LA Observed

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We have a simple LA Observed web widget. You can put it on your blog or desktop and have easy access to everything posted at LA Observed, or filter by just the posts written by me or Mark Lacter at LA Biz Observed. You also can click on the politics or media tabs for just those posts. Or look at what we've posted on Twitter.

The best thing is that refinements we make to the widget's look and content automatically get updated on your end. Click on the Get Widget button or go to Widget Box and grab the code there.

It just sort of popped out during the ongoing process of redesigning the site — a task that has exploded in size and magnitude since I began tinkering under the hood in December. Resolution is coming, I promise — and soon. Stay tuned for updates as I get closer to unveiling some changes I'm really pleased about.

More by Editor:
What became of Lindsey Jacobellis (video)
Portola Middle School teacher arrested for molestation
Why you saw malware warnings around the web today
Facing 50, LA editor decides to work out
Explaining the roots and success of CicLAvia
Recent LA Observed stories on LA Observed:
Huntington curator on 'The Bard of LA'
Al Martinez, our columnist, died today
Al Martinez is home recovering
Service for Mark Lacter to be Sunday *
Time ticking for Jenny Price's Malibu beaches app
Steve Greenberg moves on
Hey, come join us on Twitter
I'll be at the Festival of Books on Sunday


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