Out here in LA, Alycia Lane is kind of an afterthought since she moved from the weekend anchor fast track at NBC 4 to early mornings. But in Philadelphia, the former star is still big news. At least her civil lawsuit against a former co-anchor who snooped in her email is news, and Philly.com on Friday posted a video update. Lane and the co-anchor, Larry Mendte, were both in court this week in the case Lane filed after losing her job there. She's seeking $15 million in damages, but the news this week was her admission in a deposition last month that she got rid of a computer that supposedly had some key evidence on it. Trial could begin in March.
Mendte, you might recall from this time last year, wrote a piece for Philadelphia magazine in which he said there's no money for Lane to get if she wins the case. "I, like many other people, wish I never met Alycia Lane," he wrote. That magazine did a story in 2008, shortly before Lane was hired at KNBC, called The Very Public Self-Destruction of Alycia Lane that began: "Even after the bikini photos, CBS 3 still thought it could save her." More backstory here.
Screen grab of Lane in file video from Philly.com