An old barn and packing shed remain from an asparagus ranch where a Chinese immigrant family thrived before the San Fernando Valley became the suburbs.
Eric Garcetti's deputy mayor for budget and innovation is a veteran local city official who formerly was mayor of Pasadena and the top staffer in Ventura.
There were some good times, but he's 36 and heading to free agency, while the younger guys have to play. Uribe "choked up when asked what he would miss about the Dodgers and walked away."
The renowned photojournalist of topics as varied as Seattle runaways, Bombay prostitutes, high school proms, twins and film sets died on Monday in New York.
The CEO of Charter Communications says the company will start to offer Sports Net LA within a few weeks, while its $56 billion deal for Time Warner Cable proceeds.
Meara, the actress and comedian, died in Manhattan. Nash, the mathematician portrayed in "A Beautiful Mind," was killed with his wife Alicia in a New Jersey taxi crash.
The council votes 14-1 to tell the city attorney to draft an ordinance that would make $15-an-hour the minimum wage in the city of Los Angeles by 2020. Mayor Garcetti signed on to the final deal.
Individual actors or set designers can't copyright their small contributions to a film, as the actress argued who was tricked into appearing in "Innocence of Muslims."
This is what Hollywood's acceptance of sexism looks like in real life, writes BuzzFeed LA's Susan Cheng -- despite a lawyer letter trying to dissuade her.
Marines die in Nepal. The City Council's new secretive ways. LANG parent no longer for sale. Another jab at LAT from Jeff Gottlibeb. Plus more politics, media and place.
The federal grand jury is investigating corruption in the LA County jails and the attempt by sheriff's officials to hide a federal informant from the FBI.
My post last week on the Mormon lawn in Westwood had a weird, short life as a media drought nugget. After hedging, the landmark temple now says, yes, the lawn is going dry to help out.
Seligman says she "has helped end the careers of some of the most corrupt members of Congress, targeted the NRA and its allies, exposed front groups covering for corporate interests, and rooted out misinformation in the media."
An 11-minute promotional film on MySpace shows the newsroom and printing plant (and the hairstyles) when the Times had an entire newspaper operation in Chatsworth.
How long P-22 was under the house in Los Feliz, the lion cubs who crossed the 101 freeway and how many pets have been found at lion kills in the Santa Monica Mountains.
Tim Egan, Dana Goodyear, Mark Arax, Grace Peng and others weigh in on the drought and California's future, while the New York Times style editors again give Angelenos something to wag their tongues about.
The Survey Monkey chief executive who reportedly died outside the U.S. while on vacation with his wife -- no details have been released -- was a pioneer in bringing digital music to the Internet.
Tracy Wood, now at Voice of OC, learned lessons about official corruption covering the Vietnam War that keep coming into play in her coverage of government.