A recent view of the Malibu coast from the Point Dume headlands, by Veronique de Turenne.
Jenny Price's first post for LA Observed in 2006 offered readers the inside scoop on how to gain access to beaches in Malibu where the wealthy property owners would employ all kinds of dirty tricks to convince you to stay away from the public beach. Her guide to Malibu's hidden beaches became a semi-annual feature at LA Observed, with updates and field trips, and eventually a mobile app alerting beachgoers how to reach the hidden beaches of Malibu. Now that the most stalwart of the holdouts, the property owners along Carbon Beach — the so-called Billionaires Beach — have capitulated under pressure to allow an access strip, Price is getting interviewed about Malibu beaches again.
Here she is on Channel 7 last week:
She also was in the LA Times story:
One of those celebrating the Ackerberg path's opening was Jenny Price, who helped create the Our Malibu Beaches smartphone app.
Southern California, she said, has a long history of putting the desires of powerful property owners ahead of the public's right to beach access, so every victory is cause for celebration."On one hand, we're really rejoicing," she said, quickly adding that her joy was tempered by knowing that each battle over access saps scarce public resources.
Previously on LA Observed:
Jenny Price is back at it on the LA River, Malibu beaches, and more