LA Observed archive
for December 2014
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"We have found linkage to the North Korean government," according to a U.S. government source.

Attorney General Eric Holder has decided not to demand in court that James Risen, a national security reporter for the New York Times, reveal his source for a book that reported a CIA effort to sabotage Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

Turns out that Uber's claim of a serious background check for drivers is just BS to make riders feel comfortable getting into a stranger's car, at least according to the district attorneys. Uber doesn't even use fingerprints to check for wanted criminals.

New publisher who took over for Aaron Kushner says 'the business is not profitable' and announces about 100 layoffs, none in the newsrooms in OC or Riverside.

How many labor reporters are left at major American media outlets? Environment reporter Felicity Barringer is also on the list.

The seizure of 20 boxes of documents suggests the feds are investigating the contracts for iPads pushed by ex-Supt. John Deasy and approved by the Board of Education.

Clinton fundraises in LA

Brown declares disaster area

Performing arts with cheer