Our semi-regular column of media and politics notes, with other news and observations. From multiple sources and the LA Observed inbox.
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Media notes
Solid deep global reporting by the New York Times into Trump's many business entanglements and conflicts of interest around the world. The lead byline is former LA Times foreign correspondent Richard C. Paddock in Manila... Also NYT: In Trump, Breitbart's Steve Bannon found his vessel into real power... The NYT says it has netted 70,000 new subscribers since the election... Journalist Masha Gessen has spent years reporting on Vladimir Putin’s rule in Russia: U.S. journalists need to begin imagining the unimaginable...Also: Maneuvering a new reality for US journalism in CJR... Patrick Soon-Shiong, the wealthiest person in Los Angeles, spent the week before Thanksgiving buying up more shares of Tronc stock. He's now at 15.2 percent of the LA Times parent company... Participant Media is shuttering TakePart... Los Angeles Magazine is hosting a Tuesday press conference with mayoral spouse Amy Wakeland and philanthropist Austin Beutner to promote a new giving initiative.Politics notes
Three top Trump surrogates, led by spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway on Sunday's politics shows, disparaged Mitt Romney as a possible Secretary of State — and the weird part is it's unclear if they were speaking for the boss or trying to sway him.... Former Obama advisor David Axelrod tweeted "I have never, EVER, seen any aide to a POTUS or PEOTUS publicly try and box the boss in like this. Extraordinary."... Right-wing pundits Laura Ingraham and Monica Crowley are in the conversation for White House press secretary... Orange County congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a former LA reporter, is Putin's favorite congressman and in good graces with Trump, apparently... How Nancy Pelosi's daughter and Dianne Feinstein's granddaughter became part of the electoral college. LATPeople are talking about...

Media people doing stuff

Notes on place
Lewis MacAdams stepped down as head of Friends of the LA River. LAT, KCRW
An Orange County Republican Party official and Trump campaign volunteer, Mary Young, posted on Facebook (in all caps, of course) that "I do not want any type of Muslims' in this country, period." OC Register
Air pollution hot spot in Paramount spurs calls for action on metal factory emissions. LAT
What went wrong at Sophia Amaoruso's Nasty Gal, the DTLA fashion company that is in Chapter 11 bankruptcy? Business of Fashion
Writer Marc Myers' love for the Capitol Records tower. JazzWax
The most spectacular spots for viewing the LA skyline. Los Angeles Magazine
Santa's Village near Lake Arrowhead reopens on Friday after 18 years. KPCC
Looking back 38 years to the murders of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and elected supervisor Harvey Milk by former supervisor Dan White. NPR
The Rams lost in New Orleans 49-21 and are now 4-7 in their first season back in Los Angeles.
Selected tweets
Time for Kellyanne to take away the Twitter account again.
— David Ulin (@davidulin) November 28, 2016
Trump is not using Twitter to distract you from his agenda. Bannon & co. are using Trump to distract you from theirs.
— Brooklyn Spoke (@BrooklynSpoke) November 27, 2016
Government of the billionaire, by the billionaire and for the billionaire shall not perish from this earth https://t.co/qOQkVL9WCN
— Steven Strauss (@Steven_Strauss) November 23, 2016
Florence Henderson was a dear friend for so very many years & in my <3 forever. Love & hugs to her family. I'll miss u dearly #RIPFlorence
— Maureen McCormick (@MoMcCormick7) November 25, 2016
“I was closer to Ralph [Branca] than to any other Dodger," Vin Scully said. "I was grateful for his friendship and I grieve at his death."
— Kevin Roderick (@LAObserved) November 23, 2016