labor secretary, may run for Supes

The former congresswoman from the Eastside and San Gabriel Valley is expected by many to run for the Board of Supervisors when Gloria Molina is termed out in 2014.

Baca agrees to release unredacted Ruben Salazar files to filmmaker

salazarstamp.jpg Phillip Rodriguez will have access to unredacted autopsy and investigative documents, and coroner's photos, for his documentary on the 1970 death in East Los Angeles of journalist Ruben Salazar.

County buries unclaimed remains of 1,656 people

county-cemetery-lao.jpg Wednesday was the day of the annual interring in Boyle Heights of cremated human remains that were never picked up from the coroner by family members. A couple of dozen people attended a brief ceremony, among them county Supervisor Don Knabe.

Arthur K. Snyder, ex-councilman was 79

Art-Snyder-oc-breeze.jpg Snyder represented Northeast LA's 14th district on the Los Angeles City Council for 18 years, until 1985. He was a City Hall deputy before that. Born in Los Angeles, Snyder attended Los Angeles City College, Pepperdine University and USC. He became a lobbyist after leaving office and was living in Huntington Beach, where he owned Don the Beachcomber, when he died in his sleep on Wednesday.

Streetscape: Mary Jane's Place

mary-janes-place-close.jpg Mary Jane's Place, North Main Street, Lincoln Heights.

Brewery art walk on North Main

brewery-arts-crowd.jpg The Brewery Arts Complex in Lincoln Heights held its twice-annual open house and art walk this weekend. Good crowds both days. Here are a few pics.

HNTB's winning design for 6th Street bridge

sixth-st-bridge-view-htnb.jpg The "infrastructure" firm HNTB has won the city's international design competition for the new bridge that will replace the decaying concrete 6th Street Viaduct over the Los Angeles River. Here's what they have in mind.

Ciclavia route for Sunday

ciclavia-map-oct72012.jpg Nine miles of city streets closed to cars and open to bikes, strollers, feet, skateboards and whatever. Exposition Park to Chinatown, MacArthur Park to Mariachi Plaza and a little beyond, with lots of activities along the route.

Imagine this: Caine's Arcade goes global

caines+arcade.jpg Nirvan Mullick's little video about an Eastside boy's cardboard arcade is now a foundation, a cardboard movement and a Global Day of Play on Oct. 6. New video from Mullick.

Lily's Library is Valley's answer to Libros Schmibros

gary-platt-books-dn.JPG Gary Platt, 86 years old and retired, has put up a community book exchange and lending library on the curb in front of his house in Woodland Hills. Lily's Library is named for his granddaughter.

Freeways before the Arroyo Seco Parkway

ramona-fwy-construction.jpg Fun and informative history piece on Los Angeles' first freeways by Nathan Masters on the KCET website. The very first freeway was not the Arroyo Seco Parkway from Pasadena to almost downtown, as many believe. Have you ever seen the Ramona Boulevard freeway?

Tacos of the 2013 mayoral race

emanuel-pleitez-taco.jpg Chances are we won't hear a whole lot from or about Emanuel Pleitez as the mayoral race evolves into the big-bucks contest that everybody expects. But he did answer the call from LA Taco to give his list of favorite tacos. Wendy Greuel hasn't done that.

Christopher Hawthorne considers Sunset Boulevard

sunset-junction-sign-100.jpgThe LA Times architecture critic's expanded essays based on walking the Los Angeles area's "iconic boulevards" took on Sunset this weekend. He previously visited Atlantic Boulevard.

I-5 road rage incident takes a couple of turns

jerry-patterson-victim.jpg Two men surrendered last night in the videotaped beating of a motorist on Interstate 5 near Boyle Heights — that's the video saved from vanishing from sight by an Irish computer geek. Here's the other twist. The motorist who was left sprawled out on the pavement while two goons kicked him in the head was himself arrested today.

Big Willie Robinson, street racer and peacemaker was 70

big-willie-jalopnik.jpg Los Angeles car culture never saw anyone like Big Willie Robinson — or needed anyone quite so much. In the mid 1960s, when baby boomers were racing hot rods and fighting each other and the cops all around town, he created the International Brotherhood of Street Racers and brought some order to the subculture. (Big Willie stood 6'6" and people listened.) I'm guessing he was the only 6'6" black man to speak at Otis Chandler's memorial service. Tributes, backstory and video

MALDEF sues sheriff over withheld Ruben Salazar files

salazarstamp.jpg Two decades before the Rodney King verdict riots, the Eastside erupted over the Vietnam War and other issues. The events of that time still echo in the city.

Lucy Delgado, Mothers of East LA founder was 87

mothers-at-cesar-chavez.jpg Lucy Delgado, the founder of the Mothers of East Los Angeles activist group that formed to fight construction of a prison in Boyle Heights, died on April 11. She lived her entire life in Boyle Heights.

Video: Checking in on Libros Schmibros

libros-schmibros-mariachi-grab.jpg Journalist Steve Saldivar has posted a nice video story on David Kipen and his Boyle Heights lending library and pay-what-you-can used bookshop, newly relocated in a storefront at Mariachi Plaza on 1st Street.

Caine's Arcade passes 3 million views and $130,000 - this week

caines+arcade.jpg On Monday, Nirvan Mullick posted his short film about nine-year-old Caine Monroy and the cardboard arcade he built last summer in his dad's auto parts store in Boyle Heights. The rest is Internet history.

EastsiderLA servers are catching their breath

Blogger-in-chief Jesus Sanchez tells me the host is moving him to a new box. It should all be cleared up within hours, fingers crossed.

Lincoln Heights jail reopens to filming

lincoln-heights-jail-bars.jpg One of the most-filmed locations in Los Angeles has been closed to filmmakers since May 2010.

Let the redistricting fun begin

white+horse+inn+lao.jpg The secret City Council district maps were released publicly today, revealing whose ox is being gored. As she foreshadowed, Councilwoman Jan Perry is among the gored.

Chicken Boy lineage traced to Muffler Man

chicken-boy-big.jpg Highland Park's rooftop pollo gets cited as a prime example of a Muffler Man derivative on the "50th anniversary of the creation of these strong and silent giants, who, with their behemoth height, are some of the largest examples of American roadside kitsch."

Before there was Starbucks...

mannings+highland+park+eastsider.jpg There were Manning's Coffee Shops.

Pomona Freeway reopens both directions

Westbound lanes of the 60 freeway were opened about 11 a.m. on Saturday. The eastbound lanes were back in service by about 3 p.m.

L.A. celebrates la Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

Family-guadalupe-mccollister.jpg Kevin McCollister, the photographer whose book and blog are both called "East of West L.A.," was out Sunday and Monday nights for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Sonenshein named to head Pat Brown Institute

Raphael J. Sonenshein, the Cal State Fullerton professor, author and analyst of Los Angeles politics, has been named executive director of the Edmund G. “Pat” Brown Institute of Public Affairs.

Almost 300,000 customers still without power *

pasadena-tree-down-cbs.jpg What's that, half a million people in the Los Angeles metropolitan area bedding down for a second night without electricity?

Occupy East L.A. College into third week

occupy-elac-lu.jpg A small but determined group of students has been occupying tents outside the East Los Angeles College administration building.

Dinosaurs over Eagle Rock, not in neon

EchoParkLight.jpg The Eastsider L.A. has a nice piece on Darren Pearson, an Eagle Rock artist who uses the LED on a key chain to "draw" images of dinosaurs.

Scott Wilson, founder of North East Trees was 89

scott-wilson-net.jpg Wilson, who pledged to plant five trees a day for the rest of his life, died after losing consciousness while taking clippings from a tree in hi sgarden.

Garfield 29, Roosevelt 15

Another East Los Angeles Classic is in the books.

Atwater streetscape

halloween-house-atwater.jpg Halloween house.

6th Street viaduct as photo op

6th-street-yard-sign.jpg Concrete in the 1933 bridge connecting Downtown with the Eastside is rotting from the inside and the structure is slated for replacement.

Recognizing the 'East L.A. accent'

Some linguists believe that aspects of the pronunciation and usage heard on L.A.'s Eastside for generations can be traced to Nahuatl, a group of indigenous tongues still spoken in parts...

Art walk in Frogtown

frogtown-artwalk-mural.jpg There was a bit of extra buzz this year due to the participation of former television journalist Bill Lagattuta.

LA Observed on KCRW: East-West axis

jmichaelwalker-map-piece.jpg In my Monday afternoon column coming up on KCRW, I praise today's Expo Line groundbreaking in Santa Monica — and the Libros Schmibros bookstore at the Hammer Museum.

The Tamale lives on

the-tamale-lapl.jpg The East Los Angeles building that used to house The Tamale is a beauty salon these days.

New literary map of L.A.

walker-map-hammer.jpg As part of David Kipen's Libros Schmibros pop-up bookstore at the Hammer Museum in Westwood, artist and author J. Michael Walker created a map that spans 23 feet by 5 feet that depicts L.A. literary figures.

Q: Where's Bill Lagattuta? A: Frogtown

lagattuta.jpg The former CBS News correspondent and local TV newsman in Los Angeles is now painting and sculpting at a studio in Elysian Valley.

Mariachi Plaza roiled by price war

mariachi-nyt-almeida.jpg It seems that newcomers are negotiating lower prices while the older mariachis are trying to maintain the traditional $50 hourly rate. About 200 of the price-fixers belong to United Mariachi...

New Boyle Heights paper is reported by teens

The 20-page bilingual tabloid, distributed to 22,000 homes in Boyle Heights, aims to educate residents about the culture, personalities and news of this vibrant neighborhood.

Where is the Eastside: the conversation continues *

whittier-blvd-sign.jpg Jenny Burman excerpts at Chicken Corner a lively online discussion on the identity and history of the term Eastside, as a descriptor of place in Los Angeles. Plus some past posts on the subject.

Sal Castro wows them at Festival of Books

A Saturday panel at the LA Times book festival billed as "History, Identity & Purpose: California Chicanos & Beyond" turned into a forum for Sal Castro, an organizer of the East L.A. student walkouts of the 1960s.

L.A. couldn't save 'All My Children'

all-my-children-moment-abc.jpg ABC's announcement today that 40-year-old soap operas "All My Children" and "One Life to Live" are coming to the end isn't good news for crews numbering at least in the...

Cleaning graffiti off Eagle Rock

LAFD-Eagle Rock6-huizar.JPG A Los Angeles Fire Department urban search and rescue team went out today to clean graffiti off the rock beside the 134 freeway that gives Eagle Rock its name. See the photo.

Banksy piece removed from wall in Boyle Heights

"Caution," located at Soto and 1st streets, was sawed off the wall in broad daylight, as they say.

Ruben Salazar files to be opened a little *

salazarstamp.jpg Mistakes were made by deputies at the East Los Angeles riot in 1970 at which newsman Ruben Salazar was killed, but there's no surviving evidence that Salazar was targeted, says a report by the sheriff department's Office of Independent Review.

Trailer: 'East LA Interchange' and Boyle Heights

Boyle Heights, established east of the river in 1875, by the 1920s had become "a working-class, multiethnic neighborhood far more diverse than any U.S. city; Mexicans, Japanese, African-Americans, Russian...

Huizar aide leaves campaign over 'political bullet' email

Michael Trujillo talked about putting a political bullet in between Rudy Martinez's forehead (sic) and called on other aides to spread dirt on Huizar's opponent.

Jesse Valadez, co-founder of The Imperials *

valadez-caravan-soqui.jpg Lowriders from around the West caravanned through East Los Angeles on Saturday in a funeral procession for Jesse Valadez, co-founder 45 years ago of The Imperials car club. His red...

A neighborhood blogger signs off

90042-logo-crop.jpg Waltarrrrr at 90042 has blogged about Highland Park for four and a half years, becoming essential reading in Northeast Los Angeles.

Breaking: Sheriff's deputy shot on Eastside

A Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputy was shot in the cheek Tuesday night in East Los Angeles. The gunman was killed.

In praise of Tropico de Nopal

reyes-rodriguez-kcet.jpg Tropico de Nopal is west of Downtown, but the gallery space and its director are of the Eastside.

In praise of the San Marcos blanket

san-marcos-blanket.jpg Victoria Delgadillo at the LA Eastside blog explains the December relationship many Angelenos have with their San Marcos blankets — the big thick colorful cobijas that sometimes double as art works.

Mariachi fire victims get help from Red Cross

A house fire last week in Boyle Heights claimed all of the musical instruments and clothing of 19 mariachi musicians. On Friday night, a benefit at Mariachi Plaza on 1st Street raised some money.

'School Pride' comes to Los Angeles

jacob-soboroff.jpg Jacob Soboroff, who made all those great videos for LA Observed a few years ago, is now co-host of "School Pride" airing Friday nights on NBC. The show did a makeover at Hollenbeck Middle School last week and will do LACES this week.

Another award for Chicken Boy

chicken-boy-big.jpg he team that saved Chicken Boy from destruction and had it mounted on a Highland Park art studio will receive a 2010 Governor’s Historic Preservation award on Friday.

Librarians can be political activists too

Elizabeth Martinez, the former Los Angeles city librarian, has written a piece about coming to identify herself as a Chicano around the time of the Chicano Moratorium in East Los Angeles in 1970.

Garfield 13, Roosevelt 3

Another East Los Angeles Classic is in the books.

Pedestrian killed, 16 students hurt when car hits school bus

The bus was carrying 54 students from the East Los Angeles Skills Center.

Enjoying 'Chicano Rock'

chicano-rock-dvd.jpg I finally saw "Chicano Rock" tonight thanks to KOCE, the Orange County PBS station hoping to grab more of the post-KCET Los Angeles audience.

Daily Beast's gangster matriarch of L.A.

maria-leon-dailybeast.jpg The Daily Beast is billing former LA Weekly writer Christine Pelisek as the site's "new L.A.-based crime reporter, with a piece up today on Drew Street's Maria Leon.

Time to open the Ruben Salazar files, says visiting blogger

ruben-salazar-stamp.jpg Visiting blogger Frank Sotomayor, an adjunct professor at USC Annenberg, argues that it's time for Sheriff Lee Baca and other officials to end the mysteries about what happened to Ruben Salazar in East Los Angeles.

Richard Lopez of Cannibal & the Headhunters was 65

"Scar" Lopez co-founded Cannibal and the Headhunters at Lincoln High School, helping give birth to the distinctive Eastside sound.

A Guadalajara reunion in Boyle Heights

libros waiting book.jpg Those of us who didn't take part in the celebration of Los Angeles literary goodness at last year's Guadalajara book fair have a new reason to be envious. A new book, edited by Veronique de Turenne and J. Michael Walker, celebrates the scene all over again.

Sheriff changes mind, will examine Salazar boxes

Yesterday, Sheriff Lee Baca was refusing to let the L.A. Times see eight boxes of documents on the killing of Ruben Salazar, the former Times columnist who was the news director at KMEX when he was killed by a sheriff's tear-gas projectile fired into a bar during East L.A. protests in 1970.

2 random minutes at Brooklyn & Soto

Blogger El Chavo at LA Eastside has started a series of short videos just showing an ordinary two minutes at an ordinary corner in Los Angeles. And it works.

Help re-name the faux Eastside

fred62.jpg K, we've written so much about the geography wars in Los Angeles — and especially the bastardization of the traditional Eastside — that we're pretty tired of it. Curbed LA is tired of it too, so the site is asking readers to help.

The Jaime Escalante obituary I wanted to read *

Thumbnail image for escalante-mural.jpg Jay Mathews used to be Los Angeles bureau chief of the Washington Post and now writes the paper's education blog. In 1988 he authored a biography of Garfield High teacher...

Jaime Escalante, revered math teacher was 79

esacalante-board.jpg Friends of Jamie Escalante are reporting that the retired Garfield High School teacher died this afternoon in Reno, where he was seeking treatment for bladder cancer.

Zacatecas is the new Iowa

Zacatecas is to modern-day Southern California what Iowa was for a previous generation of Angelenos: a place known for its work ethic and its conservative values, and for sending hundreds of thousands of its residents to our sunny wonderland. But no restaurants.

Father Boyle and his new book hit the circuit

father-greg.jpg Double praise in the L.A. Times today from friends of Father Greg Boyle of Homeboy Industries for his new memoir, "Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion."

Gold Line vs. car in South Pasadena *

A car got in the way of a northbound Gold Line train about 1 p.m. at the Glenarm crossing north of Mission Station. At least one person is injured.

The Huizars have a baby

Los Angeles City Council member José Huizar and his wife, Richelle Rios, welcomed Aviana Rose this morning at 11 o'clock.

DA investigating where Alarcon really lives

Alarcon_profile.jpg Search warrants were served this week at homes owned by Alarcon's wife in Panorama City (in his district) and Sun Valley (not.)

Chicken Boy at Yosemite Falls

chickenboyatfalls.jpg Somebody had to represent Highland Park's favorite son in Yosemite Valley, and LA Observed was honored to make the introduction. That's Chicken Boy at Lower Yosemite Falls. Below is also...

Gold Line culinary tour

The blogger known as the 99-Cent Chef rode the new Gold Line extension to East Los Angeles for Sunday's opening. Squash blossom quesadillas at Taqueria Las Cabañas were the gustatory...

Art Laboe still spinning records

Really nice Column One by Esmeralda Bermudez on Art Laboe, the disc jockey who has been taking requests and sending out dedications to L.A. low-riders for 50-plus years. He's now...

D.J. Waldie on 'Opposite Field'

Now this is a book review. D.J. Waldie considers the latest book by another Los Angeles author, Jesse Katz, and says "The Opposite Field" is "a sweet baseball memoir with...

Book reading by flashlight

jessekatzbooksoup.jpg Last night's winds knocked out the power at Book Soup for the first half hour or so of Jesse Katz's launch party for The Opposite Field, his new memoir about...

El Tepeyac not going anywhere

eltepeyacsign.jpg The Rojas family has let me know that the accounts of El Tepeyac being up for sale have left out a key fact: the burritos are staying in Boyle Heights....

Want to buy an Eastside landmark? *

eltepeyacsign.jpg El Tepeyac, the family-owned home of the Hollenbeck burrito, is up for sale. (The land, anyway. See below.) Around since 1957, the stand on Evergreen in Boyle Heights is rightly...

Do you smell chlorine?

There's too much chlorine smell in the L.A. tap water lately, blogs Atwater Village Newbie. He has collected Twitter reports from others as well. OK, maybe it's not the mysterious...

Proud dads at City Hall

Those entrepreneurs behind the Flying Pigeon bicycle shop in Highland Park featured in yesterday's L.A. Times are the sons of Saeed Ali, chief of staff to Councilmember Richard Alarcon. (Meanwhile,...

Autry drops expansion plan *

The Autry Museum of Western Heritage has withdrawn its $175 million expansion plans, citing in part the conditions proposed by Councilman Jose Huizar. What this means for the Southwest Museum...

Scene outside Staples

Looks like over a thousand people are gathered in the Staples Center neighborhood right now, with some small fires being set in the street and quickly extinguished — including of...

George Torres guilty as charged

The Numero Uno supermarket founder and president was convicted today on federal charges that include racketeering and solicitation of murder. Somewhat of a surprise to court watchers, apparently. Steven Mikulan...

Gil Cedillo has changed

Times columnist Hector Tobar picks up on the paper's look at state Sen. Gil Cedillo's lavish spending on restaurants, hotels and gifts and says "it's never been a better time...

Now's it's Gil Cedillo who lives high

gilcedillo41309.jpg Now that State Sen. Gil Cedillo is running for Congress, his campaign expense reports get more attention. What popped out to the LAT's Michael Finnegan was the expensive meals at...

Talking up 'Brooklyn & Boyle'

Abel Salas, creator of the Eastside monthly Brooklyn & Boyle, took to his blog for the first time in several months to preen a little about the magazine after four...

Mary Ridgway, probation officer was 66

Celeste Fremon writes at Witness LA that Ridgway, a supervising deputy probation officer for Los Angeles County, "changedand in many cases, savedmore lives than anyone can adequately count." Ridgway died...

Eagle Rock after the bust, per NYT

Writing for the front of today's Thursday Styles section in the New York Times, Scott Timberg says that Eagle Rock's much talked-about invasion by young creatives is crashing along with...

Los Angeles mag goes 'Eastside'

Los Angeles magazine — which until lately eschewed the terms Westside and Eastside — has expanded the definition of the latter beyond even the Times' recent make-it-up-as-you-go style ethic. In...

Counterpoint on Drew Street demolition

Marc Haefele's comparison of Thursday's Drew Street demolition to something out of the Middle Ages struck a nerve in the City Attorney's office, which sent over a response: The February...

Solis confirmation on hold

Sam Sayyad, the husband of Rep. Hilda Solis, paid $6,400 this week to settle small Los Angeles County tax liens against his auto business dating to 1993, USA Today reported....

Off-duty LAPD officer shot outside home

Anthony Razo, 49, was attacked as he left his home in City Terrace to play golf about 5 a.m. He is listed in serious condition with a gunshot wound to...

Latino bloggers of L.A.

Some of them got together at Philippe's and Adolfo Guzman-Lopez of KPCC dropped in wearing his KCET blogger hat. A discussion ensued over where's the Eastside?, and in this group...

Times will try to agree on neighborhoods

The Los Angeles Times has a thick book of style conventions that seem more and more to be ignored, especially online — same with past work by in-house committees to...

Highland Park love

An image a day of a happy year in Highland Park from Stuart Rapeport, music by Timothy Sellers-Artichoke....

Gloria Romero after Solis seat

State Sen. Gloria Romero says to count her in on the derby to replace Hilda Solis in Congress. Solis will be Barack Obama's labor secretary. Other names being tossed around...

Becerra not going to be trade rep

Pilar Marrero at La Opinin reports that Rep. Xavier Becerra pulled his name from consideration as U.S. trade representative. Column en espaol. (And now in English, partially, at Politico.) So...

A suggestion for The Homicide Report

Writing at LA Eastside, Browne Molyneux calls on La Opinin and the Sentinel to launch their own community-based versions of the homicide blog that has been put on hiatus by...

Chicano rock and the first Eastside

I put together a four-minute video from the weekend's Los Angeles Archives Bazaar at USC on the two documentaries I caught up with — "Chicano Rock" and "The Eastsiders" —...

Taco trucks win the fight

"Carne asada is not a crime," attorney Phil Greenwald said again, perhaps for the last time, after DA Steve Cooley's office said Friday that it would not appeal a judge's...

Broads break ground at USC

At noon today Eli and Edythe Broad will break ground on another local institution with their names on it: the Eli and Edythe Broad California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)...

Taco trucks win a round

The Los Angeles County ordinance making it a misdemeanor for taco trucks to stay parked for longer than an hour was tossed out Wednesday by Superior Court Judge Dennis A....

Deputy Escalante funeral

The funeral for murdered Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy Juan Escalante will be held at 9 am downtown at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Burial follows at...

Molina kills transit tax measure *

Supervisor Gloria Molina joined the two Republicans on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to reject placing a sales tax increase question on the November ballot, citing friction between...

Juan Escalante, off-duty sheriff's deputy killed

Juan Abel Escalante, a Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy assigned to the Men's Central Jail, was shot and killed outside his Cypress Park home as he left for work about...

East L.A. cityhood sized up

Tom Hogen-Esch, associate professor of political science at Cal State Northridge and co-author of "Local Politics: A Practical Guide to Governing at the Grassroots," argued in La Opinin that the...

County-USC hospital to open full

Every bed at the new Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center will be filled from the day it opens this fall, according to an independent report requested by the Board of...

Freeway rock art

This monument — or is it art, a distraction, a ritual site? — is beside the Pomona Freeway at the Paramount exit in Montebello. See the whole scene at LA...

Blogging his taco truck outing

Eric Stone coaxed novelist Christa Faust to leave the keyboard long enough to hit a few Eastside taco trucks the other night. He writes that "the woman can write. But...

Carlos Amezcua slams Channel 5

Now in the anchor chair at Fox 11, Carlos Amezcua blasts his former station in the May issue of Tu Ciudad. "When Hal Fishman died, so did the KTLA News,"...

Ruben Salazar gets a stamp

The journalist killed by a Los Angeles County sheriff's projectile during the National Chicano Moratorium March against the Vietnam War — held on August 29, 1970 in East Los Angeles...

Boyle Heights too dangerous for LAT

The blogger at Spanglish Gringo lives in Boyle Heights and recently was told by the Los Angeles Times that he can no longer receive the paper at home. Baffled, he...

Graciela Iturbide in East L.A.

There are three notable photo exhibitions up at the Getty right now — a survey of nudes and seven decades of Andr Kertsz among them — but the largest and...

Night views of the Eastside

Nice online gallery and slideshow from graduating high school senior Annarose Mittelstaedt. Her website slideshow includes a Google Earth tour of the sights. Photo: Annarose Mittelstaedt...

New Angeles arrives

The free monthly from Southland Publishing (CityBeat, Pasadena Weekly) is "devoted to the revival of Downtown and the 'New' Eastside." Inside New Angeles are an interview of historian Mike Davis...

Change of plans

Last month we posted on Southland Publishing's forthcoming debut of Los Angeles New City Monthly — you remember, the magazine that would "celebrate the intellectual and cultural 'renaissance' of L.A.'s...

New mag in the works

Los Angeles New City Monthly, from the company behind CityBeat, will "celebrate the intellectual and cultural 'renaissance' of L.A.'s Eastside, from Hollywood through Silver Lake and Los Feliz and into...

Huizar's illegal renovation

David Zahniser in the LA Weekly ferrets out the story behind 4903 La Calandria Way, an El Sereno home where City Councilman Jose Huizar may or may not have lived...


Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and State Sen. Gil Cedillo rode together as teenagers on the Eastside* and did battle arm-in-arm in the labor movement before teaming up when both got elected...

Update on Boyle Heights JCC

Since posting its first story about the missing former Soto-Michigan Jewish Community Center on Sunday, the Jewish Journal has done more checking and found that the federal government razed the...

Big guns for Garcia

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Speaker Fabian Nez plan to campaign on the Eastside tomorrow for Mnica Garca, their anointed candidate for the open school board seat to replace Jos Huizar....
New at LA Observed
Clinton fundraises in LA
kermit-la-brea-closer.jpg Jim Henson Studios on La Brea became a presidential campaign stop on Thursday.
Brown declares disaster area
porter-ranch-sign.jpgThe natural gas leak above Porter Ranch now qualifies for various government actions. Story
Wet coyote
wet-coyote-vdt.jpgSpotted between the storms at Here in Malibu.
Performing arts with cheer
guys-dolls-kevin-parry.jpgDonna Perlmutter closes out 2015 with productions downtown and on the Westside.
Junkyard down
upick-firetruck-560.jpgAfter 53 years, Sun Valley's Aadlen Brothers and U-Pick Parts cleans out. Photos